What I'm gathering from you guys is something like this; the stats should be kept simple. To , what would Charisma even be used for? That should be Bravery, and it works to let you wear clothes that are stronger, but also more embarrassing, such as the LASS, which requires a whopping 170 or so bravery in game to wear, meaning it was pretty much end-game gear for beating bosses.
It's basically the thing that lets you have your magical clothes to replace your other stats.
In addition, Int/Wis has no place there. If you need a knowledge stat, make it Knowledge. The real question is, in a game about running around, killing noise, what use is the knowledge stat? Everything your players learn will be new info anyway, so why would they have knowledge as a stat?
Affinity is also useless because, as far as I know, all players can sense all noise and imprint and everything as good as everyone else. It'd be better if it was based on the ability to change the fashion trends. It could be called Influence. The higher your Influence, the faster people like the brands you wear and use.
This would bring our setup to:
Speed (Agi/Dex)
Constitution (I don't like this as a stat, though I'm not sure how to change it. Split into Toughness and Health, maybe?)
And the non-combat would be:
And I could see Speed basically just giving yourself more actions to do things, where actions would cost so many points in a round and would give you the ability to deal some nasty attacks faster. I'm not entirely sure how to implement this though.
>why would their physical strength and dexterity be of any importance?
Need I remind you that Beat managed to brute-force his way past walls?
How would being linked up like they are in the game affect (or effect?) the gameplay? Would they all share a health total? What else would happen?