
dose anyone know why the bitcoins value has skyrocketed all of a sudden this year ?

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Death rattle

The impending death spiral of the dollar

Normies getting in

But that doesn't justify a 1000x increase in price over the last five years while the number of transactions has done 32x

sorry i just realised i spelled does incorrectly my bad

1. Ppl holding not selling
2. Futures and retail usage incoming
3. Rising price attracts more people to buy
4. Institutions getting in

>le digital currency meme

Do you know how many stocks don't pay ANY dividends, and can only realize profit when sold? Look at Amazon stock.

store of value > "digital currency"

thank you for the information is is amazing that 1 bitcoin is worth £8352.32 as of me posting this if only i had the money and time to get a PC worthy of bitcoin mining : (

thank you for the information too

Because it wasn't normies, it was big money. Stacy and chad aren't slapping down 3+ BTC orders. Normies ARE buying, but are getting fleeced by big/smart money. Cryptos are the wild west, there's no rules or regulations, so big/smart money can fleece the fuck out of people.

You can buy a fraction of a bitcoin.

i guess it always starts off small

Big Boys are coming in.
They were talking about BTC back in 2013 - checkout posts of Nuclear Phynance forums. Now they've pulled the trigger.

Tether is a key instrument in the big money bitcoin buy in.

this is an unregulated market, it could literally be anything. since there's no "illegal" here.

speculating in bitcoin is as safe and profitable as hitting the roulette tables

Because of the difficulty adjustment it had this year and the hype around it?

>1. Ppl holding not selling

This. Too many people have seen this shit before and have seen people get burned by selling their BTC at the peak of a bubble only for another, bigger bubble to form later.

you are right bitcoin is a very unstable currency it could plummet the next day but i guess we will just have to wait and see

Bitfinex pumping it with Monopoly money to avoid bankrupt.

Smart lad


When the normies show up en mass we are going to rob those fuckers blind. Can't wait!

infusion of "capital" from tether

Satoshi was a genius

Consider the long tail of intelligence

How many years did Europe shit in the streets AFTER the invention of the toilet?

The qualitatively better thing is always right in front of people but, they don't see it

It's why some people get rich

Poor people stay poor because they are trained to affirm and accept the status quo in a passive way. This also means they will automatically reject evidence that this is the case.

The vast majority of people merely reject ideas to cling to prior notions to escape the discomfort of challenging incumbent belief systems

The communication of this bias vertically in populations is the function of the institution of public and private education, and secondarily, by the explicit programming of personality by parents

(Secondarily because that same system trained the parents)

Learn about currency exchange, market manipulation, bond markets and reporting manipulation. Educate yourself.

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