What sort of situation might result in a human adventurer being asked to become a part of a Hidden Elf Village™? What do elves consider a great service?
Seems like it'd take more than fighting off some orcs.
What sort of situation might result in a human adventurer being asked to become a part of a Hidden Elf Village™? What do elves consider a great service?
Seems like it'd take more than fighting off some orcs.
Other urls found in this thread:
>being asked to become a part of a Hidden Elf Village
not even once
>Fighting off some orcs
That might be all it takes if the orcs have control of the village and are in the process of some knife-eared ethinic cleansing when the party busts in and nukes the greenskins.
The question is why would a human party of adventurers want to stay in a such an easily conquered village?
Maybe adventure guy is getting long in the tooth. Dungeons are a young man's game, and his reflexes aren't what they used to be. Elf status: elf might lead to an unexpectedly happy retirement.
>tfw your wife hires an entire party to drag you back to the Hidden Elf Village
Man this is bullshit.
>What sort of situation might result in a human adventurer being asked to become a part of a Hidden Elf Village™?
In which setting does this ever become a thing? Seriously, in which setting are the elves so exclusive that an elf village is considered "hidden".
But I will present you ONE setting. Which is probably more than you could ever come up with.
There was once this complete retard called Túrin and the Noldor trusted him. For some reason. He doomed them all. He was the final nail in their coffin. Well, you could say it was their fault for listening to him. He wanted to build a bridge, which ultimately resulted in Nargothrond being invaded by Morgoths forces. Because it was really improtant for him that they construct a bridge.
Never trust a human.
Don't tell me you didn't saw this coming?
I warned you about elves, bro.
I wish they would just get it over with and autoban posts linking to that site.
He asked for examples, I gave him a neatly organized list of examples complied by people with autism.
I skimmed through them. Most of them are not about elves.
The ones about elves are.
>Seriously, in which setting are the elves so exclusive that an elf village is considered "hidden".
are you kidding?, hidden villages are wood elf staple
>most of them are not about [x]
>but those about [x] are about [x]
I'm sure you will be a rocket scientist some day.
Well, it will be pretty easy to name some, won't it?
>What sort of situation might result in a human adventurer being asked to become a part of a Hidden Elf Village™?
A serious lack of sperm.
forgotten realms?, probably every other D&D setting?
Eberron has an entire continent of hidden elf villages that is off limits to all but a handful of outsiders.
They need a cranky old guy who used to put "professional killer" and "grave robber" under "previous experiance" on his resume, with recommendation letters from no less than 30 different monarchs, gods, mercanary companies, and tavern keepers. Why do they need this cranky, nihilist, cynic you may ask? Too convince their children that doing almost anything else is better than leaving the village and becoming an adventurer. Of course all he really does is get drunk, yell at the village children, and play poker with a lich, an angel, and what seems to be death himself. When asked who he plays poker with, all he replies with is that one was a dick-ass wizard, one is known only as "Sir Smiterson", and that he brushed with death so many times that he started giving him high fives. He's also 150 years-old.
Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, and Dragonlance.
And to put it another way, you have two opposing styles of elves, Grey Elves, which are super cerebral and aloof and reclusive elves that live in hidden mountain retreats, and Wood Elves, which are super athletic innawoods elves that live innawoods and also loathe contact with outsiders.
Then there are Valley Elves, an obscure Greyhawk race, which are super aloof and arrogant even with regards to other elves.
There are tons of varieties of other elves in any case.
TV Tropes used to be fun. Then the superweebs invaded and every trope had to have a Jap name and a longer anime section than all other sections combined. Then it became irredeemable when it started enforcing "no negativity ever" bullshit.
Human magic (which is different form elves' one).
Taboo jobs, not necessarily low-wage. Blacksmith, perhaps, which is not such a good idea for treehuggers and their gods.
impregnating females: the elven seed is diying out
>What sort of situation might result in a human adventurer being asked to become a part of a Hidden Elf Village™?
Human adventurer has learned a dangerous secret about HEV, and the elves out of magnanimity (or, perhaps, shame) have decided not to kill the human, but only to imprison them in their city for the rest of their life.
>impregnating females: the elven seed is diying out
Can they at least be delicious brown elfs?
Gondolin wasn't a village though, it was a whole kingdom. And it's not that he was asked to join, if you found Gondolin at all you were FORCED to to stay no matter who you were. Turin was just technically royalty on top so the king adopted him
They need that human's specific skills for a "short" duration of time. Humans learn things super-fast and are practically disposable, like a very good dog.
>elves don't want ANY elf genes leaking out after a cataclysm rendered them nearly extinct, they need every elf, half-elf, and anything with ANY elf in it to repopulate
>their villages and hidden demiplanar kingdoms have been seeking out all those of elven blood, even a single drop, for centuries
>as it turns out, that human has some distant elven descent through his father's line
>he's never leaving, not on their watch
>in fact, NONE of the party is leaving
>one's a Drow, one's an Aasimar with some elven blood, one's a Half-Orc that just so happens to not be entirely pure human on his mother's side
>every single drop of elven blood is precious enough that they're all getting the gilded cage treatment
>inb4 'muh fetish'
>inb4 'grimderp'
Being the blank slate you're supposed to self insert onto in a doujin
Forgotten Realms.
Pretty much most elven settlements still left on the mainland are hidden by powerful spells and guarded extensively because multiculturalism has worked out poorly time and time again for elves in D&D.
Hey mods. This gif shows the act of ejaculating sperm. Just in case you are too dense to get it.
But it doesn't have a dick so who gives a fuck you little shitnigger?
I do. And I want to see if something happens.
You're not in charge, nigger. You are the cancer that ruins this board. Especially when you feel the need to bump and old, shitty thread, to whine about some animated cum.
Fuck off back to tumblr where some one might give a fuck about your delicate sensibilities.
I'm just interested if ejaculated sperm gets deleted on a blue board. That's all.
It did during the bad days of Nazi Mod, but so did threads about actual traditional games.
Now, no one gives a fuck but you.
Kill yourself.
Excuse me, that's extremely offensive. These kind of racial slurs are not welcome here.
I suggest you leave this website and go back to Stormfront where you'll feel much more at home.
Now you're just trying to b8.
Seriously. You need to kill yourself.
Find the highest bridge you can and do a flip off the side.
Considering the mods don't even give a shit about tits or offtopic posts or quest spam half the time, I wouldn't hold your breath for them blamming something that's outside the actual purview of the rurus.
I miss Nazimod sometimes, but Veeky Forums was even worse back before then, so they were a necessary evil back then. Not quite so much nowadays.
You seem to get triggered a lot by this.
>I miss Nazimod sometimes
I think that we need some middleground between nazi mod and "everything is Veeky Forums xD"
I think we need less Board Fun Police because their idea of fun doesn't match anyone elses.
>shit up the board
>"but it's fun!"
Wow now you're actually inciting suicide?
That's totally not okay at all.
I'll have you know I've reported your vile posts. I hope you get a lengthy ban to think about the hurtful things you've said today.
You need some cooling off mister.
>worrying about other people's fun
Literally cancer.
Is it being fun police when your opinion is literally "people should stop breaking the rules they agreed on to get in here in the first place"? That seems more like common sense to me. You don't go into a restaurant and then shit on the table and demand they serve you anyway.
It's like that one guy who never uses coasters telling you to chill when you've explained how your coffee table is 120 years old already.
I congratulate you, you managed to sound like some autistic Tumblrtard.
Im pointing that out just in case Veeky Forums needed more proof that the pc-brigade from leddit is becoming more and more common here.
I'm just uncertain if the act of ejaculating sperm in the context of a sex scene is something that would get deleted on a blue board.
But no one is breaking any concrete rules. Stop making up bullshit to enforce your own set of rules on other people.
Don't like it? Ignore it.
Think it violates the rules? Report it, hide it, move on.
Acting like a self-righteous shitstain and trying to assert yourself as some sort of authority over others? You become the embodiment of everything wrong with the board.
>I'm just uncertain if the act of ejaculating sperm in the context of a sex scene is something that would get deleted on a blue board.
Fuck off newfaggot.
Or you could piss off to the Paizo-forums or other places where the pc-police protects your feefees from the triggering images of skimpy clothed female bodies.
I don't recall saying anyone was - you seem to be labouring under the delusion that everyone on Veeky Forums is [GUY WHO INITIATED ARGUMENT], which is of course false.
I don't give a shit about the example up there because as you say, it's pretty innocuous and borderline. I've seen people use the same rhetoric to defend actual rules violations though, so eh, it does happen.
Can this just be a thread where we post cute elves doing cute things?
>hentai elves
Should be bannable as well.
Tell me, is it or is it not? Is it or is it not on Veeky Forums or other blue boards? You seem to know, or else you would not call me a newfag.
It really doesn't matter. Post what you want, if it gets deleted, wait to post it again until mods are asleep.
That being said, the rule is work safe, so if it's something that would be alright to look at at work, it's probably fine.
>It really doesn't matter
user, I think rules have been made for a specific reason.
Certainly NOT to protect your delicate flower sensibilities.
But you are the one that got triggered hard by that post. I'm just interested if it belongs on a blue board or not. This whole conversation would not have happened if you just ignored it and moved on.
Source? google and saucenao is giving me no hits.
Fuck off.
Cant remember the source, but searching with tags: elf, slave, scat, incest should yield results
You should be banned from life.
See, this is why badwrongfun assholes are cancer. They derail perfectly good threads and don't cause the actually bad threads to go away.
Yeah, I'm talking about you, you fucking asshole. You're the problem with Veeky Forums becaus you try and enforce rules but only when it's convenient for you.
My google is weak and limp...where is this from?
>hurr durr go make a new thread somewhere else and ask, instead of asking the person who just posted the pic
Cant tell if newfag or legitimate autism.
go on...
Dammit there goes my boner. Thanks for the assist anyway user.
Tell me, what do hentai elves have to do with Veeky Forums? Yeah, I know, they are elves. But no setting has hentai elves, nobody plays hentai elves. Crops like this get posted so someone can ask for sauce and the poster gets his precious (You)s. They are purely /h/ content, nothing else.
No, this whole conversation wouldn't have happened if you didn't virtue signal on fucking Veeky Forums out of all places you mongoloid.
No one here fucking cares how much of a good white knight you are and how offended you are about nude chinese cartoon girls.
ehh, its only one panel with the queen.
No, this whole conversation happened and continues to happen because you keep sperging out over it.
Now fuck off.
>Dammit there goes my boner.
>not liking chocolate elves
This a million times
You should read
>No one here fucking cares how much of a good white knight you are and how offended you are about nude chinese cartoon girls.
You surely do.
But he could just have ignored me.
You keep replying and don't get it when people tell you to fuck off.
>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
>or another post, is also not allowed.
Fucking newfag retard.
No, I get it. I get why you are so triggered and keep replying. For the benefit of your health and sanity will this be my last post.
I never said that I reported something.
Nobody's triggered but you, kid. We just want your literal assburgers out of this thread.
The funny part is you're the same asshole who shat up a ton of /qst/ threads with the same self-righteous "I'm not trolling" shit as this.
You're worse than cancer, you're just another "you can't have fun I don't like" dickhead that wants Veeky Forums his way or no way..
>You're worse than cancer,
So? he's in the right place
>elf waifu wat do
Not this shit again
>I never said that I reported something.
Well I just did
Kind of reminds me of Hawaii, actually.
I remember hearing about a group of the native Hawaiians who are essentially doing this to make sure they as a people don't die out genetically.
>Reverse image source
>The 15 Most Influential Fictional Characters of 2014 | TIME
Oh I am Laffin.
Does this end up in handsome Prince having loving sex or fuck ugly prince letting buttfuck peasant nail his queen for some godforsaken reason?
If I'm remembering the artsyle right it's the second aint it?
Wait, seriously? I'm gonna have to look that up.
You'd know better than I would, Satan.
I think it's the scat porn part that's turning him off. Unless you know that, which means you're into scat, which means you are one sick little man. Which means:
>pic related
Being some sort of peerless warrior.
Turns out being an elf is a condition rather than a race, which is why they can't breed.
>liking nigger skin
>liking weeb shit in general
>On my way with the bro shapeshifting druid, the smug, womanizing conman swashbuckler and the holy champion of the Most High God of the Sun
>Road goes through a forest: it's already pretty late in the afternoon so we decide to make camp and rest at a clearing near the lonely road
>put up our tents, get a little fire going, roast some game and such: people told us the forest was safe and shit, so we don't care much
>suddently, druid jumps up, picks up his scimitar and runs into the bushes, screaming at us to follow him quickly
>we all follow him and find an elf running as fast as it can through the woods, trying to escape from a dire bear barreling down towards us
>kill the bear no problem and the elf catches his breath: says that his village is under attack by dire beasts, asks us to help his family and all the people
>follow his directions and find the small elf community in chaos as bears, boars and wild cats attack anyone in sight
>fight back and manage to save everyone
>the elder is still alive and after we heal the locals, they tell us it's a spiteful druid who wants the forest all for himself and his animals that is the cause
>we track the druid down first thing in the morning
>find him in a hut with some dire animals acting as guards
>kill him and raze the hut, destrying all the runes making the animals aggressive in the forest
>return to the village and tell them about what the druid was packing back home
>the elves are incredibly grateful and the four hot daughters of the head of the village ask us to become their husbands
>settle down in the forest with hot, monogamous elf waifu
Fuck off nigger.
>chocolate elves
you've gone too far this time Carlos.
>hot, monogamous elf waifu
See this?
This is why Veeky Forums is called /d/-lite.
You should be ashamed of yourself, you fucking hedonist.
Screw you, I do what I want!
If I want to hold hands and snuggle with my waifu, I will do so!
Gore is the much greater fetish anyways
I don't know what you're talking about by jap names or longer anime sections, in all likelihood it's been fixed by now. I do agree with you on the "no negativity ever" bullshit. They have pretty much driven away anyone who isn't a lickspittle and anyone can be banned due to a single accusation of being a basher, the tropes that fall under flame bait aren't even allowed under the YMMV section, they also got rid of wallbangers and the disgraces.
>in all likelihood it's been fixed by now.
It was. The weeb hordes cried tears of blood when it happened, but it was an improvement for the site.
Didn't last long.
The shithole has also been mired in "this troper" subjectivity that people started blogging their own personal bullshit under some tags.