Tell me about the last time you had a PC die, DM or player it doesn't matter.
I'm looking for new and exotic ways to kill my miserable players and need inspiration.
Tell me about the last time you had a PC die, DM or player it doesn't matter.
I'm looking for new and exotic ways to kill my miserable players and need inspiration.
How about you just not show up? Then you can effectively kill the whole group without being a pretentious asshat about it.
My trap cleric was raped to death by an ogre.
just have rocks fall on them
Have you ever considered that my players like the risk of death and don't want it to be a super easy breeze through every encounter fuckfest?
Mention it right off the bat then shitlord.
TPK by bbeg sPell that sucks them into a vortex - on awaking they meet charos or equivalent at gates of hell
Now the quest is to escape hell, with them being the only meatballs around.
They are dead but not dead.
From a casual Battletech game with 4 players vs me as GM
>Clan wars of Reaving
>Steel Vipers vs Snow Ravens on Hellgate in 3070
>using low gravity rules and RPing the ritual duelling rules
>Snow Raven Star is divided between 4 players (5 mechs, so one player got 2)
>GM (me) in charge of the Steel Viper Star
>Both Stars have 4 Heavies and 1 Medium, players can choose any mech available to the Ravens
>That Guy has chosen a Hellbringer D (odd, but fine)
>Hellbringer D charges forwards 11 hexes on the first turn way ahead of the rest of the Star
>Hellbringer is the first mech spotted by the Vipers, immediately challenged to a duel by a Crossbow E
>Hellbringer player dismisses the challenge
>I hint IC that this is unClanlike behaviour
>Hellbringer player also dismisses this
>appears surprised when the Steel Vipers declare him dezgra at the end of the turn
>this means they no longer have to consider him an honourable combatant and can gang up on him
>doesn't seem to take it seriously and pushes in towards the Viper Star again
>Hellbringer disintegrates as all 5 Viper mechs come moon-bouncing in under low-Gs and concentrate fire on it at close range
>That Guy blames his death on the Viper Star being unbalanced because it had "too many big guns"
>mfw he could have just duelled with the Crossbow E that only had anti-personnel Gauss
Yeah nah, that's just your flimsy attempt to get out of looking like a dick for flying off the handle over nothing. Sperg harder, sugarplum.
One guy tried to abuse his "plot armour" trying to cross the ruins of a bridge after rolling a test and noticing it would crumble. It crumbled. Other guy was smashed by a giant.
One guy was killed by our paladin after raping an NPC
>I want to kill my players.
You're a retard.
>No, no, they like it...You should've assumed that's what I meant.
You're still retarded.
>mention i hate my character
"you can just, like, slit your wrists ingame or something, y'know?"
"Nah. Thats a cheap cop out. I'll just refine what i'm gonna be next and hope i roll bad or something."
>later on in campaign and 2 sessions later
>dm asks if i finally got that character setup
>players scramble to get an extra character sheet going before game and during assuming we're gonna be fighting something serious for the DM's asking
>walking along some alley looking for the secret entrance disguised as a random "out of place door" we found out about
"So a plothole opens and Braden falls in never to be seen. Simultaneously another plothole opens some feet down the alley way and Harret falls out."
>and thus ended Bradens decorated yet boring life and Harrets Sexual domination, unification, and secession of the halfling people into a fully functional sexually liberated and free halflings that worshipped him as a godking and officially the worlds tallest halfling at 6'5"
Seriously that entire campaign lost logical cohesion at that moment but i'd honestly love to do it more if the ends kept justifying the means.
"And free halfing nation*
What was the class of the original guy?
Cursed Bag of Holding.
>The bag actually opens into the large intestine of the user.
DM made a mythic wil o the wisp with at will magic jar.
I was playing a new character who was a half-giant jotun-slayer. Yeah it was cheesy but I did it because I was tired of one guy doing 90% of our damage.
Anyway, DM rolled randomly to see who gets possessed. It's a me! I am allowed to behave as I normally would in combat so I take on step behind the party and full attack, killing half of them with crits. 4d6+32 16x3 (mythic right?)
I get taken down, party proceeds to solo magic jarred characters until finally the last character gets possessed and wanders off into the night.
Prior to this I played the super support and was killed defending our city in kingmaker from the original owl bear. Party skipped my funeral in favour of more adventuring. I may have made the half-giant to avoid rp obligations this time round.
Missed a session. DM told me his kid crit my mage when the bad guy use an illusion to pretend he was possessing me.
Kid freaked, stabbed me in the neck and here I am telling you. I had admittedly played the character all of a session and recycled large pieces of the backstory into a more palatable team player. Also, evocationists are boring.
I stil raz the kid about it though.
He was a thief who was a drunk as well. Everyone else was up for high fantasy, power of friendship, lets not think about the world and have hope adventuring besides this guy. Paladin was a rape baby and that only got past because he never really brought it up and it would be used in the next campaign that was planned to be much darker. Nope this asshole wanted to prove the whole dexterity vs strength thing and lost. We was not amused to say the least.
Had an axe thrown through her chest by an actor. Violent day.
Have you ever seen a human rogue get team killed so badly that his body mixes into the dungeon tile? It's not pretty
What an absolutely dickish thing to give to your players
What was their reaction to dying this way?
Did he deserve it?
Sucked out into space through a hull breach when enemy weapons fire hit the bridge.
There was some debate whether she froze to death or suffocated out there in the void.
Not even close, it was entirely accidental but beautiful
They didnt even try to scoop up the poor bastards remains into a jar. Not that they could
Well that explains why I've been shitting out 4lb of gold very morning!
We failed to stop a grater daemon of Slannesh from being summoned so the Catachan demolition expert of the group decided to attach a frag grenade to his power fist and proceeded to fist the the priestess of slannesh mid summon.
All that was left was he red bandanna he then went down as a saint on the planet we saved that day.
My characters had an audience with a self-proclaimed god king. Since the guy acted extremely arrogantly and aloof one of the players attacked him, thinking he was just a hot-air artist. Well, he was, but he was still a powerfull magician. He killed that PC and one other who acted cocky before.
Wasn't me, but okay.
I actually hadn't considered that. So fair point. Your wording made this seems just another "lol you fall" type deal. Apologies for assuming.
Last time a player died?
Car accident on his way home from work.
We were going to play that night.
The first time I Dm'd for 5e, I ran this free module with spooky skeletons as the main baddies the party was supposed to eliminate from an old tower. Immediately at the first fight, the party passes by a number of skeletons checking the perimeter. Everyone succeeds on a stealth roll except the dwarf paladin in heavy armor and immediately the four skeletons gang up on him. The halfling thief rushes to his aid and tries to surprise kill a skeleton. His stab rolls low and two of the skeletons turn their attention to him. One misses and the other rolls a crit and rolls high enough to murder the dude well past twice his health.
Literally the first fight of the campaign and one of our peeps is dead. We all had a good laugh.
honestly its nice to have spontaneous deaths in games due to stupid mistakes like running across a crumbling bridge. just like real life.
Barbarian had to leave the campaign of silly rogues and pirate ship combat. Using his not high int and intimidating as a persuasion check he convinced the ships crew to shoot him out of a cannon.
Died in an Arena because our healer said "Nah you're probably fine I'm not going to heal you"
Then got his shit pushed in by another contestant. It was too the death, and we even said this to the healer.
A player in my group tricked a space marine into having Sex with them, it was a space Wolf and he new exactly how to get revenge without being unjust if you know what I mean
He's by His side now.
>rogue kills some famous traveling priest
>paladin death squad has us surrounded
>3 out of 6 die trying to escape
>the ranger,rogue and I manage to escape through decent climb rolls to ruin rooftops
>most of the the pallies wear heavy armor so they dont even try to climb but instead camp out on the ground
>they tell us all they want is the priests killer
>throw the rogue off the roof to the paladins
pretty sure the dm was just mad because the priest was a big part of the story and he had to make up a bunch of stuff by next session.
>procedded to fist a preistest of slannesh
Classic Catachans
Storyteller running a game of nWoD campaign with VtR and HtV elements. Group has 2 stoners in it. One plays every character like Shaggy.
>Paranormal Researchers learn about vampires.
>Prince lets them live if they find Niko
>Niko is a Russian Nosferatu living in the sewers
>Group goes into full Scooby Doo mode
>"Right gang, let's split up and search for clues. Us three will go to the surface and get breakfast, you two stoners will search the sewers."
>Pseudo-Shaggy and Dick (character's real name is Richard) go off into the tunnels.
>Find a drain pipe
>Dick decides to explore the stink
>Shaggy is standing guard, then hears something from behind.
>Pissed off Ruskie vampire with a battered old AK-47 staring the stoner down.
>"Like, what's up bro?"
>Glorious comrade doesn't care for pig-dog talk, jabs Shaggy in the stomach.
>Zoinks! Shaggy tried booking it. Has no weapons, never asked to buy any earlier.
>Hails of bullets turn Shaggy's green shirt red while his red pants turned brown.
>Last sight is the pile of shit his face lands in as he bleeds out.
>Dick's player fell asleep. Character stuck in the stink.
I brought the character back as a ghoul since the player was making a fit in-between bong hits. Is now greeted by his Russian Nosferatu master with "What up bro?"
Stats were rolled, I got a character where everything was mediocre. I put the 8 I rolled into con and rolled a halfling spiritualist who was terrified of everything. Role played him like a fusion between Morty and Shaggy. Stealth constantly and let my shattered mind remembrance of a bandit leader he looked up to as a big brother do the contribution to fights. Phantom is a greaser with a switchblade comb for his pompadour, tells spiritualist he's gotta "believe in himself"
His catch phrase was "oh man guys, this seems like a bad idea," but he he always went along and scouted ahead himself while stealthed or sent out his phantom phase lurching through things to do the same.
He acted bravely when the chips were down, putting himself in harm's way to provide flanking in dangerous encounters
>Rush in to try and help out my guild mates on an adventure that was going sour with too few participants. >Get noticed by an assassin vine because I rolled a 2 on stealth.
>Drop to negatives on first hit.
>Drop below negative my con score on constrict damage.
>guild mates kill the thing as it tries to slither away to retrieve my body and leave the quest unfinished, mournful at the loss of their friend, going off to bury their dead.
I was actually pretty touched by the sentiment.
I remember encountering a paladin death squad. They nearly killed the kid witch samsaran in one hit. We were level four, and I tell the DM that the detect evil spell only registers creatures of 5 or greater hit dice or malicious intent as evil, then proceed to role play my way out of it.
>half giant in buvarian accent: I scoop up the samsaran in my arms "Ach no! Mine Leibchen!"
>samsaran that appears to be a normal child except for a wizard's hat: "poppa, *cough cough* poppa it's going dark"
>Half giant "you monsters! How dare you do this to mine innocent Liebchen!"
>DM: Holy crap, you're right, they don't detect you as evil
>Paladins "uh, we're um...sorry? Are you sure that's your child?"
>half giant: *passes bluff check* "how dare you, you monsters!"
>Paladins: "anyway, we'll heal the boy, but you need to come with us"
>samsaran: "poppa, I'm *cough cough* so cold"
>half giant: "No, you monsters, you've done enough already!"
I had a divine hunter paladin who died horribly against a forest drake
>forest drake steals local horses
>party consisting of me, a witch and a barbarian go to retreive them
Both the barabarian and witch were Chaotic Neutral so as the paladin I was having a shit time getting them to do anything that involved helping people
>find cave, barb and witch refuse to go further into cave
>fine I scout ahead alone
>find drake eating one of the horses
>roll a 1 on my stealth for a total of 12
>drake sees me, I win init though
>proceed to roll 4 fucking 1s in a row on my first attack,
In my group we usually rule that 3 1s in a row is death
>drake brutally murders me
>witch and barb investigate my screams
>kill drake in 1 round
>witch proceeds to make a deal with a hag for a scroll of reincarnate
>I get reincarnated as an elf
>hag now owns my soul and the witch's as part of the deal for the scroll
Life is suffering whenever I play a paladin in my stupid party
Same guy, different story. felt the need to add a story of when my last PC died.
The game was Airship Pirates. For anyone who doesn't know, it's a blend of post-apoc and steampunk. Was running a game and got mutinied out of it.
>New GM, smart guy but was dead set on sticking to the plot. Never ran a game before.
>Still salty about getting booted from the GM role, but calm enough not to be too pissy.
>Character generation, and he gives us bonus points to our stats. I decide to power game. Rationale: "He needs the experience".
>Made super fast, super agile robot with arm blades and other edgy shit.
>Social skills in the negatives.
>Literally cannot talk to someone without someone getting pissed off.
>GM goes with it, although THAT Guy wasn't happy someone was stronger than him.
>Jump forward a few sessions full of railroading and GM hand-holding.
>On a train heist mission, GM pissed at me for making any combat event a squirrel sized speedbump.
>Everyone is up on the roof of the train, I play it smart and hop down into one car.
>Super powerful robot waiting for me. My friend can't hop in after me cause door locks can stop combat built robots.
>Get into fight, doing well. One point of damage to the other fuck's 6.
>Everyone else doing their own thing. Not caring cause I want to kill this bastard.
>GM skips all my turns, much to my and my friend's dismay. THAT Guy laughing his ass off. Stoner staring off into space.
>Finally get word on what happened to my character.
>GM goes into a long ass story on how my robot did in the battle, but died after the train crashed.
>No die rolls, no tries on escaping, nothing.
>Buddy is super pissed, screaming at the GM. THAT Guy is laughing his ass off and rubbing it in my face that I died.
After a calm chat, the GM agreed to let me play as another character... who then killed THAT Guy's character.
The last PC to die tried to attack 4 bugbears and an owl bear. They were put there to scare him, he decided he was going to kill the owl bear and eat it (because drunk) and got his shit pushed in.
This was a long time ago
>Playing 3.5
>Make an Orc Barbarian
>Game consists of 2 other players, a rogue and a bard
>One friend never played DnD before, wants to start
>DM says sure and write him into the game
>He makes a ranger
>Encounter happens, his guys isn't far off and helps
>Use rage during the fight
>Once all the enemies are dead, ranger starts firing at me
>Me and DM look at him like "Are you fucking serious?"
>"Yeah, I took Orcs a favored enemy, they killed my guys family or something "
>Attack him, roll 20, drop him to one
>He keeps fighting for some reason
>Start having bad rolls and he spent half his starting gold on health potions
>The other 2 players start helping him for some reason
>Do not win in 3v1 combat and die
>Me and DM both still don't know what the fuck happened that day
>They ask me what my next character will be
>"Nah, fuck this. I'll see you around"
>That campaign ended next session because nobody would cooperate
My druid got hit by another druid's entangle spell, and got swarmed and stabbed to death by kobolds.
I made a stupid cheesy diplomancer in a fairly short-lived campaign. I had a Diplomacy bonus of +32 at level 7, don't even remember how but I had spent a lot of time making sure it was RAW. Anyway,
>party gets knocked out by knockout gas because choo-choo.
>wake up all chained to slabs in chamber of a Minotaur god. Apparently he didn't like we were in his labyrinth.
>no clue what the GM had planned for this to be a not-TPK scenario, since we literally couldn't do shit to escape the shackles
>Diplomacy the Minotaur god to not eat us but instead go for the town full of halflings about 50 miles back
>45, DM is aghast. Won
>I might go have a buffet but I'll just let my dragon pet eat you instead.
>stalks off, out comes dragon a round later
>Diplomacy 48, and apparently the dragon is dumb. Won again!
>fellow players in shock at the sheer level of balls and shenaniganery.
>dragon lets us go and proceeds to follow master for the halfling buffet.
>leave dungeon, continue traveling towards original destination, get attacked by wolves innawoods.
>get taken out like a bitch by pack of wolves because can't diplomacize creatures with
The whole party ate the a mind flayer's 1-minute stun. They didn't recover fast enough to save the monk.
>failed to be the loyal servants of inquisitor
>different forms of suicide, all 3 of them. At least one of them did it because of fear to be punished.
>Christian Theurgist Sniper.
>Team ripped off a fuckload of money from a Johnson.
>Turns out he's Koshari.
>Koshari Killteam catches up with us at a warehouse.
>Already in full gear in the catwalks, waiting to supervise a meet that was going to happen soon for another job.
>Radio team. Tell them to fuck out of dodge.
>Injun Shaman summons an earth elemental, smashes my ride.
>Getting swarmed by two dozen dudes with automatic weapons.
>Dropping them left and right with a super-modded death rifle while reciting the lord's prayer.
>Earth Elemental finally closes on me.
>Breaks my back, holds me close to his face.
>Burn last point of edge to detonate my grenade bandoleer.
>Blow myself and a bunch of Amerinds to hell.
>Rest of team is hunted down later regardless.
Have a grappling monster pull a weak character deep under water in the middle of an otherwise standard combat and have him be violently drowned. Its not very exotic but it always horrifies the table. Remember to describe the frothing foam that a drowned person coughs up when rhe body is pulled out.
My wizard has to sacrifice himself as part of a blood ritual to close a rent to the First World (Fey realms)
The ritual was draining a reasonably powerful fey goddess to open the rift and he managed to twist it around to close the rift by feeding upon itself.
But it wasn't closing fast enough to stop the army marching towards the gate right that fucking second, so he put his dagger into his heart to give it a little boost that closed the gate properly.
And due to him being prepared to give his life/die constantly, he was wearing a ring that could resurrect him, so he let the party mourn him for a few seconds, then propped up on one elbow, pulled the dagger out with a groan and merrily told them he'd be fine, how's tricks me nigs, that was a close one, what ho, with a big ol' troll face on.
>he thinks I was OP
You're not good at this whole "don't make assumptions or you'll look stupid" thing, are you?
game was in deadlands
>Henry Vanwick, graverobber for local university after family business is burnt to the ground due to Bloody Kansas politics
>all he wants to do is escape out west to get away from shitty Kansas, and start up a new business
>dies perforated by gunfire by 12-20 undead gunmen, several of which were on fire, and at least one of them he had previously personally witness kill two men with one bullet
>died being a distraction so a family he met on the road along with the McGuffian NPC could have a chance to make it to the stables
the NPCs did manage to make it to the stables. But it turns out they were locked. Well, locked for them. The Herald family were not the brightest bulbs. I still believe it was just a length of chain with a lock half hanging over the doorway, so they just assumed it was properly secured. Vanwick did not Harrow, we pulled for it. Would have been interesting he did though, since he was convinced most of the undead there had risen up because they never got a burial. He recognized a good few of them. Not from his graverobbing days, which was his first worry too, but from a recent slaughter that he unfortunately bumbled into the week before.
>showing up 24 hours late to the party
As good a reason to bump this thread as any.