What's the actual difference between elves and kitsune?
What's the actual difference between elves and kitsune?
One's a fox spirit?
What's the actual difference between OP and a shitposter?
One is , the other is .
One has a fluffy tail. The other does not.
If you wanted to have a kitsune/elf thread you just needed to ask. No need to be weird about it.
How weird we talking here, Broham?
It's not rape if it's an elf.
One has fluffy tai- Damnit
Touch fluffy tail?
A kitsune is literally a fox, that aged to such a great degree it's grown extra tails and gained magic powers. One of which allows them to assume the form of a human woman.
An elf is a semi-divine spirit from Norse mythology that was later associated with fairies. What an elf could be is so incredibly varied now that it's all just a mush of folklore.
what do they have in common?
elves is an extremly broad term today with usually little connection to mythology. kitsunes are usually closer to the japanese myths. but if we take elves from for example icelandic folklore (read a book with icelandic fairytales etc. ones) then its easier. a tfew ypical themes were female elves having trouble giving births but it gets easier if they have a human midwife (one of the few reasons to seek out humans). obviously the magic shit usually as a gift to someone with some condition that will turn it to shit if the person doesnt listen. and that when entering their world time goes slower so once you come back a century might have passed if you stayed too long.
icelanding folklore is weird though. some fairytales are extremly similar to the grimm versions but witches are always replaced with female trolls.
an elf is an asshole by choice, a kitsune is an asshole by birth
None. Both can be surgically modified to be more human.
I'm pretty sure OP meant what's the same...
They both use magic, and think they're better than me.
Now I want Japanese equvilent of stater races...
Kitsune= elf
Half-orc= half -oni
Halfling=zakashi watashi
Drawf = ???
>Drawf = ???
I was hoping for a yokai...wasn't the Japanese mole yokai?
>and think they're better than me
Not really, most Kitsune are pretty chill and bro tier or just want to mate
Little do we know that OP is under a magical geis, He must post one new anime shitpost thread on Veeky Forums every hour, or die. So it's not his fault he keeps making these retarded threads.
If elves are kitsune, then dwarves are tanuki. Gotta keep the rivalry going.
If you have both "wizard elves" and "woodland elves", then make the first kitsune and the second tengu.
Elf ears are fleshy and great for sucking on.
Kitsune ears are furry and better for tugging on when you want to tease them.
One is blatant weeb bait that is only good for making mary sues.
The other are forest spirits that happen to look like foxes
I like this idea....
>Gotta keep the rivalry going
Nigga, that just bully, tanuki are pretty low tier, they don't really can't compete with kitsunes
its the same difference as garbage and recycling.
Nice try, Ran.
Kitsune don't have big soft testicles that you can use as a mat or a parachute.
I'd tell you to go back to /d/ but that's how the actual myths went.
This is the actual difference between elves and kitsune.
>I wanna apologize in advance if any of this sounds unprofessional or if I get some things wrong. I'm definitely not a genius on these things considering I'm male.
>So in my world, elves are slender. And when I mean slender, I mean the average elven body type is very thin (obesity in elves can happen though, along with bulking up and curving, though it takes more work than it does for humans).
>Now, one thing I noticed a lot in fantasy is the trend of making women as busty as possible. So, I wanted go reverse that in my elven population. Therefore, elven women are incredibly flat chested. There is substance enough to differentiate from boys but barely. Now, the breasts are important to us because they feed our children and are storages of fat that produce milk. We generally have 2-3 children within at least 10 years and after that we don't really feed anyone.
>Well, what if we only had 2-3 kids within a 10 year range of time—and then continued on living 200 years afterwards? I am trying to find a logical reason, other than just being designed that way, as to why elven women would have such flat chests. Is there? Or does none of that have any correlation to breast size at all?
>Edit: This is slightly related, but what about males? Is there any correlation of penis size to body fat? I'm thinking elven microdicks might've been the reason why breeding between humans and elves never took place in my world
>Therefore, elven women are incredibly flat chested.
>elven microdicks
If body build and dick size had a direct correlation then gorillas wouldn't have tiny dicks.
Funny thing is, the testicle thing is relatively recent. Two centuries, more or less.
Dwarf = Okinawan
Gnome = Kappa
Those are more like gnomes
Koro-pok-guru. They're more like gnomes. Also they're actually from Ainu myth, not Japanese (Yamato) myth.
Do we have to stay strictly Japanese? 'Cause I have a thing here...
Aren't 2 or 3 of those things India Indian?
Vanara are Indian. Babi Ngepet come from Indonesia. Hengeyokai is a Japanese term but their basic idea can apply to basically anywhere in East Asia, or even the world, as could Half-Ogres, since most cultures have some ogre-like creature in their mythoi. And, like I said, Koro-pok-guru are technically Ainu, not Japanese.
I'm trying to put together a more cosmopolitan Oriental Adventures than the normal supplement we get, which is usually pretty much just Japan with some China added on. The setting I'm working on is meant to instead be sort of like Faerun or Greyhawk - full of a lot of nations but also a lot of wide-open wilderness or fallen lands, ripe for dungeon crawling.
At least when I remember to work on it, anyway...
The difference is superficial, and if you play as either you're a faggot.
Oh, Roen. I saw this a while back and even copypasted the info on the various countries. Looks interesting, please keep working on it!
>think kitsunes are super fucking cool
>every time i want to play one my DM thinks i'm a weeb who's gonna ruin his game and vetoes it
>North Kingdom Kingdoms
>Kingdom of Western Direction Kingdom
>Kingdom of Eastern State
>Kingdom of South Kingdom
>City of Free Stuff
These names...
Adding some sort of southeast asia equivalent would probably add quiet a lot to a not!east asia setting in my opinion.
You seriously can't tell the difference between a Hominidae and a Canidae?
>teasing Holo
Son, you're opening one hell of a can of worms there.
elf arcane
kitsune divine
Not really.
Do as you wish.
Is human liver a good gift to a Kitsune?
No, that's a Kumiho that would like that, Kitsune are just fond of tofu and it seems sweets.
What about a Huli Jing? Is there any other fantastic foxes beyond these three?
Smaller wild canines appear as trickster figures in various religions and folklore around the world. As far as I'm aware there's nothing else that follows the pattern of the east Asian fox spirit myth.
Hey, I don't actually speak Chinese. Although in Mianfei Shi's name, the Shi is written with 市, so it should properly be spelled shì (backwards accent on the I), which means "city". So Mianfei Shi is "Free City". Maybe.
Except for Kyodoku, Sharangi, and Laa, you'll get basically the same thing if you check out most of the other nations. Tsoliin is just Mongolian for desert, for example. Although in that case it's meant to be a personal joke - "Sahara" is just Arabic for desert, so the "Sahara Desert" is the "Desert Desert".
I only speak two languages, English and Bad English.
Sharangi and Laa are so obvious I don't feel the need to explain it, while Kyodoku is actually original, a carry-over from the first D&D campaign I ever DM'd, which was in fact an Oriental Adventures campaign set in not!Rokugan.
>Not really, most Kitsune are pretty chill and bro tier or just want to mate
Kitsune are, first and foremost, trickster spirits designed to give you all sorts of crap through methods that range from illusion magic to literally entering the body of a female family member and using her body like a meat puppet.
Many of them aren't necessarily malicious, but there are quite a few that want nothing more than to torment a poor farmer or Buddhist for shits and giggles. These are the types of creatures that repay a favor by stealing from the neighbor and giving the pilfered goods to you under cover of night.
They're pretty tame as far as supernatural beings are concerned, but they're not something you'd want around.
The objectively best type of spirit is the wood-wife, or Huldra.
Elves ears point out horizontally, a kitsune's ears point out vertically. And one has cute tails. And they are two completely different things you dumbass.
>As far as I'm aware there's nothing else that follows the pattern of the east Asian fox spirit myth.
At it's core, the east Asian fox spirit is a natural being that enjoys walking among humans and giving them endless amounts of shit, occasionally taking one as a husband or wife and bearing children by them.
The Huldra and Selkie fit this general theme pretty well; Huldra are cow-tailed forest nymphs that interact with Humans for good or ill, responding kindly to kindness given to them and are known for becoming the loving wives of those who impress them. Selkie are much the same way, being magical seals that would, from time to time, take human lovers and bother human sailors out at sea.
Kitsune can be fukin horrifying depending on what version of them your using, elves on the other hand can be a broad term. It could mean Tolkien style wood elves, to what described, which are also capable of being a rather terrifying monster, especially if you use the ones that have a big ass hole in their back they'll kill you for looking at
After a certain amount of time (9 tails), Kitsune become omnipotent and they gain all knowledge of the universe. Elves, less so. They're still being scared of metal and fixing the shoes of Germans.
>Zakashi Warashi
What the fuck kind of halflings do you have? And a half-Oni would have a lot greater strength than a mere half orc.
Huldra freak me out man
Well they are prone to tearing you apart if you treat them like shit, so it's pretty terrifying if one actually gets interested in you.
Hulder/Huldra are sometimes envisioned with fox tails but they are not really the same.
I really should hit refresh before posting, just in case several people have already mentioned what I'm posting about.
Honestly, I rather like them.
Them, trolls and giants.
>Fox Girls
>Barely disguised magical realm thread
>Hulder/Huldra are sometimes envisioned with fox tails but they are not really the same.
From my understanding, the fox-tailed Huldra is Swedish while the cow-tailed Huldra is Norwegian.
Their stories also change from lustful beasts to loving wives to benign wise forest spirits.
I got some of the Christenised Swedish ones from my Finnish/Swedish mother as bedtime stories when I was young.
Mainly the one about bending a hot poker in her hands to stop her husband arguing and one where she become human for marrying a Christian in a church.
Seems like a raw deal to me really.
In them it was generally a cow tail, likely because there is a field of cows just a short walk from home but foxes I only ever saw in pictures and tv, so my baby self had a better frame of reference.
>They're total waifu material!
>but they're shy and misunderstood...
>They're so pretty!
>and strong! Very strong desu!
>they like things and people!
>Hide their bodies, but not ashamed, but angry when it's pointed out.
This description sounds like it was written by someone from Gaia Online.
As with most things, kitsune are okay when they're associated with a samurai family/household. They're also often entangled with the messenger-foxes associated with Inari, and are frequently considered good fortune: particularly white or gold-furred foxes.
That's just how Huldra are.
They're capricious forest spirits with immense amounts of strength and beauty, and enjoyed impersonating humans or even living among them.
However, while it's important to notice their monstrous aspects to keep from falling under their spell, you should never point out the monstrous aspects directly, instead saying something like, "your skirt's too short" or "your dress shows too much of your back."
From the Atlas of True Names. Real life is actually pretty silly.
>The Trespasser
That's a badass name.
I think it's less what was written but how it was written.
To much was being presented in to smaller space that leads to it looking childish and rushed.
Also that fucking picture.
High-heeled, stripper, ugg boots, the arse exposing jacket, the side boob, the low-riding pointless leather garter, those hair rings, every.
Literally everything about that image is fucking wrong on one level or another.
Blackpool would actually be a more faithful translation.
Hmm. Reminds me of a place in Britain called Pendle Hill. Only it turns out that "Pendle" is just a corruption of "Pen Hill". So the place is really named "Pen Hill Hill."
EXCEPT that "Pen" is just Old English word for "Hill". So the name of the place is, in actuality, "Hill Hill Hill".
Reminds me in Australia there is Newcastle, named after the Newcastle of the UK.
So really it's New Newcastle
More on the difference between kitsune and Inari's messengers? I'm actually in the planning stages of a novel involving Oberon's court posing as a Heian-era imperial court in a world where the most advanced life (aside from human refugees) is a kind of stone-age fox spirit.
>Microwaves are elfin kitchens
Blackpool is already on the map. I guess that's the danger of doing that sort of thing.
I was going to say Torpenhow Hill has it beat with 4 instances of "hill", but it turns out to be fictitious so maybe Pendle Hill really is the best such tautology in English.
Kitsune are fox succubi
Linguistic tels, huh.
But that's wrong, they're trickster spirits first and divine messengers second.
Being the fuckbuddy of a human man is more like a recreational bonus.
Some of them are kami, right? The Kuzunoha story really reminds me of Merlin for some reason, and there are a bunch of Western myths involving a supernatural creature having to leave when its nature is discovered.