Which game has the worst fanbase and why is it vanguard?
Which game has the worst fanbase and why is it vanguard?
Easily 40k. I have seen so many trainwreck abominations who play that game.
It's at the point where the anti-D&D fags are easily a thousand times worse than the D&D fans.
They're dedicated to how much they hate something. They're more salt than human at this point.
That has nothing to do with the question.
Well, I think that about wraps things up here
What wrong with the Vanguard fanbase?
Not defending it just curious.
Gonna go with this, followed closely by the anti-D&D brigade.
There's a portion of the 40k fanbase that honestly reminds me of furries, bronies, and Sonic autists. To be fair it's not all of them, but there's a vocal group of them that seems to drag 40k into everything they say, do, and make.
>How would [character] survive in 40k
>[character] is a lost primarch
>[setting] vs 40k who would win (40k would win of course because why would it ever not win?)
>could [character] beat a space marine 1v1
>[faction] appears in 40k universe wat hapen nex
>endless pictures of non-40k characters dressed as space marines
It never fucking ends with these people. It's exactly like the bronies that have to make pony versions of everything, or furries that have to make furry versions of everything, or Sonic autists that have to draw every character in Sonic style. Everything must be experienced or talked about in the context of it relating to 40k.
Vanguard players are the worst mouth breathing human grilled cheese grease traps in the community.That or they're 9 and will become human grilled cheese grease traps.
But the anti-D&D brigade is not a fanbase.
They're the opposite of a fanbase.
The worst thing dnd fans do is try to play dnd. I'm more annoyed with people who go to their threads and try to push fantasy craft or dungeon world or whatever
Edition wars, anyone?
Fair enough.
Think magic players but much more insular and almost entirely weeb based.
Add onto that that adult players of the game are playing a game that is genuinely MEANT for school kids, and almost all of them seem to collect decks that feature the highest ratio of underage girls in them.
(They are't as bad as Weiß Schwarz players who i think must be playing the game purely as a form of therapy tp help them vent their peadophlic urges.)
A lot of that seems to have died with 4e. It's not like it's gone, but it's pretty minor. Arguing about alignments would probably be a better example
It's Yugioh where I'm from.
They leave their trash everywhere, rip each other off constantly, get angry when store owners won't buy their shitty cheap Walmart decks, and are comprised of the saddest bunch of asspie teens and neckbeard adults out of any Veeky Forums game I've ever seen.
Honestly, I think these days that qualifies as a fanbase. I mean they act exactly like fanboys, just they are against whatever instead of for it.
The Anti-D&D Brigade is just people trolling on Veeky Forums. Though admittedly many of the problems some people post about here are very much in the vein of trying to jam D&D's square peg into a round hole that would be better filled by something else.
Nah, the worst is Yu-Gi-Oh. Three of my FLGSes have banned the game entirely because of the fanbase. The last holdout triples their staff on Yu-Gi-Oh event days to keep the thievery in check. I decked a guy when I was there when I caught him trying to get into my pack, while I was fucking still wearing it. The management threw the wannabe Artful Dodger out and gave my group one of the private rooms on the house that day.
they even start up before a fanbase has even set itself up properly.
Before frostgrave had even been released i saw people calling it the worst game ever, gathering supporters like a racist at an old folks home.
OP here.
Yo-gi-oh fans are terrible, but luckily the game is almost entirely dead , the last time i saw people playing it was in one shop in Leicester which seems to cater entirely to the owners and their friends.
Vanguard however shares the same player base plus a whole new generation of cunts.
Is saying d20 too broad? Like all d20 systems? I tend to lump them all together.
How? They are not fans of any one thing.
They're fans of hating on it.
I mean think about it, they're going out of their way to express their dislike of something, and many who do so do so pretty damn religiously. Just the same as a fan going out of their way to express support for something.
These people will spend their time researching it, talking about it, thinking about it, get really emotional about it, etc. Same behavior as fans, just with a different aim.
Not really.
You're talking about zealots, not fans.
Tried setting up the idea for an Infinity video game to /v/ one time.
They said it was shit and that why would we want any Veeky Forums shit that isant Warhammer 40k.
Sadly I still enjoy 40k but the fanbase is cancer where depending where you look.
>[character] is a lost primarch
To be fair I always thought this was was just a joke
Same damn difference.
All the non-normie Veeky Forums games have this type of player.
I haven't seen it as much as 40k players, although it could just be because there are ore 40k players than alot of other games.But i do think it has something to do with the game worlds themselves.Infinity is not grandiose , and warhamhordes is all set on one world.Like alot of newer games, they're small games focusing on specifics.40k is the exact opposite, its essentially a sandbox the size of the entire galaxy, and every corner of it is crammed full of monstrous crap, so its more suited to all out gigantic one vs one fanboy wankathons.
Almost all video game fans have that mindset
true, but they need their game mechanics done for them by whirly gig light boxes,so lets not be surprised when they try to bash their toys together and claim they're running an n depth battle sim.
It's all they know.
The worst part is that the 40kids I was talking about cannot possibly comprehend how anything outside of that universe could ever defeat their precious precious 40k. Everything in 40k is the biggest, fastest, smartest, strongest, toughest, deadliest thing, and nothing can defeat anything in it, EVER, and if you suggest otherwise you're just a dumb fanboy who can't handle the sciencetific fact that 40k is the best.
It's power level wanking on a level that a Superman vs Goku argument could never hope to match.
That's not YGO. even though all anime card games are garbage by definition.
This type of argument is cancer in any franchise.
The real cancer in 40k is all the memes spouted from DoWs teribad voice acting
You're right. It probably annoys me more than other fanbases because 40k is the one I get the most exposure to, since I'm here on Veeky Forums a lot.
I kinda see a relationship between a terrible fanbase ,YGO/Vanguard and anime. maybe its just me.
MtG. The Magic crowd on Veeky Forums is essentially /v/ with cards. When it comes to the high end game, just look at all the shitters that pass for Magic 'celebrities'.
>true, but they need their game mechanics done for them by whirly gig light boxes
Wow, stay mad grandpa.
Vanguard has a fanbase?
Im actually kinda split.
On one hand BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD AND LOL YOUR A HERETIC are retarded but I still have a plethora of reaction images for it
>thievery in yugioh
Back in high school me and all my friends included together had about $500 worth of stuff stolen from other people. On the other hand, some of my friends also stole stuff from other people, so yeah I'm glad I'm out of the community.
Generally, YGO is considered to have the worst fans. My god do we all know the stories.
What the fuck was it about YGO that attracted thieving shitheads? Back in the late 90s / early 00s when people at my highschool were into it, there were also thefts from the local game store and from peoples' bags and lockers at school.
Only YGO cards, though, never anything else. And when Legend of the Five Rings became popular there, no thefts happened for THAT game.
sort like Force of Will, or WeisSchawrtz I hope i spelled that right., not even pandering to the neckbeardist of weebs cant save your game from the grip that is Yugioh or Magic.
Actually, that's Dungeon World, mate. Elitists, arrogants, pricks. They try to sell you a gaming style that says nothing to what is really happening nowadays.
In sum, it is just a flock of wannabe special snowflakes with too much free time on their hands.
didn't we just finished discussing this?
Oh, you did? Let me see what transpired, then.
No, not acceptable.
Weiß Schwarz, pleb.
i wish it was a better game
>tfw really find Vanguard fun
>One of the few games that actually does good legacy support. If there is an older card, odds are very high it will see some sort of support down the line
>They never reprint anything other than sometimes one card in the highest rarity slot
>Second-hand market spectating jews from Yugioh and keep prices absurdly high for an obscure weeb card game
>no store within a 2 hour drive plays it
At least the online game will be up soon and I have the 3DS games to play.
And to answer the question from my experience it's Yugioh. It's like they're the worst quality of every single card game stereotype rolled into one with a healthy splash of memery.