I always thought that humanity would be a force for good in the universe.
Instead we turned out to be evil and sadistic conquerors.
I always thought that humanity would be a force for good in the universe.
Instead we turned out to be evil and sadistic conquerors.
Nature does not recognize good and evil. Humans have just upped the scale. Lion could kill lots of gazelles, but would not, because he's going to kill one and eat it. He's not smart enough to herd gazelles and make them fat and destroy their natural habitat to make a lion's den. But he totally would.
Think about it like this. Everything in humanity was developed by humanity, whether an oginal idea or copying something that was observed in nature.
So all of the depraved, irredeemable, insufferable actions and ideas are within us all. That is the nature of a human, to survive, off others, in spite of others, to serve only myself.
Do you call parasites "evil and sadistic"? Do you call wolves hunting deer "evil and sadistic"? What about eagles fishing? How about deers eating plants? Its just their nature, our nature. It's the niche we fill in the natural order and the natural order isn't evil or sadistic or good or right, it just "is".
We're not beasts. We're intelligent enough to know right from wrong. That's what separates us from beasts.
We still choose to do wrong.
Except that we have an ability, and therefore an obligation to rise above our nature for the greater good of all. If you refuse to do so, you're basically content to be an animal, and should be treated as such.
not disagreeing with you guys but I think someone could make the argument that you think of humans as no better then animals.
Good and evil are matters of perspective that hold no real purpose or value beyond self-reassurance and satisfaction.
Unless you believe in a deity or divine force, in which case service to that deity or divine force is objectively good. Then kneel to the dragon, and there shall no longer be an "I will".
>it's a HFY wank thread!
Right and wrong are based on morality and are ever shifting. Morality can be taught. There is truly no right or wrong but just who's left.
We are better. We invented tools that let us do what animals do with thousandfold scale and efficiency.
You're saying that people only do good if they're coerced.
This is simply not true. Some people are kind by nature.
There is no right and wrong. These things don't exist. Their social constructs we made to label things we do or don't like as they impact us or our society in ways we do or don't like. Attempting to hold nature or the world to these labels is absurd in the extreme as they simply don't exist in that capacity. A magnetar isn't evil if it wipes out a whole 10 light year radiuses worth of life, it just is.
>I threw a brick through my kitchen window and it broke
>stupid house!
OP's pic offends me on a non-tumblr level.
Right and wrong are objective unless you're a sociopath or an edgy kid.
The only ones left will be the cockroaches.
Not exactly. People will do good so long as their system of values dictate it. But systems of values can only be made by god or divine forces, they don't objectively exist in nature.
Being "kind by nature" typically just means their dragon is a subjective quantity that exists for them alone.
A system that takes just one cunt to ruin is already ruined several time over by the time I finish typing.
It's all doomed because ultimately the only way to stay relevant is to ruin everything for others before they ruin it for you.
Organisms destroy the environment in which they live. The fragility of the human body and mind is our main driving force is destroying the earth a thousand fold.
Is it so? Does this objectivity change every decade then?
Humans aren't better or worse than animals. Simply because neither of those benchmarks actually exist. Again they're self-constructed labels for you to put non-existent values on things to make things easier to understand. We simply are, same goes for the other animals and the universe at large.
A magnetar isn't a sentient being.
We are capable of empathy and a myriad of other emotions. We're not just soulless robots.
Hurricane Katrina.
ITT: no one says anything original and instead vomit up the same dumb arguments they've had about right and wrong a thousand times already, contributing the death of the board's culture.
Right and wrong are objective only as they are defined by people in power. It's not edgy, it's recognizing human nature. Or are you saying China knows what they're doing in the South China Sea is 'wrong' instead of rightly staking their historical claim and defending their sovereignty?
We're not evil, we're animals with the ability to perceive abstracts like "evil".
No one calls trees and foliage evil for converting the atmosphere into oxygen while the rapidly expanding across the globe, killing off several forms of life that thrived before.
Shitposting about shitposting is still shitposting, user.
And in the larger scheme of things do any of those things actually matter beyond self fufillment and personal labeling to make things easier to deal with? If so, prove it. Prove those things have actual tangible meaning beyond the self-created human condition. Prove they're universal constants or even matter wholesale.
Individuals know right from wrong. Unless they're sociopaths.
Slavery, racial segregation, eugenic, ethnic cleansings, homosexuality, laws and customs of war, freedom of speech and consciousness, republicanism.
All this shit changed from right to wrong and back over and over again and is not even in sync across the globe now.
Purge the xenos!
But the eldar have feelings too!
Clearly there's nothing wrong with shitposting or else the mods would stop threads like these.
None of that was ever right. It was just legal.
>ITT: no one says anything original and instead vomit up the same dumb arguments they've had about right and wrong a thousand times already, contributing the death of the board's culture.
He says, doing... something productive somewhere else, I guess.
During hurricane Katrina the whites were scavenging, the blacks were looting.
That's what I mean.
It's a lesson in shifting morality, and perceived prejudice.
Exactly what we are now discussing here.
Especially freedom of speech.
We're not destroying the planet. Literally nothing we do is an issue outside of the fact that it makes it harder for us to live. The planet will be unsuitable for humans before it's unsuitable for life in general.
This is why I hate humanity.
We are monsters.
Worse we're proud of it.
Every other creature will be glad when we're gone.
I don't think they'll notice we're gone. They'll just do what they always do, try and survive the best they can.
Whats so bad about it. I guarantee you if she had a chance she'd kill every one of them without hesitation. They might even let her live afterwards.
If someone points a gun at you and threatens your life they give up any rights to their own in the same action. Similarly so do you when you react to this. Its literally the natural order.
Of course they won't notice. Shit like species dying off happens all the time. Another will fill the gap or they won't and cosmically speaking it doesn't matter in the slightest to the grander turnings.
So rape and torture are okay?
Ever heard of war crimes?
I feel like I'm arguing with 6 year olds.
>That close-up in the bottom left
He must be the only reasonable guy in a party of murderhobos.
And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
Would scarcely know that we were gone.
Of course they're okay. That comes down to morality which is only followed by sapient being and is wholly fluid and therefore unreliable and thats not getting into the fact they straight up don't exist. Natural order dictates the strongest wins and to the winner the spoils. Those spoils can be whatever it wants them to be. Fucking seals rape penguins before eating them sometimes and thats not evil or wrong either.
>those people that post cringey "humanity fuck yeah" when they probably can't even do ten consecutive pullups
I'm going to re-create this diorama except the victim is a guardsman surrounded by horny kroot.
I seriously hope you're trolling user. Otherwise you're a broken man...
>implying we'll let those motherfuckers get the best of us
And don't forget sir, human strength is measured in many different terms. Physical, mental, financial, and all have influence on other humans.
Again it's the weak form of the human being that created this false economy.
Remember the cliche the pen is mightier than the sword? Or the meek shall inherit the earth? Might is right, but might takes many forms.
One of the actually useful things in The Way of Men is his description of different types of strength. He makes points about how they interact with different types of society.
When did Veeky Forums become pussies?
Might is right fags are fedora tippers of the highest caliber.
Fuck you nigger
If right is not enforced by might, what is it good for?
I see you are enmightened by your own intelligence.
This. I usually assume people that actually like the cringe ass HFY shit are obese neckbeards that can only try to desperately take pride in being born as a fucking human despite most humans being shit.
If you can't bench like at bare minimum 200 pounds, can't endurance hunt prey to exhaustion, and don't carry a gun that you're proficient with, you probably shouldn't jerk off to your A-AND DEN DUH HUMANS SHOT THE ALIUMS fantasy.
>inb4 weakling excuses
How much can you bench, bro?
cool, want to lead by example?
Ladies first
I am not trolling and am 100% serious. This is merely how reality works and humans attempting to change reality starting with their perception will not actually change reality as thats physically impossible.
our advantage as a species is we invent tools to obviate our biological weaknesses
Right then, off you go.
Hence the gun, user.
>Veeky Forums
You're joking right?
afraid i need a few lessons in cowardice and treason before I suck a tailpipe for the sake of the trees, good thing there's an ecoretard here to learn from
so come on, practice what you preach
The fuck do you think thing would be like if wasps were in charge nigga?
>I always thought that humanity would be a force for good in the universe.
And now you're all grown up.
Edgy brag.
Hope your mother gets raped and murdered. After all if she's too weak to prevent it then she deserves it.
Might makes right!
Come on user, if his mother gets murdered where will he live?
Might does make right. Thats how nations like america remain at the top of global relevance and economy.
So if his mother bites off your cock then jams it up your pooper, she's in the right?
Except America's on the way out. Have you been living under a rock? Might fluctuates. Right is constant.
>all these fucktards acting like right and wrong aren't just things that humans made up
Life isn't a game of D&D, dipshits.
thankfully this is soon to change, Sanders got rekt and his supporters are preparing their asses for America being made great again
Nah a woman is never right.
Statistically speaking, majority of people who ever lived and will live probably do not agree with your idea of what Right is.
>Except America's on the way out.
Are you being paid well Ivan? Or Zhang?
>America's on the way out.
>Russia, fundies and radical islamists on the way in.
Yeah, right is really constant here.
All these edgy teens acting like rape and torture can be justified.
He'll never be elected. Hillary will. Deep down you know this.
>If you can't bench like at bare minimum 200 pounds, can't endurance hunt prey to exhaustion, and don't carry a gun that you're proficient with, you probably shouldn't jerk off to your A-AND DEN DUH HUMANS SHOT THE ALIUMS fantasy.
You've got no business doing that even in that case, because you're being proud about shit that never happened. It's even worse than being proud about shit that did happen but you had no part in, and that's already fucking stupid as fuck.
How does a 375 deadlift and a 410 squat sound?
185 bench though.......
So the majority of people are fine with rape and torture? How's life in Syria brah?
Islamists have lost dipshit. Russia is a shithole.
>acknowledging that right and wrong are made up justifies rape and torture!
You just can't handle the truth, can you?
>All these edgy teens acting like rape and torture can be justified.
They can be justified, very easily. Rape the women of your enemies to propagate your ethnic bloodlines and destroy their morale. Torture your enemies and send them back to clog up their medical care and destroy their morale.
So ISIS are justified according to you?
Martial rape was only really recognized as a thing recently. Most of history forcing your wife to have sex with you was perfectly normal because you own her sexuality.
And I don't think I even need to start on punitive torture. How recently people decided that just killing criminals is enough and making them suffer is excessive?
I'll just answer for him
>But that's wrong! U R 2EDGY4ME!111
Give it up anons, he literally cannot comprehend the transience of morality.
Lol, if you think a 200 bench press or being able to do the basic human tactic of endurance hunting is impressive enough to make up on the internet for some kind of anonymous bragging that can't be attributed to anyone by virtue of being anonymous, you're pretty sad.
Honestly I'm kind of being an ass. That's not bad dude and already better than most people. I hope you keep working on it.
I kinda like HFY threads what made people hate them all of a sudden?
You're missing the point. I'm not talking about torturing a criminal. I'm talking about torturing and raping your sister or your mother for my amusement. I mean if might makes right and me and my mates are stronger than them then we're perfectly justified.
we may be the ultimate force of evil that ever slicked its way out of the primordial ooze doesnt mean we dont have the best teeth in the mother fucking game.
>all of a sudden
Where have you been for the last 5 years?
I guess they just got too masturbatory.
Epic thread here.
It may relate to this discussion?
I didn't say I thought they should do it, or that that was acceptable by either those to whom it happens or the general population (or me), I'm just saying: it's justifiable. Just because it is doesn't it's a good thing that it happens, I certainly wouldn't say that.
It's not even about morality, it's about the simple fact, that yes, mass torture/rape has consequences.
I wasn't talking about whatever physical prowess you think makes it acceptable being proud about shit, I was talking that there is no point in being proud in shit that either didn't happen or that you had no part in (the former being a special case of the latter).
Morality being transient doesn't justify immoral acts.
Similar things have been done.
What is moral does not need justification.