Below is my 2000 point Ravenwing list. I am displaying two Ravenwing Strike Forces but that could be rolled into one if I want to deploy my fliers normally. It needs some rounding off.
I know the DA fliers aren't too popular but other fliers have been an Achilles Heel of mine, especially FMCs.
Still up in the air about the conversion field Techmarine. A shrouded Librarian could be good too.
I would probably have to drop the conversion field and a command squad black knight to slap multi melta on an attack squadron to help add some anti armor to the list.
Another thought could be to drop a unit of Grav bikers to give me back my sixth black knight and keep a Double attack bike Multimelta Attack squadron and a Heavy Bolter Typhoon in the list to keep it more balanced.
I want to have a list that can take on mostly any opponent. The only real change I want to have to question is if I need to break into the second Strike Force if I have to contest other fliers.
DA Ravenwing Strike Force
Fast Attack
2 Ravenwing Bike Squads (120pts each) [2x Grav Gun, 2x Ravenwing Biker] Ravenwing Sergeant [Combi-Grav, Melta Bomb]
Ravenwing Black Knights (200pts) [4x Black Knight, Ravenwing Grenade Launcher] Huntmaster [Corvus Hammer]
2 Ravenwing Darkshrouds (80pts each) [Heavy Bolter]
Ravenwing Command Squad (290pts) [6x Black Knight, Ravenwing Apothecary, Ravenwing Company Banner, Ravenwing Grenade Launcher]
Interrogator-Chaplain (165. Pts) [Auspex, Bolt Pistol, Mace of Redemption, Space Marine Bike]
2 Ravenwing Attack Squadrons (120pts each) Ravenwing Attack Bike [Heavy Bolter] Ravenwing Land Speeder [Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher]
Ravenwing Support Squadron (245pts) Ravenwing Darkshroud [Heavy Bolter] 3 Ravenwing Land Speeder [Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter]
DA Ravenwing Strike Force 2
Fast Attack
Nephilim Jetfighter (170pts) [Avenger Mega Bolter] Ravenwing Dark Talon (160pts)
Techmarine (130pts)