exit your Alts.
I'm about to Liquidate some shorts.
exit your Alts.
I'm about to Liquidate some shorts.
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks for the heads up. give me 15 minutes, please.
Remember kids, do the opposite of what Veeky Forums tells you.
This poster was serious as a heart attack last time.
You're fucking scared and you should be, go ahead and do it.
Nah, i think its about to dump
Yeah, I was just bullshitting. Set my buy at $10,680
hey biztard any new scoops bout whats gonna moon next?
Hello, Unfortunately, I have been to busy the last couple of days to pay attention. I have to analyse a lot of Intel tonight to get up to speed on happenings the last 24 hours in Crypto I have been busy helping a Relative with issues with a couple of European
*Too busy, even. My God I need a nap.
If I am more than 30 minutes behind happening in crypto, I will not hand out advice. I am expecting a move in Monero, but the accumulation phase is not complete. If the pattern reapeats, it was basically $95, $125$, $165 accumulation phases, and each phase was 40% - 50% shorter than the last. The Market Cap is standing in the way of a huge moon, but my whickers feel a move coming. I held a position for a couple of days, but just bailed because I was tired of waiting, and wanted to put the money in some physical gold properties I stumbled across.
This is the fake biztard. The one pretending to be him that caused the real one to stop posting. This trip is not biztard. This trip is the LARP biztard.
*sigh* 4Chin screwed up my first trip, so I had to get a second one the same day. $chin since has fixed my first trip, So I have both
so biztard, I just sold at $11,500 what should I set my buy at?
There already was roof of identity under both these trips. Just some haven't been paying attention...
Must admit - the same kind of voice under two different trips freaked me out the first time.
also.. what about YYW? appears to be mooning.. might have missed it though.
Here is proof for both, plus an ore sample from the properties I just purchased.
I don't really care whether I am in or out atm, so my buy is set at $10680.
Yeah. To avoid missing those things in the future, invest in 6 cheap monitors and a graphics card to run them. Split each screen in to 6 tiles. Pick the coins that are the flattest, and have the longest time since the last pump and dump. Put the one minute candle charts up for each one your whiskers twitch over, then sit and wait like a cat at a mouse hole. Sooner or later the mouse will peek out, and when he does, you have him. Buy in at an 8% uptick to make sure it is real and you are not wasting exchange fees. Ride it up whatever percentage you think it will go, and sell in to the other buys, If they dump on you before your mark, undercut them by 3% and dump. If it keeps going after your dump, don,t FOMO. Move on.
Sometimes there are other things going on globally that I have to pay attention to. During these times, I sit out of crypto, and give no advice. I only trade when I can pay attention. that usually means less then 20 other situational involvements. I should have a rather complicated analysis completed shortly and be able to trade Crypto and jibs and jabs on / biz/ this evening.
Damn, I thought I invented that cat-and-mouse approach. If I'm coming up with ideas veterans use, my learning must be on the right track.
But I'm writing software to track that for me - monitoring 36 charts is a job for computers.
Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a trader (don't have the patience - except for fixing code).
Thanks for the advice man. Appreciate it.
SATAN (Satellite Analysis) can mean life or death for innocents. A mistake in GW1 killed 265 Women and Children
It was fascinating watching the action on bittrex and kraken in the last hour.
That was a pretty liquidation, even if the trap went down only 1%.
Thanks guys for making this fun!
Bithumb is a good place to watch for Top Ten movement. Where Bithumb goes, the rest usually follow within 15 minutes, minus 8% - 10%. I'm giving you guys some of my intel sources, lol. But these are just the basics. There are a lot of Political and Military events that affect and effect Crypto movement.
Yeah, a friend of mine I grew up with is a code trouble shooter. He is slow, but precise.. If he can't fix it, no one can. KMP on your progress, please. [email protected]. If you figured out Catshot Crypto sniping on your own, you have great potential.
(facepalm) of course! Thanks! I keep forgetting about our Koreans friends out there. At least I'm getting a "feel" for the differences between exchanges (and e.g. how long it takes for arbitrage to kick in, price differences).
I've found that even minor intel average people don't have is a huge, huge advantage.
For people like many, many movements (such as Monero today) are just plain magic-caused.
God, I wish I never let crypto in 2008...
>KMP on your progress, please.
I did send an email yesterday-ish. Assumed you're too busy saving the world. (Or gmail's spam box ate it).
I'm over a week waiting for a reply from that email. Don't feed the larp
This is what the ideal method is but I don't have the logistics to monitor 36 coins 24/7
The poorfag alternative is: use multiple virtual desktops and setup alerts (e.g. on cryptowat.ch). E.g. I have one screen, but 20 virtual desktops - each with mutliple and/or a few windows/tabs. A few virtual desktops are empty (for email, browsing, coding, etc.).
I just finished A mundane analysis, and the only world I am saving atm is one of my Grandsons. He has been waiting days for me to decorate the tree with him. I just finished that, and am checking my gmail spam can. I have one that I have not answered yet from a Black Watch. I have been vetting him, and following one rabbit down a hole that went nowhere. I am very careful with Professional Soldiers. Most are very good people, but some previous entanglements have made me mildly wary. So far, this person is exemplary, and I will respond soon. I just found one in my spam folder from Cez, and am looking it over for a response. Apologies if this is you.
Problem is, there aren't that many shitcoins on cryptowa.ch, and on Tradingview, the max alert number is 1 unless you pay
Few things are really urgent. Even less are really important.
And almost nothing is both urgent and impo... ZOMG! MUH BAGS ARE MOONING!
Still cheaper than 6 monitors and card to pump all those pixels.
TG Black Watch here. Been silently watching and lurking (mind the gap). Lack of response lended towards this being fake. And the tone of the speaker changed from pre-trip to post-trip. Was concerned I gave up too much info to a biztard wannabe.
Biztard do you really see BTC going down in 24 hours? I sold at $12,500 and it keeps climbing
Hey man, just want to thank you. I hope one day I can repay your kindness.
10% correction any day now
Bitcoin movement will continue to stagnate while alts moon, you're giving terrible advice.
You and yours are safe with me, Soldier. I wish you no Ill, and both OP's were me. I have been preoccupied this week with closing up an old mothballed production facility my Father owned. I am liquidating the machinery, C.N.C.'s and so on, and destroying documents I consider still sensitive. We were involved in prototype work for the Maverick AGM, the Blackbox for The Lancer, etc. That was quite some time ago. I have been keeping it all for sentimental reasons, but it is time to let go.
There's your $11500 retrace.
Yeah. I don't see any trip wires, but something doesn't feel right. I might miss a 1 k climb but I will be missing 1K with all my arms and legs if you catch my drift. We will probably see a reasonably steady slog toward 14K with a couple of profit taking segments along the way. this is barring any algorithmic crashes or underground nuke tests along the way. I just don't feel like trading tonight, so I am taking an adverse position with a low likelihood of happening. If it does, I will make bank. I have no special intel suggesting it will dip to $10680, that is just a number I pulled out of mty ass after looking at the chart for 5 minutes, so do not bank on it. When I am right, know it, and have the intel to back it up, I will tell you. When I am taking a shot in the dark at a silhouette, I will tell you that as well.
!2 posts in to this thread, I told you Lads Monero was getting ready to bust a move. It did.
aaaaand there it is. Someone hit the tripwire. lol. Just fucking KNEW it was there.