Thread LXX:
Actually have a nice clear window for once. Lets make this a good one, yeah?
Opening Theme:
Story Thus Far:
Season: Late Winter
Money: 975
New Backpack - (Sealed)
Kozak Bladesx2
Repeater - Unupgraded
Sasha: Skill list
Ranching +4
Scholar +3
Marsksmanship +5
Natural Ability (Lamia) +3
Intrigue +4
Casting (Draconic+4 Roc+2 Leviathan+3 Troll+1 Elemental+1)
Falconry +1
As the rest of your group filters through the portal, you survey the remnants of the battle that took place at your ranch. The majority of the fighting seems to have taken place between the main house and the barn. The way Tai tells it, the Phoenix caught Zhou's people in the midst of the shift change. Their leader, who you can only assume was the faux McCain, shot one of the beastfolk immediately presumably in the hopes of cowing the rest. Given the blood and the number of savaged bodies, you can only assume it had the opposite effect.
Both the bunkhouse and Liama's tent appear to have received the worst of the fighting, bulletholes riddling the fabric of the latter. Near the corral you see that the phoenix dead have been piled up under a lean-to. Thirty bodies by your count, though you're not too keen to examine them too closely. Over near the bunkhouse you see Tatiana tending to the wounded, seven of Zhou's people, Artyom ,who Tatiana is fussing over at the moment, and one of Liama's shadows. Jack if you recall correctly. Liz, Caff, and Eli have set up sentry positions from the rooftops. In the distance you can see Marie floating around the perimeter of the ranch.