Why do Orzhov and Boros have angels, but Azorius and Selesnya do not?
Ravanica Angels
Angels don't mix well with green and blue, blue isn't very emotional which may play a part and green tends to be more primal and doesn't really create living breathing constructs capable of complex thought, the only real example of them doing so lore wise is bruna and sigarda but the angels of innistrad seem to be very different then ones on other planes.
There have been things like lightning angel etc but really they weren't created with much lore in mind back then.
B/W are the angel colors. Red dabbles occasionally because of the whole fire and brimstone, glorious warfare thing. U and G just don't really get them in general.
tribal should be more of a thing in mtg.
i want awesome devils, sirens, succubus and well all the others
I'm still upset with how shitty this card turned out to be. How did something with so much tasty flavor turn out so fucking bad.
>Angels don't mix well with green and blue...
Bant would like to have a word with you.
Don't forget that Bant had some angels in those colors
>tfw no sheep tribe
>Angels don't mix well with green and blue
Nigga you don't know shit.
Because traditionally White and Black have been angel colors, as well as Red when things get serious e.g. Akroma, Basandra, Avacyn, Razia etc. etc.
Also of all the guilds Orzhov and Boros are the most 'religious' and that would explain why they get angels and the others don't. Methinks they're setting up for a Ravnican Civil-War where the guilds align into five three-colored factions and we'll be getting tasty Mardu angels.
that's not a real card
It was really good in draft to be honest which was why it was a mythic rare, unfortunately return to ravnica block in general really was hit or miss with its mythics making them just good enough that they needed that rarity bump but just bad enough that they weren't good enough for standard, it left a lot of people upset.
Bant in general was a majority white plane with the whole honor and knights thing and a lot of cards in that block where multicolor just for the sake of it to be honest.
By not being blue.
>Nigga you don't know shit
>posts fake card
Never change Veeky Forums
Just to stress the point
>double white single blue and green
Being a picky little shit.
Just because you're being pissy for being called a retard doesn't make you any less wrong.
Any reason for being so hostile dawg?
It doesn't make me wrong either maybe you should reread what I wrote, the only vaguely green thing about jenara is the counter ability which is specifically using white mana in this instance and flying is both in white and blue so shes vaguely blue I guess? Like I said a lot of cards in that block were multicolored just because.
Do note that both these angels have BOTH green and blue, balancing each other out. And are from a plane that is known for having silly interactions with the color pie. A better example might be Krond the Dawn-Clad or Illusory angel.
Actually let me be more specific, it wasn't just "because" that a lot of the cards were multicolored, a more real flavor reason was that each shard was saturated with its specific types of mana (blue green and white in this case) but either way you look at it jenara is a majority white card there's even specifically two white symbols on the card lol.
>+1/+1 counters
>Multicolored just because
Amen to that.
I was always interested in tribal just for the sheer synergy. To this day, my favorite decks are tribal, and I always aspire to make a working angel deck outside of EDH.
Never said that one was multicolored just because but a lot of the cards in that set were, read back through my responses instead of sperging out like a fucking autist.
Krond is an archon which is a little different then angels from what we understand but either way his abilitys arent really green beyond maybe vigilance? And illusory angel is a construct created by blue mana it's typing really should just be illusion but either way it's not a great example.
Band didn't make sense, skeanybitch Blue and primal predator Green shouldn't be offended by the concept of attacking a fucker from behind.
The "honor is all" triad should have been Esper or Mardu. Black has way much more reasons to pretend to be honorable than Green has to accept social constructs that don't quantitatively improove life itself.
Ironically after they established Band as the good guys colors they went on and made New Phyrexia Bant-colors by murdering the two praetors who didn't get along with the mindless directive thing.
Jenara doesn't have shroud
RTFT >cards in that block where multicolor just for the sake of it to be honest.
>Hurr autist
You're acting like an idiot. Empyreal, Stoic, and Jenara would never be printed as mono-white. Bant angels are U/G just as much as they are white.
What exactly about jenara is green or blue specifically besides the counter thing which requires white mana to activate? What about stoic is green or even blue besides flying and vigilance which is also in white and has been on mono white angels before?
The only actual card of the three that deserves being multicolored is empyrial as it has abilitys that have been specifically green and white in the past and present. But like I said even he is mostly white(two white).
Specifically green and blue rather
RW angels because it's the classic multicolored designation for angels. Wrath and fury.
Orzhov is linked very closely with the church and worship.
Azorius is law, not justice.
Selesnya is oneness, not divinity.