MtG is unbalanced. There needs to be more blue counter cards.
MtG is unbalanced. There needs to be more blue counter cards
I thought avatar of the resolute was pretty balanced? What are you bitching about.
Explain what makes this a good card.
Yeah, but WotC thinks that control and combo are "bad", and "toxic to the community".
So Blue is only gonna get shitty Cancel or worse cards. No Counter....
It's balanced.
I want wizards to keep printing creatures, that way I can keep winning modern tourneys at my LGS with cheap turbofog decks
>2 mana for 3/2 stats
>two keyword abilities
>can make itself huge at no extra cost
Even if you don't trigger the buff ability you still have a powerful minion on the cheap.
If you think this is balanced you should go back to vintage.
>2 colored mana
>only a 3/2 without the buff, dies to literally everything
>buff requires a serious board presence to heavily capitalize on
It's fine
If it's so good, how come it's a dollar rare?
it's not good enough for non-standard, where it's outclassed by goyf
in standard there are way better turn 2 plays that are either harder to kill (lambholt pacifist) or way more value generating (duskwatch recruiter), and they're even easier to cast
So what's the fucking problem then?
Whatever. Sure, it has a lot of things going on, but in almost every deck I play it in, it's just a 3/2 with reach that instantly dies blocking a flier. Since its ability is ETB, in order to get any benifit out of it you need to spend a shitload of mana first, which is fine in my opinion.
Now this piece of shit, there is literally no excuse. 4 mana, 5/5. Now give it deathtouch and monstrosity one point per creature, then you have a fairly cheap board wipe.
It's only as good as your board state allows it to be. It won't help you win unless you're already winning
Which cards that are not OP but quite stronk do you guys hate?
Mine is this one
You just mad because yo uncle molests you.
Seriously though you know dick about this game. You are probably some yughio cuck.
Red doan give a fuuuuuuuck
You rike a da dick taste?
Why WotC is not printing fog spells anymore? Is it because ofaRo and his NO FUN ALLOWED policy?