What's the most shameful defeat you or another player has ever suffered...

What's the most shameful defeat you or another player has ever suffered? The most pathetic enemy that has defeated a member of your party?

I was a level 5 bard in a 5ed campaign and I lost a fight against a fucking turtle

We got a TPK because of a fucking sword
no, it wasn't a magical animated sword, neither it was wielded by the enemy, it was just really damn heavy

Playing a vampire game, one of the players insisted on trying to carry a huge-ass sword that was meant for characters with strenght 4, while he had strenght 2 only. The poor idiot pathetically dragging the sword with him was so funny that it made us fall prey to an ambush and got completely fucked over

This was caused mostly by stupidity on my end
>doing test game for JoJo Veeky Forums homebrew system
>version of the rules were sparse at best, so had to make a lot of calls myself, which lead to dumb results.
>two players are put into an arena and told to fight with their stands
>let's call them John and Ted
>at some point in the fight, Ted finds an extremely heavily reinforced door
>Ted decides to start ORAORAORAing the door
>decide the best way to resolve this is to have him roll against the door
>two crits and five minutes later, he almost has the door completely destroyed
>Ted goes for one more punch
>crit fail
>door rolls crit success
>"user... What just happened?"
>"Well you see Ted, do you know the difference between plastic deformation and elastic deformation?"
>"Uhh... No?"
>"Neither does your character, one of the indentations you made while punching sprung back and smacked you in the face"
>his character gets flung away though several walls
>almost dead
>lands next to John's character
>manages to run away just long enough for the John to corner him
>John then proceeds to punch Ted in the dick until he dies

Needless to say, I don't let inanimate objects roll back anymore

>Playing Dungeon World
>Druid wants to fuck the ranger animal companion
>the ranger gets mad but cant do shit because the Druid transformed into a bear
>in the kobold lair a bunch of kobolds attack the druid, the ranger and his eagle want to take revenge so they attack and kill the druid
>The reaper says that if the Druid wants to live he is going to stay in the form of a mice until X condition
>as a mice a player grabs him and throws him away dying again
>The reaper tell him that now he cant talk
>a kobold eats him minutes later

My party wiped to Klarg from the 5e starter set.

>PC attempts to throw a grenade...NAT 1 and drops it at his feet.
>PC2 tries to save the day and dives for the live grenade in an attempt to knock it clear...NAT 1 and spins it like a top.
>PC rolls maximum damage...of course.
>Party of 4 rolls saving throws for half damage...all fail...TPK

This always happens whenever he tries to throw something. Anything, be it a spear, bottle, whatever, NAT 1 all the time. It's uncanny.

Best Veeky Forums story today.

Our warlock in our 5e almost got killed by a poisonous snake.

He ended being dragged to court and beheaded.

Franken Fran?

We had a level 5 or so Barbarian who needed help finishing off a dire rat that could only hit him on an 18 or so and that he could hit on 6ish.

We also had a player who just could not kill a pissed off animated book end (shaped like a very small dude)

Then there was the guy who nearly died due to snake bites at level 5 just before the Bitey Biterson incident. Literally had to roll a d4 and if it came up 3 or 4 his constitution hit zero and he kicked the bucket.

This is all the same party. Basically every member of it has required saving from something of CR1 or less.

Was the snake a bailiff?

We were playing a Call of Cthulhu game set in the old west. Zombies were a mysterious thing, but somehow there were TONS of the bloody things approaching towns.

Our then-newest player was aiding in a drag-out brawl to evict the fuckers, and was clever enough to bring some dynamite from an abandoned mine. He found a safe spot in a tavern with a good vantage point. He makes his throw and critically pooches the roll.

The result: releasing the dynamite too early, causing it to bounce off the window frame, off the ceiling, and back into the room, where one of his allies with a rifle stood. Cue both of them making a break out of the window before they're killed--into the waiting throngs of zombies outside.

They both made it, amazingly. Another player died that session, but the dynamite was by far more humiliating.

I GMed this, so i'm at least partially responsible.
> six players, third level pathfinder
> players kidnapped by fantasy mafia
> break out pretty quickly
> taking out the guards all stealthy-like
> after murdering a guard and his half-orc buddy, our heroes walk into a small hallway with a bear trap on the ground and tripwires crisscrossing the walls
> at the end of the hallway is a large sack filled with gold on a pedestal
> they attempt to disarm the trap by throwing a rock at it
>floor falls out and they fall into a room with a hungry bear in it
> after killing the bear they climb back out again
> one of the players tries to snag the sack of gold with a grappling hook
> misses, triggers a tripwire, and is shot with arrows
> he tries again
> misses, triggers a tripwire, and is shot with arrows
> finally, he succeeds and hooks the bag of gold
> pulls it through a tripwire and is shot with arrows.
> finally, they managed to get the bag
> there was 5gp in there and the rest was filled with rocks

Other highlights include a wizard killing our fighter in one hit, and then chasing the rest of our party around in a glorious sequence worthy of the Benny Hill theme.

I GMed this, so i'm at least partially responsible.
> six players, third level pathfinder
> players kidnapped by fantasy mafia
> break out pretty quickly
> taking out the guards all stealthy-like
> after murdering a guard and his half-orc buddy, our heroes walk into a small hallway with a bear trap on the ground and tripwires crisscrossing the walls
> at the end of the hallway is a large sack filled with gold on a pedestal
> they attempt to disarm the trap by throwing a rock at it
>floor falls out and they fall into a room with a hungry bear in it
> after killing the bear they climb back out again
> one of the players tries to snag the sack of gold with a grappling hook
> misses, triggers a tripwire, and is shot with arrows
> he tries again
> misses, triggers a tripwire, and is shot with arrows
> finally, he succeeds and hooks the bag of gold
> pulls it through a tripwire and is shot with arrows.
> finally, they managed to get the bag
> there was 5gp in there and the rest was filled with rocks

Other highlights include a wizard killing our fighter in one hit, and then chasing the rest of our party around in a glorious sequence worthy of the Benny Hill theme.

We got the shit kicked out of us by Derpy Hooves in an MLP game where Celestia became corrupted and turned Equestria into a massive dictatorship

It was pure bad luck

Nope, just an ordinary snake that managed to sink its fangs into him when he tried hiding in a swamp.

I have a feeling derpy treated 1's and 20's as critical failures?

kill yourselves

Spotted the newfag.


MLP has its own board, it needs to stay there.

Getting this triggered over ponies is like getting triggered over bikini armor.

There wouldn't even be any issues if you didn't get so butthurt, now I'm basically forced into trolling you since I know it makes you mad.

My near arch mage got ytaken down by pepper spray an is currently being taken apart by the technocracy.

>I'm forced into trolling you
How retarded are you?

Asking the right questions

I could ask you the same since you're still sending me (you)'s.

>Playing Warhammer Fantasy
>Old edition where if the general dies, every unit takes a panic test
>Playing skaven, Clan Skryre, general is a wizard
>First turn, miscast, take a wound
>Second turn, miscast, die
>Every single unit fails its panic test
>Every single unit runs off the board
>Didn't even reach the enemy
>Opponent is standing there baffled

maybe ur pc's just need to hit the gym

I got trialed and summarily executed as a war criminal.
In another session the same character defended the Star Forge to the death, only to find out it was all a dream.