MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - Friday Morning Edition

Cool, thank you very much. I'm glad you post here.

I hope you have a wonderful day, I'm off to my FLGS to purchase some eternal masters packs and register for the eternal masters draft. Take'r easy!

I'm glad you find the threads helpful! Enjoy your draft.

If I go first and play turn 1:

> swamp
> dark rit
> entomb
> exhume
> Griselbrand into play
What are the chances that my opponent scoops if they don't have a Force of Will in their opening hand?


Ahh, a countdown joke. Nice. But, if it's in play, shit all you can really do about it since I can keep drawing.

Policy question: at FNM, what should I do if I have a player with (unintentionally) marked sleeves? From what I can tell, the options are
1) allow the match to continue (seems bad for obvious reasons)
2) require them to re-sleeve in the middle of the match (takes time)
3) give a game loss and then go to #2 (I dislike giving a GL at regular)
It's never actually come up, not sure if it will, but it puzzles me a little. And since I made L1 a couple weeks ago, I figure I should make some effort to find out.

Yeah, best option is having a turn one Swords, but even then you can dump 7 life into drawing deep and try to keep the shit going.

If the sleeves are marked, there is not a pattern that they could derive some advantage from, and you believe it to be unintentional, you pretty much let the game finish up and then take them aside and ask them to resleeve.

You should not be giving GLs at Regular unless it's someone doing the same thing wrong over and over at the same event, period. And disrupting the match for the re-sleeve (even between games) is not ideal if it's minor marking, especially at FNM. Just let him wrap up his match and then ask him to resleeve.

What if it is a pattern, though? Like, sleeves are not fully opaque, DFCs in deck without using checklists. Let's say it's a kid that doesn't know any better. I'm not really worried about some random dirt or smudges.

>You should not be giving GLs at Regular
Yeah, I know. That's why it seemed a little tough to fix to me.

>turn one Swords
I mean, Karakas is probably better since it's uncounterable, but you're also probably not winning after the Reanimator player draws 14 cards on turn one.

If there's a pattern (like all his lands are foil, and a little bent) or something that he could take advantage of if he noticed it (like the DFCs) and you honestly believe it wasn't intentional, you should probably wait until he finishes a game before stepping in to correct it.

Is it sad or funny that it's not difficult for a good Reanimator deck to do this turn 1?