I think the tau are compensating for something. This is ridiculous.
I think the tau are compensating for something. This is ridiculous
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1 WS = 2 inches
>This is ridiculous
It's 40k. The entire point of the setting is an excuse to release your inner man-child.
Little known fact. WS stands for wiener skill. Close combat is actually a dick waving contest with the looser keeling over in embarassment
At least post the right Ta'unar.
The whole setting has so many phallic symbols Freud would get a boner from it.
There isn't a square inch of it without oversized powerful killing objects and other male fantasies. It's no coincidence space marines are so popular among the factions.
That actually looks kind of cool, the one on OP's right looks like an armless biped with a fat gun for no reason. Either way the Tau need these kinds of things to fight Imperial knights and titans.
Siggy confirmed for best-endowed Astartes
Are you implying woken don't fantasize about killing shit and giant oversized . . . guns?
Because we know very different women if that's the case.
smaller than imperial assassins
who are smaller than lelith
who is smaller than bloodthirsters
But are those guys Independent, Eternal and Fearless? Didn't think so.
Yes, they're compensating for their lack of titans. That's literally what those weapons and huge suits are meant to do.
Wait, is the 600 point Ta'unar really smaller than the 300 point Stormsurge? That's fucked up. It completely invalidates the entire IG strategy.
>implying the big model power creep isn't made exclusively to make you spend a month of wages into a single mini.
I could release my inner man-child with XV-8 well enough, thank you.
Doesn't Lelith WS jumps to 10 when she's the warlord, though?
>a month of wages
>for a single model
Even their most ridiculously expensive model, the Warlord Titan, which is multiple times more expensive than any other model, is less than a month's wages at minimum wage.
Isn't the Tau Manta still their most expensive figure?
called hyperbole, autismo
Not when you add in the head and weapons for the Warlord. It's more expensive than just the body though.
4-1/3 weeks at 40 hours a week and $10 an hour is $1733.33
Warlord Titan with shoulder lasers and claws costs 1260 GBP = $1795.08
>minimum wage is $10 everywhere
Nope. Concerns about the phallus being a prime concern for both male and female was one of the reasons Freud got flak from feminists.
And thanatos is genderless.
But males still are much more neurotic about dicks and sizes, either in concrete or abstract terms.
And the part about space marines was that their anatomy is a male ideal.
Congratulations, you live in Seattle. Am I supposed to suck your cock now or something?
So if even the poorest of the poor can get a warlord titan in under 2 months what does that say about all the whiny babies complaining how GW shit is too expensive?
Kinda funny given that back when Epic was a thin, tau were stated (and listed in game) as having no titan types to defy the anime stereotype and use what they thought was more practical: Huge flying gunships.
The warlord titan fully equipped can cost as high as 1 795$. That's more expensive than the minimum monthly wage in several first-world countries.
>not having multiple jobs if you're at minimum wage
get gud
its like you dont even into destitution and single motherhood
But they're over the top, though. Sometimes people can be turned off by the sheer unrealisticness of Space Marines, in how they're eight feet tall and super-muscled and fluffwise can take a billion shots before dying and end a war all by themselves. Something a bit more down to earth, like stormtroopers or guardsmen, might be a more realistic male ideal.
>Superman is TOO super powered!
Only obnoxious critics say shit like this. And even they admit Superman's powers don't get in the way if you write his stories well. The problem isn't marines, it's GW's writing.
Each one with his tastes. Being all that fits in with some teenager thinking of taking risks and ignoring its own mortality.
But yeah, no fluffer in WH40K ever considered moderation (or writing skill).
I'm pretty sure that's just the image.
Yes, and?
That magically makes the Warlord less expensive than the monthly minimum wage?
You're implying you can only make a set amount of wages per month at minimum wage when 1) you can work well above the amount of hours you're trying to set and 2) the minimum wage isn't even a constant.
And even IF you set it to only one full time job and a relatively low minimum wage you STILL nearly afford the Warlord. So why not take a look at the original retarded claim which is "monthS of wageS".
It says you're retarded
Yes actually
>monthS of wageS
>a month of wages
Is it now?
Firstly I agree it is an insane price. But your assertion is meaningless.
If one is merely making minimum wage then they should obviously not participate in such expensive hobbies.
I make 4 times the minimum wage and I only buy old used GW miniatures primarily WFB figs for my painting and RPG gaming pleasure.
They build a titan, and it still can't even fight in melee.
How dishonorable.
>Doesn't Lelith WS jumps to 10 when she's the warlord, though?
fake length
The Stormsurge is actually good at melee.
Which is stupid because it doesn't even have arms.
You'd think with this level of autistic attention to detail you'd be able to land a job that pays more than $1700 a month.
>This is ridiculous.
Do Tau have anything with the same capabalities as a Gundam?
I mean like, being able to dogfight in the air or fly in space and orbital reentry and whatnot.
Their XV8 and 9 suits are mini gundams.
>If one is merely making minimum wage then they should obviously not participate in such expensive hobbies.
Even still, it's entirely possible to participate (even buying a full retail price, which you really honestly should be doing unless you just magically come across a great deal, because of the "you get what you pay for" problem) with proper budgeting. Setting aside 30-50 a paycheck exclusively for this hobby is usually more than adequate to be able to buy a steady steam of models while also being able to save up for big ones over a reasonable period of time.
If I can't spend my paycheck on the toys I want WHY EVEN BOTHER WORKING! FUCK THIS GAY EARTH
>the well endowed eagle of derision casts its gaze in your direction
But that's assuming you do nothing aside from buying models. And even not accounting for other hobbies, paying rent and eating is important.
i never really understood that honestly
there's like a shit ton of other killy shooty badass armies you could pick from and you picked the fucking "humans in power armor?" vomit
>Make a claim that's patently false and as easy to disprove as just scrolling up and clicking twice
>Get rekt
Fuck off.
Holy shit, i didnt even realise my necron warriors had genetalia, and here it turns out they had 8 inches all along
>one of the reasons Freud got flak from feminists.
like feminists need a reason to give flak, they are figuratively on the rag 24/7
>Either way the Tau need these kinds of things to fight Imperial knights and titans.
No. They don't. The Riptide was already plenty large enough for the role of fighting Imperial Knights. For everything else, they should just be using their titan-killing aircraft or mounting this giant railgun onto a stationary bunker or a tank.
You don't need giant robots to fight giant robots if you aren't even gonna bother with melee.
>>Make a claim that's patently false and as easy to disprove as just scrolling up and clicking twice
You mean saying the Taunar or Stormsurge costs an entire month of wages?
It does cost as much as a month's wages working full time at minimum wage, though.
The claim I was referring to, though, is that this argument started because someone said a Warlord costs as much as multiple months worth of wages, when that's not what he said and it takes all of two seconds to verify that.
No. (thank god!)
It's how they sell expensive plastic to taubois :^)
They just gotta win, gotta win at all costs
More options to dealing with threats are always welcomed. Redundancy is a virtue. In any case,
This. I kind of liked that the Tau's solution to oversized walking targets was the correct one (that is, blow it up with aircraft), rather than to build their own walking targets.
But GW is a modelling company, and giant robots are more fun to build than aircraft, sooooo....
That was the short term solutions.
Considering the Imperium is not without pilots of it's own.
The solution to an over engineered weapon is to build your own, I mean the mundane thing works once or twice before those guys get mad that you're breaking their toys and dig out their boring pieces to fuck yours up so they can switch back.
If they could beat you without their oversized walking targets, they would have. If they could shut down your air superiority, they'd do that too, whether or not you're using your air superiority to blow up their oversized targets.
Building more and better tanks and aircraft will actually win fights. The Imperium *sort of* gets away with in on the excuse that their wunderwaffes are all Super Sekrit Lost Technology that they can't really build anymore, so they might as well use them, but the Tau have no such excuse.
Remember, it's not about having the best tank, it's about having tanks, even if they're all this one.
The Ta'unar's fluff works because it was built by an insane scientist who's part of a sept that's become accustomed to siege warfare.
This is the guy that built the riptide variants
oh wait that doesn't have any of the fluff.
Every crisis suit is able to operate in a vacuum and deepstrike.
Coldstar and Yvarha also are both able to act as limited FMC.
And the Hazard close combat suits. Man, I hope we get one with suit-grade breacher weapons.
Yes, they do. In fact, I remember that, according to the fluff, Imperium's ships can't detect Coldstar suits.
The only way to win the war of dakka was to have more dakka. I think it's fair to say they learned.
Shit is fucking ridiculous though. Even imperial knights and titans are less top-heavy than these overpriced pieces of shit. It should be a giant tank or have six legs or something, there is no benefit to having a bipedal hill of fuck you when you could have a more mobile form of fuck you with wheels.
I assume that Supremacy are only deployed at Coalition level, right?
Personally, I think their weaponry should have the same range as IG's Basilisk and other weapons.
>Tau vehicle
Gue'la pls
>hover railgun baneblades when
yeah okay
I like to think that the weapon's primary function is to blow up spaceships in orbit.
>"The ankles appear to be the weakest link."
Gue'la pls I'm trying to shoot down ships.
A real pity they didn't use the superheavy walker, felt like that would be something the Tau would use and aptly call "Kraken"
>Kharn is WS 8 in challenges
>FW special character rules allow for a WS 9 champion or praetor in challenges on the charge
>The solution to an over engineered weapon is to build your own
No, the solution to an over engineered weapon is to spam cheap easy to build weapons.
>requires full backing of Khorne and literally the highest mortal rank to beat Sigismund's WS
>by 1 point
It's big but smaller than I expected. I thought those things were like a mile tall.
Honestly I feel like it would be easier to make Imperial battleships that could enter the atmosphere.
Railguns make me moist.
>Full backing of Khorne
WS 7 really isn't special. Any World Eaters praetor or champion is WS 7 in a challenge and there is also Kharn and Sevatar who match Sigismund in WS with Sevatar being a better fighter than Dorn in the fluff.
they gotta save something for when the moniker 'miniature game' no longer applies because all the viable fielded models are at least a foot tall.
They've got some large flyers like Thunderhawks and Stormbirds but the actual battleships are super huge. Their models would probably be several tables long.
>can't even hit on 2's against WS1
To fight Monsters, you need to create monsters of your own.
It almost looks like they got lost on the way to the Battletech universe.
Look between the legs.
They've got a dick guard.
Well, now I'm scared about St Celestine's WS 7.
Obviously it's there to protect the sensitive servos that drive the legs! A hit there could immobilize the entire suit, so it's natural that they'd want to protect it, rather than out of an irrational desire to protect non-existent genitalia.
God I really hate these ugly ass models. I thought Tau were meant to be somewhat practical, why could they not put these weapons on a devilfish chassis, or just make a heavier skimmer if they weren't big enough?
And don't give me that shit about walkers being all terrain or having better elevation, skimmers literally don't give two fucks about terrain and can hover as high as they want. Any suit bigger than a broadside makes literally no sense for the Tau, the Riptide was already pushing the stupidity boundry.
Because that defeats the purpose of these new models, which is to sell giant robots that are popular?
They already had giant guns on skimmers and flyers. They were obviously not selling well enough. It's also why the Imperial superheavies went from tons of tanks to tons of knights.
Some 19 year old has just disabled either the hip joint, or the exposed leg hydraulic with pic related; what now?
I get that part of the appeal 40k is about massive impractical war machines, but you could build dozens of far more effective attack helicopters for a fraction of what that thing cost in engineering, labor, and resources.
In lore those titans would engage from very far away, definitely out of range of a man portable missile launcher.
But they are practical, in 40k.
Why do you want to make it not 40k?
And you'd need a lot more than that.
>I get that part of the appeal 40k is about massive impractical war machines
...but you had to keep going...
>effective range 2500m
>maximum range 4750m
Fourth and fifth generation fighter jets have missiles with ranges in the hundreds of kilometers.
Variants of pic related can hit a meter size target at 2500km.
How far out of combat are we talking here?
How many do you have?
Titans have void shields too you know, several.