>The Humans survive only with the help of a god.
>A player complain that my setting is misanthropic
Is that misanthropic?
>The Humans survive only with the help of a god.
>A player complain that my setting is misanthropic
Is that misanthropic?
Is it?
>humans are unable to change their fate, or affect the world they live in to save themselves
>they are slaves to their fate and machinations of the higher powers
Yep, sounds misanthropic.
I don't get why you would complain about it, though.
Depends on what they're up against, but not by itself, no.
>who cares if it is
Is your setting particularly dangerous, where it makes survival without a divine patron rare or even impossible?
Yeah, but so what?
>>they are slaves to their fate and machinations of the higher powers
that's railroading not misanthropy
No. In misanthropic setting they wouldn't survive, with the god that had helped them being one of things that destroyed them. Then pissed on their dead bodies.
Your player is just an entitled HFY-fag. Fuck his mouth.
user, can you name even one thing, one single thing you did that without a doubt will be remembered by generations to come?
I didn't think so.
You are a speck in a vast universe, a speck that will neither change anything, nor will be remembered.
You are a slave to your human nature and your human body that will always limit you from achieving enlightenment or transcedence.
You will never amount to anything. Neither will I or anyone else, for that matter.
Only humanity as whole MIGHT matter in the universal scale, and even that is unlikely.
So believe me when I say it's misanthropy, and not railroading.
You know about the strong anthropic principle, i.e. universe exists so someone can observe it?
Well, the inverse might also be true.
We might exist solely for the purpose of existential horror to realize that we aren't needed and will not amount to anything, not by the universe or anything else for that matter.
Then I don't see what the problem is.
Is that what you tell yourself to feel a little better about how pathetic your life probably is?
That in the grand scheme of things humanity as a whole might matter? I try to, but I don't really believe it.
sound familiar?
Context. Why does the god need to watch over the humans? Why doesn't said god solve the issue itself so it can direct its focus on more important stuff?
>we aren't needed and will not amount to anything, not by the universe or anything else for that matter
Every time I see someone spout this crap I can't help but wonder "who gives a shit"
Existentialism is for losers, humanity will survive and grow until we are the ones writing the rules
Exactly! The only parts of the universe which *define* "amounting to anything" are, well, us. Rocks don't care.
So of course we amount to something. After all, mattering is a wholly human concept, and why should we cede it to a dozen billion light-years of hard vacuum solely on the grounds of scale and age?
We are, as far as we know, the most important thing in the entire universe. We mean something because, empirically, we seem to find ourselves meaningful, and we're the ones that count.
"who gives a shit" is kind of the point. The acceptance that we, as a species, are the unwanted children of an absent god, that meaning and value are fictions invented by us and that our existence is without purpose or significance is very freeing for some people. We're swirling around in a maelstrom, hovering over an abyss, and our boat came without a rudder. So is everyone else. The history of the human species is an attempt to mar the deadening silence of reality with our own voices. Every work of art, every great institution, every monument, every doctrine of thought, was someone's attempt to scream out "I am here." Every once in a while, someone's message was "I am here, and I love you." Chances are, a good number of them knew that it didn't really mean anything and it didn't really amount to anything, but a fathomless void full of voices screaming "I am here" is preferable to a fathomless void empty and silent. We don't have anything to lose that we're not eventually going to lose anyway, so we've got no excuse not to give it our all. Tomorrow is going to suck, and we'll be forgotten the day after, so let's at least give today our best because nothing else really matters.
Yeah. But for others it's a depressing mantra of "why bother?"
Isn't that the guy who crowdfunded a book printing and then set all the books on fire because no one was willing to give him money just for being alive
christ this artist is such a huge whiny faggot
Or maybe we'll blow ourselves up tomorrow.
We haven't blown ourselves up yet so....
Judging by the kind of shit they pulled later, I think they're more "actual massive brain problems."
>nothing I do matters
>Existentialism is for losers
Realizing that the lack of objective meaning gives you the power, or even responsibility, to define your own fate is for losers?
If nothing has meaning, then all the fates you choose from are meaningless.
Camus vs. Sartre, etc.
You're confusing intrinsic and relative meaning.
Do yourself a favor and look up what railroading is.
Realistically speaking, it does neither. The evidence for this abounds in modern society. The existentialist movement is the most crushing objective failure of a philosophical trend since Kantian ethics.
>Your player is just an entitled HFY-fag. Fuck his mouth.
Found the self hating misanthrope.
>implying relative meaning is a thing
>Kantian ethics.
Naw. Shits all up in our legal system.
This nigga gets it.
Anyone have that dinosaur Thor saying "This world is what we make of it, brothers; let us make it good."
Doesn't matter. Your players came to you and said 'Hey your setting is misanthropic and we don't like it'.
Are you going to go back to them and say 'Well some guys on the internet forum I go to say you're wrong so I'm not changing anything'
You're running a game for your friends, try and eke some constructive feedback out of their complaints and make the game something more enjoyable for them instead of coming here to get feedback and double-down on your position.
I don't think we're gonna blow ourselves up any time ever.
See, when the nukes are launched that's it. Whoever they were launched at is fucked. Even if people survive the blast, radiation will plague them for generations. Humanity will not necessarily go extinct though, there will be people around to remember and rebuild. People who will remember how monstrous your country was for launching nukes. It will be like Nazi Germany times 11, historians will hold up your government and culture as the pinnacle of sin for as long as civilization continues.
You can't save anyone by launching retaliation nukes, you can only seal your own fate. I think the people with their finger on the button know that.
Imagine Russia launches an attack on the US, in response, the US launches several ground to air intercept missiles but not one single nuke. When the dust clears after the attack, Russia will be an indisputable villain, and they'll probably have a revolution on their hands- not to mention a depleted nuclear arsenal. In this timeline, historians will chronicle the noble sacrifices of the US made to save the lives of the citizens living under the despotic Russian regime, the hard choice the president had to make for the continuation of the human race.
Sartre is always the best.
>beat a video game very quickly
>"you are terrible"
Speedrunners do a lot of charity work. Look at GDQ. But it makes sense that this guy wanted to project some of his own self-loathing onto other people.
>muh third worlders
>technological progress, miniaturization, and optimization doesn't matter
>radical revolutions in human civilization have never and wI'll never come about because of new technology
What a faggot.
It's fucking Beta-ray Bill you savage.
Thanks user
Then why is he dressed up as Thor? Checkmate.
>the "m-my life totally objectively matters bro" retard
Seriously kill yourself.
Why are people so shit at reading dictionaries?
A fact of the setting that doesn't imply hatred of humanity can't be misanthropic.
Does the fact humanity depends on Earth's athmosphere to exist sound misanthropic to you?
I swear to god Veeky Forums is getting more retarded every year.
looks like a dinothor to me, bro
>>the "m-my life totally objectively matters bro" retard
>Seriously kill yourself.
It objectively matters to him, and perhaps to others as well.
Because Bill was worthy to lift Mjolnir. This got him brought to Asgard. When Odin realized Bill could wield Thor's power, Odin had Bill fight Thor to the death for the hammer. Odin, being a bit of a dick set the challenge on a lava world (Bill, for reasons, is highly resistant to fire). When Bill decided that he could not honorably allow Thor to die in a rigged challenge in order to claim the Hammer, Odin decided to make Bill his own Hammer called Stormbreaker.
fictional settings, by coincidence or not, might have dark, negative, or controversial themes which may or may not reflect the opinions and values of the authors of the setting
nah your player is retarded
not that guy you're responding to, but
that's literally the definition of subjective
i think this guy might be thinking way, way, way too hard about why people like entertainment
>it objectively matters to him
Like I said, read a fucking dictionary.
Veeky Forums is getting dumber and you are part of the problem.
It's not misanthropic, but I'd take a huge morale hit to playing in the game anyways.
That implies all the effort you're putting in isn't worth shit. The God can do this shit with or without you, you can't say the same thing. Why are you there then? To see it? Maybe if you make a character who wants to write epics or stories. But most of my characters would be motivated to fight for themselves, finding out they can't do that would kill it IC and OoC.
More like Horsethor if you ask me.
I know
Ask yourself, does it really matter whether something is objective or not? Does it really matter if we objectively do not (or do) have a purpose?
TL;DR: you're a pedantic cunt more concerned with words than meaning.
>does it really matter whether something is objective or not?
If you don't care about the difference, why are you arguing about it in terms of objective of subjective? You are going 110% full retard.
>does it matter
When you are calling someone else pathetic for recognizing how insignificant humans are in comparison to the universe? Yes it does. You are a cunt, your life doesn't matter more than the guy you called pathetic, and you are a dumbass for being unable to use the proper definitions of words.
Now fuck off.
alright children, kiss and make up
I don't normally kiss morons.
>If you don't care about the difference, why are you arguing about it in terms of objective of subjective?
Because it's pointless to do so, as you (or whoever) is.
>Implying I'm the guy who called you pathetic
It literally doesn't matter if humans are significant or insignificant, in relation to anything or everything.
It does when you are calling others pathetic for that view, and I am not the guy who was called pathetic.
I am the guy that dislikes when a retard thinks calling someone pathetic somehow is an argument for humanity's importance.
If you think calling someone pathetic is any way a valid form of arguing against someone's views then not only are you illiterate (as proven before by your incapability to use words correctly) but you are also cancer that fucks conversations up.
>It does when you are calling others pathetic for that view
I just said I wasn't; literacy is a good skill to have, user.
Anonymous image boards sure are fun, aren't they.
>pass judgement on an entire setting based off one sentence
>taking a great interest and enjoying things is WRONG and POINTLESS
>and everyone who joins a community is a HUGBOX DWELLING SOFT SKINNED LAYABOUT
The best part is, based on that draw a cartoon bit, I think he's aiming it at himself too.
What an absolute turbocuck.
>when you do x implies him
I'm not going to explain the non-specified subject usage of "you" to you, just stop reaching and admit you picked a stupid rucking fight then made a fool of yourself.
I mean, that "it's objective to him!" alone was worth an entry in the hall of shame
>he still doesn't get the point
You may not be pathetic, but you sure as hell are autistic.
>my life matters on a universal scale
Haha, no.
Says the faggot who can't think up a better reply than to accuse the less retarded person in the argument of being autistic.
Keep controlling that damage, kiddo.
Man your posts are pathetic!
>user calls someone out for making a big deal about man's universal irrelevance
>queue damage control
>so concerned about winning an internet fight you don't even listen to what you're saying.
And your mother drinks herself to sleep every night, hoping that the alcohol will wipe away the memories of the living abortion that is her son.
By your own logic the term objectively is moot.
I... what?
The term itself isn't important, and attaches undue importance to itself.
>can't make a proper argument
>muh internet fight
>doesn't aknowledge shitty behavior and thinks he has the duty to call out people who call out shitty behavior
>shitposts to cope with his inability to make a point
>thinks he has some e-cred he needs to defend and keeps replying
No, seriously, this is actually pathetic.
All these HFY retards need to be gassed.
Nothing lasts forever.
Humanity is a drop in the ocean compared to the vastness and age of the universe.
We will be extinguished some day. Probably due to our hubris.
Calling someone pathetic is obviously shitty behavior to anyone with empathy, it doesn't need to be called out.
>all greentext
I could literally copy paste this, and it would be just as applicable to you.
HFN retards are even more annoying, as is any movement that's purely reactionary.
>accepting transience
>thinking there is honor or glory, or even good, in death
>accepts nature, rather than seeking to make it his own
I weep for you, user.
Why do the PCs exist? What are they there for? What can they accomplish that matters?
>Muh nothing is important
Then why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Except you couldn't point out a single inconsistency or misuse of a term on my posts, unlike your shitposts.
If you are going to start an argument at least bring something to back you up, don't just barge in shitposting and expect people to take your pathetic self seriously.
Thanks for all the (you)s, user.
Subjective importance of his life. You don't need universe to care for you to care.
Then why care that the universe doesn't care?
I don't give a shit if everything is temporary, that nothing lasts forever.
I am going to live forever, or I am going to go down kicking and screaming.
Anything less than pursuit of immortality is an absolute waste of time.
>accepting immutable facts
You should try it sometime.
Humanity will be erased from existence one day. Nothing any of us do will matter in the grand scheme of things.
Aceept it and move on.
I'm enjoying my life dipshit.
Over my dead fucking body; acceptance is cowardice.
>grand scheme
You imply that there is one.
You're one of the most pathetic dipshits I have ever seen.
There is no grand scheme of things outside of our own perception.
>Over my dead fucking body
You will die and nothing you've done in life will matter.
You can kick and scream about it all you want. It's going to happen.
At least enjoy your life while you can instead of worrying about somethign unattainable like immortality.
The kickstarter was a definite success (raised more than $50,000 with an original goal of something like $8,000), but he had a meltdown because he's got some sort of crazy or another.
>mfw all that complaining only matters to cuck ears who care about shitskins
"Why bother?" is a challenge, not an excuse.
What you are describing sounds like existentialism to me.
Existentialism is not nihilism.
>You will die and nothing you've done in life will matter.
It won't matter in relation to what? The universe? I don't give half a damn what the universe thinks.
>You can kick and scream about it all you want. It's going to happen.
And how are you so sure of this? Whether or not it WILL happen is irrelevant, what matters is how you respond to it. Acceptance is cowardice.
>At least enjoy your life while you can instead of worrying about somethign unattainable like immortality.
Ah, so you're a hedonist then. A finite lifetime is a perfectly fine way to spend the few precious decades you have to exist so long as it's enjoyable, right?
Says you.