Strap the fuck in user. do you wanna live forever??
LITERALLY the last call
Other urls found in this thread:
>ERC20 token
too bad ETH is being destroyed by kittens
>thinks viral use of ETH is a bad thing
>8 cents
now THATS gangsta.
I bpught in at 4 cent and feeling comfy
>he thinks not being able to transfer anything cause of some stupid game is good
hold these to own the financial world of the 2020s
Replace OMG with IOTA and you've gotta deal buddy
>investing in REQ when IOTA is mooning
>FOMO buying
Get reqt brainlet
Buy high sell low again?
This guys fucks. REQ, LINK, and IOTA currently have me fantasizing about showing up to next year’s Christmas party in a fucking limbo.
I also bought at 4 cents but only bought 2.5k of them. How long are you holding for ? I'll be honest i dont really believe in the project and am thinking of selling before Friday at peak pre news pump
Buy high sell low
Remind me again when this tactic worked for someone?
Volume is growing on this bad boy. You guys must really hate money.
26k REQ already in my wallet. I have spare 0.1 BTC left, should I buy more?
400k on my ledger. When will this shitcoin reach $1? I am still waiting
im also contemplating if i should buy more... bought most of my req (15k) at 4 cents, therefore i view 8cents at a pretty high price.... but who knows how high this could get?
Realistically, I think we'll hit 12 cent end of the week.
the greed has got me, ill buy 1eth of req now
You will be one of the weak hands. Always remind yourself, if you are able to hold until Q2 2018 you will live through the gloriest days in crypto. If the crypto market keeps the growth like this we can easily see 1B mcap between Q1 and Q2 2018.
Burning mechanism and on going partnerships, when the working product is out, will allow us to hit these numbers.
I regard the money I invest as lost.
Going to hold my bags at least for a year... im definately not selling it, even if it drops back to 4 cents
Look at that log scale. Do you see a coin which has already mooned? I can't see one.
Barely over a month trading in less than desirable exchanges.
Look at the website. Look at the roadmap.
It has already partened with Kyber. Team will be moving to Singapore in the upcoming months.
I do agree this is somewhat a medium to long hodl. But those who got in at literally bargain price and hodl, will be rewarded in 2018.
This is a sleeping giant.
TL;DR: Get everything you can afford if you're for the long term.
>Chasing pumps.
Stick to your designated shitting streets.
Just bought 10000. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
about time you bought your moon ticket m8
10k REQ marine checking in
About to go 20k in on a fuck it pill. What is the main selling point? Why will it be used?
>What is the main selling point? Why will it be used?
Fcking sell right now, i mean WTF?
>What is the main selling point? Why will it be used?
It will deliver what OMG promised quicker, and it's market cap is 8x lower than OMGs bloated skateboard meme market cap.
So you're looking at 8x at the worst case, much more if it catches on and starts to be used.
Bought 5500, had to sell a few NEO to help get there but diversifying for moon potential is worth it and I'll probably reinvest back into NEO after profit because you can stake for them residual gainz
What's happening on Friday?
this coin needs some serious buy pressure to take down those sell walls.
>55m cap
new ATH
We all knew something had to go viral for ethereum. Can I haz Kittens will do I guess.
>not mining with your gaming gpu
I'm making 0.05ETH every 5 days senpai while I'm at work.
News of test net or they actually deliver a working test net.
Even if it's just an update and no test net, their updates are usually substantive.
And there updates usually lead into a dump. Tbh this "pump" is nothing special and happened every 2 weeks.
>sample size of two
God damn, you fucking kids.
It’s all a trend, until it isn’t. This is why hodling is often the best strategy. No missing the boat.
Our Father in blockchain,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in blockchain.
Give us today our daily gains.
And forgive us our shills,
as we also have forgiven our shillers.
And lead us not into FUD,
but deliver us from the fiat one.
just bought 1k I'm now officially REQt
>a constant upward trend for a month is nothing special
kek, this thing is about to blast off
Why even bother buying this high?
I got 2600 only on Bianance. Tempted.
so I can sell low, wtf dude why else
uptrend over a month? Bi-weekly updates are always leading to a PnD in this coin.
The overall coin mcap nearly doubled since this REQ got launched on the market. So we are what, like 10M USD over mcap and still under ETH ratio? Great. Still holding ton of stacks, but be a sheep like 99% here
>there are people who sold under that 765 fake buywall
You mean 20x lower...
Ethereum client doesn’t even sync
Even in light mode
Literally can’t cash out
>mfw fucking cats kill crypto
What is a likely price range for REQ 1 year from now?
1 Dollar or more.
Its a wishful thinking, but if req reaches the marketcap of paypal 1 req would cost 85dollar
and many of us would be millionairs
Any thing to support that? Seems p high
>tfw when poor fag
I'm going to buy around 600 when I get paid on Friday
In current market REQ with a working product would be valued ~$3b (fucking OMG has a working skateboard and $1b cap), giving us $6 per token. Crypto cap as a whole is projected to increase 7x next year, as well as REQ token burn implementation. If you account for all of this, $10 seems like a conservative guess.
>$10 seems like a conservative guess
>$10 conservative
PayPal market share would give us $85/coin. REQ can be much better than PayPal.
working skateboard kek
come on bro REQ is not going to dislodge PayPal.
If paypal was threatened enough they'd just buy some other crypto out. You are naive
What makes REQ better than paypal? Sorry haven't fully researched this one yet. Fingers hovering on the buy button tho..
>PayPal stock falling
>REQ about to release on the testnet
Anyone wanna send some REQ? It looks super promising. Share the love my m8s
What about COSS?
Crypto noob here, what's the best site to buy REQ? I've already got bitcoins in coinbase.
>>investing in REQ when IOTA is mooning
Join the ReQkings High Roller club here :
no sub 50k Reqlets allowed!
What about the corrections that are going to take place soon? Will it impact at all?
Yes. This will be worth zero after the correction. Whatever correction you are talking about.
That's why I'm saying $10 (could go much higher though), not $85. It's pure speculation though, we don't have all the data to make a better estimate. Let's see once it goes live.
Read the whitepaper. REQ will do everything PayPal does, but cheaper and will be trustless.
Big gamble, will probably flop, but worth throwing some lunch money at. Buy at 15-16k, not higher.
1.5 vs 6% fees.
Your salary will can be payed with any crypto...
Probably conservative if everything goes well. A non conservative guess would be something crazy, like crypto booming to 2 trillion market cap in 2018 and req being top 3 coin and having 200b market cap and 150$ per coin
>$150 a coin
1 dollar by 2018 Q3
Broke/newfag here, how much is it expected to grow? My friend and I are going to buy 5000 each. is that too little?
>$150 a coin
I literally just farted from excitement. At $150 per coin, I would be a multimillionaire.
Depends if you think 5000USD is little in end of 2018
Corrections after the news will just mean a newer higher bottom. Better get in now!
Newfag here, no idea how to buy into any of this. Help before I am lost to the wind.
and if you don't know where something is int he future go to coinmarketcap, find the coin, and hit markets
Go back to plebbit, kill yourself then logon to coinbase and send your coin to an exchange.
no. its more than a decent quantity. don't invest what you can't lose.
a crazy 10x gains (which isn't crazy for req in a few months) would give you 50k bro. that's a great sum if you're broke/newfag.
Please don't pollute this beautiful REQ thread with talk of shitcoins that don't even have their own in-house developers.
Right now:
5000 REQ != 5000 USD
5000 REQ x10 != 50.000 USD
he's posting from future, REQ $1 confirmed
REQ will reach $200 eventually
maybe not 2018 but this thing is going intergalactic
Actually from /pol, good to see the people here aren't very different.
Real talk.
Why would they move to Singapore???
>inb4 business partners
That is just an excuse, we live in the digital age
It's because of TAX LAWS there. They will cash out tons of money. Western Europe has way stricter laws.
Why would they move to Singapore???
>inb4 business partners
That is just an excuse, we live in the digital age
It's because of TAX LAWS there. They will cash out tons of money. Western Europe has way stricter laws.
stop it pajeet
Oh fk, user might be up to something
"We plan to spend a few months in Singapore’s impressive ecosystem, and work closely with Kyber’s friendly team there. The Asian blockchain ecosystem is growing quickly and we want to tie connections with many companies and communities on this content, aside from the connections we are already building in Europe."
From the latest update.
I find it hard to believe REQ will ever moon. that would mean all these goddamn REQ-marines would actually become rich. no way in hell thats happening
Dude, we're all excited for test net, but what the fuck?
I have seen this copy paste before, have fun missing out retard.
Thanks user
tfw I'm going to be a 2millionaire