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Codex mandated bingo - edition

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First for Lorgar

Let's start this general off with some bingo! Today's free tile is: CHINAMAN

More rumours schmumours.

4th for memeseed

>That #YearofTzeentch
God i wish

well last year was the Year of Khorne, with all the new AOS stuff.
And several rumourmongers did say that tzeentch was getting stuff next, which is proving to be true with the silver tower, at least, so why not?

Fantastic, that should be a (kinda) economical way to bring my forces onboard. Can you mix Chaos Marines and Cultists? I noticed that they have separate lists.

Yes, you can have "Cultist Squads" in Chaos kill teams, which consist of 5 cultists for 20 points a squad. This usually isn't a very good way of spending your points though, since you're limited to only 20 core models, and 20 cultists would be 80 points.

So whats with the ad mech greentext?

It's literally any mention or use of the word "Admech". It's an old meme that hasn't been replaced yet.

Which reminds me, there's two tiles remaining that need new shit to put on them, so I need suggestions. The two tiles to be replaced are, ">Admech", and "Mathhammer doesn't tell you how units actually perform"

Again, fantastic. My friends recently expressed interest in doing something 40k, but none of them have the time/interest for playing the full game (or the money or time to assemble an army). This'll be a good way to get back into things.

It also gives me an excuse to buy a little of everything. I was fucking astonished by the Skitarii figures when I first saw them.

It could also mean combined admech codex when?

Ooh, ooh, I can fill a Bingo square.
>Admech shouldn't get a new codex before sisters because we've been waiting longer
What fun!

It seems mad to me that there's two different codecies for them. Why did that come about?

I feel like one of them should be "chaos is fine, just use daemons, LOW and no CSM units".

To sell double the books

So games workshop can get away with splitting a codex in half, and forcing people to buy both in order to have a coherent army.

GW didn't want to put out eight plastic kits in the same week.

thanks to various outside circumstances, they've stopped putting out rules without miniatures accompanying them

Ah, yeah, that does sound like the GW I remember from years past.


Because gay whoreshit

I want a daemon Fulgrim mini like the next guy, but I really hate the idea of having Primarchs in 40k.

Seems to me like the lazy way to go on with the story.

>30k is popular
>GW is doing a shitload of demon releases
>main studio handles demon primarchs while FW focuses on the not demon ones
It's boring, but that's part of why it's not that unbelievable a rumor.

I've no interest in primarchs, though. Give me deathwatch, baby.

>so why not?

Games Workshop and Forge World have always had huge boners for Khorne and Nurgle.

I play mono-Tzeentch and don't want to get my hopes up.

I still kinda resent the Horus Heresy blowing up and taking focus away from 40k. I guess it needed to happen, since 40k can't really go many places on a grand narrative scale, but I always preferred that the origin story was a time of legends and vague accounts.

I feel almost the same.
I don't dislike 30k because it's a prequel. We know what happened.

But in 40k i like how certain doom is upon anyone, and Primarchs are really the only variable but have yet to make the first move.

Bringing the Primarchs back is going from Grimdark to a standard Fantasy, with Gods clashing each others for the sake of selling minis.

Which book are you supposed to use to represent Elysians? How about Harakoni? I'm assuming Scions for the latter.

If 30k allows certain xenos like orks, eldar and any other very old races Id be fine with it.
I just want to WAAAGH damnit

>daemon primarch Lorgar:
>plastic greater daemons
In a couple of years maybe

But fear not, there will be more speeeeeeeeeeez marine special characters

>Primarchs are really the only variable but have yet to make the first move.

Well Angron did make a move and got assfucked by GK, so unless they retcon this he will not appear in current 40k. Magnus seems to be the only other one interested in doing anything, the others seem fine to just sit around.

2nd edition Imperial Armour 3 has generic elysians.
2nd edition Imperial Armour 4 has the d-99 regiment

Well now it's like a mystery novel where the mystery and intrigue is being peeled back and it's not as good as we thought it would be but we keep going because now we just want to see how it ends.

>Thousand Sons confirmed
I probably won't be buying any since I already have 2 squads but I'm eager to see the new boxes. Plus the book's practically guaranteed to have 3-4 Thousand Sons specific formations so I'm pretty excited.

The new codex will ultimately decide if I'll take my CSM seriously or leave them for when I want to play something superfriendly.

Thank you, based user.

It's been eight months since the last codex.

What's GW up to?

Wargear is largely a result of playing around with the Space Marine Painter but I'm thinking of calling these guys Dusk Wardens.

Basically a fleet based Raven Guard successor who specializes in two-pronged attacks, an alpha strike to the leadership of the opposing force followed immediately by hitting the main army afterwards.

Board games, AoS, expansions (like the Fenris stuff that gave us back Wulfen, and Angels of Death).

Board games is a separate team (praise be to Rountree).

>the others seem fine to just sit around.
Angron and Mortarion have both lead 2 campaigns after the Heresy, one which almost lead to a considerable civil war. Lorgar is still an active leader of his legion and has his hand the battles they wage

Yeah, but it's the same modeling team for both meaning they have less time for main army releases, hence campaign books with mini-releases instead of full book updates.

Lorgar is written as a sulking sop who may or may not know he's actually fiction at this point.

>Lorgar is still an active leader of his legion
Source? I just finished the Word Bearers omnibus, and they complain about Lorgar fucking off into his temple and not doing anything.

user's source is their own ass it seems. I've never seen any real fluff that Lorgar is doing much of anything post Heresy.

Don't forget Pert helping out with a Black Crusade.
Apparently he's taught Lord Abigail Topknot some new daemon summoning rituals.

Doesn't mean he's really active, he probably just handed ol-Armless a copy of "Daemon Summoning for the Complete Moron" and buggered off.

Fingers crossed this doesn't suck.

He's the "active leader" in that the Dark Council/Erebus/Kor Phaeron (The actual leaders, atm) all act in his name and all the various grand companies answer to them, and Lorgar through them. Lorgar Could reappear and take command of the Legion again, but he hasn't, so the Dark Council rules instead.

Yo people, if I want to use penal legionnaires for an ig force, should I just reference/make use of the 5th ed. codex for rules and points or use a fan-made one off dakkadakka?

Can't be arsed having to do a platoon command squad to field them as normal infantry, and they look nothing like vets since I've give the scum of humanity autoguns. Anyway, I think penal legions are still canon because of regiments like the Savlar chem dogs; and also because they've been featured in books like imperial armour 1.

>Get you Space Marineā„¢ and xenos armies ready!

Roughly translates to

>Main characters get to kill some NPCs!

Acting in his name is not the same thing as him doing things. Most of the Imperium acts in the Emperor's name, but we all know he isn't actually doing shit to lead them.

You know it to be true. What are the chances of it being IG/SoB/Ordo Xenos Inquisitor and retinue vs aliens respectively? SoBs are of course .5%.

because we haven't seen that already?
totally original gw, g fuckin g

Its actually 0%, cant you read? Space marines and xenos only

ffs why don't they write more on pdf forces?

If it's not broken don't fix it I guess.
I didn't see that part.

>local GW store

People have those?


It's Steve.

i do, i live out in the suburbs so there's been a gw within 10 miles or 20 mins for the past decade. oh and near Houston there are at least 5 lgs and 2 other GWs

It's Urist.



There's only three in my entire state, two of them are basically right next to each other and about four hours away from the third.

Alpharius said so

>People have those?
I am ~45 minutes from 3 GWs and still go to an FLGS.

Nvm look like one is permanently closed now so its down to two.

Going to need to narrow that down a bit since I'm Alpharius and don't remember saying it.

His name is Emperor, formerly Conan the Cimmerian. He was so great of a person, that his name literally became the very word for supreme ruler.

It makes sense when you think of the Imperium as a Dorf Fort.

I never got into Dorf Fort all that much.

Probably because there were no models to build and paint.

So Emps was canonically the barbarian in Heroquest?

Man, heroquest was great.
>Remember kids, if you're going to be a beardy nerd, don't do things by halves.

>only SoB player at local store
>3 guys with marines
>1 guard player
>everyone else is tau, or necrons
Time to literally never beat anyone playing in this campaign

not with the current codex thank you.

welp reposting from ded thread.

Got a local doubles tournament coming up, 2k points per side, There's quite a few tryhard/waacfags coming so my usual 'fun' list wont even be fun so I figured I should put a disgusting list together too but idk where to start, this is what my initial draft up of 1k points looks like. my ally is csm


5 wraithguard
wave serpent / twin linked shuri cannons

5 rangers

3 windriders with scatterlasers

Crimson hunter
pulse laser/two bright lance

Vyper shuri cannon

Vyper shuri cannon

two heavy wraithcannons

Bad =/= Unplayable

Look at the ground between Conan's left foot and the wizard. There is ONE tile between them. He is about three times the size of everyone in that room.

I know that feeling!

Beating Marines is about the only thing Sisters are good at. Kinda funny that the militant arm of the Ordo Hereticus would be good at killing Marines. Anyways, play objectives over playing your opponent's Army and try to not get tabled.

- A fellow Sister's player

Don't play sisters of battle as sisters of battle, play them as Discount Space Marines. Spam the everloving shit out of AP2 and melta, and table people like you should. Alternatively, just use the Space Marines codex with your sisters models if you really want an advantage.

> Captcha

Will this be a return to the summer campaigns that become canonized?

GW is weird in general

they swap store owners/clerks if they don't sell enough then drop that lot for a cheaper lot across town. also houston is huge and i think one of the stores does qualifiers for some of the big tournaments

I think current codex Orks would probably be okay in 30k.

Explains why he's so HUGE.

the emperor was also a fashion model

He was a lot of things.

To include that loli girl you beat off to you disgusting pervert.

dang, ya caught me; i'm actually a keeper of secrets

I fucking knew it.

user, I've gotten a picture of a spess marheen mini, worms, Riptide Street, Akbar Road, and snakes to name a few things Captcha has thought to give us.

I had two sets of Heroquest and I gave both of those away. To this day I have no idea what was I thinking back then...

Yep, Tau and Necrons are the real hard counters so they're challenging too.
The lack of OS on necrons is nice for us, but every transport getting popped the moment you go for objectives isn't!
I do that, my 1500 list (Standard at UK GW shops) is
2x (BSSx5, HF/F, Immo TLMM)
3x (Domx5, 4xMG, VSS, Combi-Melta, Repressor)
or something like that. The issue is that necrons and tau are both very good at making sure I can't do anything useful with doms (Lack of big transports, MC's over vehicles), and the backline exorcists can get battered (Scarabs, DS crisis suits)


Someone's getting decimated for this.



Hit me up with some of that orange and silver flak armor.

I don't get why this symbol of workplace safety took off in 40k. I mean okay, it's one thing if you turn it into a symbol of the Iron Warriors but I've seen people paint the hazard stripes on space marine powerfists, bolters, wires, IG vehicles thats when it starts getting stupid... baka senpai

>Summer campaign


Because it's funny to hit someone with a chainsword that is covered in hazard stripes?

That or the average Guardsman is so stupid he needs to be reminded that the weapon is dangerous.

Also hazard stripes on power fists are pretty retro.

Despite memes like "Land Raiders are Dark Age of Technology tractors" not being true, there is a lot of military tech in the Imperium with industrial or farming roots. The Imperial Knight codex says its battle cannon and chain sword are as much for mining and logging as they are for defense.

I think they mean "military campaign" not "gaming campaign".

The "Suffer not the Alien to Live" looks more likely to be a campaign than the flak vest picture.