Have you ever encountered someone using loaded dice before?
Any stories about that one guy who would always manipulate his rolls?
Cheating the Dice Thread
I've only ever had people who were bad at it.
>Look at die
>Move it to read number
>Roll it again
>Repeat until they get the number they want or until you finally call them out on it.
When a whole group is rolling down the line, the DM rarely has time to stare down each person as he rolls. So sometimes, I would roll, and just make up a moderately high number if it is too low (as nobody else is reading the die anyway). I've also bought proper loaded d6's from a joke shop for the same purpose, and d6's marked 4-5-6-4-5-6 instead of 1-2-3-4-5-6. Those are a lot harder to notice than OP's sameface dice, since from any one angle it looks like a legit die. I also have sets of regular dice in the same colour, so the cheater dice do not get noticed.
As far as I see it, this is the natural and proper result of using die rolls for stat generation. If a few seconds of rolling can make me play a cripple for the rest of the campaign, then I might as well tip it into my favour.
Trick to randomize possibly loaded dice: Roll 2 and add them together, then if it's over the highest face, subtract that.
So if you roll 3 and 4 on 2d4, you get 7, minus 4 is 3.
This averages the rolls between the two dice, and will reduce the bias even if BOTH dice are biased.
This can be useful to resolve disputes at the table over which die is "fair" without having to stop the game.
That whole procedure is too long for a single die roll. It would be more efficient to just switch out the die for a confirmed fair die when one is suspect.
Maybe, but arguments about whether a die is "fair" are even longer.
I've used this before and it's reasonably fast in my experience. No worse than figuring a bunch of modifiers in a 3E game.
Arguments over whether a die is fair can be settled instantaneously if the GM or referee has spare dice and insists the questionable one is tested after the game, and not during it. Since this is inherently reasonable, anybody who protests against such a ruling is obviously cheating. Arguments over trivial things only take long if the leader has no backbone, and if a leader has no backbone then they won't effectively implement any trick either.
>Waaaah! I don't want a stat under 12!
Kill yourself. If you roll shit, the DM typically lets you re-roll stats. If you roll stats you absolutely despise, nobody is going to force you play them. Suck it up, and play a character with some actual goddamn weaknesses you pansy.
>If you roll shit, the DM typically lets you re-roll stats. If you roll stats you absolutely despise, nobody is going to force you play them.
You are making an awful lot of assumptions about the DMs I've played with, considering you have no idea who I am or who my DMs are.
Weaknesses are fine, as long as they are the weaknesses I choose to play rather than the weaknesses I'm left to play because of a die roll. If I want a stat lower than I rolled, that is no problem. Cheating gives me creative agency in the chargen process, and makes sure any character I get is viable.
>insists the questionable one is tested after the game, and not during it.
This has the disadvantage that if the die really IS unfair, then you've played that unfair die and let it stand. Plus if the referee's die is the one challenged as unfair, odds are pretty good that he bought a bad batch of dice and his "spare" dice will be crummy as well. I'm not interested in being the fascist DM who says "shut up and accept this die" -- I want the dice to be fair, too.
Doubling up and adding means a guaranteed fair resolution for the rest of the game, and then you can bust out the rolling charts and/or the epsom salt and begin testing the dice properly.
>If you roll shit, the DM typically lets you re-roll stats. If you roll stats you absolutely despise, nobody is going to force you play them.
Why even roll for stats at all?
>Plus if the referee's die is the one challenged as unfair, odds are pretty good that he bought a bad batch of dice and his "spare" dice will be crummy as well.
This never happens. The bias of dice not intentionally loaded is so infinitesimally small that what you are experiencing is confirmation bias and not real faulty dice.
Plus, the referee can easily buy good dice and test them after purchase, so there is no reason at all to believe the referee's dice are ever bad.
>The bias of dice not intentionally loaded is so infinitesimally small that what you are experiencing is confirmation bias and not real faulty dice.
I seriously doubt that. I've bought what turned out to be some really crappy dice before.
>that one guy who is just silently rolling dice for the past 5 minutes for no good reason until he yells "I roll nat 20 for perception!"
We call that anecdotal evidence and even more confirmation bias
>Loaded dice
Jesus, when will people learn that loaded dice only happens in films?
You don't use this shit. It always roll the same thing, Do you thing it takes three rolls for people to notice or just two?
Instead, if you tinker with the dice, you slightly peal off the edges, so it still can roll whatever it will, but certain outcomes are more likely to happen.
Or, which is much better and pretty much impossible to catch - you learn how to cheat with any given dice. Proper handling, proper throwing and a bit of dramatic flair and you are done - rolling whatever outcome you want, with whatever dice you have.
Why wouldn't you use loaded dice?
We thought we had a loaded die once but I think it was just really hot. It's fun watching people get upset thinking there are loaded die when it's just crazy luck.
Or just because the person is just picking up and dropping their dice without shaking them up. Which inevitably leads to fairly consistent results.
>realizing that rolling stats is shit mechanic
>trying to compensate it with cheating
>not just distribute stats from array or use point-buy
bakura pls go
The person who cheats at our table the most with dice rolls are our GM. The majority of the player group is actually fine with characters getting wasted or failing spectacularly to a couple of shitty rolls, it brings tension to the table. But as it seems with our current GM, you could throw yourself in front of a rushing train strapped with explosives while chugging a gallon of acid combined with poison while shouting gas the orcs, racewar now in the orcish district and you'd still be fine.
I have one player that wishes he could cheat dice, but his strict catholic upbringing has made cheating a disgusting idea he craves but can never willingly do.
Drink bleach
Why play a system with dice roll for stats then? There are plenty with point buy, wouldn't that suit you better?
No, I have a d6 that specifically favors the 4. Like, it VISIBLY rolls funny. Rolling along fine, then CLOMP, it's a four. Give it a good toss, and it just stops on the four like it hit something.
Floated in a mix of epsom salt and water, it pulls towards the 4.
Though I dunno, maybe my confirmation bias made the four side lighter so it would float to the top? Maybe my confirmation bias just changed the universe Deepak Chopra-style to magically make a fair die float funny?
(If I hadn't bought that die from the LGS I'd swear the previous owner loaded it. But who would load a d6 to roll 4?)
He probably plays 3.5 exclusively
Someone who plays an army with a lot of 4+ saves
If you want your GM to stop fibbing to not kill you just tell him.
99% of players are so asshurt about character deaths that almost all GMs are walking on eggshells when it comes to killing PCs.
I cheated once and still feel like a piece of shit over it because I'm a bitch.
DM was a guy I knew who didn't like me so he'd do everything he could just to fuck with me, small town and only guy who wanted to DM, you know the deal.
See that mob of goblins, they're just going to run through the party and target the wizard who is low level and has literally shown no reason to be a target instead of the other guys who are actively killing them.
He describes a room with nothing in it, later when we have to run back through the room he decided to add a table in the center and says my character runs straight into it knocking him prone and having the giant spiders catch up to me. I tried to argue this one and he just got pissy telling me to stop playing if I didn't like his style of DMing. I asked the other players if they thought this was fair and they just told me to let him do it and they'll try to help me get my character out of this.
Whatever I'm pissed but arguing against this guy is going to get me nowhere so we do the combat encounter we were trying to avoid by running away and in a rage this is where I fake some dice rolls.
Once again he targeted me but I made it through only maimed because I cheated and the session ended here.
Talked to the other players after the session and told them I faked some dice because I was annoyed and they agreed my situation was dumb but they just wanted to keep playing.
Few weeks later feeling like shit I quit the group and started DMing my own thing for some new players.
I'm genuinely curious about clever ways to cheat with dice.
I play rolemaster, a d100 system and one of my friends has an average roll of 75 out of 100.
I don't know how this happens.
Could it be the way he rolls? Could it be the dice? He's rolled like this for years. He always uses the same dice but he's not the type to cheat his friends as he's very kind, generous and caring. It is no exaggeration about how high he rolls however, he might roll 50 times in one session and get 5 100s and almost every roll over 60 with an average of about 75.
Is it actually possible to have cheat d10s?
>GM describes the scene while that guy decides to roll without saying anything, careful to not draw GM's attention
>"Hey GM I'm using investigation and I got a nat 20, what do I find?"
Knew a guy who did this. It was fucking shameful the way he just looked up expectantly, like he had just "won D&D." Fucker metagamed like no tomorrow, too. Like "Oh, my ally PC is being accosted across town while I'm in the bar getting drunk with no way of knowing? I SPRINT to him because, uh, I just remembered this thing I wanted to tell him." levels of metagaming. We dropped that faggot after 3 sessions. Would've done so sooner but we tried to reason with him and give him a chance first.