>here's your dragon
Here's your dragon
I'm okay with that, robot dragons are pretty cool.
>Implying that I wouldn't model my fuck robot after a dragon in the first place.
I fail to see the issue. Hell, I could actually use that one in one of my games. On that note, what's the source of that? Is it an actual model? I could use more things to do on nights off.
>Build character for ice magic
>DM gives you fire dragon
T-thanks. I-it's n-not l-like I-i wanted to cast spells...
Shatter castle walls and golems as you rapidly cool and reheat them.
But it breaks the theme.
I even had ice puns ready.
I just realized that I have no pictures of robotic knights.
What about spec ops wizards?
I have this
You can still make the ice puns, retard.
Ride on the fire dragon, while casting ice spells. You get double the puns.
You can open up with the fire puns, which is then free segue into ice puns.
No you cannot, if you do ice puns while having a non-ice entity nearby he'll try to be all wise and shit with fire puns totally taking your alpha punmaster status you fucking NOOB.
>Dragon roasts enemy
>"Getting a little hot? How about something to cool you off?"
>Ice Blast
If you want to be the pun *master* you just have to be able to out-pun other punsters.
If you try to do that it shows you're punsecutre.
More like SPELL-ops, am I right?
Magicka: Vietnam.
Why is he wearing two sets of goggles?
One's night vision and the other is day visions I he's never blind sighted!
One could likely be true seeing, the other could be some other form of magic detection.
That's pretty good I guess. I would prefer it if the head was more detailed, and the tail ended in a spearhead, but it's still a really good sci-fi dragon.
Ranger and Animal companion
You're all right.
They're relatively new goggles that give you a far better field of vision compared to traditional ones.
You could theoretically get your hands on them without being, say, CAG or DEVGRU, but they'd cost you like $35,000 or so.
shit looks like thomas
Quick way to get wide angle NVGs.
That's not even a pun. That's just you saying what's happening.
That dragon seriously looks like a more "western" styled Red Dragon Thunderzord