Because the other generals are cluttered, and forums are too slow. AoS, 40k, etc. all welcome. Post your army list or idea for an army list below.
General List Building and Posting Advice:
Because the other generals are cluttered, and forums are too slow. AoS, 40k, etc. all welcome. Post your army list or idea for an army list below.
General List Building and Posting Advice:
>force org chart
Ouch... salt in a wound
Been really looking into anvil strike force lately. The idea of a tank and dread division arouses me.
Especially since the new FAQ that says you can buff Blessing of the Omnissiah to the point of being an auto-pass.
What's a good Ogryn list look like?
Is it worth using transports?
What points level are you thinking?
Hey, Blood Ravens Fagg here constructing a Blood Ravens army. I am right now between constructing a battle-demi company or going for skyhammer formation.
For the demicompany I have a rhino, a razorback and a tactical squad ready. Alongside 3 librarians and a reclusiam squad.
For the other formation I only have a half painted drop pod. o__o
I wanted skyhammer anhilation force because it plays just like any blood raven would do BUT! with the new faq my army list idea was destroyed.
Here is the idea for my sample army, altought with the new faq I think it IS in jeopardy, the tactic of attaching an independent character alongside THAT unit.
is that image an output of an army builder app
+++ Sistas 500 (483pts) +++
++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (483pts) ++
+ No Force Org Slot (25pts) +
Ministorum Priest (25pts) [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
+ HQ (80pts) +
Canoness (80pts) [Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Rosarius (15pts)]
+ Troops (378pts) +
Battle Sister Squad (134pts) [4x Battle Sister (48pts), Battle Sister with Flamer (17pts), Battle Sister with Flamer (17pts), Sororitas Rhino (40pts)]
Sister Superior (12pts) [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
Battle Sister Squad (144pts) [4x Battle Sister (48pts), Battle Sister with Meltagun (22pts), Battle Sister with Meltagun (22pts), Sororitas Rhino (40pts)]
Sister Superior (12pts) [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
Battle Sister Squad (100pts) [4x Battle Sister (48pts), Sororitas Rhino (40pts)]
Sister Superior (12pts) [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
Suggestions are welcome. Id like to keep everything inside a transport if possible.
If those are yours in that pic, they're amazing. How'd you do the Blood Ravens symbol on the doors? Epic freehanding, or custom transfers?
I know nothing of the game, I like the lore and paint models for that reason. Currently have a Purge project going on, I keep hearing people say "you should build your army for what style of combat you want" - could someone articulate what is meant by this? Here's what I'm planning to paint, used the codex to get an idea in my head about what I want my force to look like:
130pts Chaos Lord: 2x Lightning Claw, Blight Grenades, Sigil of Corruption
228pts 1st Squad: 10x CSM Champion Combi-Plasma + Chain Axe, 2x Plasma Guns 1x Rhino Dedicated Transport Vehicle Combi Bolter
243pts 2nd Squad: 4x Missile Launcher Havocs, 6x CSM Champion Combi-Bolter 1x Rhino Dedicated Transport Vehicle Combi Bolter
210pts Contemptor Dreadnought: 2x Autocannon
90pts Predator: Heavy Bolters
80pts Sorcerer: Power Maul
Is this feasible at all?
no comment on my list?
Say a comment and I tell you the website name.
for a normal CAD, you need 2 troops and AFAIK havoks cannot be troops, so you need 2 CSM squads. Give your Lord a power fist + lightning claws, instead of 2 claws. Your lord also needs the Mark of Nurgle to take a Blight Grenade. Honestly though, I'd drop the lord altogether and make the sorcerer your Warlord Don't bother upgrading aspiring champions, it's a waste of points. Always give your sorcerer a spell familiar. On the predator, I prefer triple lascannons.
thank you.
The one on the door it's a transfer indeed but the one from other parts are free handed such as pic related.
Skyhammer + grav is pretty WAAC. I'd take missiles or lascannons to make the list for friendly
The contemptor is a waste of points for only 2 autocannons, I'd pick up a Heldrake instead
Looks good overall, only things I would change:
1. Change your first two Battle Sister squads so that each has one meltagun and one flamer, rather than two of each. That way, if you lose one, you're not screwed, and it'll force your enemy to split their fire rather than concentrate it; as both squads are equally threatening to any army build.
2. If possible, I would also recommend dropping the third Battle Sister squad and replacing them with an Exorcist, Retributors, or cutting down the number of Sisters in the squad and bringing an Immolator with Heavy Bolters or Multi-meltas. This army is a bit lacking in terms of long-ranged fire support, and this would help.
oh, the douchebag that will be confronting this list deserves those gravs. He is an eldar player and keeps spamming them dire avengers wraith guard and a wraith knight.
Of orkz planes and looters.
Warboss 60
Power klaw 25
Lucky sticks 15
Pain boy 50
Green tide
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
10 orkz 60
Nob w/ klaw 35
15 lootas 210
15 lootas 210
15 lootas 210
Blitz bomba 135
Blitz bomba 135
Is an IG infantry army viable, or do I need to buy a million vehicles?
>Blight grenades
You need the Mark of Nurgle to take them. For that matter you should be putting the mark of Nurgle on all your infantry.
>Chain axe
Not nurgly, and more importantly not useful.
>Combi-bolter Champion
Not really worth the points, just call it a bolter.
5 man them, make the remainder another CSM squad and throw in another plasma gun.
Heavy bolter sponsons are pretty underwhelming and you need more AA. Is it too late to load in Lascannon sponsons?
>Sorceror power maul
You're paying points for something objectively worse than your free force weapon. Ditch it and grab a mastery level, he'll need that.
Consider using the Crimson slaughter supplement. Your Lord is relatively squishy and could use Daemonheart, while the sorceror will want the Balestar of Mannon to help the Havocs shoot.
Knocking off the useless wargear and adding a mastery level, you are at 980 points. Add in the Mark of Nurgles and you cross it. For a 1000pt game it could be very fun to fight, but now you need to try and spend within that bracket.
Reposting this IG mechanized list, in the general people already told me that is not quite good because the lack of blobby infantry, seeking some tweaks trying to stay in the 1500 point range
Company command squad+master of ordnance=80
Banehammer (or doomhammer):410 (420)p
Platoon command squad with heavy flamer on chimera:105p (without the heavy flamer if using the doomhammer)
infantry squad with plasma rifle mounted in the banehammer:65p
combined squad with
infantry squad with plasma rifle mounted in the banehammer:65p
commissar for the combined squad:25p
ministrorum priest for combined squad:25p
special weapon squad 3 plasma rifles mounted in banehammer:75p
veterans grenadiers with 2 plasma rifles on chimera:170p
veterans grenadiers with 3 melta on chimera: 170p
Heavy support
Leeman russ battle tank:150
Leeman russ exterminator, lascannon, heavy bolter sponsons:160
+ HQ (140pts) +
Company Command Squad (140pts) [Flak Armour, 3x Veteran w/ Plasma Gun]
Company Commander [Close Combat Weapon, Flak Armour, Orders]
Laspistol [Laspistol]
Master of Ordnance [Close Combat Weapon]
Veteran w/ Medi-pack [Lasgun]
+ Troops (1435pts) +
Infantry Platoon (560pts)
Heavy Weapons Squad [3x Lascannon Team]
Infantry Squad [Flakk Missile Launcher Team, 7x Guardsman]
Sergeant [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
Infantry Squad [Flakk Missile Launcher Team, 7x Guardsman]
Sergeant [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
Infantry Squad [Flakk Missile Launcher Team, 7x Guardsman]
Sergeant [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
Infantry Squad [Flakk Missile Launcher Team, 7x Guardsman]
Sergeant [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
Infantry Squad [Flakk Missile Launcher Team, 7x Guardsman]
Sergeant [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
Platoon Command Squad [2x Guardsman w/ Lasgun]
Commissar [Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon]
Flakk Missile Launcher Team [Lasgun]
Platoon Commander [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol, Orders]
Veterans (105pts) [Flak Armour for Squad, 6x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 3x Veteran w/ Plasma Gun]
Veteran Sergeant [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
Veterans (105pts) [Flak Armour for Squad, 6x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 3x Veteran w/ Plasma Gun]
Veteran Sergeant [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
Veterans (105pts) [Flak Armour for Squad, 6x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 3x Veteran w/ Plasma Gun]
Veteran Sergeant [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
+ Heavy Support (170pts) +
Hydra Battery (170pts)
Hydra [Camo Netting, Heavy Bolter]
Hydra [Camo Netting, Heavy Bolter]
Add an Aegis Defense Line with Flak for additional anti air and some cover. (100pts)
Would have been too long for 1 post.
>1850 Points of "sit in your deployment zone and DAKKADAKKA"
>12 shots Plasma at 24" (x2 at 12")
>12 missiles
>6 Lascannons
>88 shots Las at 24" (x2 at 12")
>too lazy to count laspistols
>2 tanks for anti air
>Aegis for cover and anti air
>You basically have a 3 steps (36" > 24" > 12") defense plan: Destroy tanks with long range, get the heavy infantry at 24" and the rest get it all at 12" and less.
The only problem is you won't win any objective mission since you sit tight.
Captain joining the Assault squad makes it so that they don't benefit from formation special rules anymore.
And that isn't battleforged because the Captain and Land speeders aren't part of any detachment.
1500 Pts Imperial Guard
Command Squad (141 Pts)
- Veteran (4): Flak Armour, FgGren, Lasgun(4), Vox-caster,
- Company Commander (1): Flak Armour, FgGren, Refractor Field, CCW, Bolt Pistol,
- Chimera (1): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Extra armour,
Platoon Command Squad (36 Pts)
- Guardsman (4): Flak Armour, FgGren, Lasgun(4), Vox-caster,
- Platoon Commander (1): Flak Armour, FgGren, CCW, Bolt Pistol,
Platoon Infantry Squad (61 Pts)
- Guardsman (9): Flak Armour, FgGren, Lasgun, Meltagun,
- Sergeant (1): Flak Armour, FgGren, Bolt Pistol, CCW,
Platoon Infantry Squad (61 Pts)
- Guardsman (9): Flak Armour, FgGren, Lasgun, Meltagun,
- Sergeant (1): Flak Armour, FgGren, Bolt Pistol, CCW,
Veteran Squad (166 Pts)
- Veteran (9): Flak Armour, FgGren, Lasgun(9), Meltagun(2), KrGren,
- Sergeant (1): Flak Armour, FgGren, CCW, Bolt Pistol,
- Chimera (1): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Extra armour,
Militarum Scions (260 Pts)
- Tempestus Scion (9): Carapace Armour, FgGren, KrGren, Hot-shot Lasgun, Meltagun(2),
- Tempestor (1): Flak Armour, FgGren, Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon,
- Taurox Prime (1): Taurox Battle Cannon, TL Autocannon, Searchlight, Dozer Blade, Smoke Launchers, Extra armour,
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Squadron (340 Pts)
- Leman Russ (1): Punisher Gatling Cannon, Heavy Bolter, Multi-melta, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Extra armour,
- Leman Russ (1): Punisher Gatling Cannon, Heavy Bolter, Multi-melta, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Extra armour,
Wyvern Battery (130 Pts)
- Wyvern (1): Twin-linked Stormshard Mortars(2), Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers,
- Wyvern (1): Twin-linked Stormshard Mortars(2), Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers,
Basilisk Battery (125 Pts)
- Basilisk (1): Earthshaker Cannon, Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers,
Manticore (180 Pts) Storm Eagle Rockers, Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Extra armour,
Every time these kind of threads are up they're full of Imperial Guard lists. What the fuck?
Because its veeeery easy to fuck up with the IG
Cause they try to find a way to not buy 20 tanks, but there is pretty much no way.
Well that explains it. Wish I knew anything about them so I could maybe contribute.
There is not a lot to know:
>Tanks yay!
>Infantry nay!
>Mechanized infantry and tanks? Get the best of both worlds and build a solid list!
Sounds easy enough lol. Probably not that simple with all those different kind of tanks.
They are on the minimum number of sisters.
I like your change regarding flamer/melta combo.
Dropping the third sister squad. Still can't fit the Exorcist. Could drop the Rosarius from the Cannones. Giving me a very expensive and sad HQ.
- Chimeras to get your troops where you wanna get them and against light to medium infantry, even popping Rhinos (and such) is possible with their Multilasers. Melta or Plasma Vets even scare smaller Marine squads. Heavy Flamer against mass infantry.
Chimeras are versatile as FUCK!
- Leman Russ(es, is there a plural?) for Superior Firepower against nearly anything (excluding Anti air, that's what Hydras are for), pick variations depending on your local or tourney meta you are attending.
- Artillery Tanks (Basilisk and Wyvern) for coverfire, or better un-cover fire with cover ignoring Shred or high strength blasts.
- Hydras Anti air. If you know you'll encounter a lot of flyers - take at least two.
- Infantry Platoons: Sit in your deployment zone and PEWPEW in the direction of the enemy. Mostly to hold objectives in your zone. Enable you to get Heavy Weapon Squads: Take Lascannons or Missile Launchers.
- Veterans: Read Chimera paragraph above. Box them in and play the Valkyries Ride driving headfirst into battle.
- Flyers: I don't have any experience with the new Death in the Skies stuff, but I heard and read a lot of:
>don't take em anymore since IG (AM) flyers are crap now.
If anybody else wanna maybe ad to this last paragraph?
Hope this helps.
Freakshow 1850
Dark Eldar CAD
Archon, PGL, Archangel (100)
Archon, PGL, Armour of Misery (90)
Warriorsx5, Venom,Double SC (105)
Warriorsx5, Venom,Double SC (105)
Grotesquex4, Raider, Aethersails (200)
Grotesquex4, Raider, Aethersails (200)
Haemonculus, WWP (105)
Cast of Players
Death Jester (60)
Shadowseer, ML2, Mask (100)
Troupex4, Kissx4. Troupe Master, Kiss (120)
Eldar CAD
Farseer Skyrunner (115)
Farseer (100)
Scatbike x3 (81)
Scatbike x3 (81)
Hemlock (185)
Shadow Spectrex2, Exarch (100)
1847 total
Plan is to have the Haemy, Cast, Farseer, 2 archons DS in for the leadership reductions, and psychic shriek everything while the grotesques move up T1 and start punching transports.
Maybe having the doomhmmer/banehammer is a bad idea.
does anyone know good IG mechanized list to use?