AoS arts sux edition
>I heard about summoning in matched play is nothing but deep strike.
AoS arts sux edition
>I heard about summoning in matched play is nothing but deep strike.
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First for you can't touch this
Are they going to release a new army book for Ogors or is it just part of the Destruction book? is there a decent amount of stuff in the Destruction book and is it the equal of the old Ogre kingdoms book?
Is there a guide how you should approach the books? The reading order and such.
I've got a fair bit of cash and I'm sick and tired of the current state of 40k with the game being horribly imbalanced and you basically have to house-rule 2nd edition for shit to be remotely balanced. AOS honestly seems a bit better considering EVERYBODY looks like they have utterly broken builds so shit cancels out.
What's a good Slaves to Darkness shopping/list?
40k thread has amazing mega as well, was suprise art all the fantasy new and old hammer
Was warbeast always there. I dont recall it the first time the meme appeared
Their Start Collecting box seems a pretty solid place to begin.
That 5 giant list always seemed fun
>tfw no dark elf start collecting
I know your pain. I would play Dwarfs with Pants.
Everytime I click through the AoS section on the GW Homepage:
>mfw I like the models a lot
>basically no rules and total anarchy
>fuck this won't buy untill they release a proper ruleset again
Are they going to add more lets start things? Are even dark elf models done?
Here's your (You)
Are there any dedicated monster killing units in the chaos grand alliance?
Everyone seems to include tons of huge monsters in their lists, and the only guy I can find with bonus damage against them is throt the unclean, and he isn't tough enough for them.
No, they fixed it.
Start with the Start Collecting box and add a Daemon Prince. From there on out, you can do whatever you want.
All-cav? Buy some Marauder Horsemen, cut apart your Sorcerer Lord and put him on a Horse and then add more cav.
Or work your way toward the Godsworn Champions of Ruin Battalion, that's pretty good.
Or just add some more Chaos Warriors, a Warshrine and a Chaos Lord.
Or do an old-school monster mash with Dragon Ogors, Chimeras and stuff.
Maybe lean towards one god or stay neutral, I just wouldn't advise an old-school mix-and-match army because of the Keyword system.
so just take a dwarf slayer king, and make the model chaos-y. no synergy with the rest of your army but its actually really good at killing big stuff so eh.
First, that list is shit-posting by a sperglord.
To answer your question, afaik there's very little with bonus damage against monsters but Chaos has enough that can pluck monsters apart, such as Blightkings, Skullreapers, Stormvermin, Warp Lightning Cannons, Stormfiends, Flamers of Tzeentch and lots of other high-damage bullshit.
Only things with actual bonus damage against monsters I know are the Manticore (which is shit even with these boosts) and Screamers of Tzeentch who have the awesome damage-becomes-D3-against-monsters ability (but aren't particularly killy against anything but monsters because of it).
2 new ones are out for pre-order. Yes, they're 40k, but that means they're still making those.
Some rumor-monger also said that there'll be a new kind of starter set with stuff like 5 Liberators vs. 5 Blood Warriors for 20-30 bucks, which I think is likely.
Screamers also shutdown summoning circles
My favorite Chaos Gods are Tzeentch and Slaanesh, how do they fare in the meta?
Slaanesh has some verz powerful shit. Daemonettes are among the hardest-hitting line infantry in the game.
And Tzeentch's recursive summoning shenanigans are a horror to face.
you got lucky with the silver tower and its tzeentch stuff.
Which factions were released so far?
Is that all? What are they working on now?
>Yes, they're 40k, but that means they're still making those.
What do you mean? You can use W40k models in AoS or what?
Next thing up is almost certainly slyvaneth (tree spirits), though they're also working on the general's compendium currently.
What a time to be alive.
>meanwhile in 40k Slaanesh is shit-tier along with the rest of Chaos.
You should really specify what Dwarfs, seeing as the Fyreslayers are different to the normal Dwarf army.
I cant specify anything because I know shit about this game and I dont even play.
I want to start playing tho and trying to pick a race. I would prefer Dark elves but it seems they are not out yet
I want to give this game a fair shout, but as my group has some pretty extensive Fantasy armies, we don't want to buy the starter set.
The few times we have attempted it haven't worked out. The first time we just ended up using our biggest models and never got around to actually playing. The second time we tried a High Elf/Dark Elf game that seemed about balanced until the Phoenix Guard got into combat.
So my question is where's the best place to start out? What are some good mission or formations for Age of Sigmar? Is there a good place to start without springing for the starter set itself?
>Posting a valid list that the crap rules of this ''''''''game''''''' allows is shit-posting because muh AoS is perfect
what are "snap-fit" minies ?
I´m looking at some really cheap pack of 3 snap fit Stormcasts + paints for them
They go together without glue, typically having no or posability.
They are not pose-able. They can only be assembled in a single way, normally with a hole-and-peg or something to make sure you can't fuck it up.
what the other user said, im denying fireslayers are dwarves because not enough plate and angry machinery.
well fuck that does not sound like a fun at all
>The first time we just ended up using our biggest models and never got around to actually playing
So you took out your models, looked at them, and then went home?
It is supposed to be cheap since its for newbies. It isn't meant for people to add to their collection.
Those sets don't even come with proper pots of paint, they come with tiny little things.
I mentioned a while back that I got the Empire Battalion box for free. I'm currently painting them up to ranger-esque crusaders cursed with plague. Rules-wise are there any units I should consider getting to beef up the army? I'm mostly trying to keep it in a very realm of life and woodland theme but a paint job and some green stuff can go a long way.
guess I will have to coerce my friend to start playing and split the Sigmarines vs Chaos box.
Is it possible that they will make other race packs like that ?
>Being this assblasted over MSpaint memes
Show me your 6 Nagash and 8 Mourngul army then faggot
That is the Starter set. It tends to be a one off thing, normally one for each edition, but since AoS is different to previous GW releases, who knows how it will work.
Starter set models are also one pose only by the way.
>Forgetting the best clan
A thousand shit-poxes upon thee
I want Eshin to get the next spotlight. updated night runners fucking when GW
Basically how i feel.
AoS has been out for like what a year maybe? i've bought one Slaughterpriest, and the fucker was converted into my KDK army anyway.
I've just played with my old fantasy shit, i like the game and my army, but as tempted as i am to purchase things i just hate the idea of buying shit i'll regret, and i know i don't NEED anything, so fuck 'em i'll keep my shekels.
Teasing us yesterday and then telling us the Compendium is actually out next month is a total dick move, but until we have solid rules GW gets none of my dosh
get some archermen
Probably a bit late, but Daemonettes are cray cray, Tzeentch is great with the new silver tower stuff and Flamers being great. Tzeentch is rather deceptively shooty.
Has anyone made a chart of the most efficient demons to summon?
Horrors can summon more horrors so I reckon those would be #1. Really depends what you mean by efficient.
Besides chain summoning I mean. Like what value they give you like some summon 10 some only summon 1 and are infinitely worse than summoning an equivalent herald.
Have you actually played the game? Played three matches over the weekend, 1 with my brother who is a playing veteran of every edition and we both liked it quite a lot.
We did some eyeball balancing and every match was close enough to make for enjoyable matches for everyone.
Keep in mind the changes to summoning that will happen once the points system comes out.
I've played the game several times, but that's not the issue here.
It's more the idea that points or any structure it's hard to know what's worth buying or fielding.
E.g: you don't want to rush out and pick up 3 Verminlords, and then a month later they cost so many points you'll never field all 3 in an average game
even with eyeball balance i'm sure you employed some houserules, it's hard not to
Honestly, did you actually think a normal game would involve 3 verminlords, or were you just being hyperbolic?
No, I meant there are two new SC boxes coming out this week. They're both 40k, but that means new SC boxes are still being produced, which means there may be new AoS SC boxes coming out.
>a normal game would involve 3 verminlords
>normal game
Why not? a Verminlord is just a 12 wound unit.
replace 2 of them with Plague furnaces, also 12 wound units and add 4+ Monk units and you have the Virulent procession, Pestilens largest batallion in their book
plenty of Daemon formations involve or allow the fielding of several greater daemons. we all know of the 5 Giant / Stardrake formations.
Clearly ALL of these are no mistake, whilst Aos can be a skirmish game it is obvious the designers are quite happy for it to also be played on a much larger scale.
Tell me what a 'normal game' is? You can't until some semblance of structure is introduced
>The week after hints at even more pointy ears, without precising for what system.
C'mon GW, give us thunderthighs and the battlebeetle already.
You think it will be 40k? Eldar couldn't get any stronger and GW gives no fucks about DE.
I assume they will release the normal tree soldiers first, they do like to drip-feed us and that way the Beetle can come in last as damage control if the initial models don't seem popular. At my LGS Treemen are everywhere, this new beetle is going to sell a lot
If we talk about model power gained vs. casting roll success rate, then I'd claim Plague Drones are the best as they're tough as nails and pretty strong and only have casting value 6.
If we talk about actually increasing your army, then Heralds of Tzeentch and Pink Horrors are the best as they can summon more and more. Hell, the Herald is probably the best as once per game he can cast with 3D6 so one overpowered summoning spell can be made much easier and every casting roll of 9+ (aka the roll that just summoned that Soul Grinder) lets him cast another spell.
If we were talking about summoning in general and not just daemons, then Morghast Harbingers would win out over everything as they're super strong, comparatively easy to summon, make it easier to summon yet more stuff and with 3D6" charges have a much easier time charging straight after being summoned.
Thank you for proving my point.
The hilarious part would be that if he actually bought all of this just to prove a point, he'd dump more money into GW's lap that any three players who actually like this game.
I believe there's an Eldar sketchbook coming out soon by Jes Goodwin so the WD may be referring to that.
>Why not? a Verminlord is just a 12 wound unit.
Now youre just being retarded.
There is a big difference between a 12 wound MONSTER HERO WIZARD and a unit of 12 clan rats.
>it is obvious the designers are quite happy for it to also be played on a much larger scale.
Yes. We know. Damn near everyone that plays the game knows it can be played at the skirmish scale, or mid-sized battles, or as massive battles, or whatever, and you work out what you want to play and pick stuff accordingly.
So no, I can't tell you what a "normal" game is, other than that *on average* it won't be large enough for three greater daemons of the horned rat to rock up. That's the upper end of the scale. Hence why most people won't be rushing out to buy three of the things, and the suggestion people might do so and then get screwed by the points system is a little bit silly.
Let's be real here, I'm dead certain Alarielle will come out before the other Sylvaneth stuff. They do love their overblown centerpiece models after all.
I HOPE they release the smaller stuff first, because if the Sprite Revenants look only half as good as their artwork suggests, I'd be all over those and would buy two boxes the day they come out.
No shit you fucking mongoloid
Notice how i didn't draw such comparisons, you did
Instead i was comparing it to a Furnace, a HERO PRIEST unit with a damage table and powerful buff / damage ability. y'know an actual fair comparison
I want all the start collections for order but GW don't want to release them
40k general told me that SC Eldar and Dark Eldar are coming next week
They will probably just release it all at once along with the battletome
another unit of state troops
some kind of hero
The Orruks had two weeks of releases didn't they?
Looking at the artwork, we have:
Tree Elves
Big tree people, which aren't AS big as Treelords
Tree People with bows
Tree spirit things?
Alarielle on a giant Beetle.
They COULD do it all at once I suppose, but I imagine they will stretch it over 2 weeks.
Do the old FW models have rules support? I'm not sure what hero unit I want to get()
I might wait for Alarielle to come out since that fits the theme.
I recall that orruks were released all at once, alongside the destruction book. I could be wrong about that
Then you simply have no point, as most people will tell you that more than 2 Plague Furnaces are unnecessary outside of gigantic games. Same with Verminlord. Playing one is cool. Playing two makes you a dick unless the game is huge. Playing three makes you a dick even if the game is huge.
Yes, genius, there are gigantic Battalions, but nobody fucking plays them. In point of fact, most casual players don't play Battalions at all and if they do, it'll be one or two of the smaller ones.
The "average" game size is somewhere between 50 and 90 Wounds per side.
>but wound-counting is houseruling
Yes, it is. Your point being? WHFB tournaments house-ruled to no end and THAT game had a balancing system
>inb4 shitstorm
Year of tzeentch if you believe the lady
And plastic interchangeable weapon teams
I disagree the battalion with the captured realmgate is good use of verminlord and being able to teleport monks
This is what seems more likely, the week after I would expect Sylvaneth.
>No rules for the pavise
>melee attack
>no rules for jamming or friendly fire
>2 man unit so it doesn't make sense in terms of WHQ
>random buff to self healing
Pretty shit homebrew bro
Then click tab that says rules, :)
>nobody plays with multiple monsters bcuz i sed so lel
>anyone who does is a 'dick'
Shit opinions tbqh
>Weapon teams never had the pavise rule or even the shield on the model
>Every ST unit has a melee attack
>implying weapon teams can't fight in melee period
>Nobody has friendly fire
>Several shooting unis have self-healing buffs, it's a common theme
Play the fucking game and consider actually looking at the Ratling gun model before you shitpost m8.
Ok i'll give you the pavise since i was thinking jezzails but everything else still stands. Ratling Guns have no melee range, have friendly fire (via mishap table) and what kind of Skaven tech except the HPA can self heal? Oh my ratling gun will just heal it's wounds because the barrel is so hot, that makes sense
>what is design synergy between the potential to self-damage and self-heal
>what is a defensive hero
>what is the concept of reloading / unjamming / cooling a weapon during downtime
>what is being so autistic you're upset over some random homebrew on Veeky Forums
Dude go make your own hero card if it triggers you this much.
I have, and other than needing to come up with a different renown ability because it's pretty fucking OP it fits with what a ST character should be
The Ratling gun does have a melee range and weapon in AoS. The friendly fire is also gone in AoS, instead being replaced with a chance to just hurt/ kill themselves which is also represented on user's card.
My main complaint with it is that Wild Spray seems a bit to powerful being an Area attack that hits on 4+ and deals 2-5 wounds per hit depending on your roll, even with the 1 in 3 chance to wound your self. On that matter, if a 1 or 2 is rolled on one of the attacks for the Area spray, are all subsequent shots lost, or is it just the attack that rolled the 1 or 2?
Anyone got the Khorne cultist skin paint guide? I can't for the life of me remember how to do the rune scars.
some do, some don't
alarielle might b cool, so holding off until she comes out could be smart
Probably screamer pink. It's always fucking screamer pink.
I want pretty new AoS models and not ugly WHFB
Full one.
Flayed One Flesh base. Shade w/ Reikland Fleshshade, then Druchii Violet over/around the scar tissue. Layer Flayed One Flesh over everything. Paint scar tissue w/ Screamer Pink, accentuate Pallid Wych Flesh. Done.
That's what the starter box book says.
learn 2 b8
I was not even baiting.
Then you're just dumb. The Dark Elves got a complete fucking overhaul just a year or three before WHFB crashed and burned so their quality is almost the same as that of the current AoS models. Don't believe me? Compare Black Ark Corsairs to literally all High Elves infantry.
In other words, if you're waiting for Dark Elves to get new models, you might as well go play a different game, because that won't happen for the next five to ten years.
Then you should have asked when their start collector box is coming lol
>their quality is almost the same as that of the current AoS models
Better they're not monopose and actually have character.
and what about the cults of darkness (or something like that) and the slaaneshi stuff that were promised this year? As Malekith n' friends are teabagging slaanesh
They're no less monopose than AOS stuff. You've got a bit of variety on the angle of the arms but for most of the dark elf minis are standing how the designers made them.
And character is subjective. Some people hate the new executioners for exactly that for example, while some love them.
So what exactly happened to Bretonnia? I saw their warscolls recently and all the characters were there. Didn't Leoncour die in a civil war and why is the Green Knight still hiding his persona?