Pokemon Quest #149

Robins Battle Edition

Archive: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Gobble
Twitter: twitter.com/GobbleQM
Pokemon, items, and summary: pastebin.com/tSNKt0Wm
FAQ and general concepts: pastebin.com/Ht1Q5E1p
All guides, player knowledge, and smutty stories: pastebin.com/u/Gobblepokemon

Themes: youtube.com/watch?v=6Y-ad_74T08
Quest theme: youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1422579428&v=YW9QKy6oDkE&x-yt-cl=85114404

Recently: You fulfilled your end of the bargain with your agency. You’re training before Robin’s match. Robert is training Vlad.

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.

Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as it comes up.

Combat involves rolls! Once there's a clear vote winner, we roll for the move accuracy/crit/secondary effect. Usually it's just three 1d100s. Sometimes you can get a modifier from circumstances, so be creative! Add flair, do tricks with moves, mess with terrain, whatever! This is not a video game. Weak moves tend to be quicker.

Call me out on a mistake and receive an apology butt or suggestive picture.

Badges: 10

Pokemon on you:
Zappy Dan (Magnezone)
Destiny (Kingdra)
Fel (Butterfree)
Oberon (Garchomp)
Nibbles (Tyrantrum)
Aria (Meloetta)

Not In Party:
Raistlin (Alakazam)
Devon (Houndoom)
Trunks (Trevenant)
Vlad (Crobat)
Leviathan (Gyarados)

Other urls found in this thread:



Anyway, I noticed this when I read through the last thread but, if Violet searched out Mewtwo who was its usual asshole Mewtwo self. Isn't there a chance that her sudden extreme assholery and pokemon devotion was caused by Mewtwo somehow? After all, we've long known she changed fairly suddenly according to her ex-husband. Could that match up timeline-wise? Maybe it sent a big old psychic barrage through her brain and messed her up or something.

You get up fairly early. That’s pretty rare for you. Robin and Clair are sleeping like smiling, slobbering logs. After what you did to them last night, you’re not surprised. You check Robin’s alarm just to make sure she’s not going to sleep in, see it’s set for a little later, and grab a quick shower.

From there, you rush out to the Elite Four’s private gym.

Geno and Cliff are there. They’re having a quick battle. “There’s no way I’m going to let something like that happen again.”

Geno stops the fight. “Kat. Greetings.”

Cliff chews on his straw. “Well well well. Come for more training?”

“You know it!” You reach for your next Pokemon. Fel.

The hard-headed, powder-leaking Butterfree comes out. He’s by far the weakest Pokemon in your team, but he’s got a good spirit. His record for wins and losses is very impressive.

>Train stats. He needs the extra bit to keep up
>Train moves serebii.net/pokedex-xy/012.shtml
>Train him to poof out powder when struck
>Try to increase the potency of his powders a little bit
>Something else

>Train stats. He needs the extra bit to keep up
Focus on Speed and HP, Special Attack if we can too

>Try to increase the potency of his powders a little bit

>Train him to poof out powder when struck
Even if we don't want him to get hit.

>After what you did to them last night
lewdbin when?

>>Train stats. He needs the extra bit to keep up

>Train stats. He needs the extra bit to keep up

We can't demand lewdbins for every night user, Gobble's backlog would grow at an exponential rate!

[That could indeed match up, timeline wise.]


When you gaze into abyss, abyss gazes right back at you.
And those who tame Pokemon...

Violet x Mewtwo Lewdbin canon?

>>Train stats. He needs the extra bit to keep up

>literal mindbreak
>possibly canon

Maybe Violet didn't catch Mewtwo, but Mewtwo caught Violet.

I figure it's worth consideration at least. Maybe we should ask Clair about it? Obviously in-character Kat doesn't know much about Mewtwo, BUT we did find out the mystery pokemon originated from Mew which is Psychic, so we do have a basis for considering potential Psychic fuckery.

>Obviously in-character Kat doesn't know much about Mewtwo
Wasn't one involved in Hornbeams scheme somehow? The part he was actually showing off.

Hmmm, you might be right. The talk with the E4 was just vague yesterday. Even if Kat knows Mewtwo is a thing, would she make the connection with Violet's last pokemon?

Even if not, he could have fucked with her mind during battle before getting caught. Pokemon supremacy IS basically mewtwo's MO after all. Doesn't mean it's 100% since you could argue they simply shared the passion beforehand, but...pretty damn suspicious.

You clap your hands. “Alright! Let’s pump you up.”

Geno keeps his arms folded and face passive as he steps aside. Behind him lays advanced weight systems and training equipment.

“Ha! Awesome.” You punch one of the bags. “Yo Adrian ha! Get it?!”

Geno just glares.

“I got it,” Cliff says, raising his hand in the back.

Fel slams into a bag, punched itn twice then headbutting it. Every time he connects, he makes a cute little “frlrlree” noise.

>Work on durability. Defense and Special Defence
>Work on Special Attack
>Work on HP
>Just everything in general. Cover his weak points as best you can
>Something else

>Work on Special Attack
I'm voting for two because I want to! You can't stop me Gobble!

>Work on HP

>Just everything in general. Cover his weak points as best you can

>Just everything in general. Cover his weak points as best you can

>Just everything in general. Cover his weak points as best you can
We could always ask Claire about strong Pokemon psychics



Fel focuses on disabling opponents with powders. Acting before opponents is the best way to take advantage of this, so their responses to him are hindered.

Yeah, I think we should float it to her. Also, we can ask Robert if he knows about her going after Mewtwo and if he remembers if that happened to coincide with her personality-changes.

Changing to just

How's your weekend going, Gobble?

You work on a bit of everything, giving special focus to Speed. Fel goes at it pretty well, but when Cliff helps you turn it into a game, he learns to move a bit better. He’s no Vlad, but he gets a lot of progress. Part of what slowed him down was how he’s careful not to leak too much powder everywhere as he flaps, but if he angles his wings just right, he can manage to go faster and avoid that problem too.

Next is Oberon.

“Oh no, you again,” Cliff jokingly recoils, then grabs his wing and gives him a slap on the back. “How ya doin’ partner?”

Oberon looks confused at the casual manhandling. He looks to you for permission to put Cliff in his place and teach him about his presumptuous nature. You tell him to relax and give him a kiss on the cheek.

Oberon fumes in embarrassment as you decide what sort of training you’ll do with him.

>Expand his critical range even farther
>Train Speed and Attack!
>Teach him how to handle Ice attacks a little better
>Learn moves
>Something else

[My ex has problems. I politely reminded her that they're not mine anymore.]

>Train Speed and Attack!

>Expand his critical range even farther
Teach us your ways Geno

Good plan! Hopefully you can dodge and problems of your own.

>Expand his critical range even farther

>Expand his critical range even farther
>Train Speed and Attack!

in that order, if possible

>>Expand his critical range even farther
>>Train Speed and Attack!

>Train Speed and Attack!

>Train Speed and Attack!
Crits are tempting, but we need our basics covered.

>Learn moves

>Expand his critical range even farther
>Train Speed and Attack!

>Expand his critical range even farther

Geno can help us with this.

Oh for fu- there is a /qst/ board now. Use it.

You know, most times when someone has said that in a quest thread on Veeky Forums they have gotten banned for it. 'Course, you're at least not cursing Gobble out.

>Expand his critical range even farther

Oberon is a crit-fisher, so this only makes sense.

Of course, if he doesn't know it already, teaching him Focus Energy is a good idea as well.

I'm sorry user, but this isn't warcraft. Not every villain is a villain because they're corrupted or mindraped by evil magic.

Of course not. But these are some striking coincidences, all things considered, if that is what they are. Violet just happened to go after Mewtwo, the pokemon whose motivations throughout pokemon-related media tend to be centered on elevating pokemon over humans - and indeed his creation and escape closely mirrors the plot of first movie where that is indeed his plan - at the same time as she suddenly changed from loving wife to pokesupremacist looney? I think it's definitely worth exploring as a possibility.

Plus, even if it was not some psychic assault and she's still of sound mind, it seems likely that her interactions with Mewtwo were what spurred her new obsession with pokemon. It would be interesting to figure out the details.

You ask Geno for help improving Oberon’s critical hitting abilities, speed, and attack. He takes out his own Garchomp, has it slice a training dummy in half, and asks Oberon to duplicate the task.

Then he goes to the slow motion cameras and analyzes it for a few minutes.

“Here’s what you must do.”

You run through his training exercises. The trick, from what you understand, is to keep his claws down instead of up and ready for an attack and only bring them up at the last second. Opponents don’t know where to flinch or guard that way.

“I learned it watching Hockey,” Geno admits. “Professional players keep the angle of their shots hidden for as long as possible.”

“I didn’t know ya’ watched hockey.”

“I do not. I was training my Pokemon at an indoor ice-rink and saw children playing in the next rink over.”

Oberon does well. His speed, precision, and attack are noticeably better when he remembers proper form. You put him away as he gets snippy at the other Garchomp.

Next up is Nibbles. His sits and scratches behind his ear, oblivious to his surroundings.

>Get that speed up!
>Increase his defenses even more. He’s one tough cookie
>Teach him to grapple while biting. He can slam opponents down, toss them, or pin them.
>Increase his biting strength even further beyond!
>Learn moves
>Something else

>Teach him to grapple while biting. He can slam opponents down, toss them, or pin them.

>Learn moves
He really needs Dragon Claw you guys.

>Increase his defenses even more. He’s one tough cookie

>Learn moves
Nibbles doesn't know Dragon Claw? Yeah, alright.

>>Learn moves

what these guys said

>Something else
Let's see if Geno has any suggestions.

Other than that
>learn moves

Rock Polish or Dragon Claw.

>Learn moves
Dragon Claw

Other good moves for Nibbles: Rock Head, Iron Head, Rock Polish, or Super Power.

Damn, maybe we should have taught Nibbles more moves in previous training sessions...

He has some pretty good special training though. Stompy and Bite Training are his bread and butter.

“Let’s learn Dragon Claw!’

Nibbles is very eager. His stubby little arms don’t do too well, though. You stop for a second, then have him use the claws on his feet instead. That works well.

You check the time. He took to that pretty quickly. You might be able to get something else under his belt.

>Head Smash
>Horn Drill
>Ice Fang
>Brick Break
>Use the extra time for something else
>Something else


>Ice Fang

>>Ice Fang

>Brick Break

Head Smash is good, but you need Rock Head to deal with the recoil.

Ice Fang is completely redundant with the moves we have.

I can support Superpower.


“How about...Superpower?”

Nibbles stomps and snorts excitedly. He likes powerful moves. Emma comes in as you’re working on it. You’re pretty sure you overheard her mutter something to Geno about last night, but you’re too busy training.

Nibbles dents plate after steel plate. The machinery here carries the plates back and buffs them out before bringing them back.

You and Nibbles take a juice break. He eats the entire box before you can stop him.

“Maybe I can pour you a can into a dish, why do-”

Nibbles grabs the can out of Cliffs hand and eats them too. He smiles at first, but spits it right out after.

You skip over Aria. She needs to rest.

Raistlin is next. He serenely meditates, waiting for whatever you need.

>Train moves
>Work on Special Attack even more
>Train him to teleport even larger objects
>Something else

>Train him to teleport even larger objects

>Train moves
Psyshock, Psyshock, Psyshock


>Train moves
Protect, Reflect and similar defense moves.

>Train moves
Alright, Psyshock
Goodnight Gobble

>Train moves
>Train him to teleport even larger objects
If we have time.


>Work on Special Attack even more

You train Raistlin on Psychock. It’s incredibly uneventful, but not every session can have a story. You congratulate Raistlin on his hard work.

You’re glad they have PCs here. This island is full of them. The professor’s assistants aren’t nearly as chatty as he us.

Devon’s turn. He tackles you and licks you all over.

“Aww haha, boy.” You play wrestle with him. “You’re just full of energy, aren’t you?”

He barks.

>Try to work on sympathetic mega-evolution anyway. Maybe you’ll work something out
>Work on moves
>Work on stats
>Use his nose to increase accuracy
>Something else

>Try to work on sympathetic mega-evolution anyway. Maybe you’ll work something out

>Try to work on sympathetic mega-evolution anyway. Maybe you’ll work something out

>Try to work on sympathetic mega-evolution anyway. Maybe you’ll work something out

>Try to work on sympathetic mega-evolution anyway. Maybe you’ll work something out

>Try to work on sympathetic mega-evolution anyway. Maybe you’ll work something out

>Work on stats

[Roll dice for progress.]

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Rolled 11 (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)


Ah well, can't win every time.

eh, not a critfail at least

Rolled 8 (1d100)

Lets just stop before we hurt ourselves.

Pretty sure it just means we don't get anywhere

We could always roll a 1.

Despite Vernon telling you that you don’t have enough time to learn it, you decide to take a crack at mega-evolution.

Okay, you can do this. You don’t want to get too arrogant, but you’re pretty darn good at mega-evolution.

You run Devon through some exercises and training to get the ball rolling, but you’re just not feeling it. You don’t know what it is, but you’re off your game today. You go late into the night but fail to make any meaningful progress. At least Devon had fun.

You’ve been training hard the last few days, and it won’t be long now until Robin’s match. You stretch, head back into the gym, and take out Trunks.

He cackles, but it falls off as he looks around the wide open, well-lit gym. Not many places to hide or shadows to use to look scary in here.

>Increase the health he recovers from draining moves
>Focus on moves
>Train stats
>Maybe he can passively recover health, kinda like ingrain (leftovers)
>Something else

>Maybe he can passively recover health, kinda like ingrain (leftovers)

>Increase the health he recovers from draining moves