Going to be playing a dwarf in my next campaign and I'm wanting to make a list of dwarvish proverbs/sayings that I can throw out any chance I get. What are some good ones I should use?
Going to be playing a dwarf in my next campaign and I'm wanting to make a list of dwarvish proverbs/sayings that I can...
Other urls found in this thread:
> I'm a man with a plan - to drink all I can
> Life's like a rock - Hard, and in the way of a rich mineral vein
> I'm short, yes, but that only means my head gets more blood as I don't have to waste it on long limbs like you.
Take normal proverbs and change them to feature ores&stones, heh
Justice and love will always win.
>Never trust a clean shaven dwarf, friend. Those are the ones you want to watch out for.
>A Gnome with a mustache is good for business, but one with a goatee is one to watch out for. Or was it the other way around? Either way, they make good company.
>Halflings are not to be trusted, especially if they have sideburns! Dirty thieves, the lot of them! Doesn't help that they've earned their reputation for shirking work!
>Half-Orcs make fine workers, despite what you hear, it's only the Humans and full Orcs that have any sort of racial predjudice against them. I hear the Gnomes love them for their ability to work long and hard, great for lifting larger weighted things and such.
>Goblins are not to be trusted, they won't agree to any form of mining contracts and ownership of land, unlike the Kobolds who will at least recognize property.
>You can tell a lot about a man by the way his facial hair is kept. See that 'un over there? What with his long ragged and unkempt beard, I'd say he's not a proper bath in a long while, poor fellow.
>Elves are an odd sort. They can live just a wee bit longer than us, yet they've no sense of work ethic! Infuriating lot, though their wines are absolutely amazing! Hate them or love them, you can't deny that fact.
Never trust a woman who's afraid t' grow a beard on 'er nethers.
"Hard ass, not smart ass."
"Big men stand down."
"Hesitations last, but bad decisions last forever."
"Head down. Chin up."
"Best friends are odd: odd ones out at odds."
"(Look in the eye) like you knew them forever."
"Love man and beast equal, for we are no better then either."
"Cast your stone at falsehood. Let truth cast it back."
"Better afoot than feet."
"Hammer, or axe? Yes!"
>that ugly Colette
Bless me with beer
That train has sailed.
>Around Elves watch yourselves.
>How do you get Elves out of trees?
>Cut the ropes hanging them their.
>How do you stop an Elf from drowning?
>You better fuckin' not.
>What's the hardest part of cooking an elf?
Blood of the Architect!
Blood and Shale!
make sure to let everyone know whenever you see anything of good quality that it is of dwarven make, even if its not.
"Fear only nothing."
"if you can see their lips, they can't be trusted."
Good to see another Digger fan round these parts.
>How do you get Elves out of trees?
>Cut the ropes hanging them there.
Favorite one.
These aren't half bad
>Never trust gold that shines in the dark
>A warriors word is as strong as a mountain
>There is never enough beer
Anyone have any good dwarvish proverbs that a Dwarf would agree with but is just logically shitty/silly?
You can't make a mine without cutting down a few trees.
Bats in the mine, everything's fine; Bats dropping dead, it's a fucking gas pocket run ya daft cunt (It rhymes in dwarven)
There's nowt wrong with owt that can't be cured wi' burny grummit.
By the beard of the foreman!
A beardless dwarf is nothing but a grumpy gnome, unless they work in a blacksmith's in which case that is an acceptable side case for safe work practices.
If ya cannae kill some meat for dinner with it tha breads nay cooked right.
>No forge is as hot as a dwarf mother's anger!
>Wooden beams can stop mountains falling on you. Remember that.
>The deepest ores are often the strongest
>We don't make wine, elves don't make mines
>Sure, I believe you, next you're gonna show me an elf with a beard!
>In Dwarven, the phrase "I love you" sounds almost identical to the phrase "Thanks for the Ale!". This is not a coincidence
>If you've not spent at least 4 decades working on it, you're a fucking novice
>If humans lived as long as us, I'd fear for the future. Their boredom would kill us all.
>I've met Gnome women with more balls than any elf man!
That second one killed me
On the importance of maintaining diplomatic and trade relations with other nations:
>Ya cannae eat mithril.
There's a german proverb that goes
>die axt im haus ersetzt den zimmermann
It translates into
>the axe at home replaces the carpenter
Another one that i find sounds kinda like it could be used in regular conversation is to refer to someone as a "canary", to indicate looming danger that will spread.
Like for example when one trader goes bankrupt he is the "canary" for local tradesmen because he might be the first victim of a coming financial crisis.
>you know what they say about a dwarf with a big nose
From Discworld (Feet of Clay):
"There’s a dwarfish saying: ‘All trees are felled at ground-level’ - although this is said to be an excessively bowdlerized translation for a saw which more literally means, ‘When his hands are higher than your head, his groin is level with your teeth.’"
Goddammit, im still sad about it
> I'm a man with a plan - to drink all I can
Olen viinamäen mies
Well, I suppose it kind of fits
Everything you like call dwarven craftsmanship. Everything you dislike call shoddy worksmanship.
Talk about bearded ladies and embroided beards.
Remind the party every day to visit a tavern because a day without alcohol isn't worth living.
Show a dislike to clean shaven races.
Try to have a dwarven sweetheart and invoke mental images of her "wispy down cascading over her cheeks like water o'er smoothed stone"
By all the gods above and below, i think i threw up a little...
>(It rhymes in dwarven)
Dammit Baeleonil you dandelion-eater, that's a lie and you know it.