Why doesn't 40K have armored cars?
Why doesn't 40K have armored cars?
because 40k barely has cars.
Isn't that the taurox?
Elysians have a dune buggy if I recall
Well, That's more of APC than AC.
Have a homebrew that some other user made.
Because the usual doctrine relies more on sturdy and reliable vehicles to simplify logistics
It does. They look like shit
That they do.
But tracks have a whole host of their own problems.
But those have tracks, not wheels.
Since when does that matter?
Wheels a car does not make
The entire point of armored cars and halftracks is that they don't require specialized training to steer them properly.
I guess you're more willing to be bothered with tracks when most planets you're on won't have shit for infrastructure to move around
>Why doesn't 40K have logic
Here, FTFY
Technically, the salamander is one. They probably just wanted to reuse the Chimera mold.
I love the taurox. It's the cutest.
user, wheeled vehicle with 6 or 8 wheels is MUCH better suited than any tracked vehicle can even dream about. You don't drive with tanks into mountains - you bring AC.
Not to mention tracked vehicle requiring much more complex production line, repair tools, repair parts and most importantly - more complex driver training, because shit's hard to drive.
Because tracks are easier to make with molds
40k track vehicles can sticky themselves to the hulls of space hulks and whatnot for space trench fighting
I guess the Imperium doesn't have sticky enough rubber for tires.
Thus no Armoured cars
It looks alot better when you add wheels
In the Imperial forces the role is largely filled by either Landspeeders or Sentinels, both of which offer better mobility options to cars for the purposes of 40k.
Silly Op
Wheels are not grimdark enough
Thinking about it, is there anything in 40k with wheels in it? Wheels might be too holy for the Adeptus Mechanicus, dark technology from the, uh, Dark Age of Technology..
Most Ork vehicles.
A whole bunch of the Imperial Guard smaller vehicles that Forgeworld makes.
How disappointing.
>Why doesn't 40K have armored cars?
They do. Look harder.
Tracks are far more important. At the weights of a lot of their shit, you need to spread it around to avoid destroying whatever substrate you're on and you can only do that with wheels if you put a bunch of really big ones on or you put just four super giant ones on.
There's not as many as you'd think.
If you can drive a car, it'll take me longer to teach you how to crank an M1 than to drive it.
You're an idiot. You don't bring tanks into the mountains not because of any disadvantage in the vehicle, but because you need dismounted troops in mountains. Your crap about complex production line and the rest are all literally retarded.
But they do. It's just that since war is a constant low-level pain in the ass, and planets usually skimp out on their Guard tithe, you get footsloggers instead.
>Your crap about complex production line and the rest are all literally retarded.
Different user, but son, if you seriously think making tracked drive is easier than, you know, mounting wheels, you need a check up at your doctors, since your meds are not working any more.
>you can only do that with wheels if you put a bunch of really big ones on or you put just four super giant ones on.
>If you can drive a car, it'll take me longer to teach you how to crank an M1 than to drive it.
>but because you need dismounted troops in mountains
>Your crap about complex production line and the rest are all literally retarded.
This is not your every day stupidity
>Forgeworld hates the Elysian Line
>We'll never see Elysians again
You think it's just mounting wheels? 6 wheel and 8 wheel vehicles used in the military are basically always 6x6s and 8x8s. Have you any idea the complexity involved in getting power to all of those? Look up an 8x8 drive train. Then compare that to a tank's drive train (you'll probably more easily find a bulldozer, but they work the same way: engine->crosslink transmission->tracks
I'm honestly curious how you think I'm wrong about the psi exerted by the vehicle.
To drive an M1 Abrams, here's what you really need to know: There's a T-shaped handle in front of you. Twist the handles like on a motorcycle for throttle, and pull on the side you want to turn to. To put it in gear, you move the selector switch that's marked in front of you to the desired gear. That one big honken peddle in front of you is the brake. Don't move the t handle while it's in neutral. Congratulations, you can now drive a tank.
You think you don't need dismount in mountains?
And yeah, you're still literally retarded.
It's a god damn shame.
>He's serious
>can't argue any point, can only meme
As if Leman Russes have anything remotely as simple as that. Please, they've probably got two handles, one for each track, and a hammer to change gears.
>To drive an M1 Abrams, here's what you really need to know: There's a T-shaped handle in front of you. Twist the handles like on a motorcycle for throttle, and pull on the side you want to turn to. To put it in gear, you move the selector switch that's marked in front of you to the desired gear. That one big honken peddle in front of you is the brake. Don't move the t handle while it's in neutral. Congratulations, you can now drive a tank.
No user, you know how to start it. It's like giving following instruction
>Insert key into ignition and turn it with your foot on the clutch pedal. Put the gear rod on 1 and gently take off foot from clutch while in the same time equally gently put pressure on acceleration pedal. Use steering wheel to control direction you want to go.
And say "Congrats, you now know how to drive a car"
It takes roughtly a week of training to get someone who never drove a tracked vehicle to handle them properly in combat situation and ignore basic instincts. Meanwhile, half-tracks (also mentioned in this thread) and wheeled vehicles require NO training, because any person with driving license can handle them the moment they are put behind the wheel and there is no need to train them for handling different terrain types, because thye also know that already from driving a car.
Oh, and about the complexity - costs of making tank, regardless of how much toys and technology you put on them, against costs of making lightly armoured wheeled vehicle with the same cannon on it is roughtly 10:1. So you can have 10 vehicles that require less costs, less training and retain all the firepower OR a single tank.
Your choice, bud.
That does look alright, but it's more than just adding wheels. From what I can see, the back section has also been extended.
Like these?
because Chimeras and Rhinos are the STCs they found first and why produce some shit tank with baby armor in a game filled with massive superweapons?
>retain all the firepower
Not him, but I actually haven't seen this. I thought all wheeled vehicles were better suited for lighter weapons, like autocannons and ATGMs.
user, what kind of gun do you think is mounted on the vehicle from OP's picture?
If armour is not much of an issue, AC armed with heavy pounder is always better than tank, for countless of reasons. But mostly because it takes no time to assemble one and it's cheap AND fast. So you get yourself a pretty decent self-propelled gun.
>there is no need to train them for handling different terrain types, because thye also know that already from driving a car.
You seriously overestimate the skills of the average licensed driver. Many don't even know how to deal with water and mud, let alone more difficult conditions.
Granted, I know the average military driver isn't much fucking better. And that's always a frightening thought.
But I know what are the standards to get driving license in my country, so it's not my fault nor problem they don't teach stuff like that in States. Hell, you can make a driver license without knowing how to operate manual, which alone makes the argument pointless in case of burgers.
This is exactly the reason why I find it fucking strange IG is not equipped with copious amount of ACs, but given heavy tanks instead. I mean if they are literally a cannon fodder, why bother with giving them tanks? They need firepower, not survivalibity, being the epitome of expendables. So ACs sound like a good deal for them.
But that's not grimderp enough, so...
Seriously, I really wish there was a separate line for WH40k, where things run on logic and not rule of cool. I would play the living shit out of it.
>you know how to start it
No, that's literally how you drive it.
>bunch of talking out of your ass about shit you don't know shit about
It doesn't taken "roughly a week" by any stretch of the imagination. At most, an hour. Yeah, you're not talking about being able to do crazy precision maneuvers, but that shit doesn't happen in combat anyway. As far as "different terrain" with a tank you just want to avoid driving over felled trees while going uphill. Aside from that, there's no magical special handling for differing terrains.
>NO training
If you think a halftrack or an armored vehicle handles in any way similarly to a regular personal vehicle, then you're beyond stupid.
Fun fact: the Stryker (wheeled APC) uses the exact same controls as an M1!
>watch as I pull numbers out of my ass and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I haven't the foggiest fuck clue about any of this stuff
To fill the role of a tank, a wheeled vehicle would be more expensive and far, far more complex. Moreover, you'd have to use a much longer/wider body (bigger target that's less mobile and needs even more armor!) to traverse the same terrain.
Question 'Bud', if using wheels is 10x cheaper to produce, easier to train, and can retain the same firepower, why does literally no one do it? What military has looked at tanks and gone: "Well fuck, we should just put wheels on this, it'd be so much cheaper"?
>It doesn't taken "roughly a week" by any stretch of the imagination
>Basic tanker training doesn't exist
Yeah... You are full of shit, end of talking with you
don't they mostly just use APCs and medium tanks?
I'm a fucking veteran 19K which is why I know it doesn't take all that damn long. You get a week in the TDS (tank driving simulator) which amounts to almost an hour a day in which you're just doing shit like convoy driving. Then you get one go at the offroad course which takes like 15 minutes, all of which is massively superfluous. Training is mainly devoted to learning to be a soldier, how to PMC the thing, and practicing shit like loading the main gun.
I think it's partially that, given the level of mechanization among the various planets, tanks are more suited to a cavalry role than an infantry role. We're at a WW1 stage, with armor existing to make breakthroughs for the ever-present infantry to exploit.
Another bit of it is, in my opinion, the limitations of the wargaming table to the effective range of all miniatures and the inclusion of melee as viable.
Not him, but Singapure's army dropped tanks completely and it was a big deal when they did so, announcing they will replace them with AFV. And they did so.
Polish army has at this point tanks mostly rusting, being busy buing shitload of KTO Rosomak AFVs, since they've proven much more reliable and cheaper to buy and maintain.
And pretty much every country that does not retain fuck-huge industrial base completely ignores tanks, since AFVs are cheaper to build and don't require so many dedicated factories or are outhright imported from someone. Back to the Polish example - they've got... BUNAR? BUMAR? Something like that. A company building tanks. And you know what they are doing with it? Giving them small-ass orders for repairs and shit, just to keep the company afloat, so they can always have the skilled tank builders just in case, but not actually building any tanks, because who fucking need a 10 billion tank, when a dude with 70 grand rocket can fuck it up.
The thing is though, an AFV doesn't serve the same role as a tank in the order of battle.
...Richard Hammond off top gear learned every position of an abrams in three days.
Show was called Richard Hammond's Crash Course.
>Richard Hammond's Crash Course
heh, I forgot about that episode
whoops, for
>The only tanks in existence are Abrams
>There are no other tanks out there
>And if they are, surely they work just like Abrams
There is a reason why American driving license is not credited in my country.
>At the weights of a lot of their shit, you need to spread it around to avoid destroying whatever substrate you're on and you can only do that with wheels if you put a bunch of really big ones on or you put just four super giant ones on.
oh come now.
You know GW doesn't care about being realistic to actual physics in their fluff.
The real reason is other wise the Taurox would at least be a half track.
>That one big honken peddle in front of you is the brake.
It's a transmission lock, right? Does pressing it at speed result in frontflip hilarity like the M113?
Fair point.
Looks like something ISIS would use.
Light attack/harassment vehicles in a desert environment? Everyone in the Middle east should have a liking to them.
You do realize that there's basically just two modern control schemes for modern tanks, right?
There's levers (one for each track, push them forward to make it go), and T handles. Aside from that you have automatic versus manual transmission, and I will grant that operating a manual transmission does take a little more time to get down, but it's not remotely the same level of difficulty as operating a manual in a car.
Yes and yes...although I don't think you can fully flip an M1, but you can scare the shit out of the guys in the turret/launch the loader and TC.
Not a burger. Just someone who drives in many countries thanks to work. The average person is frightening when behind the wheel.
>they don't teach stuff like that
My country does teach that stuff. It doesn't mean the drivers are actually capable of handling things when something outside of perfect conditions comes up.
Most can barely drive even without sleet or snow.
>Most can barely drive even without sleet or snow.
How the fuck they've got a driving license? Or we are talking about some place where in case of 5 cm of snowfall everything falls into anarchy, because Jesus Christ, snow!
It's modeled on the American-built Desert Patrol Vehicle.
> Or we are talking about some place where in case of 5 cm of snowfall everything falls into anarchy, because Jesus Christ, snow!
ah, this reminds me of the year I spent in Arizona.
Everything shuts down for something I can't even think of as snow. Just enough cold stuff to make the snow slushy. You know, March weather.
Nice quints.
because thats the orks shtick
Thanks thread, you've reminded me I have a tauros somewhere.
I've lost the bloody thing though.
> Thanks Alex. What are orks?
> I'll take "OP is a fag" for 200
while the orks does have some knowledge of making their own pieces & sets, a lot of it is looted.
if you can not guess, a number of them are from the Imperials, if not looted from one another afterwards/during/beforehand.
40k is focused on the military aspect, but that doesn't mean that they don't have a civilian aspect. It's just as fluffed as a saltine cracker.
there are also custom tanks from different worlds that exist, but they are not Imperial standard line, so usually you see them during a rebellion, while Imperial defense lines fend them off.
@OP: you don't know that the Genestealer cults do have Armored cars, which obviously just imperial armored cars being used by Genestealer cultiest, or other nobles.
now if I can just find that one link I had with the website that sold cars figures suitable for 40k
>Pic Related
bottom left looks like the batmobile. No, not the tank, the earlier one.
>It takes roughtly a week of training to get someone who never drove a tracked vehicle to handle them properly in combat situation and ignore basic instincts. Meanwhile, half-tracks (also mentioned in this thread) and wheeled vehicles require NO training, because any person with driving license can handle them the moment they are put behind the wheel and there is no need to train them for handling different terrain types, because thye also know that already from driving a car.
How common do you think cars are in some jungle world or a hive city? We're not talking about IRL here, where 80% of the adult population has a driver's license and a significant portion drivers a car every day.
I think it's an Inquisitionmobile.
It's wargame exclusive
I like top right the most of all of these. I must question how most of these turn, though
Not him, but not driving anything before doesn't make driving a tracked vehicle any easier. You have two separate tracks running at the same time, so it's not as intuitive as just turning the wheel/rod/any other mechanism on side, when for turning you need to stop one of the track od decelerate it, while speeding up with the other one.
THis pleases me deeply.
It might still not be quite as intuitive as driving a normal wheeled vehicle, but it does mean there probably isn't a significant difference in the amount of training needed.
Don't be silly, the Guard aren't allowed to be mobile, that would interfere with the stand and die meme.
>Just enough cold stuff to make the snow slushy.
It's the ice that's the problem, not the snow. Our roads, cars, and infrastructure are not designed to handle it, as it's such a rare occurrence.
Source: Houstonian who takes many overpasses to work.
This is how I imagine 40k vehicles to look, minus the guns in civilised world's.
But a hive hanger tots would be driving around the habspheres in one of these, motor bikes scouting and flanking it through the crowded hive levels.
Those aren't armored m8
I wish I could field two dozen of these armed with an autocannon, heavy stubber, and grenade launcher like
Forge world don't hate them, its just they are cutting back on it as HH is their cash cow.
If they were HH then it would be alright.