Why do the bad guys always have bong accents?

Why do the bad guys always have bong accents?

As a bong myself I find this deeply offensive.

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It's because it gives a level of sophistication to the villain.

Brits are stereotyped as posh, educated, and upper class type individuals so the accent tells most people that the villain is a cut above the common rabble of criminals and is someone not to be underestimated or approached without a healthy dose of respect for the potentially complex and perfectly executed ass-wooping he may deliver.

because bongs are all creepy weirdos

l for one prefer the Australian accent for villians
>get tha fuck outa my dungeon ya stupid cunt
>crikey that fukin hurt u prick
>what the fuck is a bull-frog? l woulda called it a chazwozzer

Because bad guys with Arab, Nigerian and Pavement Ape accents are racist.

Most other accents are goofy and non-threatening.

don't bongs have like 12 different accents?

It's also just sexy as shit and so doesn't need much excuse to include on a central character.

I don't know what you're talking about, all my villains are Seto Kaiba

We've got an obscene amount of accents once you leave south-east england. Then again, most euro countries have that, it's just not that noticeable to foreigners.

Try being Russian OP. My people have been the world's orcs for the last 80 years. At least the muslims are the world's goblins..

German here, tell me about it

>crikey that fukin hurt u prick

Confirmed for never having met an Australian.
Australian's don't vocalize getting hurt. They just drink harder, party harder and beat their wives harder to compensate.

By the same token, the perfect Sergeant has a working class accent; sophisticated, yet also a man of the people.

Because canadian accents would sound retarded.

>Brits are stereotyped as posh, educated, and upper class type individuals

Explain Vinnie Jones then.

>the french, why?

Because bongs were the first people to actually achieve world domination. Take it as a compliment.

It's a valid question.

You have hot women. People are just jealous of you.

On balance between the fucked economy, crippling rates of heroin and alcohol abuse and one of the worst HIV transmission rates in the developed world, versus the average hotness of the average slav woman...
I'm inclined to say not that jealous of the average Russian.

Because we're the best at what we do, and what we do isn't very nice

>Russian Orcs
Omg this makes so much more sense than "green niggers" or "muh noble savages".

America's daddy issues

Never had a villain I used a British accent for.
There was a villain from not!Britain in my group, but I wasn't the DM at the time.

Russians are the hobgoblins, blacks are the orcs, and muslims are the undead

>Brits are stereotyped as posh, educated, and upper class type individuals
Not by people that have a lot of contact with them though

u wot m8?

Because Bongs actually were the evil invaders for like half the world.

I'll bash yer fookin' 'ed in, m8, swer on me fookin' gorillas.

Well yeah, like that.
Cheap holidays have destroyed your reputation m8

At least English accents are considered sexy.
If I don't disguise my accent, everything thinks I'm making an impression of Dracula.

...Yeah, the Canary Islands have kind of fucked our national reputation over the last thirty years haven't they?

So where did the term "britbong" even come from? Do brits love bongs or something?

Our superior British timekeeping system revolves around the ringing of Big Ben, counting the number of bongs on our fingers as it peals out.

A meme about no one in England having a watch and instead relying on Big Ben. It also included the supposition that based on this no one knew the word ''clock'' and referred to time instead based on the number of bongs Big Ben made

>people stereotype others that they have little contact with
Wowey zowey Batman!

/pol/ I think. Because we're overrun with forrins or something.

>tfw town is 97% white and an absolute shithole

Other Spanish tourist traps, Greece and Amsterdam did not help either.
Now I imagine Brits being 90% lower class scum, 9% top lads and 1% educated, upper class

That's everybody though

Yep the usual "everywhere in the UK is defined by London idiots" bullshit.

on the other hand beating the shit out of degenerate sjws is encouraged in russia, so there are bright sides

>Other Spanish tourist traps, Greece and Amsterdam did not help either.

The rest of Holland is actually hella chill. I spent a week in Delft in a flat with a toyshop on the bottom floor. They had a fucking huge boardgame section and I came THIS close to buying TI3 there.
You can't actually see my fingers but I am holding them very close. They are THIS close.

They're also the only european country that does Ice Tea the way I like. I tried getting it over here but it just doesn't exist. I can get fucking Mountain Dew Whiteout but I can't get my goddamn Ice Tea.

Nah the class divide isn't that big on the continent, or maybe we're better at isolating our scum.
The stereotype has become quite the opposite to the people that interact with them

>tfw you will never go on a WAAAAAAAAAAAGH against America

Because colonials still didn't get over the fact they are colonials

I like living in a colony. It shouldn't be a big thing, but the international camaraderie is nice when you start going abroad.

Because we never shook the Bond-villain stereotype.

And because people from the U.S are instinctively unsettled by people who speak with foreign accents and a post-third grade vocabulary.

Eastern Europeans suffer the Babushka curse though - phenomenal until around about 35, then overnight metamorphosis into the Baba Yaga.

>Why do the bad guys always have bong accents?

Because americans bankroll most "hollywood" films, and half of them are obsessed with the evil british empire that they defeated for their freedumbs...
Even if Hollywood is actually shepperton, or pinewood, England, for 90% of major films.

Because Alan Rickman needed work

>ctrl+f = no results
Seriously, Veeky Forums?

OP it is because many of the greatest villains have been British, some the greatest heros mistaken for villains have been British, some amazingly misanthropic heros have been British, and all of them have been one man.
R.I.P. Alan Rickman

Ah, close but no cigar. British actors are/were relatively cheap etc. Moff Tarkin. Most were classically trained too hence get the Shakespearean villian characters.

Not anymore he doesn't.
Rickman Hive mind. Apparently it took me 8minutes to get and post that pic.

>Bond Villain

You what? Hardly any of the Bond Villains are British.

>need-ed work
I'll be going to sleep now.

Because some of us like having Tim Curry as a villain that sexually confuses the heroes.

I read an interesting theory that one of the reasons Hollywood taps Brits for leading men these days is that most young British actors have at least some stage training and drama schooling, whereas most young American actors have been child actors who were originally chosen because they looked cute. "Interesting" looking Brits who can act reasonably well competing against ex-Disney channel people.

Don't know how true that is, mind you.

Pretty much everyone on the Empire's side in the first Star Wars films were regulars from British TV for exactly this reason. Heck, Admiral Piett (Kenneth Colley) is still working!

I actually don't mind all too much, atleast we're portrayed as somewhat intelligent, it's not a bad stereotype.

As an englishmen I see us as the ratfolk of the world as is, cunning, varying in size, and ultimately just constantly involved in something, but that doesn't mean we're bad necessarily.


A metric fucktonne, and some of them don't even make sense to other Brits.

They fucking wish.

Don't Murrikans have like 12 as well?

new york city probably has more than twelve

More than that if you're including dialects.


As someone who worked in a callcentre for a while: fucking glaswegians.

We have over 127 currently. thats not including slight but possibly seperate variants as that would just compound the issue. It actually can lead to educational issues as in some area's they have to hire specific teachers able to understand these accents and also have an accent understood by the kids. This is a big(er than the average elsewhere) problem in the applachians, lousiana, and Mississippi. Beyond that new york slightly suffers from this as the user mentioned above theres around 14 "white" accents alone and some get hard to understand without exposure and then there's all the immigrants and ebonic accents rolling around that compound that issue. Minneapolis actually had a huge ebonics issue for a while and then when they tried to group up inner city blacks with teachers who can understand them (majority of them were black though this is "coincidental") this lead to people being called racist left, right, and center and a lead to kids being shoved on 2-3 hour bus rides to predominantly white schools for proper racial equality. This actually turned kids who were excelling as B+ average students into D-F students very quickly due to being taken from friends, familiar enviroments, and people who didn't have a protolanguage barrier to deal with.

I suppose its what you get with a mixing pot like us.

Because you guys ARE evil.


This is the same everywhere though.
I dread to think what somewhere like India is like where they've had a good couple of thousand years to diverge linguistically.

Because they want them to sound like aristocracy, or otherwise "high class". Americans don't (admit that they) have a historical class like that.

The bad guys are rarely who is talking about.

As a soft, posh Southerner with exactly the right accent, I have mixed feelings about this.

The main issue is thats "just" the accents. thats not counting dialects or variants. Theres places (again applachia) where shits almost an entirely different language. Shitty ex:You could say the word "flapjack" at a dinner hoping for pancakes and now you got a fight on your hands cause you insulted the waiter.

As a Glaswegian, I wholeheartedly agree. I speak with a relatively-refined Scottish TV presenter voice just to be understood, and people are constantly unable to understand me.

When I go full Weegie, its like I just ahit in my hands in front of them.

Like I *shit* in my hands. Fucking autocorrect.

And hey, at least you guys get refined villains - we're either Dwarves or violent psychopaths.

You could use one of those stephen hawking voice modulators, y'know? Has to be cheaper than voice and accent lessons.

>And hey, at least you guys get refined villains - we're either Dwarves or violent psychopaths.

Now to be fair...

My parents are from Birmingham and we live in Norfolk. We all work very hard to speak like Radio 4 announcers so as not to let the stupidest possible accent out.

Good example. Here's a flapjack for you.

It's not gay if it's Tim Curry.

Because everybody blames us for everything, and yet when the shit hits the fan they still expect us to help them wipe their arses.

Voting Out btw.

To be fair, there is nothing harder to understand than an enraged Glaswegian.

Look within yourself, OP. You know the truth: You're evil.

Embrace your villainous destiny!

Thats not a flapjack you uncultured piece of shit! git outta muh ber!

Also people are extremely hostile when you call pop something else. "what kinda coke you want?" "I don't want coke i want sprite." "Yeah, coke. What flavor?"

At least you got badass villains most of the time.
France only got effeminate and prissy noblemen whose only line of text is "honhonhon".

To be fair, French men are comic relief in many films.

At first i read that as the ojou laugh "ohohoho". Almost had another reason to hate france.

They DO exist to be laughed at. The irony being they used to be the greatest of warmongers.

Because when America isn't demonising Russia, Japan or the Middle East, they are still bitter they once were British themselves.

>Almost had another reason to hate france.
Because France is overrepresented among Best Girls?

Who is that?

Charlotte from Infinite Google

Infinite Free Worlds League

Because action movies are made for illiterate trash that enjoys seeing those who are cultivated depicted as villains.

... It's just me or I just sounded completely fedora wearing autistic manchild?

Because it's a way to give the villain an accent while still having them be intelligible, just imagine if most villains had a thick Scottish or Sooth Efrican accent.

Nah. 7 year old sis almost got kidnapped over there once and everyone just watched it happen but when the big bad american came in to stop it suddenly cellphones out and everyones dialing 112. Even had the cops accuse me of being the kidnapper and the other guys being her guardians, with our fucking passports in hand. I've talked with others back then and apparently its not as uncommon as you'd think. Mind you this was 12 years ago but grown ass men hitting on and stalking a child out in the open is fucking horrible and trying to stop them in the act and getting cops accusing me of kidnapping even with all the legal paperwork in hand is worse.
I've met like 40 people with similar stories just for france.

As an american, I want more with American accents. Sounding like this asshole, only with slightly less disjointed voice-acting. I need more villains who are just crazy motherfuckers instead of master-manipulator types.


Cool map, bro.


Proof that bongs are villains if they want to kill the EU.

French Muslims, probably. Those assholes have no morals when it comes to women/girls.

>I will find you, and I will kill you
Hows it going Liam Neeson?

I call it soda but calling it coke is something only the savages in the south do

>R.I.P. Alan Rickman
He was a feminist so fuck off.

Sprinkles are multicolored, jimmies are chocolate, fuck off back to Cali!