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What Country are your games set in? How does your choice of nation affect them?
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What Country are your games set in? How does your choice of nation affect them?
>What Country are your games set in? How does your choice of nation affect them?
Sweden, so that the theme of monsters infiltrating and corrupting society is all the more intensified.
We should talk about characters.
I was making a character to get the hang of Mage. Basically an Indiana Jones type chick, with the Shadowname of Dakota. While Acanthus is pretty fitting for characters in the adventurer mold, since they always seem to have things turn out just right for them as they bumble in over their heads, I figure I'd focus more on what they do than how she keeps from dying. So I'm thinking Moros is most fitting. Matter and Death with a bit of Prime should be good for raiding old Atlantean tombs.
Sounds like the game might be sweetish.
You bet.
Are ghouls ever worth it?
So long as you make sure they can be disposed of very, very easily, and that they know this, yes.
Who is this semen demon?
>Are the disposable bodybags who are addicted to your drug which you can sent them out to find the "materials" for worth it?
Very much so
Does anyone have the Ghouls and Revenant book to share?
What are some mustwatchs for the different WoD Games?
>What Country are your games set in?
Haven't run mine yet, but planning England.
I'd also want to try running some set in America.
I'd rather chew off my dick than set one here in Australia.
So fucking sick of hearing about Aboriginal culture.
Bbut Aboriginal culture is so original.
Do we really want these /pol/ and "le semen demon" discussions over talking about the actual game mechanics?
Not to an Australian.
Apparently. Either that or autistic breakdowns.
Hey thanks for sharing this web comic. I'm fucking loving it.
Rolled 9, 8, 10, 10, 6, 1, 8, 9 = 61 (8d10)
rolling Strength + Patriotism to kick you in the cunt
I'm building a wall...a fine wall...not so much to keep you out, but more to keep me in.
>Having Slaves who will work for free and are more capable then normal humans
how are they not worth it?
>not liking Semen Demons
I think the best thing is the come in two flavors, Lesser Goetia of Lust, and Unchained with that particular Cover.
you're done
5 succ at 7 diff roll to soak bitch
Build that wall and build it strong 'cause we'll be there before too long
Semen demons can be either a Goetia of Lust or a Demon of the God-Machine that has a cover of a loose woman.
He forgets Spirits, Geister, and even Supernal denizens. There are many semen demons.
just wasnt aware of the pictures he was referring too. But yeah hot chicks are always relevant.
Is Suppress Life, at Death 2, *meant* to not have any kind of Withstand roll?
1. Be Death 3 Gnosis 1, like a starting character might be.
2. Use dedicated magical tool as reflexive yantra, whatevs
3. Use your free reach on Sensory Range and Instant. Use another reach (offset by tool) to go to Advanced duration.
You can now turn anyone off at will until you cast something else, as a starting character.
"the subject appears for all intents and purposes as though she is dead"
It's the practice of Veiling man, you only apppear dead, and by which I mean you can still walk, talk, fight and do everything normally, but physically you'll appear dead. Think zombie.
What's more, you're not actually dead, you just appear to be.
So you'll still need to eat, breath, drink and shit as per normal.
Give it a few days for the actual necrotic side effects to kick in on the mask, and you've got a kickass realistic Halloween costume.
To be fair, since it effects other people, it should have a Withstand.
Also, Suppress Other's Life was my waifu spell. Best combat power in 1e, if you had something like Aikido 3 to reflexively Grapple (since most Death spells required that)
So... what cool stuff CAN you do as a starting character with low Death or Prime?
Prime turns you into a lie detector which is nice, but otherwise it doesn't seem like there's a lot in there in terms of "cool stuff I can casually do" unless you need to change your resonance for whatever reason.
A lot of powers that affect other people don't have withstand.
Memory Hole being an exceptionally fun example.
Make people forget what they're talking about in the middle of a sentence. Everyone forgets things, so no Dissonance, no Withstand so easy as hell, and don't go wiggly fingers, so no sleeper induced Paradox.
Blind people, give Ghosts an Open condition, control Shadows, create practically anything out of ephemera (how about a bicylce made of dead people juice)?
Fuck with other people's Magic, copy Grimoires permanently (might take a little Withstand, and a Rote), invisible writing, provide universal Withstand, hide objects/spells/anything from Magical detection, kick some ass socially with Words of Truth or just use it to give your friends Inspired.
Yeah, they're not as good straight off as Fate, Mind, Space, or Time, but I always personally thought of Fate as a supplementary Arcanum until you get to bullshit proficiency.
And Death, well, Death's not about using Death, it's about using a horrifying army of angry Ghosts who you have shackled to your will.
Mudra use has no effect on whether something is Paradoxical, and I'm more willing to assume they forgot than it doesn't have it. There's a reason they get fans to do final editing.
Shadow Sculpting was my favourite power in 1e, and now I can explicitly do what I liked to do: Make shit out of shadows to do other shit. I made a shadow staircase once.
>Shackled to your will
See, that's the kind of thing my Moros would'a taken you down over.
>but I always personally thought of Fate as a supplementary Arcanum
Why not bullshit around Exceptional Luck?
That was uh, supposed to say Prime as a supplementary Arcanum.
>Mudra use has no effect on whether something is Paradoxical
If a Sleeper sees you make some crazy ass gestures, and then someone's car explodes, that's Paradoxical.
If someone's sees you standing there, then a care explodes, it's not.
That's not how Paradox works. I don't even think that's how it worked in oWoD.
So did any of you actually submit anything to Monica? Care to tell us what it was?
Is Exceptional Luck the best single spell for its dot level?
Looks like it's the best spell ever to have as a rote.
There are some situations where a Mundra would take an occurance from odd but not impossible to "obviously magical"
Without a single doubt, yes.
Yes it is.
Let's just go with "yes" and then never mention the spell again.
Some weirdo making gestures right before something happens doesn't make it "obviously magical" unless it was going to be obviously magical in the first place.
In fact, the Magical Traditions merit in 1e was all about making something "obviously magical" LESS paradoxical by being a weirdo making gestures.
what is this
Clever ways to phrase your slut shaming
Or words of praise
>tfw dirty talk/name calling is my fetish
Mine too, but I think if someone called me a semen demon I'd be giggling too hard to get off.
>if someone called me a semen demon
Are you gay or a grill?
I have a player in my group who keeps maintaining that RAW that spell kills people. The argument being "all symptoms of death" includes oxygen deprivation, which destroys the brain.
Literally every argument like this is solved by saying "Supernal laws overrule Fallen physics."
>Literally every argument like this is solved by saying "stop being a fucking dumbass".
I said "it doesn't, and I'm the ST".
Which was the wrong thing to say, apparently, because now he keeps whining about how stupid the authors were.
He does realize that this isn't the final version, right?
I assume so. Haven't dared tell him, just in case the wording isn't cleared up.
>reads through comic
>single panel pages
>chapters end with short animated videos
Reminds me of Homestuck, but with better art and about half of the cancer.
>checks forums
>it's been on hiatus for almost a year due to the author being busy with a Kickstarter
Definitely reminds me of Homestuck.
Can you really be a Semen Demon in that case?
>Implying I'm one or the other
I'm a semen demon.
So, given how we've been talking about how Fate is one of the best Arcana, here's a question for you:
How many dots of Fate would you need to cast a curse on an African-American ghetto to cause a Black Lives Don't Matter riot after a cop guns down some random thug, and would it be a Act of Hubris against Wisdom? Looking at the descriptions of them in the section of the book on Wisdom, I guess it would count at Wisdom 8+, since it catches innocent bystanders in its effects, but what about lower levels? I mean, you're not forcing any particular person to commit any particular act; you're just arranging circumstances so that they're encouraged to act the way you want them to in general.
>Is it an Act of Hubris to cause a riot
/pol/, please go.
Depends how hard you're pushing it.
Doesn't matter because you can use Fate to put Steadfast on yourself and auto-pass degeneration.
All hail 2huFate.
Judging from the precedents the example spells set, Fate 4 (specifically, Strings of Fate) is required for a broad, overarching "name an event, and that event will happen" effect. Even then, only one "push" towards the event will occur per week, unless a Reach is spent to increase the frequency of the "pushes" to once per day.
It will be a difficult casting, however. You will need to spend one Reach to increase the frequency of the "pushes" to once per day, another Reach for Advanced Duration, and yet another Reach for Advanced Scale. Assuming you have Fate 4, that is two Reaches beyond your limit, forcing you to use a Dedicated Tool and spend a large chunk of Mana to avoid Paradox.
Even then, casting will take a single ritual casting interval, and you will have to take a -10 dice penalty to increase the Advanced Scale to "a small neighborhood." A -10 penalty is nothing that Exceptional Luck cannot handle, of course.
If you do succeed, however, you will place Strings of Fate upon the entire "small neighborhood" for a month. Each day during that month, events will set themselves into motion that nudge the neighborhood into inciting the proper riot.
As for whether or not it would be an Act of Hubris, that is up for debate. Many of 1e's Mage books were surprisingly supportive of "rising up against the system," and a host of non-Left-Handed Legacies would support sparking riots to rebel against chains of oppression.
>random thug
I don't think he's trying to create a revolution.
Rabbit Shifters?
>"If they catch you, then they will kill you, but first they must catch you."
>That one autist still gets furious when the mechanics are discussed.
It's Aspel.
Doug just wants to argue because it makes him feel important and valid. Lord knows he doesn't get that anywhere else in life.
We get it, you're a stalker
I like how complaining about obsessive and highly detailed focused dissection is autism now.
Does anyone have the Tal’Mahe’Ra book?
Getting triggered just because of it is autism.
Says the system with huge blocks of text on how flashlights, firearm suppressors, crowbars, nightvision goggles, etc. works.
Says the system that has you track ranges and count ammo.
We might have gotten a quite different CofD if they weren't initially tied to more minor updates thanks to CCP. CofD obviously WANTS to be more narrative-ish.
Huge blocks of text doesn't really mean it's not narrative. I mean, they're not giving hard and fast rules, they're giving paragraphs worth of vague suggestions. It also never talks about ammo counting aside from Autofire rules, which have phrases like "20 or so" bullets. By the way, I think Touhou said the Flashlight rules were a page and a half, but this is what they are:
>Die Bonus +1, Durability 2, Size 1, Structure 3, vailability •
>Effect: In a dark world, a flashlight can be a person’s best friend. It generally does what it’s supposed to; it helps cut a path through the unknown. Its die bonus subtracts from any penalties due to darkness, and adds to any rolls to search in the dark. A good flashlight can serve as a club in a pinch. Also, it can blind an unfortunate subject. A Dexterity + Athletics roll, subtracting an informed opponent’s Defense, will put the beam where it needs to be. The victim’s player may make a contested Stamina roll. If your character scores more successes than the subject, they’re blinded for one turn. Victims with especially acute senses are blinded for two turns.
It's a general write up that gives advice on some off the cuff thing that a Storyteller might have to make up on the fly and that's about it. Pretty much none of the equipment is really all that detailed, mechanically, and most of the write ups concern how characters might use the equipment to further the story. You talk about tracking ranges and ammo count, but those are generally not things that will come up often; they've even started handwaving it to "Range bands" instead of actual ranges. The stats for guns are also general, and a one-size-fits-all that allows people who care about individual stats to have them and people who don't to keep not caring.
Almost everything from the core CofD mechanics feels like every time the ST made a judgement call, they just wrote that down and decided it was the rules.
Can anyone share v20 The Black Hand : A Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra?
>tfw no Giovanni in nWoD to play a Mobster
I have been watching Sopranos lately
Doesn't CofD have the Sangiovanni?
>By the way, I think Touhou said the Flashlight rules were a page and a half
The post you are thinking of is:
"Have a look at page 226 of Mage: The Awakening 2e, for example. The *entire, text-only page* is dedicated to half of the rules for flashlights and the rules for personal computers (apparently, the dice bonus between a low-end and top-end computer is a whopping +3, the difference between a novice programmer and a hacker who can get into government and military systems, as per page 32 of Chronicles of Darkness), smartphones, survival gear, climbing gear, crowbars, firearm suppressors, and gas masks. By all accounts, this game is trying to be strangely simulationist by devoting a whole page to such relatively trivial things."
It is rather damning for an all-text page in a supposedly "narrative" game to be dedicated to half of the rules for flashlights and the rules for personal computers, smartphones, survival gear, climbing gear, crowbars, firearm suppressors, and gas masks.
Even the relatively short block of text for the flashlight is laughably long for such a trivial item.
Certain posters in these threads have a deplorable habit of misremembering arguments so as to subsequently twist and misrepresent others' points.
are they still the Mafia?
if you want, yes.
Are Mekhet though, so....no potence/vigour for you.
The CofD writers are backpedaling like crazy on the ammo/ranges.
physical disciplines are available to all
You don't need to be part of the Mobster Vampires Clan to be a mobster.
You asked that less than an hour ago. If anyone was going to share it, they're less likely to the more you ask.
>Even the relatively short block of text for the flashlight is laughably long for such a trivial item.
Not really. I'll admit it doesn't need to be that long, especially the Computer and smartphone entries, which are basically just "these are what computers are, but you already know that" without even giving the "uh, if it comes up I guess use this roll" style that the Flashlight write up has. It honestly just feels like they *don't* want it to just be a list of stats. Which, I can't really fault them for, since I'll read an equipment write up, but glaze over the weapon charts.
Also, you've stopped obsessively naming your images.
It's not like they were ever strict about it or anything. There were no real rules regarding it other than "here are ammo numbers" and "if you're in this range take this penalty".
nWoD has always been a crunch medium system. It doesn't expect you to use all of it's mechanics (and in many situations outright says not to bother before giving them anyway), even if they're there. Compare this to something like Shadowrun, where if you take out one small thing you need to tweak other things to compensate. Although I'd also expect Shadowrun to not *have* rules for a flashlight despite being a number obsessed system, but maybe I'm selling it short because I think it's a dumb convoluted system. Still, compare how it handles guns (or anything) to how CofD does.
They allways were, just saying that its not as easy to go for the bruiser archetype as before.
>no potence/vigour for you.
I was memeing, anybody who knows about the system knows that everyboy can get the 3 physical disciplines, even if they are out of clan disciplines.
Its just more expensive.
Sorry if you misunderstood that.
Truly ours is the world of darkness
Eh I guess either Ventrue or Gangrel is better for a mobster type character. Perhaps Daeva maybe.
Depends on how you want to play your Mobster I guess.
Ventrue and Gangrel are self explanatory (Capo/enforcer respectfully) a Daeva might represent the hedonistic self destructive kind of mobster. The young and stupid that get swept up in the glory (like Christopher from The Sopranos). Or a Mob wife or Comare.
Mekhet might be harder to swing. Maybe a crooked detective or someone working in politics.
Nosferatu I guess could work in any position really.
Daeva equals JoJo style flashy mobster.
Maybe back in the golden age of the mob but not modern day.
Though I dont know maybe Ralphie is a good example I guess?
Not even a good one, there's not a single person in the world whose name is actually Doug. Doug is a name that does not exist.
I'm pretty sure that agreement that's part of it makes it so you can't say what it is.
>I'm pretty sure that agreement that's part of it makes it so you can't say what it is.
Actually, as far as I can tell there's nothing preventing you from even posting it on the OPP forums or something
But I don't know legalese, and "nothing stopping you" doesn't make it a good idea.