Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
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The overall Modern Metagame.
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The paper Modern Metagame, which matters most.
Why isn't Eldrazi Tron a more popular Modern deck? You have insane searching potential with Ancient Stirrings, Sylvan Scrying and Expedition Map, literally a guaranteed Tron turn 3 everytime. I don't know what's meta right now but an early Ulamog/Ugin/Karn should wreck most decks.
What deck should I play if I want a virgin girlfriend?
Reminder that ancient stirrings is busted and you should abuse it while you can senpaitachi
This. 1 Mana cost for one of the best searchers in the game, they banned weaker shit before.
Regular Tron already has those things, and while it gets T3 Tron pretty often, it's not always guaranteed.
What you are describing is Tron, the second most popular deck in the metagame. We know it's good.
If you mean the Eldrazi deck with UrzaTron, then it's because it's garbage. UrzaTron isn't meant to be used to cast Endless One or something.
If you mean the Tron deck with the actually good Eldrazi (TKS, World Breaker, Ulamog and even Conduit of Ruin and All Is Dust in that deck), then it's because it hasn't caught on yet. To be fair, there is very little reason to play it over regular Tron.
pauper teachings.
How did you guys do at FNM?
I don't play standard anymore, too much work.
My best deck is a red storm bullshit that can win on the first turn (but usually 3rd turn).
Played UWR Nahiri last week and this week. 4-0 and 3-0. I like the deck a lot.
>Favorite deck?
In Modern? I really liked UBR Twin. I guess it's either Affinity or UWR Nahiri these days.
>Next MTG Purchase?
Eternal Masters foils.
I would like to know about this "regular" Tron creature that's better than Ulamog.
Nigger what are you trying to say? Both regular Tron AND Tron with Eldrazi play Ulamog as their best creature.
Are you trying to say you don't know what regular Tron is?
Affinity or Merfolk. Bitches love Affinity and Merfolk.
Jund will fool them into thinking you have money
Plus, it'll give you that sexy bad boy look
>tfw legacy player
>want to get into modern but don't know what to play since my shit is pretty much not modern legal
What is something that can satiate a reanimator player?
Dredgevine or gifts.
Fellow Legacy player here. What are you looking for?
If you're looking for something similar to Reanimator than perhaps Grishoalbrand, though that's closer to Tin Fins. If you're looking for a complex deck that gives you several different lines, than perhaps something like UWR Control, Abzan Company, Kiki-Chord, or Affinity might suit you. Honestly the only reason why I play Modern is because I get to play Affinity without getting my shit slapped in Legacy, so I'm a little biased. Almost every other deck in modern just feels like a weaker Legacy deck or a stronger Standard deck. Affinity doesn't really have a counterpart other than Legacy Affinity.
These are good options as well.
So wait, is Nahiri the real deal? I thought it would be another memewalker like Ashiok was.
Yes. Keep up with the metagame, friend.
My meta is aggro heavy, so it's great here. I'm running 1 Anger/1 Wrath (wtf do I really need Verdict for?) in the main with another of each in the side, and that's where I get a lot of my wins from.
It may not be the best deck, but it's certainly not the worst, and best of all, it's my kind of deck. I really have fun with it.
I agree with AJ Sacher on Cryptic Command (shit is overrated, I only run 1). OTOH, I think he's dead wrong about running tons of Spell Snare and ditching Mana Leak. I run 1 Snare, 1 Leak, 1 Logic Knot, 1 Cryptic and 2 Remands. Also, I disagree on his Tec Edge pick over Lighthouse. I get the theory: Lighthouse may be repetitious when Nahiri is already out, but I need that thing when things get desperate and I want to do something with all my mana (besides maybe animating Colonnades).
I'm looking at the primer right now, how well does Grishoalbrand perform? If I bring it to FNM would I get my ass handed to me?
Depends on the meta probably.
Yet another Legacy player here. I just ported (rimshot!) D&T to Modern.
I haven't really paid attention to the modern meta since I've been sticking to legacy night. I'll just scrounge up some stuff for a shitty modern deck for now, then decide on building a true deck.
Grishoalbrand, Gifts Rites(Jeskai, Gifts-tron), Dredgevine.
If you don't win by turn 3, you probably won't win at all, but the deck is hilarious when it goes off right
If you play the Grixis Version you can win turn 0 with your opponent on the play
>Pitch 2 Spirit Guides
>Nourishing Shoal, pitching world spine
>Splice into Arcane Desperate Ritual, then play it again for 4 Red Mana
>Manamorphose for Blue and Black
>Izzet Charm, discarding a Griselbrand
>Goryo's Vengeance back Griselbrand
I've only done it once, but it was the greatest thing I've ever done playing Magic
Taking turns player here, this is the list I win the most with:
4x Gigadrowse
4x Exhaustion
4x Remand
4x Serum Visions
4x Howling Mine
4x Dictate of Kruphix
Time Warps:
4x Time Warp
4x Part the Waterveil
Yes and no. It continues to do well, but it seems to be a really unpopular deck regardless. Maybe the consensus don't want to deal with a control deck in the meta, even if it's viable.
How good is emrakul in valakut breach? Is it just a win-more card?
Esper Control and Gifts
>Favorite Deck
Soul Sisters
>Next Purchase
Saving money for a couple months, I've been too addicted to foils.
These are the new dragon shield mattes. They shuffle a lot worse than the original colors but I still love the pink.
Brewing spellweavers helix. Can someone help with the deck list. I'm debating Grixis, jeskai or just straight izzet for colours
Consireing that regular Tron plays Spellskite, Wurmcoil Engine, Ulamog and World Breaker as creatures I say that calling it Eldrazi Tron isn't so wrong after all, don't you think?
Been thinking about Esper gift control myself. I had a couple of questions, if you would kindly indulge.
How's the one of Darksteel C treatin ya? Probably to up your Thirst for Knowledge/Trinket mage hit rate, I suppose.
Does EE function as the third boardwipe? Because I only see WoG and SV.
Why the splash for loam?
>Hi guys I'm brewing a deck
>Can someone give me a list for it?
But why? Why would you just get rid of regular Tron in the first place? Why are you stretching names for the sake of stretching names?
>Nah man, I'm not playing Jund anymore. I play Dark Jund. With Dark Confidant and a lot of black cards (including the new Kalitas), it's not wrong to call it Dark Jund.
C'mon OP you can do better then that
>Tier 1
>You can do better than that
Guess its time for Eye of Ugin unban you baiting fagstick
UW Sphinx Turbo Tutelage
do you think it will ever get banned? I can see bant eldrazi dominating the format
Slow down, Quentin Tarautismo
how do you make black a good color? the only good cards it has are the discard spells and liliana but if you give it a good one mana removal spell (like target creature gets -1/-3) then control decks are probably going to be dominating, or would they?
I once read an article concerning black you might be interested in.
That card would be a better lightning bolt for control and would likely make black the best color for midrange and control decks.
I'd say give some decent cantrips to black instead. Maybe a preordain with lose 2 life. This probably wouldn't be broken because storm couldn't use it.
There's a guy that regularly posts his spellweavers helix deck senpai
Disfigure is already a very decent card in legacy. Black is a very good color, it just operates better as a support color most of the time in the format.
On the other hand, look at Reanimator, black is fucking powerful, just bonkers.
"Greatness, at a price" fits black to a tee, but I doubt we'll see that showing up soon.
Fuck, I thought I was in the legacy thread. Yeah, modern's situation is a lot worse, since it can't benefit from the older reanimation spells and Dread Return remains banned.
Disfigure is also worse in modern than it is in legacy.
Sorry m8, yer fucked.
Gurmag Angler is nice though.
You underestimate how strong bolt is. Bolt can hit the face, that makes it significantly more powerful than -1/-3
Did you guys have any interesting FNM stories?
It means that midrange and control decks become significantly better as they no longer need to run red and can instead run a different color. Junk becomes significantly better as white is a vastly superior sideboarding color to red. If nahiri didn't exist, there would be no reason to run red in control either.
I love tilting the fuck out jund players who think they're hot shit with their 2k deck by playing loam pox/squeeflagrate and raping their manabase and card advantage.
Not that guy, but traditional control usually doesn't really care about that, if it splashes for red, which would make a black vamped up Disfigure a juicy card to try out in those particular decks.
I do agree that Bolt is easily one of the strongest cards in the format though, but I don't think that was what that guy was going on about.
My first senctence is all fucked up, but you get the point.
who else watching the euros?
There is also grixis control which could effectively run 8 copies of lightning bolt. I am not sure how aggro is supposed to beat that.
Wow :^) thanks for the insight
I went 4-0 with skred at my last modern event. Pretty satisfied
New ways to Jund people out.
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
Grixis Control
I don't understand why Stirrings hardly ever comes up in discussions for card bannings, it's completely busted in the decks that want it.
Black has probably the most powerful control spell in modern: smallpox.
The issue is that its only good in life from the loam builds.
Skred, 8rack, naya tooth and nail, ascendancy gifts
I'm gonna take a break from brewing because my wallet is crying
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
Leyline of sanctity and engineered explosives
It's honestly perfect. I can see why you don't run Elixir, personally I really enjoy having it in the mainboard although I often take it out. With 4 part 4 temporal you'll only get back the Warps, although you can still create a loop with it, you can make do without it.
If you ever do end up decking, I would add it, but if it hasn't happened yet I would say you're fine. I've almost decked a few times while Warping, and playing Elixir turn 1 off a Fountain is really nice vs aggro.
I don't like Thassa personally, she feels like a bad Dictate that doesn't quite function as an alternate win condition, considering infinite life/bridge are your only two situations you'd need an alternate win.
I mainboard Beleren, like you said he often gets btfo, but not as often as I was expecting. Since he cantrips it's not even bad if they do kill him, it's like a draw+gain life.
If you do end up wanting Beleren (or Elixir) cut 1-2 of the Giga/Exhaustion, whichever one feels less potent to you.
Jace can also draw the turn you play him, which might help if you're getting flooded while comboing, although you can also flash in a Dictate before your draw step if you're uncertain you'll draw a Warp.
I fucking love Howling Mine and I think it's invaluable to the deck compared to Ancestral. A turn 1 Ancestral is a blessing, but that's also one less card in hand in a deck that needs to hit all its land drops, which Mine does really well. That's my main gripe with Ancestral, you really really can't miss land drops.
For lands I'm trying 2 Fountain, 1 Calciform for control matchups and 1 Gemstone Cavern for spice
>Skred, 8rack, naya tooth and nail, ascendancy gifts
Jesus dude. With all the money into these decks you could have real ones.
No offense
ascendancy cost me 40 bucks, im sure that user bought it for less.
>real ones
Like what? Goodstuff decks are boring to me and hyper aggro is lame as well
jund and junk are such uninteresting decks. they just grind you with value (wallet). at least b/g rock had some spice with the obliterators.
Also I forgot to mention, 1 cryptic is really sweet. It's on curve, and the options of counter, cantrip, fog or bounce are all so damn relevant, especially the bounce.
>Favorite Deck?
So far, Burn
>Next MTG Purchase
Fetchlands to upgrade my Burn deck to Boros colours.
Singleton fight card for that extra spice
Because it's Green.
I wanna build Dredge, do I really need to play 5 colours to make it it work?
So was gsz and pod.
Your memes are shit
Green probably has the most banned cards of any colors if you don't count colorless.
living MEMES (living end w/ nahiri)
>Favorite deck
>Next MTG purchase
new shocks and fetches to change living end mana base.
>living memes
>implying that isn't just another name for living ends
What could Nahiri possibly bring to the table in this matchup? This is retarded
>(living end w/ nahiri)
For what purpose?
I played against the deck earlier today and I can't work out why Nahiri is in it, just seems to dilute the combo.
I'm interested in getting into Modern, but I was wondering if any BUG/Sultai (Tempo or Control) decks are viable. Or would I be better off going into Legacy instead?
They are, but depending on your budget they're kind of expensive.
If you want to get into legacy: realise that your manabase for BUG in legacy is pretty crazy right now, with Underground Seas and Tropical Islands price being what it is now. Eternal Masters really fucked things up.
BUG is much more viable in legacy than it is in Modern. Grixis Control or Jund would be a better choice for a more controlling deck in Modern, or Grixis Delver or UB Faeries for a more tempo-focused deck.
how shitty is my vampmeme deck?
What the fuck is the purpose of the Blood Artists
Use Asylum Visitors instead
>What the fuck is the purpose of the Blood Artists
I have 12 kill spells. Its a good creature to have early in the game even if it just chumps it buys me time. It also is a vampire
>Use Asylum Visitors instead
What for?
To draw you cards when you or the opponents are hellbent?? You also have 6 discard spells
Plenty of decks have a similar number of kill spells and has no need for Blood Artist. Unless you're a dedicated sacrifice deck, there isn't much need for Blood Artist.
Could be. I'll consider it
What should I put there instead?
Nothing, because it's a bad meme deck.
It depends on what your game plan is, the list doesn't look aggressive but it doesn't look all that grindy either. Asylum Visitor seems like a better pick but it's still not a great card.
I just remembered I didn't include a single copy of Kolaghans Command. I should include some.
I'm 18 and I play Abzan and Burn, met my current girlfriend through magic. She just turned 16 *is a virgin. Take that as you will.
I've actually found that Thing in the Ice I amazing in this deck
Shit card does well in shit deck?
Did you mean Poetry? Also it's a decent deck that's very consistent. It's just hard to survive the aggro. But very possible
What's the viability of zombie tribal?
Prized Amalgam looks kinda neat when coupled with mikaeus, or anything with undying
It's a bad merfolk. Their lords are 2 mana, yours are 3. And their creatures are unblockable. And they have some limited countermagic.
>Did you mean Poetry
Oh sweet summer child
it's already a gimmick deck. I'm going to cram even more gimmick in it. if I can beat someone on a legit deck and be the dream crusher then it's worth it
>Did you mean Poetry
No, it's pottery.