Ever had a stereotypical jock/meathead at your table?
How well did he do?
Ever had a stereotypical jock/meathead at your table?
I am the stereotypical meathead
Not that he would ever join in but I can imagine him doing poorly and dropping out within 20 minutes
Behaved in a jovial yet polite and intelligent manner
Only skinny self righteous Hollywood jew writers who creeped out girls in high school demonize jocks
Popularity means people WANT to be around you for a reason
The nerd fantasy towards jocks came entirely from creeper skinny Jews that never understood why girls were grossed out by their greasy ways and yearned for Chad.
Weird, always figured the people who were asshats towards the skinny jews just typically had a jock mentality/appearance which is why they are generally sterotyped the way they are.
>300 lbs, 6 ft tall
>used to be a linebacker in highschool
He's been my DM for years, familla
Yes and he even played a barbarian. Later I found out that he was fucking the cleric's boypussy
The envy at something they could have but never put the effort into often mixes with the pain of the bully, who were often the greasy poor skinny/fat kid that let out his domestic rage on the skinny Jew.
They also associate the aggressive extroversion of most jocks with the type of aggression that comes from bullies, which mixes into the stereotype (hence the slack-jawed jock literally butting heads with their own in the stereotype.)
It's the same type of logic /r9k/ uses to rationalize how "all women are sluts" because they've had sex before marriage, and since the robot has not had sex out of marriage (not for want of wanting) they get angry at people having what they can not.
Lucky bastard
I've had an ex-jock at every table I've ever sat down at. 250lbs builtfat dudes who used to be 200lbs lean and just sort of exploded. They all seemed competent to me.
Yes. He was alright at the game, fucked all the female players eventually, and had some entertaining stories and brought snacks.
I am a stereotypical jock/meathead.
I like the character building, optimisation, minmaxing and powergaming.
I don't really understand the appeal of all the story stuff. Escapism is not healthy, and getting engrossed in a fictional world neglects your IRL.
But the idea of playing a board game that's so open-ended with how you go about winning (or losing) is awesome
This basically. I grew up believing in all that nerd superiority shit, but all I want now is to lift weights and be less socially awkward.
>Escapism is not healthy, and getting engrossed in a fictional world neglects your IRL.
Yeah, watching TV shows should likewise be banned, you giant faggot.
I never did subscribe to nerd superioirity but I don't wanna be more popular either. Most people are retards and hardly worthy of my time. I already relate well enough to the people that are decent. And I'm doing just fine with my non-musculous body coz I'm a sweetheart.
I agree with you. I don't even own a TV.
Not the News tho. News shouldn't be banned.
Yes, he came up with some clever plans for his wizard by getting inventive with spells.
Stuff like
>"I need to set off this alchemical nitro and blow up that door, but I don't want to be too close, and throwing it has a chance I might just drop it at my feet and blow myself up up. I know! I'll cast Magic Missile at it!"
>DM: "That Only targets creatures"
>Jock: "Fine, I catch one the cockroches you mentioned before, tie it to the beaker, and then blow it up."
Guy was terrible with women though. Only girl interested in him was trailer trash jailbait that just showed up at the comic shop sometimes and he'd try to avoid since being propositioned by a girl that age was creepy and awkward as hell.
>trusting tv news
It's true what they say: jocks have no brain.
Nerd hurt my feelings :(
I wish I could redo my life, with the knowledge that being a weird loner is not cool or something to be proud of. That you can bee yourself without looking like a sperg
>Only girl interested in him was trailer trash jailbait that just showed up at the comic shop sometimes
Damn son
Yeah, felt sorry for them both. Him because the way she acted could get the guy in a lot of trouble, and her because what the fuck was her life like that she'd learned to act that way?
>tfw gf is jailbait, the classy kind
Nothing wrong with dating younger as long as both are into it
Yeah, a guy in late 20s working as a police commando (local equivalent of SWAT). He did pretty well.
A friend of mine genuinely thought I was a jock until I started enthusiastically chatting about tabletop RPGs with her boyfriend.
Legally, she's too young to be into anything. Well, was too young, she's old enough by now, and I hear she got a boyfriend her own age, but back when she was 14 and hitting on a guy in his late twenties? It made for some cringeworthy moments.
17 is legal here
Well 14 is legal in Germany, there's even a dude from Veeky Forums trying to exploit that fact, but I agree it's too young
you didn't say 17 in your post. depending on how old you are it doesn't have to be illegal to be weird
17 is technically jailbait, she's still in highschool and started fuggin when she was still 16 so it counts
No even him, but really it isn't.
how old are you?
>Jock: "Fine, I catch one the cockroches you mentioned before, tie it to the beaker, and then blow it up."
I like this guy
Even if you are a sperg?
Though that does explain those edgy guys who wear trenchcoats in public. Media kept saying "weird loners are actually cool" so weird loners try and conform to that stereotype.
Though personally, I've come to the conclusion that "be yourself" is just another one of the lies.
Especially if you are a sperg!
I'm twenty-five, she's staying over at my place for the summer.
It's a very misunderstood saying.
Be yourself and be better than yourself.
Do what makes you happy(what actually makes you happy, not what you convince yourself makes you happy) and take care of yourself.
I figured it was just a case of nerds not realizing that correlation isn't causation. That is, they're not assholes because they're jocks, they're jocks because they're assholes.
See, part of it is like said, mixing up the different types of aggression. Part of that is because aggression is needed in order to be a jock in the first place--gotta have that competitive spirit--and so many bullies flock to it because it plays to their strength.
I wouldn't be surprised if many jocks were former bullies who stopped being bullies once they used sports to channel their aggression in a healthy manner.
But many also don't. Many stay bullies, because why shouldn't they be? What's in it for them if they change?
Then of course the socially inept just don't speak the language, so of course they're not going to understand. And of course they're going to react.
yeah dude, that's weird. i know you're not going to change your mind about it from something someone on the internet said, but please please please observe the campsite rule and leave her in better shape than you found her.
i had a couple friends in high school who dated older guys who really messed them up.
...it always kills me a little bit inside because I laugh at those guys who wear trenchcoats in public, but only because I feel the urge to wear one too.
So, what are examples of things you convince yourself would make you happy?
You can be yourself and still be normal human being.
For an extreme example, look at gay dudes. Some don't be themselves at all, they pretend to be straight and end up miserable and full of self loathing. Then some take the other extreme and becoming giant insufferable flaming faggots who make being gay their entire identity and follow past its logical conclusion. Then there are guys who are just guys who like other guys.
Be like the third option. So you like watching MLP? Fine whatever, do whatever make you happy, but don't be a fucking brony who carries around his dolls everywhere and uses it as an icebreaker
Definitely not from you, moron. I'm gonna strike my matches off that pussy and smoke some of that sweet underage tang.
>but only because I feel the urge to wear one too.
unleash the beast inside, user
>So, what are examples of things you convince yourself would make you happy?
Watch Fight Club, just first 10 minutes will do. The narrator explains it better than I possibly could.
Need should especially be banned.
Beaing open to people, im such a fucking introvert that unless im drinking i have a problem with talking to people who i dont know, stoped going to places where i dont really know people, made me the happiest man alive because i did not fell acward all the time. My sex life went down the toilet but im ok with it for now, will have to probobly change that in a bit though
TL:DR interacting with people who i dont know is shitty, it should be illegal
>leave her in better shape than you found her
I intend to, she was in pretty rough shape when I found her. She's a great girl and I do care about her, maybe I even legit love her.
Doesn't matter if I get my way and she goes to college to become a dentist or whatever, or if she gets her way and moves in permanently to be the housewife, my goal is for her to be happy.
That's pretty impressive, and stand up of you user. You're being the good neighbor Mr.Rogers knew you could be.
Yeah, he was my friend from the Junior Guards when we were younger, and he came along one time because we both really liked Lord of the Rings.
He made a wizard, and played him in a really stereotypically "Wizard!" fashion, and was really cool about it. He would stand up and shout nonsense whenever he cast a spell. He never cared so much about the results, but he liked putting on a show.
When he got killed, he asked if the DM could change things slightly so that it was a death that made sense for the character instead of getting killed by a Goblin. It was so brazen I was actually surprised that he asked, but it was a really good idea, so the GM let him stagger on into the next scene before bleeding out and giving wise words of advice to the Thief before he died.
Guy's a huge bro. Manages a hedge fund now. He sometimes brings it up when we're out drinking because he's not self conscious about anything, and I have to then awkwardly explain that we played D&D when we were in highschool to whichever people he's gathered around himself that week, and he goes "Tell them about the Hellfire spell!" and I have to explain what a magic missile is.
Worst I ever had was a guy who looked and acted like he should be a runner (and probably was, but somehow he ended up at the game table). Scheduling didn't work out, but he was a pretty okay alchemist, and seemed interested and eager.
And I haven't played with them, but I've noticed maybe half people into tabletop games that I've met that aren't stereotypical nerds are military or vets. Meatheads might not be common, but jarheads are.
>tfw people continually mistake you for a normalfag
Is it the way I conspicuously pretend not to have interests?
It's part of being in a post-Romantic society - we still idolize the rule breaker, the guy going against the grain, the rebel. Most people's gut instinct is to go against the oppressive tyrannical regime. Even the people who uphold the law in media are often lose-cannon cops, somehow rulebreakers and benders, or outcasts not recognized as heroes by society. Romantics loved the kind of character that would bend to no one, and poets were considered to have to live outside of society for more than getting in touch with nature.
Veeky Forums is infested with normal scum
I want to be a knight of the highways. I want to be an adventurer, and not be tied down somewhere I may never be happy with. I want to do good by people and help them with their problems without bureaucracy and stress.
>So, what are examples of things you convince yourself would make you happy?
It varies from person to person. With the guys I've met it's the combo of videogames/comics/anime plus not getting any excercise, plus refusing to hang out with "normal people", "plus having the sour grapes attitude towards women, plus centering their entire identity on those videogames/comics/anime, plus believing they're superior to other people for being the way they are.
>tfw you lost the genetic lottery
>tfw you'll always be an RPG playing beta male
Still pretty new. Found this in a thread a while back.
"genetics" is the kind of excuse a "beta male" would come up with
have some game, lift some weights
Git gud fuggot
We had a guy who I'd describe as a "meathead", but not stereotypical since he was genuinely interested in TTRPGs for a while beforehand.
In a word: "competitive". He wouldn't try to minmax as much as ensure every situation ended with the ball in his court. Not maliciously or deliberately, just because. He was probably the slowest "shopper" we ever played with. I'd have loved to play Al-Qadim with him, and would have hated to play Shadowrun with him.
I don't enjoy competitive players, because those are the kinds of people who end up turning games into a dickwaving contest, when the entire point of most parties is to work well together.
I don't even see it most often from jocks - mostly minmaxing nerds, guys who want to dominate things with words or spells.
Why are genetics blessed Alpha male normies so mean?
Because nobody with a good body didn't have to work for it
kek, would Mr.Rogers be okay with having a teenage girl do your house chores all day in exchange for a hastily put together dinner, a bottle of wine and permission to sit on your face?
I don't think so.
I'm not a Chad, I'm one of you guys, a fa/tg/uy
>Played a oneshot of Unknown Armies
>Friend invites his meathead roommate to join us
>Makes his character named Chad, literally mentally challenged and autistic but tough as nails
>Character is a frat bro who is a football player
>Never follows plans unless his character is tricked primarily by having other people call him a bitch or a pussy
>Beat up about a dozen armed body guards with barstools and his bare hands
>Ended up throwing around propane tanks in an attempt to blow up a Walmart
Granted this was the same game where my character was """"French"""" Anarcho-Fascist terrorist by the name of Sebastian du Fromage and another player was a nihilistic super genius named Hugh Jass so it wasn't like he was out of place.
>6ft tall
>Big guy
for you
Tough love, we want you to be better because we like you, and you won't go on the path of self-improvement if we coddle you
D-damn look at dem digits
Would cuddle post gains though
I was invited to play 3.5 with my upstairs neighbors who were wrestlers. It never happened because of scheduling issues, but the GM had some great stories. I wish we had time to get together for a session, at least.
I still haven't played a game IRL yet and I don't know if I ever will.
>tfw the slightest amount shorter than 6ft
It hurts
>It was the Jews
>I'm not a Chad
Says chad unable to keep his chadness hidden
>fucking 17 year olds
Not unless he's also 17, chad gets all the girls in his own age group
Chad gets all the girls period.
The girls his own age, the jailbait and the cougars
Every generation has it's Chads, although looking at kids these days, I'm not so sure.
Chad gets all the girls and the younger the better, within limits of course.
We ultimately parted ways with him for that reason. Not a bad guy, but the way he played in group environment brought out the worst.
Carrot Top lifted weights
didn't make him more attractive
heh, so I was visiting an old friend and he brought me along to the game he was DMing. I wanted to play, so he said I would be the villain, a sort of sub-boss. Most of the guys were shy neckbeard aspies. But there was this one guy who thought he was a total badass. He was a short, cocky guy who kept interrupting other players and ridiculing them when they had ideas he didn't like. He put his motorcycle helmet with him on the gaming table the whole time, so that everyone would see how cool he was, and so that no one could use that part of the dungeon map. And he played a buffed armored badass as well.
I was playing a rogue with grenade-like weapons and a light crossbow. But the bolthole I was secreted in prevented me from attacking all but a few squares on the board. I was supposed to cause confusion and break up the party formations, but the only person I could hit was Mr. Bad, because he wouldn't let anyone else move up.
So I unloaded everything on him. I got him down to single digits, and then critted him on my 4th sneak attack, because everyone failed their spot checks 4 times in a row. And this guy had died in the last adventure, too, and he was just livid. My PC stood up and fucking waved at the party, to at least give them a fair chance to hit me. And they all failed their 5th spot check, so I just fucking left.
That's the ugliest chick I have ever seen.
>"be yourself" is just another one of the lies
You're right. What they actually meant was "be yourself, just as long as 'yourself' isn't too weird and is acceptable to society at large".
Ooh, yeah, good examples--I feel the opposite way about both of them. For instance, if I *did* watch that show, I'd probably die of embarrassment if anyone *ever* found out about it. That's something to be properly ashamed of, and I can't really justify it to myself.
On the other hand, I see the stereotype of gay people being giant flaming faggots and think to myself "They look like they're having so much fun. Kinda wish I were gay."
Reminds me of a book I read when I was little. Don't remember it very well, but it was about offensive stereotypes, and a skunk who was self-conscious about stinking. Then there was another skunk who was all "where's the fun in being a skunk if you can't stink a little?"
>being ashamed of watching a cartoon
>flaming gays
>having fun
>not living in a caricature of every feminine stereotype about stealing boyfriends, gossiping, buying too many shoes/clothes, attempting suicide for attention, and flailing hysterically at every minor setback or emotional hurdle.
And then there's the occasional gay person who cringes at the people who have dominated the public perception of .
Because really, what kind of faggot makes a public spectacle of their sexuality?
I was the jock/meathead.
I was also the nerdiest nerd at the table and they didn't even know it.
>20 years of extensive illuminati research
>it was the jews all along
We had one at our table and he was the biggest douche in the world. Talked out of his ass all night to seem intellectual about things he had not even a tenuous basis of understanding on. Understandable if you're trying to survive someone else's conversation, but he initiated most of it.
He was a total idiot who was only there trying to impress all the girls he could with how much he cares about the health and well being of children. Honestly, when I met him I didn't think he'd be so incredibly annoying. He seemed cool and had a good sense of humor. It was clear as the night went on that he was just there to get laid.
Not the worst guy in the world, like the movies make it out to be, but someone so boring and idiotic that I wouldn't care if they died tomorrow.
It didn't make him less attractive tho and I'm willing to bet you money that he felt better about himself and more comfortable in his skin after lifting, which is the ultimate goal of it all.
Don't lift for girls, lift for yourself.
If you get girls as a by-product of lifting then good, if you don't get girls then it doesn't matter.
Did pretty well. He's a cool guy, he's currently one of the RAs at the dorm.
He even started LARPing at some point, which I hear he is very enthusiastic about. Can't say I'm surprised.
Not a Chad, just a fellow fa/tg/uy
>he says as his jailbait gf is waiting for him at the bathroom for shower sex
But you'll never feel truly comfortable in your skin when you are unable to ever get laid
Are you trying to make me cry?
You and me both user