Some of you Cowboys

Some of you Cowboys
are alright, dont go to the Saloon tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread: & Eights.pdf)

Oh look, another shitposting thread with zero fucking relevance to Veeky Forums. Great job OP, we really needed you to shitpost that meme for us.

Thanks pard'ner.

Get fucked, four eyes.

Made this token for a game I'll be playing this sunday online.

>Can't let you do that, cowboy.

but that's where i live


>Those triple-spurs.
Why do you hate your horse?

What time?

"Konnichiwa, pardner."

>implying that man isn't a horse thieving bastard

>Implying that man has ever sat on a horse and isn't a cowpoke cowboy.




Then I guess we gotta problem ta solve huh?

My Negro


Is that supposed to be The Kid all grown up?

"ya dun goofed"


Lets Dance!

Such a fun game, shame it probably never getting a sequel.

hey girls... ummm... did you know that
is hOI noon??

unrelated: whats the best ruleset for Western-style shootouts?

If I want to run a cowboy in D&D 5e (In style, not with a gun) should I do a Crossbow Expert/Sharpshooter Swashbuckler for maximum hand crossbow tricks or a Dex based Vengeance Paladin for maximum justice dispensing?

>not posting Mountain Tim

That jaw and brow make him look like a green Hellboy.

If I recall the thread I stole that picture from, it was drawn over him.

Get three coffins ready.

He's literally got Hellboy's hand there.

So he does! I din't even notice, it just kind of looked like a big glove at first glance.

Either Aces & Eights ( & Eights.pdf) if you want something simulationist, or the attached PDF if you want something simple, fast-rolling, and cinematic. Give me a minute, and I'll post the short quick-draw gunfight module I wrote up.

Here's the quick-draw gunfight module. Have fun, pardner.

the kid keeps resetting the world, and going through the same disaster again.

Thread theme tune, obviously:

>Has the power to make a gun invisible to normal people appear in his hand.
>Can control bullets with his mind
>Still manages to shoot himself twice
>No one Hol Horse has ever shot has died from it.

Why is he such a shitty character?

Plot demands it,
Actually he was meant to replace Avdol