>Chad bitcoin investors become billionaires.
It's not fair. They even beat us at our own game.
>Chad bitcoin investors become billionaires.
It's not fair. They even beat us at our own game.
Other urls found in this thread:
It was definitely their game before it was yours
>that jacket
not gonna make it
>such a chad you can wear stupid looking shit and still get laid
Do you think these guys have sex with each other? They look narcissistic enough to want to fuck themselves, literally
pretty sure they can get laid regardless looking like that and studied at Harvard
A true Chad wouldn’t be born a twin. Two betas does not a Chad make.
They pretty much proved they are smarter than Zuckerberg and he should have been the spoiled retard in the movie
quick rundown, pls
>t. envious poor virgin
jewberg is a code monkey
these 2 are the idea guys
hahahahha. you fags thought you'd be the alpha males after you got richer than anyone else, but some of us chads knew what was up even if we don't read whitepapers. chads cannot be stopped. your women may be with you because you're rich, but they will never beg to be fucked into oblivion by you
Is that the bogdanoff twins?
>the virgin spoonfeed request vs. the chad lurk
kek no, it's the genetically modified Göring twins, an experiment by dr. Mendelev from 1984
no, the bogandoffs are the original winklevii from the future
When this song came out:
All you had to do was scoop up some cheap Bitcoins and it would have come true.
What a crazy world we live in fellas.
they didn't come up with the idea of social networks, neither with the idea of Bitcoin. They were smart enough though to understand they would become valuable and capitalize on it. Zuckerberg only had the luck of running into them and enough kike morality to fuck them over
>thing i dislike vs thing i like
that hurts so bad, I don't even know why
fuuck dude...
oh well, still on track for 8 figures if the 5 year BTC plan works out
this guy internets
There will be more opportunities to come.
5 year BCH plan*
best to keep both just in case though
i've heard them speak and they clearly don't understand the basics of bitcoin either. sad