Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

>not playing a pretty princess

When asking about build advice, remember to be sure to mention whether or not third party material (3pp) is allowed!

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Recruiting for an online, text-only Pathfinder game to be held over MapTool. The schedule will be decided on by the players, but the available time frames are:
Monday 10:00 P.M. GMT to Tuesday 11:30 A.M. GMT
Tuesday 10:00 P.M. GMT to Wednesday 11:30 A.M. GMT
Wednesday 10:00 P.M. GMT to Thursday 11:30 A.M. GMT
Thursday 10:00 P.M. GMT to Friday 11:30 A.M. GMT
Saturday 4:00 A.M. GMT to Saturday 10:00 A.M. GMT

This will be a combat-focused game (though not necessarily 100% combat-focused) wherein you invade Hell, battle legions of devils, and fight every unique devil on Asmodeus has gone missing, an extremely powerful angel has taken his place, and the angel has sent out a call challenging heroes to take the throne from him.

Two traits. 25 point buy. Roll for hit points or take the average, but you must decide beforehand. No Unchained rules. Third-party material (e.g. Dreamscarred Press) is looked upon leniently.

Characters are supposed to be CR 20 (yes, CR) and can be built from any combination of class levels, monster races (25 point buy applies, NOT the +4/+4/+2/+2/+0/–2 array), templates (e.g. Agile mythic template), mythic tiers, and PC/NPC wealth. CR must be calculated appropriately, exempting the point buy. Examples:
20th-level PC with 20th-level PC WBL = CR 20
15th-level PC with 15th-level PC WBL and mythic tier 10 = CR 20
16th-level PC with 16-level NPC WBL and mythic tier 10 = CR 20

Heavy optimization is encouraged. Dazing Spell is in, but Sacred Geometry is out.

Skype contact username:

Sword and board Antipaladin poster here. Did some rethinking and this is what I've come up with now.

Antipaladin 5/Fighter 2
Noble Scion of War
Power Attack
Weapon Focus
1B Cornugon Smash
2B Dazzling Display
Shatter Defenses

I'm considering another dip into Thug Rogue for the intimidate and sneak attack but I'm not sure I really wanna lose 3 levels of Antipaladin...

What are some oft-overlooked wondrous items for keeping yourself alive longer? (Let's put aside the "just kill the enemy faster with a better weapon haha" thing.)
I'm sure most of us here have bought a belt of constitution before, but what about items that cast Breath of Life on you should you hit 0 and other interesting gear? Any recommendations or items you like but don't see commonly?

Are you clued into the things you can do with Channel Smite or Fist of the Crusader if you have stamina?

Tell me about White-Haired Witch, /pfg/. How good is it?

Pretty sure we aren't using stamina rules and if we are, no one has ever mentioned or used them.

I'm open to Channel Smite, it's just it costs 2 Touches, and it's wasted if I miss...

This is a real white-haired witch.

They're good. Crusader's Fist is a bit better, but operates off crits, whereas Channel Smite has the chance to fail, but can be done whenever and for less feats.

Channel Smite's Stamina Trick lets you double your dice, effectively giving you parity with the touches you spent, but it's all still wasted if you miss.

Crusader's Fist though, its trick lets you make the dice from your Touch be multiplied by crits. Downside is it only works on unarmed, unless you spend the feat on Ascetic Style (or one of its follow ons) to be able to do it on monk weapons. Upside is you only need to spend the Touch AFTER you know you've hit (and thus threatened), and the stamina AFTER you've confirmed.

Might be a bit hefty of an order if you've already used a bunch of feats though.

>Tell me about
What is the best mask for it to wear?

Yea, I'm already dipping 2 levels into fighter so I can fit in Dazzling Display and Shatter Defenses. Since Shatter Defenses will make enemies flat-footed to me though, sneak attack through Thug is looking really tasty.

Can I ask why Dazzling Display when you could use the Shaken Cruelty? Is it a prereq for Shatter Defenses? I cant remember.

>white haired witch
>your hair doesn't have to be white

Dazzling is indeed a prereq for Shatter Defenses. Also for cruelties Sicken, Disease, Nauseated etc are more useful than Shaken.

user-san! user-san!

Please help me build a Pseudodragon cohort. Originally, I want him to be a paladin but there are 2 evil character in the party so that wouldn't fly...

Evil characters don't actually prevent flight in paladins.

They tend to provoke fight instead.

Ripping their wings off might prevent flight.

What is the best level 1-6 spell for Dazing Spell that allows no spell resistance?

>not playing a pretty princess
Some day. Some day!

Tell me how you built your princess, /pfg/.

Stone Fall is nice.

>being a princess
>not having the master plan

Well the only real way was to get an Amazon nice and high, and then use the Dream Crown on her.

Then you stick her in the back row and watch the fireworks.

Stone Tell, you mean?

Stone Cell.

Stone Ball.

Yeah, what kind of evil character don't want to tear off a good dragon wings.

Someone with more than 8 INT and WIS?
You keep the evil shit down low so nobody sees your disgustingly soul-crushing betrayal coming.

When you act like a saturday morning cartoon villain, you, the party, and the GM have *no* room to complain when after a few such acts someone in the party - probably someone who's just been fucked over or somewhat betrayed by the act - turns around and full attacks your flat-footed ass into a smoking fucking crater.

If you're talking most effective for delivering it with a high save DC, probably Acid Fog or Tar Pool/Obsidian Flow. If Resistance and Immunity are a serious concern, Aqueous Orb and Stone Call work well too. Honorable mention to Sonic Form, if you've got a free round to set up and want to stunlock someone in melee.

The best Evil characters make themselves indispensable to their friends. And they *make* these people their friends, just like the "one good scorpion" everyone knows in L5R.

The trick is that all those bad things you do are always FOR them, FOR their goals (even good ones), always in their (and yours of course, but you're a party; their gains are your gains) favor.

This adds a big fat layer of protection against those who aren't happy about what you do, makes what you do just that little bit more tolerable than it should to those not paladin-level-hardline, and sometimes you get them to help you out as well.

Evil people have things they love and care about. What makes them evil is that they're a lot less willing to hold back to do "nice things" for them!

i played a princess once

I sucked my DM's dick to get advanced firearms and claimed she stole a state of the art weapon from her techno-kingdom and ran away.

Greater Snapdragon Fireworks.


>Greater Snapdragon Fireworks.
No such thing.

how else do you get favors from DMs?

You didn't see MTT?

I see no Greater Snapdragon Fireworks here.

Are the item decks necessary for adventure paths or optional?


Friendship, generally.

>with the DM


You know this is a social hobby?

Shut up
No one here has any friends

I'm sorry to hear you're lonely, user. Do you want to talk?


Enough about evil-doer and flying. What class should my Pseudodragon be?

Just for reference, Pseudodragon stats are:
Str 7, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10

I can give him +4,+4,+2,+2,+0,-2 adjustment due to being a monster with PC class.

His mental stat is probably too low for Arcane fullcaster. Maybe a Druid? Skinshaper Druid even? Dragon has that tendency to change shape and sleep with anything that move right?

I wouldn't recommend a druid unless you can get Dex to damage relatively easily. Your Wis won't be high enough to be a debuffer/crowd control, and your Str won't be enough to go melee. Maybe an agile AoMF. What sort of thing do you want to do with it? It'd make a decent buffer if you went druid or cleric, I suppose.



So a level 1 NPC mercenary costs 3 sp a day, meaning my level 1 fighter can hire one for a year and a half right?If yes where are the stats for one?

His starting wealth should be enough to get Agile AoMF.

I kinda want the dragon to be the frontliner. My character is a Psychic, so he has all the control spell but lack the power to finish my enemy off.

So I guess, something that utilize DEX?
Urban Barbarian? Gunslinger? Swashbuckler? Unchained Rogue?

Actually... a Pistolero Dragon might be cool...

Is there a way to not need to eat, sleep or breath as a human without becoming undead?

Gunslinger and swashbuckler are terrible. UC rogue can be okay, but not spectacular and yours will be lower level, so I'd avoid it. I'd suggest urban barbarian or Stalker from PoW.

amulet of natural armour, belt of CON and DEX, off the top of my head.

Cloak of Resistance, clearly


Ring of sustenance removes the need to eat or drink. Iridescent spindle ioun stone removes the need for air. Lesser restoration can get rid of fatigue, which is the only mechanical penalty of not sleeping. So if you can get lesser restoration whenever you need it through spellcasting, wands, or items, then you're good. If you're a caster, you'll still need to rest, but not necessarily sleep, to recover spells. Depends on class.

Neat, thanks.

Maybe the Sipping Jacket as well, good way for the barbarian to stash a potion of Cure ____

>Female Human Fighter
>Was originally male, was betrayed by the party Wizard via a Gender-swap potion that temporarily reduced strength by -4
>(The wizard fucked up most of the rest of the party after)

So is that a better character idea? It removes the magical item involved and sets up two separate arcs.

>creepy rape potion with added sexism

Yeah great character idea.

Nice bait, I'll take that bait as you saying 'good idea'

yeah if you're trying to be 'that guy' its a great fucking plan.

Telling people your character is based on a meme on top of being one of the worst classes isn't generally great.

Grats, you are "that guy"

Did Psybomb's spreadsheet of favorite disciplines ever happen? Is it too late to vote?

To be fair, since you're apparently trying to hide your genderswap fetish, if you gave me that character, I would assume you were retarded instead of masturbating under the table. So I guess that's an improvement.

That was a joke

I don't see how its 'that guy' to do a unique character

The dragon's about to breath a shitload of fire on someone. In that moment, the hero shoves the jumps in front and protects them both within the cone's effect using his shield.

How does this SUPER BASIC trope happen in Pathfinder without 3pp?

He's a wizard and the shield is his emergency force sphere spell.

>Calling anyone else retarded

You're literally basing your character of a creepy rape scenario and a sexist meme

and you don't see how you're being 'that guy'

Paladin feat to improve the nigga's save v dragon breath + running over to make sure they have the aura.
I guess?

>ad hominem irrelevant to the discussion
>acting like playing a fighter and memeing about -4 Str aren't retarded

>gender change potion
>sexist meme aka a fucking joke
Seems like you're the 'that guy' here if you're not even able to laugh at something so silly.


Anonymous normally you don't laugh about something while your hand is underneath the table doing explicit things.

Calling out a retard on being a retard when they're a proven retard who's flaunted said retardation numerous times
>Not relevant

>creepy rape scenario and a sexist meme
Fuck off already. It's a stupid joke, sure, but that's all. Stop caring.

>wizard just randomly drops a -4 strength gender change potion on the male fighter
>no rape implied of course he just did it cause he's LOL RANDUMZ XD XDXD SPOONS

What about Kineticist? 19 DEX and 17 CON should be enough and size doesn't change Kinetic Blast damage.

That doesn't stop it from being true. It's an awful background. Just stay you put on a cursed belt without checking before hand, problem solved.

So is your inability to use greentext relevant to whether or not anyone else is retarded? Because it's pretty fucking obvious that you're an idiot. Whether or not I'm stupid has nothing to do with anyone else being stupid.

Where did it say the wizard was male, shitlord?

Oh lord please let this be a joke

Tower Shield = Total Cover

>implying only men can rape


He had prepared an action to reposition his ally or you and the ally both have swap places and one of you has a move action prepared.

And say "he's" (maybe stick to that in fact) is hoping to find another one to right the little problem and get his bits back, and when he finds that wizard he's tying one around her neck.

You're doing it wrong.

I can't play bayonetta, I don't have that system. Though I'd like to try it one day.

He can't do that for an ally.

I have clearly been playing too much overwatch. My first thought was 'It's high noon'

>gunslingers will never be op like mccree

See? This guy gets it

Git gud know, has there ever been a Reflex-based Save or Die?

they're actually nerfing his fan the hammer i think


Hopefully after they nerf Mei's ability to grief their own fucking team.

Try breath weapons, they're generally Reflex-based and a bunch have riders.

Meh... that maximum 14 INT or CHA kinda suck... otherwise I would make him into Magus or Oracle.

I guess Barbarian is the best choice. CON will increase his poison-DC too.

but thats :3...


Do the breath weapon riders have mounted combat feats though?

I'd call it mei-docre.

Genderbent guy wanting to have his cock back?

That would probably be a first in the majority of media...

user will probably be told he's a wymyn-hater for it.

Well, metabreath feats do exist if you use 3.5e material.

There were all those rumors about Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner. And I'm sure a bunch of people who got Sorshen's body at least wanted their dicks back.