Lyanna Mormont, Cutest of her name

Stat her, with justification why she has actual control over a Noble house instead of being a figurehead.

Level 20 Waste of Time what was the point of that scene

How would they not know mormont house was useless

>Troops ten times a good as good as any mainlander
>62 Bear Rambos X 20 men=1240 crack troops
>Implying she doesn't have a massive morale/command aura
>Implying she didn't shown herself to be the most competent leader on Team Stark 15 seconds after she first spoke
>Only leader with the brains to understand the concept of communications so she is the only one who brought Ravens into the field
>Sole reason Sansa has communications with Littlefinger hence any chance of winning

Started playing the second edition card game. Im liking it does teegee

>ten times
>20 men
u wot m8

>only one who brought Ravens into the field

Didn't the night's watch guys take ravens with them before they got #shrekt by white walkers? Or did she do it for mid-battle communications?


>justification why she has actual control over a Noble house instead of being a figurehead.
Whenever she demands something everyone thinks it is just too precious and so they go along with it.

>implying you or any men wouldn't want to fight to protect your loli liege.

Bear island has a history of being raided by the iron born while the men where fishing, therefore they developed a liking for strong women but are better than those dornish faggots.

Obviously she's a Rambo 3 fan and remembered this quote by the Afghan guide: “This cave leads to the ‘Valley of the Five Lions’. The Afghan king was supposed to send 500 warriors into battle. He only sent five. The five best, and they won. He said, better five lions than 500 sheep.”

In her case, better 62 bears than 620 donkeys.

Twenty Goodmen, sir. Do you remember him?

Race: Human
Marshal 3
DEX 10
CON 12
INT 16
WIS 14
CHA 16

She's the actual leader because she's the epitome of chivalry and honor and no one would be able to go against her without suiciding out of guilt..

>not warlord

Is this season worth watching?


>no Davos at White Harbor
>no Frey Pies at Ramsay's wedding
>no Wylla Manderly outburst
>no The North Remembers Lord Davos

Now that we have a ASOIAF thread, what do you think of the RPG by Green Ronin?
I have yet to play it but the system seems cool, especially the House creation.

And of course I post the picture for ants.

The armor system seems kinda strange. Sure, armor takes out some of the damage but it also makes you more likely to be hit. This in turn makes those hits hurt more due to degrees of success system so it's a bit of a wash between going armored and going "nude".

It's okay

If you like the show then yeah.

If you are a book person then no because the show is going way off the books.

I like it well enough, at this point I take the shows and the books as two separate "campaigns" run in the same universe. It helps with the difference between the two and taken on their own merits they're both good pieces of work

Yeah but in this case she is the only one on team Stark that brought them. Might have something to do with her Maester, dude is like a 20th level Sage by the size of his chain.

When it comes to episodes in this season, there was honestly only one that I actively disliked. It was episode 6.
There's plenty of new developments and even if you are a diehard fan of the books, I would suggest you check it out if only for sparking some fan theorizing in yer nogging.

I would argue 3rd or 4th level as an incrediably practiced normal human. A 20th level sage would almost be a God of Knowledge and would be able to stand up and tell everyone that they're all stupid, turn all the armies around and actually fight the White Walkers. But I suspect you were mostly being facetious and I'm being too autist about it

Actual question, would you guys call the ASoIaF wargs Rangers, with a close connection to their animal companions, or Druids?

Ranger kit, they have no real spell casting abilities, Clerics and Wizards are pretty well defined in GoT.

>I would argue 3rd or 4th level as an incrediably practiced normal human. A 20th level sage would almost be a God of Knowledge and would be able to stand up and tell everyone that they're all stupid, turn all the armies around and actually fight the White Walkers. But I suspect you were mostly being facetious and I'm being too autist about it

Chain size directly relates to level for Maesters and his is huge. Maybe not 20th but at least 10 times as good as any mainland Maester

To be sure, well practiced and an expert in many fields but even Einstein I would count as a 5th level expert and honestly that's pushing it for me

Why does no one in the North care that John Snow walked off his post on the wall? If you walk off your post after you take the black, you die. That was established in the very first episode.

Your watch ends when you die. Jon died.

How does anyone else know that, and even if he told them why would they believe him?

He's got the scars to prove it.

All the scars prove is that he was stabbed. Did I miss something or is it common knowledge that the red priests can resurrect the dead?

He left his post to go roam the North with an army of wildlings. Why is anyone in the North even considering listening to John Snow?

The writing in this show is dildos.

How wouold everyone in the North know Jon took the black in the first place?

He's one of the last remaining members of the noble house that were at one point the wardens of the north. All of the decisions that the members of that house made were notable. How would they not know?

So you're assuming they would know?