More Eagles Than The Emperor's Children Edition
Forge Lord Sergeant Batman Sub-Edition
In the last thread the date for BaC's squeal was asked, discussion on the faults of some of the BL authors, one user wanted to know why 30k lists are infantry light, I want ND to leave, an user made a Knight Errant, we discussed the difference on Alpha and Alpha+ psykers, we tried to roll up a planet using Dark Heresy's generators, an user talked about his Knight House and much more in the old bread Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
Other official downloads:
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
30k Black Library:
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
First for anachronistic Burt Reynolds!
Can't wait for these bad boys.
A little to early for him.
The rumours are of a Plastic Daemon Prince Magnus later this year for both 30k and 40k. What does everyone think of the idea of Plastic Daemon Primarchs from GW instead of FW resin ones?
ill always take plastic over resin if its an option
>I want to understand the relationship of Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus with the Mechanicum.
>I tend to think of the AdMech and the Mechanicum as synonims
They're sort of synonyms. When the Imperium was reformed after the Heresy, the Mechanicum was given a seat among the High Lords of Terra and renamed as one of the many Adepta. It didn't really change internally, only in its relationship to the rest of the Imperium.
We're not yet sure how the Skitarii fit into it; I suspect that in 30k they're the Mechanicum's military wing, controlled centrally, whereas the tech-thralls that FW has released are under local control. The Cybernetica was bigger back then, so many the Skitarii were less important or widespread. Secutarii seem to be similar but belong to the titan legions.
The Cult Mechanicus is simply their religion and the units that exist in 40k are probably around in 30k, but are again less important in military matters because there are so many high-quality automata to rely on.
Absolutely bananas.
That's one of my favorite 40k pinups.
>that itty bitty lock on that big titty tech priestess
It still gets me.
That pic and one other inspired me to make a Tech-Priestess in an ongoing Rogue Trader game with my now husband and friends.
Anyways, that's a pretty nice post detailing the AdMech and Skitarii in 30k. Has FW said if they'll be supporting any of the Xenos armies like Orks or Tyranids? Can't remember if they have said anything or not. He loves his Orks and would love to play them against my Word Bearers.
>That pic and one other inspired me to make a Tech-Priestess in an ongoing Rogue Trader game with my now husband and friends
You the same chick from the 40krpg thread?
The mechanicum has the most retarded military organization ever.
>Ordo Reductor
>All of them largely independent of each other
It would be like if the US military had the US army, another branch that was like the army but meant for siege warfare, another branch that was really advanced technology and then a bunch of jackass mercenaries wandering around fighting wherever they felt like it. Ad to this shit like tech assassins and it gets even more convoluted. I am fairly certain the admech just doesn't give a fuck.
>You have robots and want to join the Great Crusade? Go ahead and lead your robot hordes into battle.
>You are good at siege warfare and have tons of thallax? Go ahead and help the Iron Warriors with sieges.
>You grafted giant weapons onto your body and want to blow shit up? What the fuck do I care? Have fun.
Pretty sure I am.
I've been having morning sickness for the past week now. Going to see the doctor in an hour, hopefully it's what I think it is.
Congraduations. As for your question yeah FW does have some Xeno stuff, but they've got Malal's chance of coming back in this edition.
Well, we do have a branch specifically for amphibious assaults...
But yeah, the Mechanicum is retarded in every way. They have a monopoly on technology but don't believe in science. They're superstitious and ritual-bound even during the time when the rest of the Imperium wasn't. They regularly hurt vassal knight worlds with their policies as if it were a zero-sum game. They're nuts.
Good luck! If it happens, then just two years or so before you can dress him or her up as a 28mm Imperator.
Thanks! Eh, it was worth a shot to ask. Malal coming back would be awesome though, I'd totally play a Malal army if I could.
>if it happens, then just two years or so before you can dress him or her up as a 28mm Imperator.
The thought of that sounds hilarious, will try and remember that!
Ah yes I also forgot about knights and titans. So they have like five branches plus unpaid mercenaries.
>Well, we do have a branch specifically for amphibious assaults...
The irony is that the last major opposed amphibious landing the US executed was at Inchon and the US army carried out the landing.
But seriously, why is like 99% of every important mortal in ADB's books a woman? Did he use up his quota of XY chromosomes for the Astartes?
Congratulations user, is the little one going to learn the ways of the fa/tg/uy?
>Thanks! Eh, it was worth a shot to ask. Malal coming back would be awesome though, I'd totally play a Malal army if I could.
He lives on as Malice. There is one BL story with the Sons of Malice, and in Retribution Neorth could be equipped with a staff with a daemon of Malice jammed inside of it.
What's your preferred female equivalent of Hard for Heresy? Wet for the Warmaster?
>latest Eye of Horus podcast has one for every legion
Hopefully! He or she'll have so many aunties and uncles too! It'll be great.
Oh, that sounds interesting, actually. Know what it's called?
>Wet for the Warmaster
I'm laughing so hard right now. Wonder how my husband'll react if I said that to him out of nowhere?
It's clearly because of their parkour Cataphractii Terminators.
Maybe he;s making up for 99% of every important mortal in every single other 40k Author's books being male.
>Oh, that sounds interesting, actually. Know what it's called?
It's called Labyrinth.
Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out!
Glad to be of help.
I think they've been getting better with it in the HH books, at least.
Base coats done! only took me an entire night and some of this morning to make sure i got 100% coverage. Drop podding batman bros assemble!
I like it!
Got a couple of these bad boys incoming. Any tips for assembly?
Lots of alchohol and a soft-ball sized wad of greenstuff for each one
Congrats, user!
Now roll for his/her Legion
First for gf dumped me
I don't know what to do. Sad but dealing okay, I am more lost. I already told my many Normie friends [/spoilers]
To keep it on topic people over meme about alpha legion Shitters. Ultramarine's are best legion
I should have figured. They look nice, excuse my autism for asking for tips and not complimenting. Are they getting lightning bolts on the highlighted areas?
Rolled 18 (1d18)
Thanks, user! I'll be leaving for the doctor's now, so I'll have about 10 minutes more on here in the car, and maybe about 10-20 more in the waiting room.
Why not? Sure, I'll roll.
Don't get discouraged. People break up and grow apart and move on. Think on your experience with this grill and accept what went wrong but also keep with you what you did right.
In the meantime enjoy being single and use your newfound free time to indulge in the Age of Darkness or school or work or whatever until you feel confident enough to get your feet wet with the wimmenz again.
You'll get over it soon.
Your children get Sallies.
I hope you're ready for a total bro pyromaniac in the family, user.
dry fit everything, the Kharybis is pretty easy to assemble all things considered, apart from the larger leg claws, they need to sit inside the gap between the sides and its unfun getting them to sit right and wait for the glue to dry.
The Dreadclaw is a piece of shit to assemble and I hated every moment of it...........I need 2 buy more.............
Congratulations on your new black baby. Your husband must be so proud.
sorry to be off topic, I'm handling it pretty well. But it's a real sudden shock to the chest. Thank you for being kind, user [/spoilers]
> gf
Normies REEEEE etc. etc.
Convert them, bruh. You'll look like a poorfag but it's less trouble to assemble.
Ah, but I rolled a 1d18, so in fact my child was Alpharius all along!
Now I'm wondering if I' have twins.
whole model has to get edge highlighted, lightning bolts, and decals. Like I said, purely base coat so far, shits going to take me forever to do
Those are some nice salamanders skins!
There are ways to stop this.
If you do then that means you can have TWO Imperator Titans.
Wait, does that mean that and were Alpha Legion infiltrators the whole time?
> When the Imperium was reformed after the Heresy, the Mechanicum was given a seat among the High Lords of Terra and renamed as one of the many Adepta
Kelbor Hal already had claimed his seat in the Emperor's War council, so even after the heresy that aspect remains pretty much unchanged.
>The Cult Mechanicus is simply their religion
I was asking more about the 40k faction itself, given how they also have Dominii and Kastelans (developed from the same source of the Castellax), but mainly to know wheter or not there were Holy Requisitioners back in 30k.
The Mechanicum's military can be seen as organized in three main branches, all of them interwoven among themselves to some degree due to oaths of loyalty and what have you:
>Regular armies belonging to a Magos or Forgeworld
Skitarii, Taghmata.
>Servants of a Machine God's avatar
Collegia Titanica and Scutarii, Centuria Ordinatus. Knights could fit here...kind of.
>Technosavants and specialists with a great degree of independence
Legio Cybernetica, Ordo Reductor, Auxilia Myrmidon.
By the way, turns out Xana's icon isn't a spess boar, but something more terrifying.
Scoria did claim the patent for the Bearversor creation in threads past after all.
Y'know, I can't think of anything witty to say to this.
That pic is hilarious! Though, I'd think I was in some sort of strange dream if my husband did that. Usually I invite my bi-friend to threesomes. Man, it's going to be REALLY weird if my kid finds out that one of their aunties regularly had sex with their mom and dad. I probably shouldn't have typed this.
>TWO Imperator Titans
Or maybe even Alpharius and Omegon!
Apparently so!
100% organic too.
Mother of the Man Emperor no. It all makes sense now.
>Scoria did claim the patent for the Bearversor creation in threads past after all.
Now I remember.
user, what you do with your friends is between them and the Omnissiah. Don't tell your kids.
>Or maybe even Alpharius and Omegon!
Why not both?
>that spoiler
>Mama user, why does Aunty user keep coming over when none of the other Aunty and Uncle Anons are?
>You'll find out when you're older.
Have fun explaining that one!
Dang Alacrán, great posts as always!
I see your casting and raise the stakes
Anyone written any fanfic of Alacran and Unification? Or am I the only one who sees the sexual tension between /hhg/'s two resident tripfags?
I like who you have for Lorgar, and Fulgrim.
My, Burt doesn't look anything like anymore.
What have you been smoking?
Stahp it you.
Curzefag, stop trying to make it happen
Who are the notable people in the /hhg/ community?
Hopefully I won't have to tell them anything!
>Why not both?
You mean, Alpharius and Omegon infiltrating as Imperator Class titans? Preposterous!
>Have fun explaining that one.
I sincerely hope I never will have to.
Well, the doctor just called me up, wish me luck!
Besides Unification, I've seen Shas O' some times, then there's the infamous Curzefag and there's also RgBro, who frequently infiltrates the thread as a regular user.
He's like the Invisible Man: if you don't see him then you know he's here.
And also Knight user and Thread Guy, who may be the purest of us all because they don't namefag, so there's them too.
Sorry, I've binge watched the first three seasons of Game of Thrones, haven't really slept much over the past two days
I wish I was Curzefag so I could stop posting
Look, I'm just saying, Alpharius should not look or sound like what you imagine he should
Fuck, I should go back and replace him with Shatner
Best of luck!
Here's what you should replace Alpharius with.
>Hopefully I won't have to tell them anything!
They'll find out eventually one day. You better come up with a good enough excuse. Good luck at the doctor's.
I don't know how that made you post that.
>captcha included tree man foot
I'm eating, capthca.
I would only do so if the sculpts were the same. GW has shown time and time again that plastic sculpts are always inferior to the resin equivalents in some way. Betrayal at Calth leg poses and Contemptor are garbage. The Cataphractii are quite good though lack some tiny details much like the plastic Trygon, but it's passable for plastic.
Of all the legions which is the most punk rock? In like a "fuck the system" sort of way.
Sons of Horus?
White Scars?
Night Lords?
Raven Guard?
Pic related?
Some other guys?
Pre-Heresy EC were incredibly anal about hierarchies. I'm not sure if any of the others fit well with punk rock.
My personal pipe-dream
>jetbikes who can turbo-boost and shoot on the same turn
I'm not surprised everyone forgets me, but that's the nature of things. I'm conveniently remembered the moment a new FW Book comes out and all the scangulls start to screech my name.
Lest I get called out for shilling myself, Visions Volume 2 should hopefully be done by the end of this week. It would have been done sooner had not illness and work got in the way. Sometimes when I see the state of things in these threads I wish I had more to scan for everyone, just so I could give brief periods of actual discussion and not just endless 'Rate my list, pick my legion, primarch waifu' shit.
I can't believe I didn't praise Scan user. I shall go enlist in the Immortal Corps now.
Also, good to know you're better now
Yeah, pre-heresy SoH were almost the poster boys and pre-heresy NL were the cops. So time frame is definitely relevant to any answer.
What kind of illness we talking about here?
>So time frame is definitely relevant to any answer.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.
I'd pin the Space Wolves as cops before I pin the Night Lords as cops.
>pre-heresy NL were the cops
It depends on your definition of "cops"
Thank you for noticing me senpai
You are the Nathaniel Garro of /hhg/.
You are of Purpose Scan user.
bless your noble heart ScanAnnon
So why did Garro have that giant eagle on his back and chest before he even became a knight?
I am the scan of my codex
PDF is my body and PNG is my blood
I have created over a thousand scans
Unknown to GW, nor known to Veeky Forums
Have withstood uploads to create many scans
Yet, these posts will never hold gratitude
So as I pray...
He only had the chest eagle I think.
any anime recommendations for a 30k fan? last thing I watched was Death Parade last year and I've kinda been out of the game. planning on watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes at some point
He was a Terran veteran and it was a battle honor.
Now I'm just embarrassed. I've got nothing to deliver yet.
I'd like to think the work I've done has played a large part in the creation of a 30k community here. If we didn't have all my scans of every single FW book, we probably wouldn't have this crazy little community now. So I'm to blame for the dubs, chicken dinners, Iron Circle Parties and rampant shitposting in the great voids between book releases.
Interestingly, this is where it all began back in the day. Before we had a 30k community, when it was random threads every so often. Take a look and see how far things have come.
>didn't even flay them all alive
this was fun to read
>that time when free chainaxe arguments were taken seriously
I got hooked into Veeky Forums because of HH1. Blessed be yer work.
Said pre-heresy. Ye Olde pre-Curze legion would bomb cities and cast them into the abyss, not stroke their murderboners with their flayed skin.
So I'm starting to paint my Imperial Fist vehicles tonight...was wondering which shade I should use on top of the Daemonic Yellow primer. I used nuln oil for the Knights and I like how it turned out, but I'm worried that if I keep using nuln oil it'll look weird on rank and file marines.
also why is my capitalization so fucking random what mental disorder do I have.
I like the look of devlin mud on yellow but I also like the trudged-through-mud-seen-combat look.
I like this list.
Lorgar doesn't look as charismatic as he should, Angron doesn't look like a blood crazed maniac, and Vulkan doesn't look like Vulkan.
Vulkan is not a sub-saharan African, if that is what you meant by that, you're wrong - they are all genetic ancient Anatolian greeks, Vulkan has a fucked up melanchrome, he's the fire-themed character, like Dark Iron Dwarves.
Fiennes would be perfect for Lorgar as the sympathetic idealistic priestly antagonist, Tom Hardy's performance in Bronson was great and Angron has the epithet 'Red Angel', to do with his extremely pretty face that has been terminally fucked by all his angry warring and gladiatorial combat.
I know that.
It's the chin, man, the chin!
True enough with Fiennes, just Hardy's mustache in that pic just throws me off. It looks wrong, honestly. And I don't know why.
Delete this post now. For the love of Papa Sang do it.
>Oh shit that was resolved? I'm asking as a Blood Angels player.
I said they those arguments don't matter anymore, not that they were resolved.