Whats a more dangerous creature to face? A Wendigo or a Werewolf?
Which would win in a fight?
Whats a more dangerous creature to face? A Wendigo or a Werewolf?
Which would win in a fight?
I don't know but that's now going to be a personal goal of mine to make a character that becomes one to fight the other.
Both are from similar legends. Depends on the setting as usual of course but since werewolves are a bit more ubiquitous in most settings these days I would lean towards wendigos as the truly depraved incarnations of human desperation.
Werewolf is more dangerous because you can actually talk and effectively outwit a wendigo if you know how to handle one.
A Wendigo also wouldn't be able to use silver, which means that it would largely be a stalemate match since neither would be able to really kill the other, though I'd have to say the Wendigo would be the stronger and more resilient of the two.
What if the Wendigo beats down the Werewolf and eats it? Could a Werewolf die from being eaten alive?
Without silver weaponry, it would fail to eat it. It will bite, but not penetrate deep enough to tear away flesh, and thus it is not a good meal plan.
If a werewolf ate another person while human, could it turn into a wolfdigo?
If it could be incapacitated simply through force, silver bullets wouldn't be a necessity. A group of farmers with shotguns would be able to subdue a werewolf just by unloading into it with ordinary shot and then feeding it to a woodchipper.
Vulnerable only to silver. Buckshot would knock it around but fail to penetrate a werewolf's hide.
Woodchipper would clog and/or throw a belt.
Exactly. Same for a wendigo's teeth. Eating the werewolf alive is a failing strategy because eating the werewolf is impossible.
But Werewolves are susceptible to being cut and hurt, they just can't die unless through silver wounds, so wouldn't a Wendigo still be able to bite flesh off?
No, no stacking templates.
>Bit by a lycanthrope
>Turn into a werewolf
>Devour a person while lost in the woods
>Become a Wendigo
>Perform a pure evil ritual
>Become a lich
>Wander the world as a Werendigolich
Well, if Until Dawn is to be believed, you need to set a Wendigo on fire before you can kill it.
So really, it would be an eternal stalemate. Wendigo doesn't have silver, werewolf doesn't have fire. Although, fire is more likely to come up randomly in the course of the fight, so I would give the werewolf the advantage.
Silver only.
Can't be cut unless it's a silver knife. Can't be shot unless a silver bullet.
Can't be beaten unless by a stick with a silver handle.
What if the person who happened to turn into a Wendigo had silver fillings?
>plot twist
>Wendigos are just the north american species of Werewolf.
Sure that works...also if the Werewolf was able to set itself on fire, then we'd have a showdown.
Would it really be a stalemate if the Wendigo is stronger and tougher than the Werewolf? It would be, if they are forced to keep fighting, an endless curbstomp of the Werewolf getting it's shit kicked it and the Wendigo trying to eat it.
>Wendigo with silver dentures and silver nails
>Werewolf that can spit fire
Are Wendigos stronger than werewolves? They seem like an equal match. Wendigos seem sneakier though.
If they aren't stronger, Wendigo are equally as strong and as durable as Werewolves. So if thats true then it would be a stalemate
Also, depends on how much the wendigo has eaten. Remember that they grow with each victim they consume, to the point of literally becoming small mountains. Never satiated, they are constantly forced to hunt and search for food to fill themselves.
Plus, if you don't have Good Medicine, you're more or less fucked unless you can manage to burn the icy heart of a wendigo which isn't just as simple as tossing a molotov at it. That said, a medicine man could lure a wendigo into a trap so that Bear could knock its spirit into the sky. But then you still have to defeat the gigantic, flesh-consuming murder-monster.
God, Native American myth sounds ridiculous sometimes when you say it out loud.
Well, a stalemate until the sun comes up I guess.
Samuel Haight, is that you?
A werewolf you have to evade until the sun rises
A wendigo you have to evade until it doesn't want to eat you any more (which never happens) or finds something more appetizing to hunt (rarely an option)
As far as which is stronger, well, a werewolf is basically just a big bipedal wolf. Whether a wendigo is more powerful than that depends on what native group you're drawing the legend from. In some lore, they run so fast that their feet burn off, and then they just float along the ground at the same pace.
Kek, though he didn't state having a bad end.
You lot forget that older Wendigos can generate blizzards.
I don't thin either v=could kill the other but the wendigo would just kick the shit out of the werewolf until it either got bored or the transformation wore off and the wendigo would eat it alive as it is now more akin to dinner than a threat (assuming we're going classic full moon werewolf here)
Wendigos can get to the size of mountains, so I'd give it the advantage on strength.
werewolf queen
the answer is always werewolf queen
Which version of werewolf and wendigo? Wendigo range from dumb giants to spirits to nearly being godlike in power (well compared to people anyway). Werewolves range from witches who are mortal and change via magic pelts to killable by any means (although silver kills instantly) to unstoppable juggernaut except for silver
Werewolves have a Monarchy?
Can they also have Kings or is the royal lineage patriarchal? What system of government do the Wendigo follow? Or do they have a smattering of different systems of government between whatever political divisions different groups have, and historically different ones that have been upended by revolution or instituted by past leadership?
>witches who are mortal and change via magic pelts
Those are Hexenwolves.
I think Wendigos have it. If they can get to giant sizes, that alone makes their odds of just subduing the werewolf way better, potentially even swallowing it whole.
If you assume equal strength it might be a stalemate, but then recall that the werewolf is on the clock. Once the sun rises, they go back to their normal, edible selves.
So unless lightning strikes mid-fight and the forest catches on fire, I'd give it to the Wendigo.
The wendigo because I am from Minnesota and have to root for my home state's monster.
Why not a Werendigo-that-walks?
That just makes them more awesome.
Wendigo have a consumer based system
Just remember to strafe around it's sides, dodge when it's leaping, use your molotov's and oils, and hack away them ankles and you should be fine with wendigo.
It's the werewolves that give me more trouble... less predictable, dodgier, quieter too. They'll sneak up on you and you won't hear the snarl till the last second.
Christ alive, how is all of Golarion not filled with Wendigos?
Wendigoag, actually. That's the correct plural.
BPRD already kind of did it with a werejaguar instead of a werewolf.
And spoilers it fucking ruled
double spoilers the wendigo won
Silver isn't required to destroy it, just the only viable way for preindustrial humans
>Once the transformation is complete, the victim is effectively dead, replaced by a new wendigo. True resurrection, miracle, or wish can restore such a victim to life, yet doing so does not harm the new wendigo. The save is Charisma-based.
What the fuck pathfinder.
>rez player
>you a weeabo now dawg
This is a pointless question because both of those creatures are depicted in multiple ways in different works. For example, in the universe I created, Werewolves can be 50-foot-tall abominations with muscle density that would turn them into black holes if they weren't bound by local physical laws. They'd fuck up any Wendigo, but that doesn't really prove anything.
I think you're misunderstanding.
When you get True Rez'd or Miracle'd/Wished, you come back in a new version of your original body.
The Wendigo is still running around in your OLD body, a totally separate creature. You aren't resurrected as a wendigo.
Good thing no one gives a fuck about your fanfiction setting and most people tend to go off the average power level expected of a particular fantasy creature.
Sure, there's always variance in the power level and specifics, but if you ask if a werewolf would beat a dragon in a fight, only a retard would say that it would.
Werewolves are just retard strong manwolves. Wendigos are a fucking force of nature.
I don't know what you think I'm implying. That's literally how it works.
Okay senpai. Your totemnigger fanfiction bullshit doesn't even hold a candle to my legionnaire lycanthropes. Don't be throwing around terms that better apply to yourself than your opponent.
But it's not my fanfiction, nor does anyone care about your setting.
It's literally right in the Pathfinder book.
>legionnaire lycanthropes
>cast rez on body
>wendigo is moonwalking in the sky ignoring your pleas to escape the boney undeath that you are now trapped in
>charisma based save
>you must be this good looking to exit the wendigo
Nowhere near as gay as your reaction image, faggot.
Don't know why Pathfinder is relevant in any way; that is hardly canonical when it comes to fiction. People can interpret mythology and folklore in different ways. That doesn't make it "fanfiction." The fuck are you bringing that term into it for? I'll tell you what for: you just wanted to argue with someone. Fuck you.
Read it again. Rez doesn't work. That's exactly why you have to use True Res/Miracle/Wish, just like you would have to if your body was burned to nothingness by dragon fire and scattered to the wind.
Your body becomes a new Wendigo; you can't be rez'd back into it.
>canonical when it comes to fiction
Stopped reading there; good one mate.
My point was that nothing is fucking canonical when it comes to fiction. I can claim that cockatrices are mammals and you can't prove me wrong. Learn to read you bloated queer.
Those actually lay eggs user..its in the Bible.
>being this mad that fictional archetypes have standards that most people adhere to
>my dwarves are blue balls of 10 legs without heads or beards ha ha they can be whatever I want ;^) I came to the dwarf thread to tell everyone how stupid they are
What if you kill the wendigo and rez the dead ashes?
Powerlevels aren't characteristics like having fur or being colored green. You people started a vapid my god can beat up your god thread. Relative strength of races isn't a standard most people adhere to. You mentioned dragons earlier; in many settings, dragons are overhunted and nearly extinct pansies, while in others they're untouchable overlords. But they all have scales and breathe fire. Fuck you.
Wendigos are Outsiders, so after it completes the transformation, your old body is now a Wendigo Outsider. Killing the Wendigo and attempting to rez it, regardless if it still has the whole body, or if it is ashes, will not work because Outsiders cannot be called back with the Resurrection spell.
This is why you have to use True Resurrection to bring the PC back. Oddly, you could also bring back the Wendigo that you killed if you wanted to, instead.
>True Resurrection
>This spell can also resurrect elementals or outsiders, but it can't resurrect constructs or undead creatures.
>They all have scales and breathe fire
No they don't.
Also Werewolves aren't Gods. Neither are Wendigo. What a stupid man.
>Power levels aren't characteristics
>Like, being a God has nothing to do with power
>It's just a title that means nothing
>I'm so much smarter than everyone, why can't they see that words don't matter?
What the fuck are you talking about? You were the one who made the fucking argument that fictional races have standards most people accept. You're saying that the average joe would say dragons have hair rather than scales and don't have any breath powers? This whole post of yours is you defeating your own arguments. Nowhere did I claim werewolves or wendigos were Gods.
This is just me trying to make sense of your engimatic-ass post that collapsed in on itself.
It's way more bad ass to True Rez the player and have him hunt down the Wendigo that hijacked his body and is running around strangling niggas with it. That's a fucking fantastic plothook.
>you started a my god can beat up your god thread
>no where did I claim they were gods
>You're saying average joe would say dragons have hair rather than scales and don't have any breath powers
And you claim that he's defeating his own arguments. You literally identify with an archetype of what a dragon is while simultaneously rejecting that werewolves have an established power level. I've not seen levels of ass hurt from being blown the fuck out in ages.
I'm totally stealing this hook.
I'm going to start over because you don't speak English.
My God can beat up your God was a parody of my dad can beat up your dad, only a bit more Veeky Forums themed. That clearly went over your head. It was a mockery of you taking an argument of whether Wendigos were more dangerous than Werewolves seriously.
You flipped your fucking argument because you knew you lost it two or three posts back. From the beginning I agreed with and never argued the notion that certain creatures have characteristics applied to them. Dragons are reptilian, for example, and werewolves are mammalian and often black in color. What I was saying is that Dragons or Werewolves can be weak or strong and that has nothing to do with anything else. That's my argument. This thread is pointless because the characteristics are what make a race, not their relative power. Some Wendigos would beat Werewolves and vise-versa.
Wendigos are way more dangerous than werewolves, just like dragons are repitilian and werewolves are mammalian.
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with that. I suppose it's the werewolf fetish.
I guess being so consitently unable to understand what you're trying to say that I give up arguing with you means you win. Congrats.
It's hilarious that you think strength isn't a characteristic but you accept that hairy and fire breathing is. Gods are literally defined by their power, as are most mythical creatures. It's why everyone would agree that a Dragon is stronger than a Werewolf.
Only the most debased dicksucking retard would try to argue that a werewolf is stronger than a dragon because some obscure hipster interpretation of a werewolf.
This is why it's totally fine, especially in Veeky Forums of all places, to have a thread asking if a Wendigo is stronger than a Werewolf, and then for people to look for common and popular references to both creatures to gauge what the perceived "power level" of the creature is.
One of which is frequently an immortal spirit.
Also known as a Wendigo.
but they're not, you just have to immolate them until they dissipate
kinda like how werewolves are "immortal" unless you fuck them up with silver
>Permanent wind walk
>Controls the weather
>Good physical stats
>Mind affecting abilities
>Can turn you into one of them
>Scent at best
>Just some nigger with a crossbow and sword
>Maybe bite you sometimes
>Runs around like a peasant instead of flying
>Can turn you into one of them
Even better
>be half deamon concieved in an evil ritual
>get bitten by a werewolf and vampire at once
>turn into half-deamon vampire-wolf
>devour a person lost in a woods
>become a vendingo
>said person was Lucius the Eternal
>become Lucius
>do a ritual
>.become a lich
>live your life as a half deamon vampire werendingolich Lucius
Werewolves still age in most fiction, Wendigos don't.
To be fair, werewolf's can leap up tall cliffs, can sense the location of enemies through any conditions, is immune to non holy abilities, regenerates extremely quickly, is able to survive in temperatures far below freezing point, has extremely quick reflexes and has claws which could disembowel anything with just the slightest contact.
I see the fight between a wendigo and werewolf like that scene from indiana jones, the wendigo would try to do fancy shit but the werewolf would just leap at him and cut his body into a million pieces in the same time span that it takes for the first drops of blood to come spurting out of a freshly cut artery.
Basically the wendigo loses.
>Wendigo flies 400 ft into the air and starts using mind affecting abilities on him
>Were wolf with no cliff to leap up is fucked and forced to take it in the ass
>Wendigo feels like a dick and decides to stay 2000 ft in the air and even choose to sleep there if he's keen to.
>Werewolf eventually forced to go to sleep at some point
>Wendigo haunts him in his dreams leaving him no choice but to not sleep until fatigue destroys him or sleep and eventually have his mental faculties shattered
>Wendigo literally has no reason not to do this and this is pretty much how they operate
>Werewolf inevitably develops wendigo psychosis
>Wendigo uses his ridiculous fly speed and strength to drop the defeated werewolf to some remote village where he feeds until he turns into a new wendigo or gets killed by kids with silver arrows
>Really, unless you can fly just as fast or the wendigo intentionally lets you win, you're pretty much fucked since its not really the type of creature that actually needs to physically be there to fight you.
Cockatrices are now monotremes. Checkmate, atheists.
Are you fucking retarded
What system? What mythology? I guessing that in a one on one fight not to the death wending would come on top, but it depends
>God, Native American myth sounds ridiculous sometimes when you say it out loud.
Yes, and?
I thought Wendigos were harmed by sunlight. Hence them only coming out at night.
BPRD did it a while back.
I can't see the werewolf winning this one. Maybe my knowledge on the subject is a bit rusty, but while silver is the preferred method, ripping the werewolf into pieces would do roughly the same thing. With Wendigo's, all you can do is burn them, and in some myths not even that is enough.
Wendigo's are pretty high on the list of "monsters you don't want to fuck with".
Pretty sure fire's been the catch-all for killing the supernatural since forever. Most of it, anyway. Not much that survives conversion into ash.
You're an idiot
Okay, so, as has been pointed out earlier, it's unfair to make these comparisons without specifying which iteration of the monsters you're talking about. Why don't we consider the two easiest definitions? The mythological versions, and the modern pop culture versions.
The mythological versions have plenty of variations themselves, but the majority of the myths and folktales can be largely sorted into two archetypes. While stories of people becoming wolves go back to antiquity, the werewolf as a concept (the concept that evolved into the modern pop culture version) was mostly defined in the 15th-18th centuries in western Europe. The mythological werewolf was usually seen as a human sorcerer or witch, in league with the devil, who would turn into a large wolf to attack people or their livestock. For the most part the wolf form was not thought to have any special protections other than being a large and dangerous beast that could turn back into a human and escape detection at will.
The mythological wendigo is largely defined from both European and native sources in the 14th-18th centuries. While, again, there is some variation among tribes, wendigos were largely thought of as human beings transformed by a winter spirit into emaciated giants with hearts of ice, super strength and the ability to create snowstorms. The widespread belief was that they could be killed by mundane means early into the transformation, but afterwards could only be killed by fire.
So, by this metric, the wendigo wins hands down. The sorcerer-werewolf of the late medieval period was mainly a threat due to its duplicity, while the wendigo was a threat due to its ferocious strength and resilience. The werewolf has no access to fire unless he turns back into a human (which provides no guarantee of victory) while the wendigo can rip him apart regardless of his shape. Point goes to the wendigo. Idly, it’s interesting that the best sources we have on both monsters are from the same time ranges.
Pop culture is a bit trickier but I would say we can still make do with some basic archetypes. The pop culture werewolf is, generally speaking, a superhumanly strong, anthropomorphic wolf produced when a cursed human is transformed by the light of the full moon. He is usually only vulnerable to fire or silver and in most fictions other damage is regenerated extremely fast.
The pop culture wendigo is tougher, since the wendigo has not penetrated popular consciousness to the same extent. Most people have never heard of them. Still, perhaps the best one to go with is the wendigo of Algernon Blackwood’s short story of the same name. This is definitely the version the Pathfinder wendigo is based most heavily on, and most modern fiction tends to use an amalgamation of the mythical wendigo and Blackwood’s wendigo. Blackwood’s wendigo was a personification of the call of the wild, a powerful spirit that would call to men venturing through the wilderness. If they answered the call, they would be forced to run with the wendigo, running so fast that both beings take flight and the human’s feet catch on fire. As the man runs through the sky with the wendigo, he slowly transforms into something very much like it. No vulnerabilities are mentioned, but let’s be generous and say in this archetype it is vulnerable to fire, as is its mythological predecessor.
Almost every game I run with a supernatural element to them, I always favor the Windego, maybe because to me the cautionary tale about the dangers of canabilism get me more than the tale of "don't go out at night on a full moon." I know there is more to thr werewolves orgins, so don't get mad.
That or I live out in the Western North America and I am interested in the native people's stories more.
Now things get interesting. Blackwood’s wendigo is described as very large, so it’s probably pretty strong and tough, and we know it’s very fast and can fly. The werewolf is also very tough and very strong. The wendigo might be able to out maneuver it, but it’s unclear if either can do any lasting damage to the other, as neither has access to fire or silver.
The only thing that comes close is the wendigo’s ability to drag victims into the sky, forcing them to run so fast they ignite from friction. This could conceivably injure the werewolf in a way it can’t recover from, but as the werewolf is not a man and has already given in to its bestial nature, the wendigo’s supernatural call and transformative abilities would probably have no effect. As a result, the wendigo would have to grapple with the werewolf in order to force it into the air, and the werewolf would fight the whole time. If the wendigo can be killed by physical trauma it probably would be at this point, but if not then the werewolf is held until its feet burn to stumps. So, neither can probably kill the other, but the wendigo might be able to cripple the werewolf, so I’m calling that a win.
Wendigo > werewolf.
>Blackwood’s wendigo was a personification of the call of the wild, a powerful spirit that would call to men venturing through the wilderness. If they answered the call, they would be forced to run with the wendigo, running so fast that both beings take flight and the human’s feet catch on fire. As the man runs through the sky with the wendigo, he slowly transforms into something very much like it.
That's the most common? I have never heard of that but heard many versions of the cannibal spirit
>Having a nightly stroll past the forest near my house
>Heard footsteps
>Turn around to see a man sprinting at me
>He bolts past me and breaks the sound barrier
>Warp drive enabled he shoots into the sky
>Ragdolling through the air leaving a firey tail
>See his legs explode mid air
>He transforms in mid air into a supersonic flaming legless beast