I've never played a board game before, but a friend just sent me the video for how this one plays and I thought it'd be really cool.
Is this style of play fun? Or would it actually get repetitive after a while?
I've never played a board game before, but a friend just sent me the video for how this one plays and I thought it'd be really cool.
Is this style of play fun? Or would it actually get repetitive after a while?
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I think the boardgame could be fun, but honestly I backed for the miniatures. The game being good would be a nice bonus
There's no way those miniatures will look that good
What are the Guild Ball ones like?
I found an image of the shipped miniatures... Maybe the ds ones will look almost as good as shown.
Guild Ball stuff is good, not top of the line but they're decent. Honestly though, the game looks terrible to me. I canceled my pledge at the end since they never could release rules and details.
Like I said, I've never played one of these games but it looks really simple and fun.
Would you happen to know any decent beginner board games I could try out? I'm extremely interested in playing these now.
I wouldn't be a board-game expert myself, but you must have played entry-tier stuff? Like Monopoly, Risk, and the like? If you could outline what bits you like about those sorts of games it'd be easier to recommend you stuff, yanno?
You could try out the 9 billion dungeon crawl games out there to try it out. To list a few, Warhammer Quest, Shadows and Brimstones, Super Dungeon Explore, Decent...the list goes on
Settlers of Catan. Or one of the Warhammer 40k board games like Space Hulk.
I was just gonna go with this. Or even some RPG-lite rules. Or a homebrew specifically for it that I think at least one user was working on.
And make terrain to replace flat dungeon tiles because DS is all about dem environments, and typically dungeon tile sized means easy to work on diorama-tier stuff which I normally don't bother with due to needing enough terrain to cover a 4x4 or 6x4 table appropriately.
What do you think makes it poor?
I thought the premise of bossfight mechanics looked interesting (and the bossfights are the real reason to play), but I don't play many complex boardgames so my games analysis tends to be poor of them.
I can't get quite a read on how good it feels. Not used to that, since I've played so fucking many P&P RPGs that at this point I can usually make accurate calls of game quality with the rules summaries alone.
I'm worried of this. I want those minis but they look like bullshots.
>a board game
>not an rpg
God damn someone make it already, I'll literally suck your dick for it!
Castle Ravenloft.
Roleplaying in Dark Souls would be shitty and boring
Maybe base it on the One Ring?
I mean, if you think about it, part of Dark Souls is the repetitiveness of it; there's always Lords, there's always Chosen, the Chosen always slay the Lords to take their flames and kindle/smother the flame. There's always a bumbling fool of a hero, a betrayer, a maiden, etc...
Could be a fun journey, even if the destination is set.
Wait wasn't there a Bloodborne game coming out?
Was it replaced by this?
the bloodborne game is going to be card game by Eric Lang
Making rpgs based on videogames is cancer.
First off, the game mechanics that you liked in the videogame won't translate very well (dying a fuckton of time and getting gud?) and you're missing out on graphics and mood a lot. Role-playing is about immersion and characterization, not omg everything looks so cool and edgy.
Second, it reveals that you should read a fucking book once in a while.
It's a severely dumbed down version of Kingdom Death and the only real difference between pcs is stats. The stamina system is fucking awful and a lit of the miniatures are very static, with 0 possibility.
Not only that but far too many of the enemies are too humanoid for my tastes. Just seems like a cash in honestly and not even a good one. Plus, zones instead of tiles.
check out the minis on this one!
Darkest Night: Second Edition, via @Kickstarter kickstarter.com
I just looked up kingdom death.
Is there any way to buy that game without spending $1000?
Back the Kickstarter back in 2013