Skirmish Fantasy games general
I really think Reaper had they own system but no one talks about it like, ever. Also to talk about other less know skirmish fantasy games like Freeboter Fate, Wrath of Kings, Song of blade and heroes (and his merry companions) or old and dead games like the Rackham ones, helldorado or whatever you guys love. Post your warbands or whatever minis tick your fancy both new or old school.
warlord (reapers game) is a decent game, but the only place in the world where you are going to find players is at the reaper game store in texas.
I currently just bought SoBaH and am liking what im reading. Seems like a good game to intro to people about tabletop wargaming.
With the expansions you can do pretty things, Song of Deeds and glory for campaigns gives you a very mordheim aproach for example, if pick up games aren't you thing. I'm reading Of Gods and Mortals right now, from Osprey, than is a very Dominions like game (merry bands of a God, some heroes/monsters and they jolly mortals than end used as chaff), it also use the same system than SoBaH and use a somewhat bigger aproach with units and stuff (so instead of 5-10 minis per side it's 15+), for what I'm reading is pretty good. Both have they warband builders so it's extra fun to diddly with it to make your thematic armies.
I would like to try Warlord, currently playing ASoBH. Building up my warband with various Reaper Bones minis. Heres a centaur I painted recently
Nice, the bending of the spear make it more like she picked a branch from some tree instead of making and straigthening it. Never tried ASoAH, apart of reaction times and the spells anything interesting?
Im , and what is attracting me to advanced SoBaH are the weapon traits and magic system. I love the simplicity of regular SoBaH, and want to keep with that, just I want to add weapons and armour traits, and an extended magic system. So I will be pulling that from ASoBaH.
I did a thread a few days ago about SoBaH, and doing AoS stats in it. I feel I can do pretty much everything in sobah, but i just need better magic and weapons.
I see, so how do weapons work? Like a trait?
Pretty much. I haven't ordered it yet or read it, but this document describes how it works. Since theyre traits, generally models using weapon traits are more expensive than those who don't, though.
If you use the weapon traits, any model without any weapon traits are assumed to be wearing just light armour and carrying a hand weapon.
Some rules seem like god send (extra rules for spice up mooks and extra magic) but reaction rules seems a bit odd, aren't they giving more power to the already more useful good quality dudes?
I wish that they would reboot warlord with a bunch of their cheapo bones figures, or at least actively support it again.
I never seen it played, or even talked here in Veeky Forums, how is it like?
I like how based Ukranians still release new models and rules for Confrontation (Not AoR of course). That doesn't stop the game from being dead, but the figures are useful elsewhere.
What Ukranians? I tough Confrontations was nearly dead and buried too, even when it had a somewhat hugh following some years ago.
Cadwallong Miniatures. Along with recasts of most of the older models (I still want them to do Morbid Angels) they have put out a bunch of newer figurines that don't look bad. I suppose that Wrath of Kings can be considered the spiritual succesor to Confrontation, but I don't really like the factions nor the assymetrical objectives.
Browsing they site they have some cool shit, even when Rackham/cadwallon minis tend to be baroque at times with so many tiny details they make it work.
Also anyone had tried wrath of kings? The new hadross minis look cool as fuck. The new table top game of CMON has some pretty minis too.
So what's your guys prefered old school minis? Wargames foundry and otherworld minis here.
What's not to love about minis like this one.
Would you Veeky Forums?
She is a propah orc lady.
They have some Castlevania like elves, and somewhat slutty elve lasses.
The males are pretty cool, with a very rococo style of clothes and stuff. The elf females have a more loose sense of fashion.
Welp, no love for Skirmishing games I see.
This thread is more about minis than games
Recently I been trying to get into wargames, tell me about your fav rulesystem/game.
Plenty of love for it, user. I've just got back from a game at my flgs.
Do you prefer all your models to be characters or for their to be a healthy number of grunts?
I'm personally fond of the 6 or 7 heros who may or may not have a handful of goons.
I like a small group of heroes. Although with ASoBH, I have a problem ballancing their traits and end up making them expensive. For my undead army I like the horde warband.
It's hard not to go nuts with the traits.
Oh I like this one. Ooh this describes his personality! Ooh this is totally his fighting style.
5 traits later...
Song of blades and heroes becuase it's so damn easy and fun to play (lots of time improvising effects and the like on the fly while playing). Of Gods and Mortals seems like a very fun game to play tough, I have to play it yet but the Dominions like plays seem fun as fuck.
Who /realmofchaos/ here?
That mount just creeped me out, laddie; the stuff of nightmares.
The face of the mount reminds me of some Jeaovah witness.
>Excuse me sir, cam you spare the time to talk about Arioch, the lord of the seven darks?
Do you guys do pick up games of campaigns? The later are more fun but it's more difficult to do it right because people commitment tend to vary.
Go to bed you old commie ccuck
That's a nice table user, are those minis yours?
Also from where do you guys get the terrain? Do you make it yourselfs or buy it?
I like to try and give my "hero" characters at least one flaw trait, something that will work against them in combat and help to make the game more of a story. I think I gave my centaur clumsy and easy target, stuff like that to make it interesting
They end more fun to play, but then I never undestand than powergamer urge to win at any cost. Also do you play Advanced? I seen the warand builder and it has like more than 200 hundred options, oh my.
So surfing the web I found someone has converted nearly all the scenarios from WH Skirmish and Mordheim to SoBH. Pretty impressive and a good way to spice up games.
hour11gaming.blogspot.com.es is the blog of the dude, he did even a setting in some kind of post clockwork apocalipsis and some sups for other variants of SoBH. Some event cards because you can't have enough variety.
The problem with SoBaH for me is exactly that.
The game wants to have simple rules and a simple stat line, but it's a false economy. Instead of having an attribute for moving, for example a Speed stat, where you can put 10, 8, 6 cm, 4, 6 or whatever inches, you need to remember a special rule like "Fast" "Slow" "Extra fast" "Slow as a tortoise" or whatever.
A game should have clear stats and rules, and FEW special rules. Special rules should NOT be something a game is based on.
At least that's my opinion.
Some of those are easy to mod at least (slow 10cm, med 15, fast 20, extra slow 5 and extra fast 25), and basic SoBaH doesn't have that many special rules to play with unless you want to add them with the sups. The only things I would change is perhaps adding a few more attributes for granularity, like splicing Q in Activation and morale. I dunno if it's a good idea tough, sobh is pretty elegant as it is.
Anyone has tried this game, Wrath of Kings? The minis have this Confrontations feel than is pretty cool, but no one seem to talk about it.
I do play Advanced, the warband builder has been a huge help as I have no idea how to calculate trait costs. Also some of the trait options arent listed in the rules. I wonder where I can find them or if they're just traits from the regular version.
The figures were made by a lot of ex-Rackham sculptors, and being marketed by CMoN(Who bought the rights to Confrontation) as a spiritual succesor of sorts. The rules and higher than normal entry cost have probably turned some off, but the figures themselves are good shit.
What's the problem with the rules? Really curios, the masked dudes and the underwater monster look pretty cool, and the goritsi remind me of the Rakcham werewolves, but I never seen a game played.
Just standard balance issues and assymetrical objectives that can kill the fun. The rules are kind of sparse in places too, there is nothing for some stuff like how much damage you take after being pushed off of a cliff. I personally plan on getting some of the vampires and using them in other games. I love the ye olde hats that they give all the ladies.
Assymetrical objectives? What's that? They change them on the fly or what?
wow these are pretty freakin cool.
And very useful to break monotony. Warhammer Skirmish was fucking great, shame they had another gw moment and they killed it.
hype AF about MD desu
combine the minis and tiles with BP and I'm all set.
Instead of sharing the same objectives, each army has their own that's not tied into what the opponent is doing. I've seen a lot of games do it for side objectives, but WoK is the first ones to do it for the main objective of the game.
I may be wrong, but what you talked about is something Deadzone does, and that is one of the better aspects of the game.
I'm only familiar with the basics for Deadzone. I've got nothing against asymmetrical objectives, but I'm sure some people aren't used to the idea of them. I know it makes competitive play a little harder.
Thank, I just bought aSoBH to play with some game of throne-like skirmish with perry miniature. This will be usefull.
Lot's of cool wargames of late, but this one looks quality as fuck.
With WHQ: Silver Tower not scratching my dungeon crawl itch, I'm very glad Massive Darkness is on its way.
not a fan of the elemental expansion though. Minis look great but the idea itself is meh
>I like a lot of these but fuck, are heroquest knockoffs the new thing in style? I can think of at least 5 recent ones off the top of my head.
Have you tried Descent? Very cool game, I played one or two times and was fun.
I dunno, kickstarter I guess. In a way we are living in a tabletop golden age right now.
I also recommend Descent. It's fun as shit.
That being said, expansions seem to be in low supply. I honestly have no fucking idea what FFG is doing or why stores are running low.
Frustrating as hell to find a good retailer in Sweden. At one point I legitimately considered ordering from abroad and just shell out for the shipping, but nope, doesn't seem any better anywhere else. FFG themselves don't even have Shadows of Nerekhall.
Like, the company itself, in their own store, online, running out of shit. All of my fucking whats.
How many expansiosn did they do for the second?
What minis will you use? Perrys?
If you haven't heard of it, you might want to check out Twelve Elements of War. Kind of like Mordheim, but instead of race-specific factions (like an orc faction, elf faction, etc.) you can mix up a bunch of races into different warbands which are divided based on factions and ideology.
It's got a relatively simple system that's pretty easy to learn, a pretty good campaign system and a bunch of customizable magic items. Each warband has about 7 - 14 people in it.
Rules demo:
Did you try yourself user? The minis are CAD (than I personally don't like much) but are true scale with oversized weapons (than I prefer in fantasy), so not bad.
What are the good points, the meh points and the bad ones do you feel about it?
I tried a couple demo games a while ago and I've got some minis, yeah.
They are pretty good quality. There are some minor imperfections on the resin (some small swirls over the textures) and some minor details can get lost if you go too heavy on the paint, but they look nice when they're done.
The good points for game are quite a few:
1 - Seems like this was genuinely well-thought out and balanced pretty well. Not too much "bad randomness" like you might find in Mordheim.
2 - Has a system in place to evening out imbalances that can occur between players when one warband gets more powerful (you can basically take mercenaries for free, not sure why more skirmish based games don't do that for campaigns, but then again I have seen every skirmish game out there, so...).
3 - Lots of nice customization without getting too finicky and detailed.
1 - Characters get random upgrades when they level up. This makes it harder to get the character as you want it, but I guess this was done to leave munchkins out in the cold.
2 - Since the minis are true scale and resin, they can break pretty easily if your not careful.
>models have 8 stats
fucking dropped. i hate it when games do this. modern games generally try to leave the crunch behind in the past, and for a good reason
Does anyone paint figures from Redbox Miniatures?
Their "evil barbarians" line has me daydreaming about a Frazetta warband.
The idea of the mercs is good,a nice touch to use to house rule for SoBh, but the random part isn't very cool.
What about the setting? Do they have e-novels like Wrath of Kings (perhaps the best novel I read in a long time for a wargame) or only fluff in they rulebooks?
I was heartbroken when they said they will not make they plastic vikings, cheap red box minis would be amazing, very high quality designs in my opinion, with the right ratio of true scale, weapons size and details. Because they are pricey to get in my country (and I didn't see them in LFG) I couldn't get my gruby hands on them but they are very pretty.
The setting is alright. It's a setting where the existence of magic is obvious, but the existence of gods is not. Most factions believe there are gods but one, the Geniocracy of Toth, thinks its all just natural forces that can be manipulated.
Most the factions also used to be a part of the Highguard Empire, got tired of Highguard being jerks and rebelled. There is a tenative peace now with a lot of shadow wars being fought.
There is only one rulebook with story and background in it, but I'm sure they'd like to make more if their game sells.
Favourite additions for Descent 2e, user? What to buy, besides Shadows of Nerekhall (being the best and by far largest campaign) I mean?
What's BP?