ON MY FUCKING GOD THIS SET IS SUCH BAD VALUE. Had to simulate so goddamn many packs before I got even one that was over the 14 EUR asking price. Holy shit, and I thought MM2 was terrible. Here it's just 14 eurobucks and I get a Pyrokinesis as a rare.
Eternal Masters
Other urls found in this thread:
>6 pacs simulator
>baleful strix
>2 sensei divining top
>1 winter orb
>1 foil enlightened tutor
That is not that bad and that sim is shit.
Simulated 3 packs. Foil Chrome Mox in the first set.
I drafted it yesterday. Opened Xantid Swarm, Natural Order and Duplicant, with a foil Chain Lightning. Won the draft with U/R Burning Vengeance.
My pulls weren't really absurd and I liked both the draft and the games, but I still feel a bit bitter that I paid 40 euro instead of 32 and as a prize I got a single promo card (FTV Cataclysm) instead of a pack.
>That is not that bad
What, Pyro? It's a 10 cent card. Out of a pack that costs 14 fucking euros.
Just buy singles.
Bought one pack as a scratch and win. Essentially burnt $20.
Then dropped $170 on most of the singles in wanted. All foil (mother of runes, Duplicant, Counterspell, Sinkhole, Dual caster mage, Animate dead, Brawn, etc)
All I want that's left is foil FoW, Gamble and sylvan library. Which would probably cost me less than a box anyways.
>14 EU for one pack of EMA
Way to get ripped the fuck off, eurocuck. EV for a pack is 11.93 USD, converts to 10.60 mudbux. Anyone charging more than 11 is not worth touching.
>foil fow
>less than a box
lol ok buddy
Let's math this shit out.
MSRP for a pack is $10, EV of a pack is 11.93, call it 12. No shop will sell packs for under EV, because if they did they lose money by not just cracking them and selling as singles. So let's say $13 or 14 is the expected sale price, the dollar change is pretty negligible all things considered.
As of this post, there are 9 mythic rares that are worth at least $15, and you have a (9/15*1/8 = 9/120 = 3/40) chance of pulling one of them. There are also 8 rares that are worth at least $15, you have a (8/55*7/8 = 7/55) chance of pulling one of THEM.
There are also 23 out of 80 uncommons that are worth at least a dollar, ranging up to $7 for the top uncommon. The odds of pulling at least a $1 uncommon is 63.8% (rather, there's a 36.2% chance of pulling 0 of them) and the mean of the "good" uncommons is $2.49 - your uncommons account for $1.59 of your pack's value, hence why the jump from $13 to $14 doesn't matter.
As far as the rares are concerned, you have a 3/40 + 7/55 (or 33/550 + 56/550) = 16.181818% chance of your pack paying for itself.
TL;DR One out of every 6 packs will pay for itself. A random box of EMA should have 4 value packs and 20 duds.
A shop doesn't make money until it sells its singles, so unless the shop manages to sell every fucking single at TCGmid, they're honestly just better off selling packs.
Also, variance is a bitch.
The foil doesn't make appreciable difference. If every card had equal weight in being foil then the foil would contribute an extra $3.60 to the pack's value, but they aren't equally weighted. Foil rares are much harder to find, and foil mythics even more so - and the foil commons and uncommons don't command the same "foil multiplier" the higher end cards do. The EV of a foil is barely 75 cents when you account for those.
>box's are $450 canuckbucks
>FoW foil is $300-$350
Yea. Less than a box.
Looked through set, picked out what singles I'd like. Subtracted the cost of the singles from the cost of a box, was left with about $60.
Bought six packs & opened $90 worth of cards. Used what I opened to trade towards singles I wanted.
Except for the Foil Enlightened tutor, that I'm keeping for a while.
You might have a shitty lgs that marks up this stuff, but i know of several that always go MSRP on everything they get in, including FTVs.
Yes, they do up charge a bit on drafts for the sets like EMA, but claiming every store is out to scalp and extort its customer base by actively making a product un attractive to purchase is retarded.
You're retarded if you think the foils in this set don't add to EV.
There you go.
>have $18
>choice between singles and EMA pack
>decide the pack can't be that bad
Where the fuck are you getting your boxes? Any place I see them it's $300.
the house always wins
>buy single foil fow
>maybe hit a foil fow on one box, maybe never hit one in a case
>450 Canuckbucks
I bought my box for 300 even and I live in Ontario. You got ripped the fuck off dude.
They're selling for $8 in Mexico.
Finally having a shit market pays off. Everyone who's buying EMA here is either paying for keeps or stupid retards gambling for foil FoW. Which means lots of singles avaliable and lots of boosters left to draft.
I drafted 4 times yesterday, came home with foil Vampiric Tutor, Wasteland, SDT, Maze, Lybrary, Maelstrom Wanderer, Dack Fayden, Gamble and Heritage Druid plus $40+ on commons and uncommons.
And the drafting itself was very fun, Serra Angel hadn't been a sensible draft pick in a very long way and I nostalgia'd hard.
>expecting to get value out of boostes
defeats the point of selling boosters anonymous
>Buying EM to make money
>Buying limited print runs to make money
You made your own mistake
>Serra Angel
>Never not a strong pick in limited
>MSRP for a pack is $10, EV of a pack is 11.93, call it 12
has different calcs that say the EV of an EMA pack is only $8.34.
What the fuck's the point of buying a pack when the expected value is HALF of the pack's price tag?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure there has never been a time when Serra wasn't limited playable in a format it was legal in.
you're getting ripped off if you're buying them for 14 euros
Foil is $13 and hey at least it is a shit rare that has a use.
Weird. First sim pack I opened had a FoW.
She hasn't even been limited-legal for years. I think M13 was the last time she showed up in a Core Set despite being always Standard legal by being in starter decks. And that set had both Deadly Recluse and Vampire Nighthawk.
Most packs will not contain force.
Most packs will not contain anything more valuable than the pack, getting lucky once has no bearing on this.
That's because they're using 70% of the card's value for their calculations, on the assumption that most people will always be able to buy singles for 70% of SCG's price and not pay more than that. This is absolutely ludicrous outside of the most saturated markets where tens of shops are competing for the same value-starved players. Most stores will sell singles at TCGP Mid +/- 10% (this includes 100% of SCG prices in almost all cases)
And if you do the math, their EV number is 69.91% of the one I listed. It's accurate IFF you assume their premise that players can get 70% of SCG when selling/trading to other players- otherwise the $11.93 value is more correct.
>They're selling for $8 in Mexico.
De veras?! En que parte de Mexico vives?
Fusion gaming. I didn't pay for a box. I opted for singles because of their prices.
>spent $110 on 11 packs
>pulled 7 normal rares, 2 foil rares and 4 mythics
>over $200 in value
Yes this set is such bad value but it's fun to draft. But otherwise not worth buying a box and better to just go picking up the chase uncommons like Chain Lightning, Cabal Therapy, Daze etc.
>sat in carpark for three hours drinking
>beat up nerds on their way home
>$40 worth of beer netted me thousands of dollars in cards
Get on my level, nerds.
>Buy into a draft for $40
>Expect to get FUCK ALL and go 0-5
>Pack 1 is a fucking SENSEI'S TOP.
>Crack Pack 2.
>Proceed to get passed a Mystical Tutor, foil Wirewood Symbiote.
>Go 3-2 but get no packs because I don't make top 8.
>Buy three packs with some store credit.
>Entomb, Ichorid, and a foil Hydroblast.
I ain't even mad!
En el defe andan entre $120 y $140 pesos menos con los culeritos de Gamesmart y Shivan que los dan a $180+
$17 kangaroo dollars here release morning, store went through 6 boxes in 30 mins and raised the price to $20 emubux because of supply/demand
>bought a pack for shits & giggles
>Didn't get Damnation, just a Wrath of God
For what purpose
The sim doesn't calculate the foil in every pack...
Bought a pack of EMA and got mother of runes
>mfw i could have go the elspeth/kiora duel deck for about as much and got a mother or runes
Seriously thos even most of the rares are not worth the pack price
Patiently awaiting Reserve List Masters next year for $30 a pack (but no duals)
>buy two packs
>rares are the legendary gorgon and void
Watched a guy fork over $40 ($20 a pack) and get dualcaster mage and arcanis, profit!
If I ever win the lottery, I would buy every single dual land, so it would kill the current Eternal Formats.
My store sells them for $10.
>have nigfriend, he's moving to arkansas
>bring him to lgs for a ema draft
>pay his entry fee like a good bud
>store jews bring box to table and pass out packs
>every pack is the same, major defect
>the fuck?
>no chase rares
>no chase uncommons
>no foil
>only rare is inkwell.
>there are 20+ leviathans being passed around
>store jews refuse to fix the issue and pass out another box
>nigfriend not mad in the least, loves kraken/leviathan/kiora shit
>snatches up all the leviathans.
>nobody even cares at this point.
>he's playing 20 island 20 leviathan.
>goes 0-5, but had the time of his life playing leviathan autism.
EMA is retarded, my lgs is run by jews, and my friend is the proud owner of 20 leviathans.
Bullshit detected, if you said call the skybreaker i would have habeeb it
Don't bother, the current eternal formats are already practically dead. Literally zero (0) new players coming in due to the CHEAPEST viable Legacy deck costing over a thousand dollars. And with Vintage you can't make any deck at all for less than $5000-6000 due to the fact that every single deck needs Moxen.
Belcher, Burn and Dredge all cost under 700 (Belcher+Dredge can be both had for under 1k total since they share LEDs). Vintage Dredge is 1800 max since the deck costs basically nothing but a set of Bazaars.
>Decided not to draft or buy box, because I have no interest in legacy or vintage, a format Wizards refuses to make the big boy decisions to support (ie: ban reserve list or print)
>Buy singles instead
Turned out great
I *still* don't understand WotC's decision to keep supporting the ban/reserve list. They don't make any fucking money off the reseller market. The crusty 50 year old dudes that own Power 9 and Vintage garbage don't even buy current sets or play anymore.
They stand to lose LITERALLY nothing by reprinting these bad boys. Oh no, you pissed off an idiot that invested literally thousands of dollars in a few cards, whatever will you do?
the official line is to demonstrate wotc's integrity as a company. the reserve list is anpromise from the company to their customers that a) ehat they payed for will have value and b) they will not reprint or functionally reprint these specific cards. whether they have or will do anything else to impact their integrity, this is at least one specific example of where they stand, which they can maintain
Haven't they already violated that multiple times by reprinting some shit that was on the reserve (but not the ban) list?
no, there was one point where they took cards off the reserve list, but it was with much ceremony and they basically polled as much of their playerbase as possible at the time to ask if it was okay.
there's nothing to sue them over, it's their product they can produce it in whatever capacity they want. if anything it's fear of losing customers and/or customer backlash. that's what got us the reserve list in the first place; chronicles was a mistake.
I don't think there's grounds for a lawsuit. There's no contract in place for purchasing the cards that says WotC can't reprint them if they want. Simply saying they won't isn't legally binding.
Welcome to murrika, the land of happy lawsuits.
You are too naive if you think shitty people will miss the chance of getting out of court settlement from a multimillion company.
You're more naive if you think a company isn't going to cover their ass.
They are covering their ass by not touching the reserve list, your point?
That's not covering their ass, that's just being tacit.
I'm saying that they could turn the reserve list inside out and print Moxes at common and there's no legal ground for ass mad collectors to stand on. WotC is under no obligation to maintain the *after-market* value of their products, in a reseller market that they do not control nor participate in.No one forced the collectors to collect the cards, nor arbitrarily come up with a value for them beyond the price of a pack that WotC established.
It's like if I tried to sue Koolaid for re-issueing Sharkleberry Fin because I had some saved up and it was worth money now.
You can if Koolaid explicitly said they will not reissue said thing, whatever that is.
That's... not how the law works.
Companies lie all the time, just not on contracts. They never signed a contract saying they'll never reprint the power 9, they just don't because it would cause too much long-term profit loss (old players leaving) in exchange for too little profit gain (New players not playing competitively due to meta being so skewed with these moxes).
welcome to happy lawsuit land. i don't plan to win, an out of court settlement is enough.
and they get sued for that.
On what legal grounds that a $50/hour lawyer can't wriggle out of?
They did print some Judge foils that are on the reserved list (like Gaea's Cradle), but quickly stopped doing so when there was massive backlash from collector's.
>Companies lie all the time, just not on contracts.
The reserve list is a kin to a verbal contract, which is binding.
except it's really not, at all.
Just no.
I studied a bit of Law in my youth (European Law though, so might be a few nuances I'm missing), but the way I see it is as following=
Since WotC made a promise/issued statements to not reprint certain cards, they created a financial reliance of collectors on said promise, such that they would be financially hurt if WotC revoked their promise.
On the other hand, one could argue that WotC could not foresee the financial impact of their promise 20 years in the future, making it so that they should not be bound by their promise.
Anyways, I'm pretty sure that the statements regarding the reprint policy could be seen as some form of contractual obligation as such, but the terms and conditions are susceptible to change over time, which could free WotC from their reprint policy.
Any teeg lawyers are more than welcome to clarify upon this
Sorry for bad english, I'm not a native speaker.
Found this in a comment online, which touches upon some of the things I said. Of course, I have no way to ascertain whether these are true or false:
"s a law student I can tell you that the reserve list had no legal significance. Wizards made a one sided promise which are generally unenforceable under contract law unless you can show reliance. In this case that would be almost impossible to prove as Wizards does not sell singles, all rares are equally likely to appear in a pack, and it does not determine the value of cards. There’s simply no way of showing you relied on the reserved list to purchase any particular product from Wizards. This is complicated by the fact that Wizards printed many of the reserved cards (and all of the important ones) prior to making the promise which would make reliance impossible as you can’t rely on a promise made after the original sale of goods occurred.
Even if a court somehow found the reserve list binding, the damages would be so small that it wouldn’t be worth pursuing. Wizards cannot be held liable for inflated secondary market prices on their products over which they have no control. The damages would be limited to the MSRP of the pack in which the reserved card was purchased because that’s all Wizards has ever sold and the hypothetical guarantee would apply only to products actually sold by Wizards."
I would say the original power would still have value because the new ones (FtV:Power etc.) would have the new art, the new border, the FtV foiling, and all the other things collectors hate.
So this box was pretty good. Missing a foil cabal therapy, and foil regal force from this pic.
Is karakas + Jace a pattern ?
Maybe. I won a high pack with a foil Karakas that was in a pack with a Jace.
Nope, my box had a Karakas but no Jace.
Thanks for saving me the trouble, was about to post this myself. Don't forget the economic depreciation you get if you try to actually sell all those packs instead of trade for value. The former taking 20% off the packs value (eBay fees, PayPal fees, buy lists do even more damage like -60%, shipping, people wheeling and dealing, to each sale) and the latter taking a very long time to find trades for each.
But user, Gamble is worth opening a pack.
Most of mtg buyers are the masses of casuals playing standard or the drafters. Casuals don't give a fuck about Bullshit "integrity" or even know about the reserved list. WotC just setting themselves up to look like a tool. An arrogant tool that believes it should engineer the value of pieces of cardboard.
first shot 6 packs, git gud nerds
It's binding in bad faith, yep. They are under no legal obligation to keep a verbal contact which could have potential financial impact on customers this late. Firstly, they could cite their own dwindling profits and argue they kept their promise in good faith but now it's causing financial diatress, which is a named legal argument that just slipped my mind.
However this is just an argument in court and court is unpredictable. If they could counter sue based on the premise that their plaintiffs seek to cause the company undue financial burden, the Joe blow probably will Settle for nothing.
Just did a draft, probably the only one I'll do. Drafted Jund Elves because I got a BBE P1P1 and people kept passing me elves. Went 2-1, P2P1 was a Wasteland so I'm fine with this. Also a local player delivered 2 cases of the set to my LGS about an hour ago, no one knows where he got them from.
Just got my booster in the mail. I did alright and got sneak attack, a foil wasteland, regular wasteland, enlightened tutor, vampiric tutor, a force of will, and entomb. Shits good to open
Nice booster bro
I normally only get 1 rare/mythic per booster yours was totally awesome and i believe every word
The unofficial rumor among store owners and big dealers is that it is a single Hasbro actionist keeping the list alive and everyone at WotC is banned from discussing it under threats of release and lawsuits.
Why? Who knows executives are petty like that.
Dont americans have guns in each hand? Can one person go and shoot hasbro up and kill the guy? Its like you want guns but dont want to use them to kill people, someone needs to do gods work
They want guns, they want to use them to kill people, but they kill middle schoolers instead of corrupt corporate moguls, druglords and corrupt law enforcement.
America is the worst dystopia.
The point is drafting and fun. You fucking nitwit.
>a verbal contract is binding
We love guns, but contrary to popular belief, we don't have a gun violence problem. At worst we have an inner city gang violence problem. The vast majority of guns are never used to commit a crime. This is doubly true for long guns such as those AR15's everyone keeps treating like Satan's firearm of choice. But when have facts stopped the media when it has an agenda to pursue?
Just cracked two packs full of jank and what would amount to draft chaf.
I feel kinda dirty for having bought into this set at all.
I know the feels bro, i got 19 packs for some reason, didnt realise the store was restocking boxes once 3 mythics were pulled, got 0 mythics and a maze of ith for $300 maybe got $80 back total (also 0 pyro/hydro blast 0 counterspell, 0 daze)
>pic related this set
>I feel kinda dirty for having bought into this set at all.
The fact that you and others will continue to do this in spite of all the glaring evidence that it's never ever fucking worth it means that Wizards can continue printing garbage knowing there's enough morons out there who will buy it.
That is the explanation for every fucking injustice in the world from card games to political corruption. It keeps happening because we fucking put up with it.