What's the cutest thing you've ever seen someone bring into a game?
What's the cutest thing you've ever seen someone bring into a game?
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Their innocence.
Baby hippo animal companion.
a cat
Downs Syndrome rape survivor
Incompetant goblin marching band that almost knew all the words to "down down to goblin town" and that David Bowie magic dance song.
Penguin familiar.
In one of the games my group is playing at the moment, a fellow player is a cat.
I mean they're a cat so they're an ass hole but I really like cats.
Adorable ~13 year old cloned Eva pilot with mild to serious autism who was cloned from the BBEG and was basically an Outer God squished into a meat-sleeve
Pic related was her Eva.
We spent the last half of a session petting my friends puppy after he jumped on the table and wouldn't go away. He kept batting the dice and we eventually just gave up trying to finish the session.
Sounds horrible. Accurate to the source materiel level horrible.
>Lovecraftian Evangelion
Shit. Can't believe I've never thought of this before. Don't want to drag the thread off topic but could you share a little more about this?
Sadly the campaign fell apart in its 11th hour and was never concluded.
High tier. Going to be stealing stuff from this. Cheers user.
one of my players once regarded her warrioress' skin as "milk-laden coffee"
This probably remains as one of the top 10 darkest comics ever made. The humor gets so black, it actually starts to hurt a little.
My Paladin and I discovered at the same time that he had failed to acquire casting components or a spellcasting focus for some divine spell he wanted to cast, so I ruled that he had to find the component before the next time he cast it.
The component was "a scrap of paper with some holy scriptures on it," or something like that, so naturally the place to go was the tiny village shrine. When he arrived, I described it as little more than an altar and a shack. I ad-libbed the lone cleric of the shrine as a tiny, scholarly half-elf girl who was initially scared of the towering half-orc paladin, but her composure changed utterly as soon as he expressed an interest in her religion's literature.
Grinning from pointy ear-to-ear, she vanished into the shack and emerged with hundreds of hand-lettered brochures and pamphlets about how Tymora was a very important goddess to remember for the prepared adventurer! Conveniently, each one of them was littered with suitable quotes and passages from holy books. She cried a little with happiness when the paladin took as many as he could carry. She explained sheepishly that most adventurers passing through never bothered to take an interest and were just there for a quick blessing, and she was so happy to have finally met somebody who was also interested in the holy words.
I kind of want to have her show up again, but the party has since moved on, and I'm pretty sure the paladin still has enough pamphlets to last him for a few more adventures.
That is pretty cute, but it's also sort of terrible to take someone's holy scriptures for the express purpose of powering spells when they're so earnest about them.
I kinda thought so too, and I kind of tried to coax that reaction from him: like, she expects that you're going to READ these, you know. He seemed a little guilty about it, but mostly he was embarrassed at her earnestness, and a little flattered that she thought of him as this great, wise adventurer when he was really only like level 2 or something at the time.
And they DID contain holy scriptures, but they were actually mostly advertisement. They were basically like those brochures you get from Mormons in train stations, or those miniature bibles you get from proselytizing Christians, stuff like that:
>In John 3:16, it says "blah blah blah," now here's some analysis about what this means for you!
Except, y'know, instead of John 3:16, it was various scriptures about the Lady of Luck accompanied by her own thoughts about what they mean.
She probably still thinks he got them to read, which must make her very happy. He was the first guy to really appreciate her notes.
A little, doe-eyed forest nymph girl. She was the team mascot from the first few minutes.
I would've been suspicious. Leave nymphs alone in their forests!
did she die or sum?
You're a bad person.
or am i a bad dog?
that's nhk right? I'm a shameful secondary and if it is that's way darker than the show god damn
gnomish druid hooker. she refused to carry money and wanted to pay for everything in sexual favors. It was a light hearted campaign and we were trying to out goof each otheron the character idea level. the venerable aged paladin basically adopted her and would swoop in to stop her shenanigans before they became too serious.
Good times
And YET you could play it completely straight in Chobits-like setting: it's a robot assistant that MC had from childhood that has it's personality processor degrading with age and it gradually loses functions.
Oh yeah and it's based on alien tech as a reason for it being unfixable.
Well I think that that an appropriate reaction if he tells her that her letter saved the day on multiple occasions, she's going to be absolutely ecstatic.
Plus, goddess of luck works in mysterious ways.
What's wrong with that analogy?
It was frogposter's magical realm.
It's not Goodnight Pun-Pun, but it does take a couple cheapshots at your soul.
Man, I need to finish that. I started it, but life got in the way.
The only cute thing I've ever done in tabletop was make the most girly girl character I could think of. The setting was Gundam Build Fighters and the girl was totally into pink and playing with her friends.
Bouncy, friendly and generally cheerful teen. After watching her favorite show as a kid, Gundam Wing, she was hooked on flashy lights of the lasers, explosions and the characters of the show. Come her 15th birthday her dad bought her a Astray Gundam set.
So is OP's pic supposed to be chibi Ribbon? Baby Ribbon? Ribbon's little sister?
No no. She was cursed and was looking for a way to lift it. DMNPC eventually showed up and lifted her curse and she had a good ending. A few quests before the party TPK'd as a matter of fact.
Looks like a very pleased chibi ribbon.
Chibi. Here's some chibi Cestree for good measure.
I had this orphan young woman and her girlfriend who ran an orphanage, my character was the moneymaker for all the kids (who she was training to become adventurers who could look after themselves) I never really thought about it much, but most of the other players thought she was cute from her earnestness and almost all the NPCs were pretty fond of her until she started shaking them down for money to help build a new wing for the orphanage
In the last campaign I was in our party bought some slaves and we set them free to take with us on our quest to escape Mad Max land (a war-torn country basically the victim of magical-nuclear war), one of them being a ten-year old half-elf in slutty lingerie. Luckily she hadn't actually been used yet and was a snarky little cutie who we dressed up nice and conservatively. She was a genius with mechanic, wore goggles all the time ("Cause goggles are cool!") and made a taser-glove. She essentially turned into the adopted kid of our team dad and mother bear, a cyborg-ninja-kitsune (literally Grey Fox) and the Aryan Veeky Forums barbarian waifu (former slave) after they bonded when my character created a gas explosion by mistake. They had sex after digging the shrapnel from team mom's back after she put herself in front of him to save his life and started a relationship.
Things got a little scary when my Sorcerer planned to sacrifice her to demons (I was That Guy) but was thankfully impaled by a centaur in full-plate dual-wielding greatswords after charging through three of my Wall of Flame spells into an ancient not!Egyptian altar before his plans came to fruition (the most metal death I've ever had for a character) and when the current BBEG we were trying to steal a landship from after being captured and implanted a bomb into her Ground Zeroes style. It was successfully removed and thrown into ship's vault before anyone (except the BBEG who died playing keep-away with us over the detonator) could get hurt. Unfortunately it destroyed with most of our equipment (thrown in there when we were captured) and the valuables stashed inside, but it was worth it to save her. Unfortunately we found her great-great uncle afterwards and returned her to her family but at least she got to attend the wedding and watch a 5' 4" kitsune try to lift a 6'7" woman over 300 pounds bridal style.
We called her Red cause of her red hair and elven names are too long to remember.
Our DM has a cockatiel. He lets him out of his cage quite often and sometimes the cockatiel runs around on the table and plays with the dice.
Dragon wyrmlings trying to act big and mighty, and failing hilariously to do so.
Also dogs, I guess?
Sadly, while I try to bring out some cute stuff in games, I don't get a whole lot of stuff back from the DMs or players.
Paper is wasted on humans.
Loli full caster player characters.
delete yourself
Cute AND fun as all hell
One of my characters had James Baxter the Horse as her mount.