Are close combat titans worth the points?
Are close combat titans worth the points?
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They don't even make sense in-setting, why would they be worth anything?
Titans exist only to bring Capital-ship grade weaponry to the surface of a planet and mount it on a mobile profile with as little a horizontal coverage as possible.
Given that titans are usually target priority #1 in any game they're in, I would imagine that a melee-oriented one would typically face one of two situations:
1. Get destroyed before they get into melee range, be it to melta-spamming infantry, shooty Titans, etc.
2. Manage to get into melee range, but are so heavily damaged by that point that they don't accomplish much before dying anyways.
3. Fight in a game against an opponent who happens to be fielding another melee superheavy, in which case, all is (possibly) well.
As you can see, a melee titan doesn't face the best odds in most games.
This user has the right idea. The best use for titans is as huge, mobile gun platforms.
>one of two situations
My bad, I meant three.
>Titans exist only to bring Capital-ship grade weaponry to the surface of a planet and mount it on a mobile profile with as little a horizontal coverage as possible.
Ships have power claws?
Outlaw Star.jpg
Imperial Power Rams probably count
no, but they look fucking cool, and that's the point of a warlord titan, so why the fuck not
if you're gonna spend the money on a warlord, might as well be the warlord you really like
>Outlaw Star.jpg
Your typical space battle, if your ramming then use the axe if your in a gun fight use the firepower.
Beat me to it
I like how it has a pistol in the other arm instead of a regular gun on the ship.
I could see one melee specialist be used as part of a bigger force during conflicts with a lot of high cover, like urban areas, if the enemy has it's own titans. That's how warhounds operate against bigger titans in the first place.
I like how the ship is using a choppa.
Considering the rules of the setting you can't have ship "mounted" weapons so as long as the weapon isn't mounted to the hull you can legally get away with having the weapon.
Idk, I run a double melee Knight and he consistently kills more points than when I run the chainsword/melta guy, or the Castigator.
I think people see the powerfist and think, oh I can ignore this thing for a turn. Once it gets in their lines, its over.
Only if you play this theme every time you deploy them.
I can only really see melee Titans be deployed to take out gigantic Tyranid biotitans because the sheer ridiculousness of the concept is outweighed by the cool factor.
Because chaos and ork titans exist.
A lord of skulls starts at 4 attacks sD. It has an invuln and iwnd. Every hp you strip it gets another attack.
The chaos reavers and warlords can take daemon of khorbe that generates d3 more attacks. Not to mention the knights and gargantuan creatures everywhere now. You cannot get tied up if you paid 1500+ points, the fist assures that you can at least do something about it.
And befote you say, put junk in the way so you are not in assault! If you think a bunch of grunts are going to stop a tunderblitzing lord of
So yeah, cc against chaos.
>They don't even make sense in-setting
What are you talking about, dude. Not every titan fight is going to be on some completely open wasteland desert.
Play some adeptus titanicus, yo. Close combat weapons fuck shit up.
It's a loophole, can't have mounted guns on privately owned starships.
Now, having guns your star-ship hands can use? Perfectly legal.
I honestly dont see the poin in this unless they're meant to fight other titans sized foes.
I mean, they'd probably be inferior for taking down anything smaller than a titan wherein something with a gun could vaporize swaths of smaller ground at a time.
I mean, I've only really got Epic Armageddon to fall back on, but CC weapons on a titan work as part of a balanced loadout, especially if you think the other guy's gonna be packing a gargant, because that Gargant is going to have shit all for anti-titan firepower (well, maybe not THAT bad, but it's not super good for it) his primary discourse for dealing with Titans is to give it the Land-Raider sized chainsaw hands.
If you have Chainsaw Hands of your own, that means you have a chance of surviving this encounter and maybe kicking it's ass back so you can get back to giving the other parts of his army double Gats or double Multi-Missiles.
Of course, against Imperial Guard, and by Imperial guard I mean Shadowswords, you need to be trading Titan-Killer shots from the get go.
Or better yet, avoid the fuckers and get some Marauders to bomb the fuckers out of existance. Anything.
Orks though? Having something that can actually beat them in an assault pretty much takes away their one trump card.
>Ships have power claws?
Nigga do you even Best Girl?
>Titans exist only to bring Capital-ship grade weaponry to the surface of a planet and mount it on a mobile profile with as little a horizontal coverage as possible.
They also exist as a gigantic mobile Morale Weapon, to both inspire your own troops and to strike fear and terror into the hearts of the enemies of the Imperium, in addition to acting as a gigantic "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME" target for the enemy that allows you to better maneuver around him while he's too busy trying to take down a God-Machine.
It's already S:D even without the melee weapons. What's the point of them?
The Phantom is as its sword forces snapfires on anything it damages, completely ending shooting titans by basically removing all of their weapons.
A warlord doesn't really need it as it cant get combat locked, so it can just back up and keep shooting.
Though if you are an Ember Wolves fag like then your giving your titans harpoon guns so have at it.
But the big question is why isnt there Warhound close combat weapons?