Game Finder Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Savage Worlds
Sunday, June 19 2016, US Central
Looking for one more player to join. You'll be one of four children who's parents have been turned to stone.
People are never gonna find this thread.
The picture is too iconic, and the words 'game' and 'finder' are used in every other thread, so searching is impossible, so most people rely on visual scanning of the catalog.
>so searching is impossible.
I miss the Lonely Neckbeard Foundation picture honestly.
This thing?
I guess this thread would work. I am moving to Tampa, Fl in like a week and I need to find a new lgs for x wing primarilly. Is there anyone in the area who knows any good stores?
Eh it's funny. I guess we can toss it into the rotation along with the others.
Re-listing from previous thread
Players plural actually, posting for two
Shadowrun 5e, D&D 5e
Lots of experience with Skype & Discord, willing to learn any other required program to play
>Availability timezone
I'm available from 02:00 AM GMT-5 EST on Fridays to 02:00 AM GMT-5 on Saturday and then again from 04:00 PM GMT-5 Sunday to 04:00 AM GMT-5 Monday. Meanwhile my friend is realistically available at all hours until such a point at which they find a job.
Name on Skype should be "Null ~" if that's the right thing, otherwise [email protected] is a fine place to reach me too
Both of us have moderate experience with the settings, with real game experience in D&D 4e and Shadowrun 5e and have studied D&D 5e's rules, and I have a moderate amount of experience as a GM for both settings, so if required I could step in to offer assistance to the GM, though I prefer like to keep that limited if at all possible. I'm sick of GM'ing desu senpai, and I was never that good at it to begin with. Lore knowledge is sporadic and incomplete in some areas, but can easily be corrected through a recommended reading list. Again, we're willing to learn anything required to play.
We would prefer someone who is willing to offer some flexibility in the character creation rules, and would be willing to work with someone who is to make sure things stay balanced, but that being said we can work with anything in those given settings as we have more experience making characters at this point than actually playing the game.
Ideally we would come as a set of PC's, but if my schedule is impossible to work with and you were still intrested in playing with my friend then I would encourage them to try to play without me. No promises on whether or not they would say yes to that, though.
Text Only Roll20 IC / Skype OOC
Fridays @ 8pm EST
>Contact / Misc.
Check out the Roll20 page for more info
>never gonna find this thread
>too iconic
>every other thread
>searching is impossible
>rely on visual scanning
Ive played Savage Worlds before. Is this a one time thing or a campaign?
AD&D 1e/2e Though preferably 2
Mon-Thu 5pm-10pm
Email: [email protected]
Skype Cameron Minty
Would LOVE to run a dungeon romp
One time thing, but I plan on doing monthly or more oneshots, so you could also play in those.
Is there dog fucking in your latest game?
Story time?
Nay440 (skype)
Game played on Discord
West marches style game, games are planned around schedules
In character chat on the discord channel
Game is based around the adventurer's guild within the world, bounty board available for players etc etc
2 GMs
Voice only for sessions, In character chat in the discord is text
More info about the game is available as it's not the most straightforward thing, but I'm willing to explain it
Still no game finder app, huh?
Text only
UTC+09:00, 8PM-5AM
[email protected]
I'm new to pen and paper games, plz no bully.
Any day, 12:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
skype: dekuforte roll20: tokuga
not much experience with tabletops. i know a little of the pathfinder lore.
Write one, then.
CST, my days off vary every week since I work 12 hours shifts, but I have 3 to 4 days off in a row every week so I'm sure we can always find a day to play.
skype: Vascr0
Discord: Vascr0#4860
Link to join my discord server for 24 hours: discord.gg
I have played a few different games between pathfinder, 3.5e and 5e but I am in no way proficient, so most likely I'll ask questions every now and then depending on the situation. Hopefully that's not a major issue. I'm a huge fan of becoming overpowered throughout a game, but I have no problem playing a real human just trying to survive in a harsh world.
D&D 5e
Every Other Week unless specified, CST
Alex K. on Roll20
If it turns into an app, it ruins the worth of it.
Finding a game should be HARD.
Have you seen what happens when normies get access to the hobby?
You end up with tons of 'let me play pls i dont know how though'
Then you stop being an autistic antisocial neckbeard and teach them.
I'd rather see more "normies" in gaming. It would make it easier to fill my games with sane, sanitary, and healthy people. Which means more focus on plot and character and less on numbers and "muh magical realm."
In almost every game I've run, I've taken on a single inexperienced player. About 80% of them stick around.
I can't handle more than one inexperienced player at a time.
Then you're doing your part. Thank you and good on you.
I'll message you when I get off from work, love 2e but my group hates it
I messaged you as well. I'm
I have an idea, why not have a discord server for everyone on Veeky Forums that wants to play a game. A different channel can be made by any GM that wants to play and they'll name it whatever game they're running. Then players join until they reach however many they want?
Nobody wants to use shillscord.
Roll20, skype, and IRC are fine tools.
Why not? You can't host servers with Skype where people can meet to join games. It seems like a win/win.
>implying you can't
Nobody wants random illiterate assholes wandering in willy-nilly screaming "GAMEPLS".
It's far better to have them come to you on skype one-on-one, where you can talk to them and see if they're a real human being before letting them talk to the group proper.
You were the last dog that got in the game, so no.
All slots are now filled
I'll be running my next oneshot July 31st, set in the mutant wasteland of that is Vietnam of 196X. Looking for four to six players for that one.
Tried to message you on Skype and have yet to receive a response. I'm by the way
Discord is strictly superior to Skype, and Roll20 voice is somehow worse than Skype. IRC is for hipsters.
IRC is for people too beta to use voice chat.
You're the kind of preening SJW twentysomethings I don't want in my games, and why I don't want an app.
Thanks for proving my point.
>using a simple and functional voice service instead of fundamentally broken alternatives makes you an SJW
What in the cuck are you blathering about, faggot?
roll20 voice actually works better than skype in my experience. At least it doesn't crash all the time like a retard on a bike.
Don't want to hear your weak ass distorted voice quivering over the mic as you try to make jokey jokes and pretend to be a drink Barbarian or suave dashing rogue or little girl gnome.
Voice is definitely less suited to immersive roleplaying, but it also significantly speeds up the game. I prefer a mix of the two, with a strong preference for voice in combat.
They're the same codec man, both use VP8. You're not gonna see anything different.
The codec is the least important part. The most important thing is the connection protocol and architecture which are completely different. Skype isn't a piece of shit because of the codec it uses. It's shit because in larger conference calls you have connection problems all the fucking time.
Closing this for now, as it seems we found something. Good luck to anyone else looking for things.
It's a miracle anyone finds these fucking threads because almost nobody puts GAME FINDER in the op
>Voice is definitely less suited to immersive roleplaying
That depends purely who you play with.
I play with a group that has 2 professional voice actors in it and a dude who does voiceover for companies PR videos and shit as the GM.
>Shit picture
kys my man
It doesn't need to be, it's already in the title.
>bragging about playing with SJWs
We'll be sure to use some animu qt3.14 next time, okay?
In what sense does that possibly qualify them as SJWs?
Here, how's this for a new OP pic?
Why is his leg broken?
It's like his dream, shattered beyond repair.
Tumblr, that's why.
Tumblr broke his leg? Monstrous!
>no nose to fuck up
Adeptus Evangelion v3
Game time set already, Sundays 7PM GMT-6
white.blacklight on skype
[email protected] if you're too cool to join the botnet
Need 1 to 2 players to replace a last-minute drop, houserules/special snowflake setting used.
Game is done over r20, text-only
This is Evangelion, so don't apply if you have no tolerance for anime or DEEP, meaningless symbolism.
Shooting for between 7-9 pm EST
zairik64 on skype
In-progress game with only 3 players, looking to fill just 1 slot but will accept another if you have experience in GURPS (all of my players are newish so a veteran would be beneficial to everyone). Voice only.
Campaign will be a high seas adventure TL4 homebrew setting with base building, expeditions, wilderness survival, trade management and a little bit of politics. Non-combat characters are welcome.
Pathfinder, willing to learn D&D 5th
Sundays, 6PM - 12AM Central Time (US)
I don't care what I play or if you need a role filled as long as it's a steady group.
availability is generally after 7 pm Central time.
skype: nathan.layne
Got a bit of experience in pathfinder and pretty open to any type of play.
So is it possible to get a game as a homebrew GM or are you basically stuck playing/running DnD 5e to have any chance at all?
There are so many players that if you post it you will get interest. The pool is vast and deep, swim in it and don't be a little bitch.
What is your homebrew like user?
The way discord is set up does not lend itself well to that specific idea, however just setting up an "official" game finder discord wouldn't be a bad idea, so long as its well moderated.
See: Roll20 LFG
There is a difference between "normies" that actually have an interest in the hobby and learning how to take part in it and people that watched their favorite youtuber or some shit play D&D and now think they're privy to some "nerd culture" that makes them special.
Roll20 LFG is quite possibly the worst kind of group finder, bar none.
The only kind of group finder I'm gonna use is a LGS Finder
ForeverGM looking to be a Player
Pretty open minded, know Pathfinder/D&D as well as Traveller (a bit) and Shadowrun (also a bit).
NEET Schedule for the most part but I have a game on Saturday from 5-9PM PST.
Grumbock#8832 on Discord
I'd like to play in a one on one game, I'd be okay with alternating GM and player positions but I'd like to start as a player since I'm currently trying to get another game up and running at the moment.
Voice game starting in about an hour to three. It's an introductory sort of oneshot, but a cursory reading of the rules beforehand will be appreciated. This is session 0, so there will be time to catch up during the week.
We also run a text 2e on and off, a text Talislanta on Mondays, and Sacrifice Saturdays with different systems.
Can we get a timezone converter in here? Or should I just assume that everyone on moontime is out of my range?
>There is a difference between "normies" that actually have an interest in the hobby and learning how to take part in it and people that watched their favorite youtuber or some shit play D&D and now think they're privy to some "nerd culture" that makes them special.
I'll take "Things That Never Happen" for $400 Alex.
I mean, this is one user's word against another's but it has happened to me personally.
Here you go friend.
learn to google faggot
Saturday 9PM GMT+8
Sunday 8PM GMT+8
alif9198 on Skype, look for Chagrin
The Saturday game is the game with more experienced players. We have less issues and more fun. The game's quite rule-of-cooley and we allow most things.
The Sunday game is mainly for playing with the newer players. It just started so expect some slight issues. It's GM'd by the same person.
Oh look, it's one of the tools that came up when I *did* google, and it's *not* solving the problem, because it doesn't include (to use some examples from thread) CST, EST, PST or Central Time, whenever those are.
Anyone got better?
>I don't understand how time zones work: the post
Maybe I shouldn't spoonfeed you that way no unfortunate soul ends up having you in their game.
Then again I'd like to see how you respond to being shown how incompetent you are.
That's not a spoon, this is a spoon.
LCD.LSD, you need to stop.
Do not play with this man, he is a cuck.
Wouldn't assume otherwise of Evafags
You can't just "combine them"
Certain places observe CST year round. Same goes for EST.
Do not ever play with this massive faggot.
Bimonthly sessions.
Neck yourself
Perhaps after you look at a map
>get kicked from game for being a lazy faggot with zero respect for deadlines
>quadruple samefags out of butthurt
Quit it, Rose
Urban fantasy with some OSR theme and elements. It's still in progress though, not ready. Main gameplay meme is that melee attacks always hit but deal low damage, where as bullets can miss but deal high damage.
That's some good damage control, senpai.
I'll bite.
Mountain Time Zone (Arizona)
steam: lilcstrike (PM me)
>i have tabletop simulator and a roll20 account
DnD 3.5e, Pathfinder, DnD 5e
Willing to learn: any
PST, but very flexible
Steam: Reikenbach
Last game I played in ran using MapTool. That was over a year ago. pls help ;-;
And we're full. That was fast
And rather than excluding them you took them aside and talked to them like an adult, right?
>Find three games in gamefinder thread, one for Friday, one for Saturday, one for Sunday
> My cup runneth over with games, so excite
>First game cancels because GM's mom or wife or sister needs him to do stuff. Reschedule for this week, cancels again
> N-no problem, I still have two other games
> Saturday game only myself and one other player show up, GM decides not to run
> Sunday game, GM lets me know his computer blew up and he won't have replacement parts until Monday or so, so no game there either
> Sitting here with no games and an intense fury for people who deliberately waste my time.