>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
Let's discuss class/feat, feat/feat, cross-character synergies.
Last time...
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
Let's discuss class/feat, feat/feat, cross-character synergies.
Last time...
Rolled 1 + 18 (1d20 + 18)
>This month's Unearthed Arcana
>Feats V1
-Barbarian with Flail Mastery
-Mastermind Rogue with Fell-Handed
>Rogue dual-wields a hand-axe and shortsword
>Rogue sneak attacks with the shortsword, takes the Help action with his bonus action, knocks away an opponents shield with his handaxe: +2 to the Barbarian's
>Barbarian uses bonus action to prepare to attack over shields: +2 to all flail attacks
>Barbarian attacks: Reckless attack advantage, +2 from Fell-Handed help, +2 from Flail Master bonus action, +1 from Flail Mastery, +7 Str, +6 Proficiency: Attack roll = 1d20 + 18
Attack roll = 1d20+18
Sentinel Polearm Battlemaster master race.
So what character sheet do you use? I kinda like this one
That's pretty standard. I use pic related just because it's the one I've had access to, BUT I believe the megatrove has class-specific sheets.
Wizard with Keen Mind only needs to produce his spellbook when he scribes new spells and otherwise once per month to review it. Can prepare spells from memory.
But since AC doesn't scale, by the time you have 6 proficiency, you won't need all this work to hit.
Anyone know if you could cast Booming Blade via the Warcaster/Polearm Master combo to prevent something from closing once they enter your reach unless they choose to take "Boom" portion of Booming Blade?
would it be okay if i run some character ideas by you guys?
please note that some of these hinge on homebrew and/or houserules in some cases
Still pretty respectable on the way up. 20 Str at level 8 is a +5 modifier, proficiency bonus is +3, you're looking at +13 on your attack roll.
1d20+13 is not bad. And at level 20 with that 18, you're gonna have a hard time missing. Even on a 1, you're recklessly attacking so you're only rolling snake eyes once per four hundred rolls (on average).
You would also need Spell Sniper to double the reach on Booming Blade. Viable build if you take one of those feats at level 1 with Human Variant.
You came to the right place.
So, how do you get around the general ability of casters to overshadow martials? Martials can keep up with the "reduce enemy HP" side of things, but I'm not sure how to make sure they can stay interesting and have as much narrative impact/problem-solving impact as casters.
well, one uses homebrew in a sense, and the other depends on whether thrown spears/other polearms are effected by ranger spells
the others are just unusual class/background pairings
Don't handwave physical challenges.
I think that martials should get higher proficiency bonuses.
>Problem solving impact
Spells have limits
Spells don't do everything
Anything a spell can do, a skill monkey can probably handle without getting a mob on their ass
Spells can do so many things that finding a niche for martials is increasingly difficult once you start getting to high levels, though, especially because a lot of the utility spells that can just magic away problems martials can solve use low-level spell slots, which are less and less valuable the higher your level gets.
So, I'm making a half elf lore bard. Can I get some help on how to differentiate him from all the other half elf bards around?
okay, first thing's first, the homebrew dependant one
dragon bloodline sorcerer (green dragon)
bloodline's strong enough that, in addition to some noticeable physical mutation, spells known deal poison damage instead of their standard element
this can be adjusted at the gm's discretion
What can a martial do that a wizard-controlled Simulacrum of that martial can't?
Regain hitpoints without the wizard having to sell their own kidneys.
I feel like you'd need to go through and manually cull spells from the full casters' spell lists that step on martials' toes too much, but then you're basically handing your players a list of "allowed spells" and you look like a jackass.
Second Wind wouldn't work?
5e poison is pretty weak because it's commonly resisted (poison damage is halved).
yeah, unfortunately
i just liked the concept of a magic user built around a less commonly used damage type
it was either that or acid, and poison seemed more versatile
>Wasting a spell slot when your skill monkey can do it for free
For what purpose? Casting a spell is rarely much more expedient than just letting the rogue do his thing.
What you're saying is that you're either a terrible DM or the same baiting martialfag, both of which are bad things.
Simulacra do not get Second Wind or any healing capability.
I dunno, even *that* doesn't sit right with me. The Rogue is useful not because there are things magic can't do or that are expensive/impractical to do with magic, but because the Wizard can't be bothered.
I'm not too sure what that means.
I'm here to learn ways that good DMs level the playing field, so if I'm a terrible DM, then I'm at least hoping to learn from better ones.
What cheekiness can i pull by pretending to be a naive human fighter? Magic user proficiency? Another class that can pass as a fighter only to reveal something 'i s-shouldnt be able to do' at a climax
Would a printing press with appropriate inks and probably magic text heads be able to mass print (probably low level) spell scrolls?
>implying it's wrong
Go back to playing 3e
No, the process involves ritual and shit. It's not just writing text.
Your rogue can also almost universally do his thing better than the wizard could. Sure the wizard can open locks with Knock, but he'll also wake up the entire neighborhood in the process. He could cast Invisibility and try sneaking, but the rogue will still sneak better.
Now a bard can do all that AND still have expertise, in exchange for doing poorer in combat. The fairness of that exchange is debatable, but I feel that's more of a individual class balance issue than a greater balance issue.
that's actually pretty genius, never thought of that one
I find merging some of the martial classes together helps quite a bit.
Warcaster + Reach Weapon + Hold Monster/SCAG Swordmage cantrips.
Crossbow Mastery + Eldritch Blast with Agonizing and Repelling Blast
You can basically combine any Charisma caster with any other Charisma caster, but specific shoutouts to the Sorcadin being able to burn SP for more smites or Oathbreaker Paladin/Lore Bard to do goofy shit with your poached Animate Dead and Aura of Hate.
Battlemaster Fighter/Swashbuckler Rogue to get three shots to get two SA attempts.
Story would be better if it didn't have the bard rolling 2 natural 20s and UNLIMITED SIX WORKS
next up, concept that depends on house rule
young spear-fisherman who had an encounter with what he describes "something wrong" when his ship was torn apart during a particularly unusual storm
(hunter ranger/ old ones bladelock)
heavily depends on whether spears can be used as ammunition in ranger spells
unsure how many levels after 3 should be warlock
feat/spell suggestions appreciated
Did this story really happen?
Spoken like someone who has never played or had a good spellcaster.
Knock obviates Thieves' Tools (if you're worried about sound, cast Silence first). Invisibility either obviates or greatly improves stealth, depending on how it gets ruled. Sneaking doesn't matter overmuch when you can Dimension Door places. Suggestion obviates the talky skills. Arcane Eye obviates a scout. Speak with Dead kills murder mysteries.
Caster/Martial disparity has been a thing for a really long time, but there's so much mindcaulk denying or stealth-modifying it that it's essentially a moot point. When the written rules are rolled out legalistically, casters kick ass, but the actual game almost never works like that unless the caster player bullies the rest of the table into it.
Bladelocks should be able to call their weapon as a bonus action instead of a full action.
Chances of this happening, just by the rolls mentioned, are 1/86400. So yeah, It's fake as shit
Nothing that anyone greentexts on Veeky Forums happens. People just make shit shit up in hopes that someone will screenshot it so they can pat themselves on the back when people like you repost them.
Including the bear with amazing charisma that became a noble?
Wow, that's the single worst story I've ever read.
...yes. Why would you ever think that was a real thing?
Because 3.5 is fuckin' weird.
Fun idea for a warlock?/fighter1 multiclass
>get warcaster, xbow mastery, polearm master tunnelfighter, repelling blast,
Every turn use your bonus action for infinite knockbacks.
What is everyone's opinion on the 5e published adventures? I've heard that everything besides Tyranny of Dragons is good, but are there ways to make it good?
>What is social interaction?
3.PFags please leave
>Knock obviates Thieves' Tools (if you're worried about sound, cast Silence first)
>Two 2nd level slots for something the rogue could've done without wasting any resources
>Just to be a jerk, really
Try graduating high school.
Yes. As I've said many times in this general Tyranny is not as bad as people would have you believe. I'm running it currently, and our group is having fun. If anything, I am more bored than they are with the caravan chapter, because I want them to get to the juicy stuff ahead and to 5th level already.
Or just don't dismiss it
Fun builds tiem:
Rogue 2/Dragon Sorcerrer1/Rogue2 (Swashbuckler and spend ASI on spell sniper)/Fighter for the rest of the way for extra HP, ASI , Feats, extra attacks and fighting style + going battlemaster for dem nifty tricks
Grab a whip and booming blade all day while using SA with it and staying untouchable. Bonus points for firebolt having hueg range.
Monk 7 / Rogue 2/ Battlemaster 11
AC and Dex spears, free dash and expertise, 4 Attacks with MA or 3 double range attacks with spears per turn + lunge shenanigans.
100000% never happened. What an awful story.
>depends on whether spears can be used as ammunition
Are you legitimately retarded or just pretending to be?
You can tell cause what fucking D&D group uses exploding dice?
Are there any printer friendly versions of Planeshift Zendikar or the Elemental Evil Player's Guide?
WotC designed 5e around the idea that parties would have 6-8 encounters and 2 short rests per day, but this doesn't actually usually happen. If it did, casters wouldn't overshadow martials so much, and some of the classes people like to complain about being too weak would actually hold up.
literally kill yourself
completely unfamiliar with the rules, with neither the money nor harddrive space to get my hands on the books
mostly going by what i can pick up from wiki entries and threads
figured if it wasn't, it could be houseruled
>Knock & Silence
You're burning 2 spellslots to open one door, and you can do that twice per day at most without burning higher level slots. God forbid there's multiple locks on the door, or some sort of trap present. Proficiency in Thieves tools is a much more reasonable option.
Only gives advantage on stealth checks, so Mr. Fumbles the wizard still isn't going to be doing great at them. Anything else is houserules.
>Dimension Door
Can bring maybe one person with you, assuming you have an entire map of the place and nobody happens to be standing where you warp to. And you're still using it twice if you want to get out.
Not even remotely perfect, and liable to get you into trouble if you try and manipulate the wrong person. It's also concentration, so hopefully you don't need to talk to more than one person in a day.
>Arcane Eye
A scout would be well served to be able to open doors and hear things.
>Speak with Dead kills murder mysteries.
Bullshit. Just make it so the victim was attacked for behind, or otherwise doesn't know who killed them.
Casters are much more limited in spell slots now, to the degree where a lot of these are downright wasteful options. If the DM is willing to give you a lot of leeway? Maybe, but I'd much rather have a Rogue than a Wizard blowing all his slots pretending to be one.
If you don't have enough fucking HARDWARE SPACE for a PDF, maybe you should get a job and buy a better computer instead of dreaming up shit that would have been retarded even in a completely broken system like 3.5
I have to ask, have you actually played this edition or do you just come into threads hoping to collect a bucket full of (you)s.
Casters can't sneak worth a damn, even if they are invisible they have to roll stealth or be detected easily. Dudes will know which square the wizard is in and only get disadvantage on the attack roll, which will likely mean fucking nothing with how low wizard AC is and the fact that the attacked may have advantage for some reason.
Charm spells have been similarly neutered, merely granting advantage to charisma checks (which means it could be cancelled out by having disadvantage on the check, or made irrelevant by the party face gaining advantage on a charisma check through good roleplaying).
And finally, why the fuck do people even say shit like this when there are literally no classes in 5e that can't cast spells? Seriously, actually read the players handbook. Every class has an archetype that can cast spells, if you don't want the extra versatility and want bigger combat numbers you do have to pay the toll nigga.
TL;DR You are retarded and non-caster classes don't even fucking exist you mong.
your idiocy is rubbing off
wow dude
calm down
it was just an idea
a simple "that wouldn't work, here's why" would've been fine
>Only gives advantage on stealth checks, so Mr. Fumbles the wizard still isn't going to be doing great at them. Anything else is houserules.
It doesn't even do that.
You automatically succeed on sight-based skill checks. Stealth to not make sound is made as normal.
>running out of hard drive space
How? The PHB is less than 100 MB.
Rogue Assassin 3/Warlock 2/Fighter 2/Sorcerer 14
Surprise round to make all 4 beams from Eldritch Blast crit. Plus Hex. Then Action Surge to do it again. Then Quickened Spell to do it again. 24d10+24d6+60 (276 average) on your first surprise round, then 8d10+8d6+40 (92 average) every round after. Next fight if you don't have Action Surge you still do 16d10+16d6+40 (184 average) on your surprise round. Plus you get Heavy Armor, pretty decent spell progression and it all keys off of only ONE stat. Besides the Action Surge it's pretty light on resources. Spell points for the Quickened Spell is your only real worry.
Not even him, but wow, what a fucking idiot.
I used to think the 30 minute workday was a myth but after playing some pathfinder with magic casters the schedule is fucking set by the most magic splurging caster.
I hate to say it but I can honestly say I understand why 4th edition had encounter resting special abilities. When the alternative is Drop everything cause you might die and then plink with ranged weapons that don't do shit with the character it sounds pretty good to just give the character to do something than shitty basic attacks that don't work with the charter.
because this thing has a ludicrously tiny hard drive
i have skype, chrome, and a 20 or so pics saved and it's already half full
Made the background for a campaign I will be running soon. Just wished to know what you guys think, and to see if you people know what I'm stealing it from.
I know that, it just hasn't been much a problem for me because I like running and playing published adventures and they actually take that balance into consideration. Casters have to be careful with their slots if they're in a dangerous area. Funny how it's the "i prefer combat to be sparse and unusual" crowd that imbalances the game. People who like doing no more than one combat per day should use the "Gritty Realism" variant rules, that would rebalance things instantly.
>Only gives advantage on stealth checks
Actually that is also a houserule. All invisibility does is it lets you try to hide anywhere and anytime you want.
Is "this thing" a phone or a chromebook?
>The Rogue is useful not because there are things magic can't do or that are expensive/impractical to do with magic, but because the Wizard can't be bothered.
That's not true at all. The wizard can't do much copying of other classes' niches.
what all MC stats does that require?
original model nextbook
you know, the ones that are also a tablet?
i know it sucks, but it was a gift
13 Dex and 13 Cha. You'll wanna max Dex for higher Stealth for higher chance of surprise rounds anyway.
Only Dexterity and Charisma.
>Knock obviates Thieves' Tools (if you're worried about sound, cast Silence first)
Goddamn you are a stupid nigger. First of all, Knock and Silence aren't even on the wizard spell list together. Second of all you can't do both even if you did know them both because knock has a verbal component.
>Suggestion obviates the talky skills.
Unless the enemy is immune/resistant to charm effects, like a fair number of monsters and races (seriously, fucking elves even). Or they don't have any of that and just make the save. In which case they know you tried to cast a spell on them, good luck with that nigger.
>Speak with Dead kills murder mysteries.
Literally only if the murderer engaged in open combat with someone, which isn't exactly stealthy in the first place. If someone was poisoned, got a knife to the back, murdered in their sleep, etc. It will literally do nothing.
Dimension door, invisibility, and arcane eye can all aid stealth but don't obviate them. You need to roll a stealth check while invisible or everyone knows what square you are in, so if you aren't good at it (like how a rogue would be) it doesn't give you a whole lot in this edition. Dimension door and arcane eye are great over small distances, but if you are sneaking through 10 miles of forest to locate a bandit encampment without being spotted they don't do nearly as much good as ranks in stealth and perception.
you need to be an Enchanter to use charm spells without burning bridges
I'm eagerly waiting for my players to use Leomund's Tiny Hut to rest in a dangerous place... in which there's a caster NPC with Dispel Magic. Am I evil?
That's stupid. The function of Leomund's Tiny Hut is to "rest in a dangerous place". You're punishing the players for making correct and prescient use of the mechanics.
It'd be dick waving if you pulled that shit.
just tell the players you'll tell them when they can take a long rest
If you are just waiting for a "gotcha" moment and there is no reason for there to be an enemy wizard in the Cave of Trolls or whatever, yeah, you are a bad DM.
If they do it in an evil wizards tower or some shit then you are doing this all right, and it will spice things up for sure.
>tfw you give the BBEG 5 Lieutenants who are all Wizards specialized in only casting Dispel Magic, Counterspell and escape spells that he always sends at least one off to wherever the party happens to be
Caster supremacy is over, the age of martials has begun.
There better be a fucking good reason the NPC is out there and wants to end that spell. Otherwise you're just an asshat
I'm running a module. Said NPC is part of the module and is in said location. They'll realize (if they stop to think about it) that the caster affiliated with the bad guys that they met previously should be in that place, they may even encounter him there before trying to long rest. And obviously if they hide themselves very well they won't be found.
Not looking for a "gotcha" moment, more like upping the stakes and creating tension. Before dispelling, they would see the enemies getting ready and would have a chance to do whatever they wanted to.
And also looking forward to see their faces when they realize what's about to happen.
How's this for statting a boomerang-
Martial Weapon- 1d4 bludgeoning- Thrown, Special (Rolling 19 or 20 results in the weapon returning to you after impact)
Hex takes your bonus action.
Sorry you got a dick replying to you. Pic is the 5e weapons table. Anything that is projected during an attack with a ranged weapon is considered ammunition (darts, arrows, bolts, blow-gun darts, ...).
>Special (Rolling 19 or 20 results in the weapon returning to you after impact)
Useless, make it 10+ or whenever it successfully hits, otherwise you would need a lot of them to be even remotely useful.