Hey TG, lets say there is a sacred place where
the monks/natives/nuns can't spill copious amount of blood as its holy ground. What weapons do they use to at least minimize blood spill?
Bloodless weapons?
Lets say tech level is pre-renaissance? Iron age.
A pot of molten metal.
Nets? or maybe Poison?
Mancatchers, first they immobilize and if they still have to kill they just strangle the captives.
They just wrestle malcontents into submission.
The most brutal response.
Nets. They drag their enemies outside the holy ground before letting the blood flow.
Verbal harassment.
Mustard gas.
Hey, fuccbois need to know their place.
Horses and rugs.
>Baghdad was sacked on February 10 and the caliph was killed by Hulagu Khan soon afterwards. It is reckoned that the Mongols did not want to shed "royal blood", so they wrapped him in a rug and trampled him to death with their horses.
muh dick
he'll still have bled, he would've just bled into the rugs
I think you fuckers are missing the point entirely.
Garrotes cut through necks bro. There are a lot veins and arteries there.
A sack of oranges.
And this.
Really thirsty vampires
Bar of soap in a towel, you better fuck off now fat boy!
Fire, poison, strangling them with their bare hands.
It's not going to be anything simple like using a mace. If it's a fantasy world though, you could always justify it with magic.
Leonard, if Hartman comes in here and catches us we'll both be in a world of shit!
Depends on the garrote. There are plenty of bloodless ones.
Wrestling priests!
Rope, for a lynching etc.
Asphyxiation in general, actually.
Poison that doesn't make the victim cough blood.
If it was really sacred ground to them, they wouldn't fight there at all.
Bolos, nets, other entangling stuff. No, not the throwing anus.
Poison, like making someone overdose on sedatives. Or some shit like chloroform.
what a shame, I bet those rugs really tied the room together
Special technique where they cover the nose and mouth with their bare hands smothering the person.
Fiery swords that cauterize the wounds they make.
neutron bomb?
flame throwers?
blackjack. It's a leather pouch filled with lead beads, and was used by law enforcement to knock people unconscious.
Maybe they need to fight people who seek to defile the holy ground by spilling blood on it.
A kick right in the privates, then rope.
Drowning, Strangulation are better for this, the silken scarf with a penny wrapped in its middle is a good one as is shoving a huge floppy cock down their throat. But simply grabbing a man and submerging his head in a pond is also a bloodless way to kill someone.
In a fantasy setting, you could probably make some sort of quasi-magical "slime-on-a-rope" where you toss the slime on the end of the rope at someone's head and it clings and chokes them. Alchemists could also make a "slime bomb" that does a similar thing, though only problem is that glass or metal containers might cut the target as the bomb explodes and releases the slime. Maybe some kind of "phlogistonic bomb" that creates a choking cloud could also work.
Whoa there, that's a bit overkill, wouldn't you say?
Just ditch the pot altogether.
You could also use slime-in-a-bottle that hardens into a cement very, very quickly.
I also cooked up what is essentially the opposite of a non-newtonian fluid. It's a solid that, at a relatively low speed(as in slower than a bullet), acts as a liquid.
It just makes throwing it rather tricky business.
>All right guys, we're not allowed to spill blood here so we'll use a blunt weapon.
Giant venus fly traps.
Working off that, any predatory plant writ large could do the trick there. Alternately, animate trees that strangle with their branches and roots may work as well. Could make for a nasty druid grove.
not a mace. thats going to spil lso much blood.
If you've ever had a serious burn, youd know they actually can bleed once the heat ruptures vessels.
Fuck weapons.
They just choke those guys. The Hydraslayer Guardians of Silence keep their votes very seriously. They will just squeeze your neck until you stop making a sound, staring right into you with uncaring eyes.
Those are eutopean monks. Try saying that to a Tibetan monk while he bloodlessly kicks your anonymous ass up and down the temple stair.
>Tibetan monks
user, I advice cutting down Hong Kong movies intake. And D&D
Garrotes. Whips to an extent. Martial arts.
You just can't be serious.
>not using silk and a coin
>using razorwire instead
dammit Du Gaul, this is why you lost indochina!
>What weapons do they use to at least minimize blood spill
>tech level is pre-renaissance
Any weapon that uses force to cause traumatic injury would still potentially spew a lot of blood. So you'd want to suffocate people, either by strangling them or smothering them. A garrote made from coiled cloth would probably do it without cutting the neck and causing bleeding.
I imagine raw blunt force like from a club of some kind might still draw blood from the mouth/teeth or cause internal bleeding.
I think a thick oaken shepard's crook is a good weapon for minimizing blood spill. The hook can be used to trip or disarm an opponent, and beyond that it would function like a normal staff.
Tibetan Monks invented a number of notable martial arts techniques you wouldn't even believe. Learn2Google.
Catholics used to drown baptists in buckets of water. Used to joke about being baptized again.
if he wouldn't believe them what makes you think it would convince him?
/pol/ user here, buddist monks will shoot you... if your muslim
pick two.
fuck i love dwarf fortress so much
You will vomit the bloddy remains of your lung though.
"Not a mace." Are you fucking retarded?
>take a metal weapon
>heat it in a fire so that way it cauterizes whatever cuts it causes
Jedi swords.
>this user doesn't think that maces were bloody weapons
user have you ever seen someone hit in the head with a 3 pound piece of shaped metal?
Do you know why monks don't fight?
They would fight eachother so much that the church banned it because it was cutting into their ecclesiastical duties.
No shit that when you cave someones head that there maybe a little bit of blood. Any weapon will spill blood if you pop a person's skull, fuckwit. If you hit the squishy bits, the victim only bleeds internally, therefore not spilling blood.
Simple, a complicated array of syringes. I don't think it would be that difficult using iron age technology to forge a long hollow tube within a larger hollow tube connecting to a bellows and a jar.
>jab the thing in the side of the guy's neck
>of course some blood would trickle out, but it will be caught by the larger hollow tube sheathing the smaller tube
>the suction from the bellows will draw the blood out through both tubes and pump it into a jar
>take the jar full of blood and put it on the altar of your bloodless god
What the fuck, user?
I was just trying to problem solve.
In my head I thought "How would I like to murder someone without spilling the blood while dressed up as a plauge doctor?" and boom, came up with that answer.
If you wanted to activate functional combat mode, put two bellows under a gentleman's arms, connecting to both their wrist and their hips, kind of like wings. Then, have the soldier wear gauntlets similar to the bloodless murder machine on their hands, but much larger in diameter. Make sure each wing pumps for the opposite side, and have a large container on their back to store all the blood.
Next, in combat, have them ascend from sneaky places, such as ceilings and shadows and whatnot, jab someone with one arm, furiously flap the other arm to drain their blood as quickly as possible, remove your weapon and continue attacking.
Staffs or canes, truncheons and billy clubs, or those Eastern-style clubs that don't have a heavy head but instead have studs along the haft. Mancatchers and lassos and nets.
Basically anything that is going to be used by people who are supposed to act as police or peacekeepers instead of soldiers.
Are you joking or is something seriously fucking wrong with you?
Where could I get a mace like that?
Hot irons/brands. The wounds cauterize instantly, no blood spilled, LOTS of pain.
Alternately, some sort of magical fire sword, or just magical fire. Might leaves lots of soot and burns around the place, but not blood.
Depending on where the monastery is, trapdoors that send intruders flying down slides and out of the building into pitfalls.
Kinda weird how Buddhists are viewed as generally being super peaceful, but then there's this fucking hate boner that they have for Muslims, especially in Burma.
W-why would you think that there's something seriously wrong with me? I like to think I'm pretty normal... I was just trying to solve the murder-people-without-blood problem.
i don't know user, i think their's potential with his idea but a lackluster amount of info, syringes often leave holes and for use in actual combat + draining, it'd be much much harder not to leave a mess.
Needs refinement.
your moms underwear drawer
Step 1: Fake drug stash.
Step 2: "Bad" batch.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: No more heretics!
This is really impractical, but thanks to you, I've turned my Stirges up to 11.
Well, there is only five liters of blood in a human being, assuming you extracted it all. Realistically, with a single flap, assuming your arms are long enough, you could exanguinate an entire human being. I think the span between someone's fully raised arm and their fully lowered arm would be more than enough suction for 5 liters.
If you want the idea refined a little bit more, and somehow even less practical, chop off the arms of the person using them in combat, and replace them with the exact same contraption, except run a hollow tube up through the forearm and have it attach to their backpack over their shoulders. To keep things bloodless as they're puncturing someone, why not have the needle tapered, sort of like an arrow. That way when the needle enters, it creates a large wound, but you could have the "shaft" of the needle super cooled by wrapping a coil of some kind of refrigerant around it. That way the actual puncture mark would look more like a nail gun, in so far as there would be a cooled flat surface with a hole for the needle, and as pressure is applied to the flat surface, springs cause the surface to retract and the needle to extend. The kinetic motion of the air passing over the needle would cool it as it's thrust, and in combination with the air that would naturally come out from the bellows, you could in theory have it cool enough to freeze the upper layer of the wound closed. That way you could stab and withdraw bloodlessly until you're capable of vampiring someone dry.
People who come up with creative solutions are often misunderstood. Don't worry about it.
Actually I like your idea and will probably use it next time I run a game. They'd make excellent debt collectors for an underworld blood bank.
I want to play it so much, but fuck.me there's a lot in it
Make extensive use of the wiki is my advice. I believe /dfg/ has more resources available in the OP.
It's not really weird. Islam is a religion founded on the sword, and has generally expanded via the sword.
It's a hateful, toxic creed that only seeks to destroy. It can't tolerate reformation in its own religion, and destroys moderates of its faith, leaving only the extremists (source: the Saracen invasion of Spain. Not even the Moors, who were Muslim, were spared).
When you have a religion whose leaders are terrorists, whose own holy book calls for the murder of infidels, and details that you're allowed to lie in order to deceive said infidels in your mission to destroy them (up to and including faking a conversion from Islam), and also states that anyone changing things in the religion is altering the word of Allah (as spoken through Muhammad) you have a recipe for disaster.
And that's not even getting into the travesty that is Sharia Law.
Come now, anyone can tell you that no religion is inheriently peaceful, no matter how it's founded. Even Christians and Buddhists have had militant forces and conversion by conquest, despite how they were founded and many of their basic tenants.
And even then, you can't lump all the Muslims together, just like you can't lump all the various sects and local versions of most religions. Zen Buddhism is nothing like Buddhism in India, Puritans are a far cry from Catholics, and the Jewish Diaspora has produced a lot of different variations of faith.
This is after a fight with no weapons. The knuckles are even lightly padded.
If the gods don't want blood in their temple, then they'll have to make sure no one who needs killing gets there. Because if they don't, then they'll just have to accept that there's going to be a bit of a mess until we can bring out the mops.
a mace is sharp jagged peice of metal. it's going to do a lot if tearing and make some pretty ragged wounds that will bleed heavily.
If no one said it yet.
A red cord, used as a garrot.
Constantine anyone? Classic hellblazer?
Magical fire swords that instantly cauterize wounds.
>And even then, you can't lump all the Muslims together
Yes you can.
I really hate this stock response "You can't lump this or that group of people together". I cringe every time.
Poison tipped blow darts.
If they support Sharia Law, won't denounce/defrock religious leaders who are Jihadists, and believe that altering the words of Muhammad is punishable by murder, then yes, yes you can.
A flanged mace is meant to strike sharply into armor, yes. A ball mace, cudgel, or club is simply a crushing tool with no edges. It might split the skin, but it won't cut.
>essentially the opposite of a non-newtonian fluid
So...a normal fluid?
right so clearly you're of the opinion that all Catholics are terrorist pedophiles.
Maces fell under the bloodless weapons clause irl.