>Tfw can't stop buying cats
Tfw can't stop buying cats
nice catfolio
Can related cats breed? Like cat incest?
What is this?
cryptokitties aka how i learned to let go and print money
Store of Kitten.
New world currency, in 2020 we will be paying in cats. Price is decided by cuteness and generations.
What's the cryptokitty discord
>tfw can't buy, sell, or do anything with cats as transactions keep timing out
250k 100 gwei to buy and make sure your gas amount isn't something like 600k when you go for the confirm if you do then just reject and start firefox again (you'll miss gains if you were tying to buy) because ETH network is going slow
raiden when i need my cat transactions INSTANTLY
The proof of Veeky Forums autism
This is probably the best shilling I've ever seen. The devs are fucking geniuses.
>No cats under gen 10
What is this a catfolio for normies?
>thinks generation matters instead of ID
find the newcatter
how does this work can i breed a rare expensive cat from two cheap cats?
What's the point about lying about digital cats? My gen 1 cat is worth more than all your cats combined.
Worthless fucking cats
>generation matters more than ID
>Yfw your an early cat adopoter about to get rich.
It's a ponzi scheme.
>everything I don't make money on is a ponzi scheme
Have fun with your shitcats while I'm sitting on the King of Cats.
Am i gonna make it?
I'm gonna explain to you something son
generation will always be low, nobody breeds casts past gen 20-30.
meanwhile ID will ALWAYS be the same. meaning, one of the first 10,000 cats to exist will always be worth more over time as they were the first. new generation 0s will come on as time goes, and people will still be able to use those 0 and 1s to breed low gens forever. meanwhile ID will always be low.
Why would anybody care what ID is your cat? Why does it give value just because it is older?
what do i set my gas to guys
Cause there are very few things to value these cats over. That's literally it.
Because we're breeding thousands of cats a minute and seeing as this is a cryptocollectible the originals will be worth more a la pokemon or yugiooh or magic the gathering
And this is my first time hearing of it?
i cant buy shit some faggot keep getting it before me.
a day* not minute kek
This is my first introduction to Veeky Forums ideas
I had this, how much is one worth these days?
>purchase for 5 sold for 10
is it worth buying slow cats?
How do I buy cats
I have $20 will I make it?
i had this card as a kid but i lost it years ago and never found it again. i like to think that it was damaged but i doubt it because i never played with the cards, only collected it cause i liked the tv show. why you remind me of this user?
Just put some cats up for insane prices while I go to work.
I dont care if they sell, im cashing out
holy crap for a moment i thought the text at the bottom of the pick said BURN IN OVEN.
This, when this shit crashes only cats with an ID under 100 will be actually worth something.
lol. fun concept but still those cats are pretty boring. they all look exactly the same.
>he thinks this is the end
It's like pokemon, son, they evolve
someone explain. is this just like beanie babies but they don't exist?
Ironically one of the best money makers I’ve had in 7 years of messing with crypto. big boy kek
>Burn in oven
indead that's what those filthy kikes deserve