Eldritch Moon Spoilers when?
Eldritch Moon Spoilers when?
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Never, apparently.
you see them everytime you go to bathroom and look at what you dumped
They're probably going to wait even longer this time to build up the tension before releasing the set symbol and everything. I honestly think they're waiting so long because they heard the collective groaning sigh everyone made when they realized it was going to be Emrakul, so they're desperately renaming mechanics and recomissioning art. They changed Kozilek's art with like 5 days notice, so I"m sure they can redo a set like this with as many months as they've had.
Here's hopingi they ditch superfast jellyfish all together and give us something that's not these shit Nudrazi
A week or two ago, I would've agreed.
Now I want to rip the bandaid off and just burn away the cancer of the eldrazi once and for all, never to be seen again.
Genuinely curious, is there an article or UR that brought strong evidence for Emmy? I completely skipped Shadows due to EMA launching so soon afterwards.
>Genuinely curious, is there an article or UR that brought strong evidence for Emmy?
Aside from being fucking obvious, this article basically trumpets it from the fucking rooftops. Lattices, purple and pink, and tentacles? GEE, WHO THE FUCK COULD IT BE. Also the clue token hint thing.
Looking forward to HFY fucking Emrakul up the ass and ending the Eldrazi bullshit, once and for all.
If Emrakul is in this set too, I guarantee that the authors will completely miss the point of Lovecraftian horrors again and defeat her anticlimactically with the power of friendship.
The icon for it is gonna be emrakul, they havent spoiled anything because they don't want to give that bit of the story out.
To be fair, that guy isn't part of Wizards creative and is a freelancer.
>they havent spoiled anything because they don't want to give that bit of the story out.
They've all but said it, people had it pegged literally the second "Lovecraftian Innistrad" came out of anyone's mouth, who the fuck do they think they're fooling?
It would explain why he's going "OH LOOK HOW AWESOMELY CLEVER AND SUBTLE THE FORESHADOWING IS" when it has the subtlety and nuance of a brick to the jaw.
Could be marit lage, could be emrakul. My money's on emrakul
>Emrakul comes to Inastraad
>Most of humanity is mutated into twisted lovecraftian monsters
>Emmy herself sits in Thraben leaching mana, other wise not doing much
>Sorin and Arlin turn the little that humanity has left into vamps or werewolves respectively
>Majority, Jace, and Tami all fuck off, leaving Inastraad a dying plane full off insane monsters dancing madly to the roars of an alien god
How would you guys react if that was the ending?
Meant to type Nahiri
Nah son. Hank Hill planeswalker when
How do you even pronounce Marit Lage?
Now some time ago there was a thread in which people complained about the original Inninstrad ripping off Bloodborne, which was fuckng stupid.
However, now I am starting to have my healthy share of suspect about this one.
Ah tel you hwat
They're starting June 20th.
I hope we get new slivers soon.
As long as Nahiri gets murdered, I'm happy.
I pronounce it Maritime rhymes with Parrot and Large rhymes with Sage
What color would Hank Hill be? I'm thinking either mono white or WR
Nope Nahiri leaves and becomes God King of Zendikar, brutalizing the non kor part of the plane 'For the Greater Good'
Lili of the Veil won't be in this set, why even bother or care.
Spoilers start June 27th.
Legendary Werewolf for EDH.