We trigger Veeky Forums
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>Implying we can be triggered.
Anyone have that comic of the guy falling into the frame saying "Hey Veeky Forums!" followed by "Absolutely anything" and then that famous painting?
All games must have 60% ladyknights and no cheesecake or I'll sue you for harassment.
/WST/ cutebolds edition
SJW's are taking over and quietly subverting table top gaming. They do nothing but demand more diversity and gayinization of all things. Our very way of life is under threat and will be utterly taken away from us if we do not make a stand and flush out those liberal shills. Also Perturabo is the best and most human of the Primarchs.
3.5 is objectively the best fantasy game.
>implying this isn't true
Coasters are for pussies.
You could have stopped there and called it good.
Necrons could do with a power boost
Magnus did nothing wrong
Lion El'Jonson is a traitor
The Ultramarines are the greatest of the space marines
You will never be an Ultramarine
Matt Ward did nothing wrong.
The Tau have huge impacts on the 40k universe
The Tau are the best race in 40k and only edgelords think otherwise
Hi guys what does tg stand for?
Guilliman best primarch.
I'm back.
Watch sales of games that pander to such bullshit decline.
After reading Savage Worlds of My Little Pony, I was inspired by the nonlethal combat mechanic and I made a base class for 3.5e that applied negative levels and could defeat enemies without harming them. It's geared towards pacifists.
Triggered yet?
Literally who?
/pfg/ Ponyfinder General - Kitsune Waifu Edition
Tripfag with a elf snuff fetish.
D&D is a crap game. Both imbalanced as well as unrealistic, plus Forgotten Realms is a shitfest full of magic item spam. If it was not for its legacy, hardly anyone would still play Deendee.
We know, though.
Runequest is really overrated.
>trigger Veeky Forums
>with the truth
you tried
Sometimes I forget that he only shitposted in certain threads, and that a good portion of Veeky Forums may very well have completely missed his year-long shitposting spree.
I unironically prefer playing with bronies and sanic fans to playing with weebs.
I honestly don't blame you. The influx of Jojo fans makes me say to myself "Where the fuck were you when the manga was coming out on the regular?
B-b-but Dungeon World is utter crap.
I try to model my game design after both Mike Mearls and Gary Gygax.
Their ideas are amazingly well thought out, and it shows in their design.
Which edition?
There's literally no good reason for there not to be female Space Marines.
"B-but the fluff sez" is a pathetic and arbitrary excuse. The fluff changes all the time, and including women is too important to be held back by stupid reasons.
I'm not just saying this to trigger you, either. This is true and everyone knows it. No matter how buttmad you get about it, you don't have a good reason to say it can't happen, and you know it will happen no matter what.
The trigger is that female Space Marines will squat Sisters of Battle.
There is literally no good reason for there to be female space marines. If anything, the -4 STR meme needs to stop being a meme and start being a more accepted trait of simulationism in table-top games.
For me it's always the "dwarf/gun/eldritch horror/[insert thing that looks nothing like a human] is totally a loli in skimpy clothes!" crowd that I cannot stand. To make it worse it is all over the place on Veeky Forums.
Sheeeeeiiit that's a big one(go back to infinitychan or whatever you bastard)
Wil Wheaton is an important and influential persona in the traditional gaming community, particularly in expanding its prevalence and making it relevant to today's issues.
I make a CN Kender DMPC in every campaign, just so I can make the party Paladin fall.
>There is literally no good reason for there to be female space marines.
Inclusiveness is a great reason in itself. It's always a positive, and it degrades bigotry. If you spent more time around women, you'd know that this is true.
B-but Sisters of Battle already squat Space Marines!
Anyone up for a casual 40k game?
Sure, but I want power armored bolter men in my pope army as well.
Okay then, but there should also be male Sisters of Battle. In the name of inclusiveness.
No. They're called Sisters of Battle, not Siblings of Battle. You can't change something that is explicitly designed to be one gender just to include men.
You call that trigger? This is a fucking trigger.
Amber E. Scott has done many things to be more inclusive towards marginalized groups in gaming, both digital and otherwise. This is in the face of misogynistic harassment from Gamergate and transphobic neckbeards who don't want people outside of their little cliques in their hobby. Inclusivity is more important than being a talented writer, as bigotry is alive and well even in 2016 America, and all groups deserve representation in all media, even if they would conflict with the setting.
that made me depressed not triggered
5th d rules only nerd. Excuse me I have to get my 50 space puppies.
I think there's space for them somewhere.
Not sure if you are trying to trigger or actually triggered.
This model is pretty much the reason I will never play a sisters army. I can't into this fetishist shit.
Exactly this, we can't have male sisters of battle, only female battle brothers are allowed.
I want to hot glue that
Your preferred version of D&D is shit, play a better version.
In fact, just play GURPS.
Never play GURPS, it's overcomplicated and doesn't have the right supplements to do what you want.
Do you really need a system other than D&D?
Warhams just isn't interesting, but at least GW seems fairly competent and their heart's in the right place.
Most of the people on Veeky Forums seem pretty intelligent and well-adjusted.
>disliking sexy battle-nuns
I like mine with an anime influence.
>flagelation and pain-based penance only exists as a fetish
One came before the other, fancy a guess?
This. Gender is explicitly a part of Sisters of Battle. It's built into the name and the background on a fundamental level. Male Sisters of Battle change the entire make-up of the army.
Space Marines on the other hand lose nothing. They still have their Battle Brothers, but now they also have Squad Sisters, which is better anyway.
Also, male Sisters of Battle sounds gay.
Your name is Ashy Jenkum, and you are on a quest to catch Rare Pepes. Scattered across the world, these unusual amphibians are highly prized for a variety of reasons, and it is the dream of every child to catch them all. However, in your excitement, you’ve completely lost your direction and realize you had no real preparations going into this quest. What do you want to do?
[[In general, combat, abilities, etc will be handled using a 1d20 roll. After a certain amount of time/number of responses, the most popular decision will be taken, as well as the highest roll. Roll posts with dubs, trips, etc will be given double, triple, etc weight.]]
The fetish, obviously. Someone once had a massive S&M fetish, especially unwilling participation, and he convinced other people to torture themselves so he could get off on it. The idea spread through tradition as religious ideas do, but the root was always some guy jerking off while you whipped yourself for forgiveness.
>Most of the people on Veeky Forums seem pretty intelligent and well-adjusted.
Aw, thanks user!
Totally off-topic, but are those waist bands from anything? I swear they look familiar, but I can't tell if they're from a specific outfit or if angled strips just show up now and then.
I like sexy models but I'm not into that S&M shit.
Hello tg! I plan on homebrewing a pen and paper RPG set in the crossed universe (Pic related) that's going to be based on 4e of D&D, the campaign will be politics and intrigue
Any ideas would be appreciated!! xD
the japanese really are better at literally everything, aren't they
That's actually really cool.
Sucks if your character dies though.
>having the upper body strength to use a saw like that
>Inclusivity is more important than being a talented writer
That hit hard. I scream internally at the thought there are actually people, worse writers, that believe this.
You tried, I guess?
I never played any kind of official system
I made two (2) homebrew systems by now
we exclusively use d10's for regular rolls
we use multiplying instead of adding when making checks
I allow and often use beast races of varrying degree
I allow checks to grab a polearm's shaft mid-attack
i dont use alignment systems
i play no-humans settings mostly (as in "humans as a distinct species" dont exist)
>sitting on a saw
that must hurt
All of them, but especially 6E.
>The fluff changes all the time,
Central aspects of the fluff don't change anymore. Sorry, user.
>and including women is too important to be held back by stupid reasons.
No, it's rather important to not bend over backwards and kiss women's asses, just to get them into gaming.
>The gaming world is what it is. If you, as a woman, can't think of a role that you'd enjoy playing within that scope, GTFO.
Inclusiveness? Yes. But on my terms. If they're not good enough for you, no deal, get out.
And I shall enjoy watching you fail politicizing my hobby. Someone pass the popcorn.
Here have some true PTSD triggering not that tumblr stuff.
I don't understand this recent trend of "the thing I like HAS to appeal to everybody, even people who have no interest in said thing!'
What happened to the days where if you saw something you didn't like, you would just avoid that thing? Why does everything in the world have to appeal to everyone, or else?
Help me understand, Veeky Forums
>implying Veeky Forums doesn't stand for /totally gay/
Remember, we had routine Bara Character Imagedumps not so long ago
Female space marines would be utterly identical in appearance and behavior to male space marines. Male space marines don't even look particularly like male humans once their armor/clothes are removed. They almost certainly have proportionately tiny genitals, and descriptions of their unclothed forms almost always reference how bizarre and grotesque their hyper-muscled forms are.
Ever read the book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie? That's what trying to appease internet SJW's is like. Give them fluff-appropriate female space marines, and they'll start complaining that they don't seem feminine enough. Then something else.
This is true
>beaing so sceared literal strawman make you piss your pants
SJWs are not taking over TGs you twat, the only thing that is changeing in LGS are neckbeards acting a bit more paranoid when a girl comes in, you were sposed to take the red pill, not the blue pill, go tell /pol/ that they need to check their eyes
Shadowrun 5e is one of the worst roleplaying games ever made because it's hilariously convoluted for no reason. Playing Shadowrun 5e is like playing a non sexual version of FATAL. Shadowrun 5e is every bit as ridiculously overcomplicated as Myfarog, in fact when factoring in inventory tracking and complex items it's probably worse.
A lot of my generation and previous generation grew up with social revolutionaries being lauded for their accomplishments, and rightfully so. MLK and the black rights movement, the gay rights movement, early women's rights movements, etc. People aspire to be like those freedom fighters of ages past, but the remaining issues are much lesser in scope and much more difficult to combat. Fighting for asinine bullshit like Magic's inclusivity towards women or sexual super-minorities is an easy way to feel accomplished.
>Shadowrun 5e is every bit as ridiculously overcomplicated as Myfarog
I thought nobody had Myfarog.
August Derleth is a ggod writer.
But I can't get it up without the blue pill.
>and then that famous painting
Just in-case you don't know about it search for the reply of the Cossacks, it's funny as fuck.
>ITT We trigger Veeky Forums
Hope I don't get banned for this but I probably deserve to.
i suppose it spins very fast ?
What systems are good for crunch-heavy ERP?
only situation where it's OK to answer that "FATAL would be perfect for this"