Imagine the following:
>A rogue with very long hair
>She uses her hair to trigger traps from a distance
Imagine the following:
>A rogue with very long hair
>She uses her hair to trigger traps from a distance
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I've seen enough accidents involving long hair and rotating parts of machinery to think this is a bad idea.
Well, I've seen one. But that's enough.
We had a giantess rogue, who had sort of like a cooking mitt, padded and later with metal plates attached, that she would wear and reach her arm ahead to trigger traps.
Hair that long seems nice until you realize your girlfriend will spend more time caring for her hair than she will caring for you, and if she doesn't she'll be greasy and smelly so undesirable.
Actually, nah, it takes longer to wash (and dry). But it doesn't grease any worse that short or medium length hair. Also
>not combing your girl's hair
My first reaction.
Like boobs, haird doesn't work like you see on anime. is the most likely outcome from the first trap. The warrior would need to come over and cut her hair off, thus removing the one thing she defined herself as a character.
Way to go.
What others have said, in addition to the fact that you'd need to have at least five to six feet of hair on your head just straight and everything, more likely ten feet, and have weights in that long ass hair. Would likely be more of a pain in the ass than any sort of boon, with trouble if you got stuck in gears.
Seems like a good way to get rid of unwanted scalp.
Couldn't you just by a rope and avoid testing traps with something attached to your head?
i honestly doubt that there are *lethal traps* that you could set off with hair
The Pathfinder Witch can have prehensile hair that lengthens and can even try to tangle opponents.
Triggering traps is probably not the best use for hair like that, but an extra arm that can reach rather far is a great asset for an acrobat.
Anything linked with sufficient amount of explosives?
>giantess rogue
Was her stealth high enough to be functional or did she just forgo sneaking entirely?
Either way that's pretty funny.
Her steal was quite high yes. She wasn't as good as a smaller person would have been, but she did a lot to help, like wearing all black, fitting clothes. Also she was a contortionist, so that she could better fit into smaller spaces like normal-sized buildings, alleyways, etc... plus if she had the time she moved a lot more slowly so as to cut down on noise and visibility.
>tfw she sneak attack grappled people by reaching around a corner with her arm to grab them and pull them away into the darkness
Boss is promptly knocked down and never gets a hit in.
I dare you to try!
>not caring for your qt gf's insanely long hair
Not saying it's my dying wish but it's a pretty clear solution to the problem you invented.
>Using hair to trigger mechanical objects
Believe me, that never ends well
Barring the fact that explosive traps are stupid and very rarely used, if you're close enough to trigger it with your hair, you're absolutely close enough to get fucked up by the blast. Also, hair is flammable, so have fun with that too.
She's pretty cute
Hoooo boy
And this wasn't the first reply why?
Why not just use a whip with a sinker on it, or the Chinese / Japanese chain weapon???
As everyone else has said this is a great idea for being scalped on the first trap, unless you dm loves the idea so much that all the traps are things like arrows fly from walls, Springloaded spears etc.
0/10 terrible character idea
8/8 bait
Dumb, lame, lazy and stupid. Hair doesn't work like that. She will get stuck and killed in the first very trap. You can't rogue. Go fighter. And then you will probably say she fight with her hair. And she will get pinned and killed in her first fight. Go as a fucking wizard. At least you can fiat anything with lazy and ill balanced magic.
I saw this thread and the number of replies and assumed that some of you were talking about how cool and original this idea sounds. So I came into the thread to talk about how this is one of the most retarded and special snowflake character ideas I've ever heard.
Luckily, Veeky Forums agrees with me. Sorry, fa/tg/uys, I'll never doubt you again.
That is awesome, give that player a thumbs up for me.
>Go fighter. And then you will probably say she fight with her hair. And she will get pinned and killed in her first fight.
You can murder people with your hair just fine if you're good enough.
My immediate thought was of a girl with a very long hair in a ponytail getting it caught in a drill press.
The second thought I had was the same thing but with a lathe which was actually infinitely worse.
Also fire.
>she sneak attack grappled people by reaching around a corner with her arm to grab them and pull them away into the darkness
That sounds absolutely terrifying. Especially with the idea of something so large moving so quietly.
What kind of awesome setting/system were you in that let somebody play a giantess as a PC?
I was just thinking that. It would not end well.
fighter works best for doing things with your hair.
pic related for a warrior race of women who use their hair as a back up weapon, like a garrote. Going so far as to weave things into the hair to make it that much stronger.
It was Pathfinder. DM was just pretty lenient with our characters.
But yeah she had some pretty good highlights. Another one was like, her laying across a rooftop and reaching down into a street from above to pull someone out of it.
Just use a polearm
This is common in some of the older kung fu movies too.
I'd personally love to hear more about that game if you want to share. That giantess stuff has me and my friends laughing.
What is it about female rogues that instantly makes them waifubait?
>What is it about female rogues that instantly makes them waifubait?
It's almost impossible to dissociate the idea of a female thief/assassin from the femme fatale archetype. And femme fatales are waifubait by their very nature.
Why not just use the rope.
Gee, I dunno. What's so arousing about fit, flexible, charismatic women in tight leather clothes?
Holy fuck is that a bad idea. What if it's a fire trap, or a saw blade trap or something?
Seconding this, I'd love to hear more.
The smell of burning human hair is something you'll never forget. I still cringe when I catch a whiff.
Someday I will learn to make webms
I'd like to post some workplace safety images that have machinery and long hair involved, but I just got out of a ban
Inorite? I dun geddit either.
My sister has hair nearly that long. She bleaches it though.
>Someday I will learn to make webms
There's a guide for it on /g/'s wiki. It's pretty easy if you know how to use the Linux command line.
>Using hair for X
Spoiler: It's a wig.
Why would you risk getting your hair burnt, pulled, melted, or frozen for no reason?
Just use a piece of rope.
>femme fatale
Do not confuse waifubait and fapbait.
...does she have braces?
I'm a sucker for really long hair, so much so that every character, male or female has very long hair, but even I know that's a bad idea, unless like, the character is of some race with really tough hair or something like that.
She also has plenty of rule 34 you should check out, user.
Jesus Christ I am diamond hard from seeing that webm. women with ludicrously long hair is my fetish
On topic though; like everyone else said, being a long haired rogue who's using said hair for trap detection is just going to quickly end in scalping.
Why can't I grow hair like this?
Is it because I have dick?
Because you don't take care of it. You need to take care of it like your life depends on it. If you do, you can have it in ~10 years. If you luck out on genetics that is, because without good genes you will get at best half that long before the growth stops due to hair renewal.
My hair is about a meter long, I only use conditioner every other day, wear it in a braid and cut the ends every six months.
Many a woman be mad jelly
>that waist and hip drop
>that crop top
Oh it's a fetish thing then
sounds great OP
You can't fool me gooby. You wouldn't say that if you didn't know the truth.
>a rogue with a rock tied to a rope
>can actually trigger traps
>doesn't get head pulled into grind trap
>can actually stay further away than a 10ft pole
>doesn't have to wait months to replace hair lost to guillotine or fire trap
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Literally I can't find any reason why people don't use summoned creatures to trigger traps.
And in case you're not in a party where someone can summon something, you're doing it wrong.
I can't be the only one that want to do some kind of rope bondage including that hair.
She is almost asking for it
Forget bondage, use it as a blanket fort.
You just bring cages of chickens and let them loose across traps
It's a he
don't tell him