>Hey ! did you create a PC for tomorrow's dark scary medieval eldritch horror game ?
>Sure did ;) He's a War Forged Buccaneer pirate that fires pistols and has a taste for strong oil grog and the high life of the seas !
Why, Veeky Forums ?
>Hey ! did you create a PC for tomorrow's dark scary medieval eldritch horror game ?
>Sure did ;) He's a War Forged Buccaneer pirate that fires pistols and has a taste for strong oil grog and the high life of the seas !
Why, Veeky Forums ?
Because some people like making fun, high adventure characters.
If you want to run a scary medieval whatever, put limits on what people can make instead of letting them do whatever they want.
Because as a fictional character in your made up story, he can do anything you want to claim he did.
Go back and make a different one.
You obviously didn't follow the character creation guidelines I gave you.
>dark scary medieval eldritch horror game
>D&D of any variety
It doesn't work like that, user. If you want anything dark or scary, you can play Dread or a Cthulhu game (not -tech) or Chronicles of Darkness, there aren't many other options on the market right now. Even the original World of Darkness is just gonzo splatterpunk.
D&D can't natively support horror as a system construct. To the degree that horror exists in D&D, it's an opt-in freeform metagame graft that includes a voluntary relinquishing of the rules because they actively fight against horror. Being literally immune to fear is a class feature.
Pick a less stupid example for your next thread.
>hey guys what sort of game do you want to play
>"Low gritty fantasy!"
>Magic powers, fantastical bloodlines, exaggerated personalities
>"Spy thriller!"
>Everyone boring as fuck everydude with strict moral code
>"Heroic fantasy!"
>Half the party are outright evil.
OP, If the system allowed warforged, I expect it's some version of D&D, so I don't really see how it's an unfair choice, even if the game is eldritch horror. If you do your job with the horror aspects, it will make his character have a pretty clear role as the one who tries to keep up the team's fighting spirit in the face of seemingly insurmountable monstrosities, and I'm not sure why that's bad.
>But user, how else am I supposed to use my +5 to contrarianism?
I blame pop culture's tendency to subvert genre conventions and call it 'deep' or 'complex' even when it's poorly done. Used correctly, it's unexpected and interesting, but there are only so many 'not all X' characters that you have to wonder if they're secretly the standard.
There are some horror games out there, its just that they only work at parties/as one shots such as Dread or Don't Rest your Head, or whatever that one about insomniacs who lost their shit is called.
>dark scary medieval eldritch horror dnd game
Holy shit op were you in the car ride with my group last night? Was asked about this exact thing.
>half the party are downright evil
>have to scrap a character I made because he would not willingly travel with this group of bloodthirsty retards
>they act offended that my studious wizard wouldn't want to be involved in constant fighting and murder
>new character fiddles with the idea of adding souls to his own, Shang Tsung style
>"user that's sick you're a dick!"
I fucking give up what do you fuckers want because consistency doesn't seem to be it.
>axe the living construct angle, Warforged die at 0
>not having his Warforged deal with the existential horror of not having a soul/afterlife because it has no real "soul", just a an ancient magical AI system created by an alien intellect long gone.
>enemies can include rogue "copies" of him that want to abduct him for "upgrades"
Seriously OP, get creative. You don't need "lol piss demon rape" to make fantasy scary.
Players are contrarian shitheads and ingrates who don't appreciate what DMs do for them.
It's not the players' faults that most GMs are shit :^)
You're not wrong, but still, fuck you.
>implying eldtrich horror can't or won't happen to pirates
Break it's mind, user. Fuck it up.
This. And, hell, he's a sailor. You can bet your bottom copper he's going to get thrust face-first into some Deep One bullshit real quick like.
>"hey user I want to run a game full of political intrigue"
>ok what system?
I can't tell you how many times I've heard this since GoT became popular.
Why are horror games and the people that run them so autistic?
>Me: Hey guys, I'm going to be running an evil campaign
>Players: Sounds fun
>First session
>Look over character sheets
>Neutral Evil Fighter
>Neutral Evil Cleric
>Lawful Evil Sorcerer
>Lawful Good Paladin
>Player: I thought it would add some fun group conflict lol
I hate these types of people.
Because you forgot to make characters as a group or even talk to your players until a day before the session
I think we may need your autistic mind to delve this one properly
It's especially sad because the GoT official RPG is actually really good, and actually built for intrigue.
Thank s all could have been avoided if you just said "by the way there are no Warforged in this setting"
>player makes something that's not appropriate
Then let him know that's not appropriate, and that he'll need something suitable if he wants to play.
>game about people freaking out at the idea their species isn't alone in the universe
>allowing non-human characters
>game wants me to do X
>okay I'll do Y instead
It's more about defying the game than anything else. That's why you have people going out of their way to do fucked-up shit in most vidya when they're supposed to be the heroes, but get bored when they're actually supposed to play a villain.
Eat shit, sorcerer.
Why do none of the assholes who make these threads have a character creation session.
Sit everyone down and make it clear what is and is not appropriate then go through their characters right there.
Well, Cthulhu was defeated by a boat, one might assume eldritch horrors are weak against naval attacks.
DESU I would do that just to fuck with the dm, then hand them the actual character sheet.
>tfw that was me except for the fact that the DM didn't TELL me it was an evil game until everyone else showed up
>Just ended up playing the straight man to everyone else's bullshit
>Saved the day at the end of the adventure by casting protection from evil to stop the boss from mind controlling one of our party.
It is the players' fault that they themselves are shit though.
Clthulhu's heart wasn't in it. He loves boats. That's why he lives in the sea.
Well said mate. I couldn't quite put it into words but you've summed it up nicely.
>tell players I'd like to have them over to work with them on their characters
>everyone agrees on a time and date
>one person shows up
>We're going to do a serious campaign set against the backdrop of the world's end where you're going to be existence's only hope
>I make a chaotic neutral halfling pyromaniac sorcerer named Knittsy and I like to knit.
Where the hell did the DESU come from? I didn't type that...
>Being literally immune to fear is a class feature.
And removing immunity to fear is also a thing.
Not like spooky eldritch horror land can't have a permanent effect of that.
you tried to type a word forbidden on Veeky Forums and it correctd
>you can let your creative mind run free and role play as any fantastical and interesting character you might come up with!
>sword&board / crossbow True Neutral mercenary
>Because some people like making fun, high adventure characters.
I think anybody without severe autism gets that if the DM names a theme for a game they should at least make a modicum of effort to tailor their character to that theme.
To Be Honest is corrected to 'desu' by the word filter.
Rozen Maiden.
>Running gothic horror game
>One of the players decides to make a literal starry-eyed sparklecat that barfs rainbows as his character
>Doesn't deter me in the least from being able to spook the shit out of him and the rest of the party - If anything it made it more impactful that a bright and happy character like that could still be affected by horrific shit
>That campaign goes on to be one of the best I've ever run
You just gotta learn to roll with the punches, bro.
>Heroic high fantasy game
>Everyone introduces their characters
>Chaotic stupid lolsorandumb murderhobos all around
>Mine's a Warforged Paladin with an actual backstory tied into the DM's homebrew setting
>Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy
W-what did I do wrong, Veeky Forums?
In the land of hunch-backed those walking upright are considered ugly. Does that answer your question?