How do you convey a sense of scale when dealing with gigantic creatures?
How do you convey a sense of scale when dealing with gigantic creatures?
Other urls found in this thread:
>He's, like, really big, man.
>Like, just *so* big you wouldn't even believe it.
Tell the players to put their little tokens near the entrance of the room or environment, then describe the giant guy directly in front of them.
Then, put two great big tokens a few squares ahead of them, a couple squares apart, and indicate that this represents the giant. Wait for somebody to ask, or just for somebody to realize and state aloud that oh, shit, those are just his feet.
If your players are in combat with the creature, describe misses as hits that merely fail to score a significant hit:
>I attempt to strike at the giant's hand!
>roll: 4
>Your sword bites into the skin of the giant's thumb. He doesn't appear to notice.
Depends on how big the creature
Birds are the best way of conveying scale. Everyone knows that.
>I mean, you might think Roy down at the chemist's is big, but he's just tiny compared to this guy
Part of it is just being evocative with descriptions.
Big for whom?
Large enough things, like tornados, sometimes appear to move very slowly or even stand still while in motion bc human depth perception doesnt work at that scale. Just a tip.
Changing weather, be it from a creature or a change in climate, also illustrates a point.
only describe portions of it rather than overall impression
The Giant has really bad dandruff and is snows onto the party
I a mechanical way? Give the players a few turns in between the gigantic creature's actions, and when the creature acts, have it cause some pretty intensive effects. Impacts cause shockwaves, reflex, con, or other checks related to what it's doing on a massive scale, and if a player somehow drops their guard and ends up hit dead-on by an attack, dole out enough damage to have them splattered or at least critically wounded and out of the fight.
Fighting the creature is more an exercise in creative thinking than dealing damage in a straight up fight. Figure out how to use the environment against it, get large enough weapons to kill it, or devise some other solution in order to subdue or otherwise deal with it.
These should be straightforward and have roles laid out for the players to fulfill, be presented as a set of goals that need to be completed, possibly within an allotment of time or turns, or allow the players time to figure out a solution with the tools at their disposal and possibly anything reasonable they should be able to locate, requisition, or acquire in the execution of their plan. So instead of trying to hack at the massive flaming monster, they can blow up the dam and douse it, or chase the huge lizard into a crevasse and immobilize it with chains and rope, or lure the giant into a place with lots of unstable rocks and bury it under boulders and rubble.
Basically, massive monsters become more a force of nature with a few basic instincts or behaviors to play with, a puzzle of actions to be exploited and hazards to be avoided to solve for in order to stop it. Straight up attacking is not an option for something that outscales the PCs by several factors.
This one's easy. You could make the place your PCS are at rumble like anew earthquake, then they discover it's the beast just walking. Same goes with gusts of wind being it's breathing, or as another user said it brings a weather change with him. If it's tall you might not be able to make out all its features. Treat it more like a volcano or a force of nature and the bells and whistles come naturally.
What are you trying to say, user?
Last time we had to, DM's gf improvised a "giant" token from an empty bottle. We then placed it next to the miniatures we were using to represent our characters.
>DM's gf
Puked in my mouth a little
She's a capable roleplayer, so why not?
>>empty bottle "token"
>>capable roleplay
To clarify: the miniatures are for battles where we need some kind of scale only.
And the bottle thing was for shits and giggles. We had a laugh and the bottle actually had the size needed for comparison. This has literally nothing to do with the quality of her roleplaying.
user might it be that you are the DM
Nah, I just don't get why people get instantly worked up about women in Pen&Paper.
less a matter of yucky girls imposing on our safe space and more about the DM's SO playing
he wants to fuck that Island
And why would that be an issue? He may be a diamind dozen, but he's perfectly capable of keeping this out of the game.
In fact he sometimes treats her harsher than everyone else, especially when it comes to stuff she should already know in his opinion.
haha you are def the DM user
Birds and mist
>diamond dozen
If you say so.
dime a dozen?
it's not rocket appliances
Use pictures or look at pictures and just describe what you see.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
I love this!
Compare the size of her tits to haystacks, or houses, and remark that they only look like a or b cups proportionately.
Is that the loli from Gorillaz?
Why you gotta bully her?
>waaaah no bully
Man up, dipshit.
>not devil's avocado
you literally had one job
Pretty sure the 'doggy dog world' stuff originated on Veeky Forums years ago.
>Bully (comparatively) flatchested giantess
>Get crushed by her (comparatively) flat chest
But seriously, it depends on how big a thing you're describing is, a really tall guy will be different from a "that's not a mountain is it?" sized monster
She's aged because the artist doesn't do that "cartoons are eternally the same age" thing. I don't know if it's 1 RL year for 1 cartoon year or what, but the point is she's an adult now- just a flat-chested Asian.
If I was going to do utterly massive creatures I would have one or two turns before a strike impacts as it's striking over huge distances allowed by it's great size.
That is very cool.
She's aged up in the newer music videos too
She's like 23 now, but is one of those eternal lolis from anime
Last session I had my players fight the upper body of a giant skeleton and put my hands on the battle map and drew around them to get it's size.
I use a really big mini?
Seriously that's what I do.
There are new videos???
Yes, check YouTube
The easiest way to describe large monsters is to have them interact with something roughly their size category, or at least compare them to it. For instance, say something like "the gaint grabs a pine tree that reaches up to his waist and pulls it out of the ground" or "the giant is on eye level with the cathedral's highest spire". The convenient part of huge monsters is that players only need a very rough indication of how big it is.
Did you see the first hobbit movie?
Remember when Smaug was attacking the dwarf mines, there was a huge gust of wind (talking hurricane here) a few minutes before he arrived.