Thousand Eyes Restrict unbanned when?
Yu-Gi-Oh General
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Never, Pegasus. Just like they'll never make Toons good or important staples not a secret rare. Take that, America!
When will ritual monsters get special effects?
Some do?
>ritual summon some faggot
>it's just a vanilla beater
>it's not even as big as the 3000+ beaters with godlike effects
will there ever be a playable retrain of gate guardian?
Wall shadow?
What ever happened to 4+ nomi card combos?
How would the meta be like if all searchers were banned?
Didn't they make a whole series of cards that buffs ritual summoned monsters?
Really this entire game just needs a complete reboot and redesign
It would be slower you retard
Well it's semi generic support but mostly for Black_Luster_Soldier.dek, because Konami has to appeal to nostalgiafags. The game itself is actually really good in terms of rules and interactions, rather than fully rebooting/redesigning it, Konami should introduce a rotation format while keeping the current format as a secondary one and still printing some cards for it (see: MTG's Legacy format). As it stands the metagame is already pseudo-rotation because new deck archetypes generally power creep the older ones, with the addition of a rotation format Konami could keep sales up while creating a healthy metagame for both the current rotation and eternal.
It's been going on for far too long and has changed far too much
I hate that pokemon cards become obsolete so quickly, but that game as well has changed a ton since it first came out
The early days of Pokemon saw some of the most powerful trainer cards ever printed, and furthermore Pokemon is rotation-based so they can print cards woth whatever power level suits the current Standard format.
Very little has been changed in Yugioh, most of the differences from the early days to now is stuff that has been added, new summoning types, new monsters/spells/traps, etc. In terms of the rules and mechanics very little has changed since the first starters and LOB came out. The most notable are a 15 card limit for the Extra deck (added rather early on), removal of the first player draw, and allowing players to each have a field spell. Additionally, the game now has a bigger focus on archetypes (a trend that started in the late DM era and was cemented in the GX era) and a few new summoning mechanics. While it's true that games average 5-7 turns nowadays, those turns take quite some time, due to the complexity and abundance of card interactions. I could go deeper with this but for the sake of brevity I'm gonna end it here.
Trainer card wise, yeah. Monster wise not so much. 70 HP basics with 10 attack power attacks? Haymaker's strength was almost all in its trainer cards.
Nowadays you have basic pokemon-ex's with 200 HP and can deal 100+ damage on turn one due to hand energy shenanigans.
But it's rotation based, so it really doesn't matter because each format only lasts a set amount of time. If Sun/Moon is weaker overall as a block than XY, it only affects Expanded, and Expanded barely uses any BW cards as-is, so rotation wouldn't change much aside from gimping a few decks a little (unless key cards get reprints). Games are also shorter which is great because old-school PTCG was a fucking chore to play.
they already do.
funnily enough, this card was the one to terrorize the format back when it was in standard a year ago
forgot pic
Now it terrorizes Expanded. NM is still a thing in standard too...
They should make a pack or two for nostalgia fags which is just retrained DM cards
Literally just watched this episode, they should have made that Duel against Joey, battle of the accents
Are lucksworns still a thing? I remember they were pretty gamebreaking back when I used to play, or did specific mechanics get created to hate out Wulf and friends? I mean fuck, a 4 star 2100 attack beater was basically unheard of, outside of gene-warped werewolf, and that's not even including my husbando Judgement Dragon.
They are like tier 2. Wolf's level is irrelevant since you can't normal summon. Sworns were only broken due to enabling so many decks (chaos, plants, rulers) and because JD is not the most well-designed card. I think they didn't expect self-mill to be that consistent, but cards like charge, solar, garoth, lumina just work with that engine and net you tons of cardadvantage. Assuming you draw them and not the wrong half of your deck.
That's what the new Movie Pack is going to be
Lol they're not tier at all. Clownsworns had some promise but then we got Breakers of Shadow.
>i don't know what Nekroz is
some do but i feel bad for all those bread n butter rituals like hamburger
You realize it's already Limited, right?
Should I destroy my life and start playing this game?
It's no worse than destroying your life with drugs, except noone will try and arrest you for this.
If you want to play competitive, play something else. Competitive yugioh is ass.
Don't play irl, just play on dn/pro for free.
>thousand eyes restrict unbanned? Seriously, this deck just topped the OCG, it's been out for a while and is doing rather well.
I literally just got back into Yugioh after like 10+ years so pls no bully.
Could a warrior deck be played competitively? If two marauding captains are on the field at the same time the opponent cant attack during the battle phase. Load it with some gearfried the iron knights, reinforcement of the army and release restraints. Gearfried the Swordmaster has an ability where he destroys a monster when he is equipped with a card. Throw in some United we Stands. Or would this all be useless to someone syncro summoning left and right?
Synchro summoning isn't powerful anymore, but that concept of yours would definitely get rekt.
Im so behind. Havent played since middle school. Wish it was more about friendly dueling these days instead of all this intricate new shit they keep throwing in.
Just ban Exodia already holy shit this deck looks way too strong
user this is a game for children, don't try and pretend it's complicated.
I think they literally just unbanned thousand eyes
Its been unbanned for weeks you retard
It's actually pretty weak.
Well I grew up on starter decks. Seeing people summons 3 or more monsters with 2000 or more attack points in one turn just blows my mind. Just gotta get more into it I suppose.
There are these things you can buy called "structure decks" they're like starter decks but way less shit.
>reinforcement of-
limited to 1
>equip spells that dont summon other monsters and dont generate advantage
wouldnt even need synchros or an extra deck to destroy you
I will humor you and post what an actual warrior deck looks like that would get 1st place right now at any tournament
>I will humor you and post what an actual warrior deck looks like that would get 1st place right now at any tournament
Wow that is a great warrior deck 10/10 mind if I netdeck you and take it to worlds?
You want to play a Warrior deck? Go on Youtube and search "Masked HERO deck April 2016". Elemental/Masked HEROs are the closest to a competitive Warrior deck right now, and their playstyle is really simple and newcomer-friendly. If you want to build them IRL, you can buy 3 copies of the "HERO Strike" Structure deck for 10 bucks a piece.
do you want it or not fuckface?
Are you FUCKING retarded? Exodia decks are the most cancerous decks because they are so strong. They should just ban all of the pieces and bring back Chicken game and Upstart Goblin
That wasnt me, I am interested in seeing a warrior deck. Theyve always been my favorite monsters and Marauding Captain in particular is my favorite card. I understand if he's a useless monster though, im just curious and am starting to get back into Yugioh after watching some more of the anime and seeing some of my friends duel in competitions.
I actually got a masked hero structure deck a couple weeks back. Will keep that in mind, thank you.
Just side Droll and watch them cry.
>summons 3 or more monsters with 2000 or more attack points in one turn just blows my mind
>3 Chicken Game
Don't make me cry, user.
equip spells are redundant, just use your own effecfts to increase your atack by fuck loads at a time while stopping any spells or monster effects
>black and white wave
Saved. Thanks man, I know having newbies ask questions can get annoying.
>YGO is easy
lol, if you knew how many stupid rules and rulings this game has
Did you miss the entire DUEA format?
I've played this game everyday for a few years now. This game is easy, I've seen actual 9 year olds top locals.
and most of them don't know what "missing the timing" means
I expect you to post a screencap of your results
Missing the timing is when a "when... you can" would be applied mid chain and cannot activate due to other effects resolving. Fuck your test, everyone knows what missing timing is.
I was talking about the 9 years-old kids, not you. You're an adult and an experienced player, right? Don't pussy out then. You should be able to solve this.
holy shit i just won a game with this, wtf?
I shouldn't pry but dont you kinda need me to tell you what half those cards are if you haven't played in 10 years
Nah I can just google the cards and their descriptions. I can still decipher the card descriptions pretty well.
still I can save you alot of time, they are phantom knights and silent swordman
didn't they just unban it?
>Not using Relinquished
>semi generic support
the ritual djinns are generic
northwemko's ritual spell is generic
preparation of rights and prepreparation of rights are generic
advance ritual art, odd-eyes advent, are both generic
Whats your excuse to not use these 4 cards for a indestructible monster with a 1 time resurrection effect /ygo/?
Too reliant on drawing them outside of dedicated Raid Raptor decks, and no way to search RUMs. If there was a spell to search RUMs I'd definitely run 3 Last Strix and Ulti Falcon in every deck, make no mistake.
Yeah no, this test is full of obscure cards and scenarios that would rarely if ever appear in normal play. A judge could probably figure it out, but even then, some googling would probably be required. Furthermore the test is more about activation timing and card interactions than rulings.
did winda became literally a doll or just brainwashed?
Chopped up and rebuilt into a doll/puppet
So? Obscure card interactions are also a part of the game.
Is that butterfly knife? That's unbanned?
That isn't /thread because it is a ygo General you literal autistic idiot
Pretty sure the butterfly dagger can never be unbanned
>not doing cattle call -> RUM
Literally never.
You need to change that to the TCG banlist from the OCG. Harpies feather duster is full restriction.
So who else here plays an Odd Eyes Magician deck? Went 3-1 yesterday at the local tourney. Lost to Yang Zing deck running 3 anti spell fragrance which shut down my scales. After he whipped me, switched to my wife's Pals deck and cleaned his clock.
>tfw Guitartle in both zones is a free pot of greed.